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�� .. . " <br /> • ��° �4�'d�� . <br /> � 14. DEFAUI.T.Truetar will ba in dc�fnult if nny ptuty oblignted on the Sccured Uebt fails ta mnke puyment whcn duc.Truetur ., <br /> � wUl be ►n defnult If u brearh occurs under the teems ot this Security Instnunent ar s►ny other document excx:uted far the , <br /> pu�pose of crentinB secudng or aunrn�nyin�the Secisred Dcbt. A Bood fnith helief by Berteflciary thut Beneftcinry ut any � <br /> tlme is insesure wit�tesp�t to anY Retson or entity o6Aeated on the Secured Aebt ar Q�at the prospect of any puyment or <br /> the vnlue of the Propsrty is impcirad shall t+lso ccrostitute an event of defnult. � ; <br /> 1S, ItEMEDIFS ON DEFIlUd.T. In same inswaces,federul and etatc law will requira eeneficisry to provide Trustor with • <br /> notice of the right to cure or other noticea tuxd may establlsh time schedutes far foreclosute actions. Sub}ect to these ,°� <br /> " timftationa. if any. Benefiaiiu'y may accelerme the Secured Debt nnd forectose thia Securlry Inatrument ln A manaer - <br /> � �` . providP.d by law if Tntistor is in default. � , <br /> �� Nt thu opdon of Hene�ciary all or any part of the agreed fees und charges,aceruecl interest und principal shall become <br /> immediately due aad pa���blw. aftcr giving notice If requlred by law, upon the occurrence of a default �r aayt1�ne <br /> thcreafter. ]n addidon.Hc�ucflciury shall be entided to atl the remedies providvd by law� the terms of the Secured bet�t, <br /> s Wis Se�urity Instn�ment and any miatod documenta,includin�without Iimitation, the power to sell the Property. ,�. <br /> If there is a default, TruMOZ shall, In addition tG any other permitced mmedY.ut th�tequest of the Beneficiary, advertlse <br /> � aad sell the Property as n whalcs or in separate parcels at public aucdou to the bighest btdder for cash and wnvey absolute <br /> title freY aad clear of all ri}3ht. tttle and iacerest of Truator at such tlme und placa as Trustee deslgnaces.Tnutee shall give <br /> ,. � nap�plicableslaw inceffec$A thaitttme of�he pf opo�sed s�ale�e a°d u description of the property to be sold as requir�d by the <br /> Upoa sale of the propeity unnd to the extent not prohi�ited by law F Trustee shall make and deliver a deed to the Property . " <br /> sold wbich conveys absalute tide to the purcfieFei•,and aRer rirst paying all fees, charges and costs, shall psy to <br /> � Beneficimy all moneya a dvaa c e d for rep a i�s, t a x e s, iasuranc�, liens, assessments und pdor encumbrances and lnterest <br /> , Wereon, and the principal and interesc on We Secured Debt, paying the surplus. if any, to Trustor. �eneficiary mny <br /> � • - ~ puzch�.se ttre property.'Iba racitals im any deed of conveyaace sha11 bc priina facie evidence of the facts set farth therein. .._ <br /> `r,.;' `,,�,;.''% <br /> ., : 1�•.1�; w'.�';. <br /> All remeciies are disttnct, cumulative and not exclusive, a a d t he Bene f ic iary is ensitlal to all remedies provlded at law or <br /> '�� • { equity.whether or na�t oxpressly set forth.The neceptaace by BeneRciary of any sum in payment or part 3al payment on the ::,,:�t"�_•�� <br /> �„ . c �4 Secured Debt after tho belance ia due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proc.