, s
<br /> ; •
<br /> �.
<br /> �9� so��roz �� �..
<br /> B.All future ndvancea from Beneflcitvy to Trustor or other futurc abli ntiops of Trustor to Heneftcituy under any �
<br /> v
<br /> prorr►lesory note.coatract,guarss�nry,or other evldencc of debt execut by Trustur in favor of Beneficiury eacxuted
<br /> ar
<br /> ufter this 5ecuriry Insuument v�hether or not thie Secudry tnstrument is specjticelly mferenr.ed. If mom thun oae
<br /> peRSOn slgna thie Securlty Instnu►teut. euch Trustor ngreea that thie Secudty Instrument wilt secure nll future
<br /> advances and ttiture abli attons that are given to or incurred by any one or more Trustor,or eny one or more Truator
<br /> aud othera. Ali tuture�vances und other future obli�ations are secuu�ed by this Securiry Instn�ment even though�II
<br /> ' or part may not yet be advanced.All thture advaaces end other future obligattons ere secured s+s if uiade on the datc
<br /> . o . of thia 5ecuriry Instrument.Nothing ia this Socurity inemunent shatl coasdmte a commttment to malce uddltional or
<br /> tLture loana or advances in any amount.Any auch commitment must be agreed to in a separate writing. •
<br /> �, -., C.All obligatloas Trustor owes to fBenoverd afts�re�latitng to�any�deposithaccount agrceinenbi betw taw�'ru tor�eac�
<br /> but aot limited to, liabilides
<br /> Beneftclary.
<br /> D.All additionnl suras udvenced aad e es iacurred by Beneficiery for insu�ing.preservinII or otherwise protecting
<br /> the Property and ite vatue aud any o er sums advanced and expenses incurred by Beneticiary under the terms of thia
<br /> � Secttriry Insmiment. ��
<br /> ' Thia Sacurlty Insuvment wfll not secure aay other debt if Beneficiary fails to give any requie�ed nodce of the ri�ht of `�'
<br /> rescission. -
<br /> " y, ppy��VTS,Trustor agreea that all paymente under the Secured Debt wUl be paid wben duo and iu accordance with the •`,'��;:_.
<br /> h
<br /> terms of the Secured Debt aad shis Security Instrument. ,
<br /> �, 6. WpRRAIVTY OF TITI.E.TYuscor warrants that 1n�stor ia or wW be tawfulty sciud af tha estate conveyeA by thia
<br /> , Security Inamunent and has the dght to irrevocably grant.coavey,aad sell tha Property to Tn►atae,in trnst,with power of • ;
<br /> sale.'IYustor also warrants that the Propercy Is uuencumtsered,except for encumbrances of record.
<br /> :,,.�,' :,�..
<br /> ��' 7. PfltIOR SECURITY INTBRFSI's• With re8�to any other mortgage. dced oF xr�at, stxurity agrcement or ather lien :,„.,
<br /> •; :` document that created a prior securiry interest or encumbrnnce on the Properry.7'n�tor agrees: '"":r'.";,.
<br /> ., �.;;_,
<br /> „ .;�' , A.To matce a l l p aym e n t s when due and ta perform or comply with all covenants. . '�:�'+`�`r.
<br /> •:.,r•�f..
<br /> ' B.To prom t�y deliver to Beneficlary any nodces that Truetor receives from the holder. ;: i: ,,,
<br /> � , . C�s pe�ui�by he lien do�cument�without Beneflciary's prlor writt�nt cDnsent��V���der any note or agreeraent
<br /> • ;, .. �. _
<br /> 8. CLAIMS AGAINST TI'd7.�.lYustor will pay all tnxh�due�. Bene�ieiary may�ut�reTriistar to pm iv de��Beaeficiary < '
<br /> ' utilides, and other char es rafatiing to the Froperty
<br /> � capies of eU nodces tha�auch amouats arS dne and the reccipts evidencing Truato�r s payment. Truator will defend dtle w ,���`,
<br /> _ the Property agatnst any ciaims ihai a���lw irapair tha t�ea af hs c�r�ry lnsuvment. Truator aA� w ossiga to •,,
<br /> ; , ' Beneftci ,as requeated by�eneficiary��y righte,claims or defenses Truacor may have againat parties who suppiy7ibor ��1`,
<br /> or mnteri�to ma3utain or improve the pertY. �.,�,�._
<br /> 9. DIJ�O1V BALE Olt ENCITMBEtANCE.Beaeflciary may.at ita eption,declare the entire balance of the Sec�u�fer or ��-`�
<br /> ' be immadlately due aad payable upon the crP.adoa of,or contract for the creatioa of,uny lien.eaauubranc licable.'Iliis `Y'�'�
<br /> '" sute of the Property.'lhis d t is subject to the resuictlons imposed by federal law (12 C.F.R.S91),as app �'�
<br /> cove�nant shall tun wlth tt►e�PertY and shell remaia in cffecc until the Secured Debt 1s paid in ti�ll und thla Securlty ;�_s.r..