�edinSs ar� filed shall not coastitute a ��;;., <br /> .: �"� waiver of BeneSciary'n rl8ht ta mc�uire complete c�are of any existing default. By not exercising any remedy on Trustor's •.,. • . <br />'' '�'� ``�'��`� defuult,i3eneficiary does not waive]��eficlary's dght to iacer consider the event a d�ftwlt if it continues�:�appens again. _:�:" � <br /> �r,;��� ,. � <br />� �:f;. ' .<.-.� :i�.��... . . <br /> �1 1 . <br /> „r� _ 16. EXPENSFS= ADV�1,1�CS8 ON COVENAPITS; A'd'd'ORNE1tS' FEES; COLLECTION COSTS. Except when ,;�;t ��. <br /> ' pmhibitai by Iaw, T�ttstor af;rcxs iu pay atl ot'B..'r�fi�i=i"'`°.YF°a-�''-` if Tn�scor b�eaches tiay covenant in this Securlty <br /> t Instrument.Trustor will alco pay on demand any annount�acurred by Beneficiary for insuring. laspecctug, preservi�g or ..�x,: <br /> i th f �r �;'.. <br /> otherwlse pmtectiag tha Property and Beneficiary's se�uriry intec�st•These expenses wftl bear nterest from e dute o the <br /> „ � payment undl paid�n full ut tlie highest interest rate ln effect as provided in the temu of the Secured Debt.Tnustor agrees ��. <br /> ['- <br /> w pay ull costs ead expensos facwred by Beneflciary in collecting. enfotcing or pmtecdna BeneSciary's dghts and �_* <br /> ° remedies under thie Socurity Iasuvment• This emount may includc,but is aat lEcnitai ta.nttomeys' fets,court oosts,sutd <br /> other legel expenses. Ti�Is Securlty In�tnunent shall remain In effect until rele�sed. Trustor ngrces to puy for su�y ��r�: <br /> • recordatlon coste of such relaase. <br /> �"3'��'•: <br /> 17. ENVIRONMEIVTAI. LAW`3 AI�TD HAZAI�I30[JS SUII�'d'ANCE3. As used tn this section, (1) EnvironmcntAl Lnw ��;, <br /> � .� mearu��without limitation tho Comptehensive Envimnment�l Aesponse. Compensc3tion and Llabiliry Act(CERCLA� 42 �;�,.�,,,; <br /> U.S.C.9b01 et seq.).nn�a11 other fodernl. at�te and locnl laws.regulndons. ordinnnces, court orders. attoraey general �.�, <br /> �„ opiniona or intetpretive lottete ooaceming the public health,snfety,weifttre.envlmnmEnllutanh o�ntuminen�t w{�iehd has� ---�°° <br /> Ha7ardoue Substaase m�as►s any toaic. radioncdve or hazardous mnterial, woste. tw <br /> charACterisdcs which reador the subatance dangernus or potentially dangerous to the publie healt6. eafety. �velfare or �-'� <br /> �,� environiuent. 't4�o term bndudes, witLout limitadon.en�ysubstances defined as "hAUUdous materlal," »toxic substancea," �� <br /> ,� "hoznr dous wasto"or"h�r d o u a s u b s t a a c e"u n d er an y Environcnental Luw. ��.�, <br /> � Truator repmsents�warrants and agrees that: �_,- - <br /> ` � p,Except as prevlou�ly disclosed and acknowl�dged ia writing to Beneflciary, no Hnzardous Substance is or wUl be �,__ <br /> � located. stor0d or mlcasad on or in the Property. 7his resuiction does not apply to small quantities of Hazerdous ���, <br /> . ,R`;; <br /> ,. ,,-� 5 u bstances that era gaiera�l y reco�nizai to b�ap mpriace for the norn►al use ansl maiatenance of the Property. � <br /> '�':•""• B.E�ccept as previo�Sy disclosed aa d aclmo�vledg�in weiting to Beneficlary.Trustor and every tenant have been,are, ,,,� <br /> .;�.,:. �__��-,-,; <br /> .r',�;;�' uncl shall in full compliaace wlth any applicable Environntental Law. ,----. <br /> C.Trustor shall immvstintely notify Beneticiary it n release or thresitened releuso of a Hazardoua S�bstaace occurs on, �=;�:::: <br />��'� � � under or about tho Properiy or there is a vlolation of any Bnvironmeatal Luw concemiag the Property.Ia such an ..•,�;;;__.. <br /> • eveat.'lyvstor s4a1;1 take alt neceseary remedix+l action in accordance wlth any Bavfcot�meatat Ls►w. ``����: <br /> � D.Tia�ator shall i�mnro�diattsiy rtotify BeneSciary dn wtidn •as soou as Tivator Las reason tc+tsclicvc thcrc is any pendtu� -�-r: <br /> ' or tbreatened invesHgation. ciaim, or pt�e�llm$re�ating to the release or threatenai release of any Hazardous :�.,'!?��.: <br /> Substancc or the vialation of any Envirobmental �':'r',,;: <br /> ., 18. CONDENINATIOIei.'ISruscor wili sive Beneficinry prompt notice of nny pendiag or threatened actlon,by privute or public .,__'=:: <br /> � entitles to putchase or ta4:o auY or all of the Prapsrty throu�h condemnatioa,em�neat domain,or aay other mcans.'['nistor <br /> • E authorizesBEneRctary to iatcxvene iu Trustor's name in r�y of the ubove descdbod actions or claims.Tcustor assigns to 4 , <br /> Benefictary the pror,eeds af any award or claim for darn�g�s conuected with a oondPmaatlon or other taking of all or any <br /> part o f t he P c op�rty. Su r h p ro c e e d s s h a l l b a c o n s i d e r e d p a y m e n t s an d w i U b o a p p l i e d e s p r ovtded in this Secud ty , <br /> , Instn�ment,'This assignmrnt of proceeda is aubject to the tcrmz of aay prior mortgage,deed of trust,se�urtty agroement or <br /> other lien document. <br /> 19. INSURANCE.Truswr shail kcep Property insun�d e8aiast loss by fire. flood.theft and other hazsrds and rlalcs reasonably ' ' <br /> . assoeiatsd wiW the Pcoprny due to its type and location. Thia insurance sh�ll be�maintnined la the amaunts nnd 4or the ` <br /> rioda that BeneSciaryns�uires. 'Ihe insurance cert'ier providing the insurnnoo sh�ll be chosen by Truswr subJect t� ... <br /> ___ _---. _,-- �„nArinrv'a annTnV31. 1Vt�[ch sholl not be unreasonably withhetd. If Tn►stor fails to maintein We coverage descrtbed , „ • <br /> _..__.__'. _. "__ ._ ���������� _ . ' � w <br /> _l. 1_�L�ifY..�.r. ..�..�.ilr LL.. <br /> '—_" — <br /> Q110VC� Benefic3e�ry Rlfl}'.at Benof'iciary s opttan, obtain coveraae co procc�ncncc�c,aiy a i��«w«.��c svra.xy scwvaw..g : • <br /> to the terms of this Security Instrument. °„ <br />" All insurancepolicies and tcbewtila shall be acceptabte to Beneficiary und ehall include a su►ndard"mortgage clause" and. <br /> :•'�' wh�re applicuble, "loss payoe clause." Trustor shall immactiztely noti�y Heneficiary of eancellation or temiination of the •, <br />��,, ,�;;,k,��•' iasurence. Beneficiary shall have the dght to hold t� pol9cies and renewals. If Beneficiary requires, Trustor shall ;. <br /> � immediate notlioe tothe insuranc�e carder anidtBe efieiary�efc ary may�m�lce proof of loss�if notgr'n de i �mmedia ely by �� <br />�_a __ F?��'' <br /> � TTUStOi. , . <br /> fpa�gB 3 0/4/ <br /> ��ti;�i <br /> " ' • mt99a 8ontorp u�ntamt.Inc��St.Claud.MN(1-806397•23411 Fam qH•DT•NE f0/4N87 ' <br /> f „ � , <br />