<br /> enan '
<br /> " Inatnu�nt le released. "?��
<br /> ° W ood condltion .=�
<br /> � 10. P1tOPERTY CONDITION, AL7'LRATIOPi3 APID AVSPF.(."L'ION. Ttustor wW keep the Property g .,_,,.�;. ,,,:
<br /> and matce uU sics thut are reasoaab�iy necessury. 'fn�stofree of aoxio���raad�grass�a.Trustor ngrce.s that��the -
<br /> " deteriorutton of�e Property 'I�ustor wUi keep thc l�ropercy
<br /> ' nature of the occupuncy end use wiU aot substAntiNly change wlthout Heneflci�uy's prior wrlt�en conseat.Teustor wlll nat ,.;��u_
<br /> `• �.. penpit any clwnge ta uny license,restricdve coveAani or easeraeat without Beneflciary'e prior written ronsent.Trustor wW F ,--_
<br /> �, nottfy aaneficlary of ell de�nands. proaedlnBe, claimv. und actione o�AinsY Tcustor,and of any losa or dumuge to the E ��,�.
<br /> E`-; .
<br /> �, ,�,. �P�Y• -
<br /> Beneflciary or Beneflctary's agents may.at Beneficiary's option,enter�he Propeity at nay reasonable time for We puqwse ,�"�':�
<br /> of inspectiaB the PmFertY• H��c�Y � give Tcustor notice at the time of or before aa inspection spec�� a _ _.-
<br /> reasonable purpose for the i a s�ection. Any lnegectinn of the Pc�operty ahall be entlrely for Benet�ciary's bene t aud ___
<br /> � '1'rastor wll I in no way�ly on Beneficiary�8 I m L p C CtIOA.
<br /> 11. AU'PHORiTY'PU PERF01tM• If Trustor fatle w perfotm any duty or any of the covenanta contaiued in th�s Sa�urity _
<br /> Y� Inatcument� Beneficiary may, without nodce, perfoma or eause them to be rFora�. Tn�stor eppointa Benefli clary as �.''_.�
<br /> � attomey in fact to siIIn 1�ustor's aame or pay aay eraouat necessury for pert�mtance. Beneficiary s right to�orm for ., -.:,-.--
<br /> aa Tn�stor shnll not create aa obligAtion totserfom�. and Beneftciary's failure to perform will not preclude Hene ciary frow „ ^
<br /> exercls i a g any of Baaeficlary's other dgfits uuder the law or thia Securlty Instcument•If anY consuuction on the Prop�xty ____
<br /> ;''- i a d i s c o n U n u e d o r n o t carried on in a reasonable mauner�Beaeficlary may take aU steps uecessary to pmtect BeneflcCary`s �_,:rt_.__�
<br /> ,�, securlty interest in the Property�including cosnpletlon of We consauction. �: �,
<br /> . 12. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND REN1'S.Tn�stor ir�e�d in��ms�t in end w�y IIII 8A11 existing or��tur�e l�eas�, � T•-
<br /> ' bEneftt of Beneftctary. as udditional secuHty all the dght, '```�r
<br /> �.."�� . subleases,and any other wrltt�s or verbai ngtreementa for the use and oocupt+ncy of any partion of the Propetty, includinB ...
<br /> { any e��tensions renewals,modtfications or substitudona of auch e8rovid eBen flc��fem���e����n��i�s�su� � :•'-,`.'
<br /> �;,�,,:�, s i nd pmftts <a1� referred to as "Renta"). Trustnr will pmmptlyp ry p .;�,;,.
<br /> '��';�: ., exi s t i ag and t�tuc�e L e a ses.T t uetvr maY co u���i v e,e a�o y a n d u s e t h e R e n t a s n l o a g e s T r u s t o r i s n o t in def�ult wader .
<br /> � the terms of this SecurltY Insaumeat. ,
<br /> 1'custor nckaowledges thet thts essi8nmenc te Perfected tr�°n the recoMing of this Deed of Tcust aad that BeaeRciary is - , �
<br /> � cnNtled to nodf� any of Trustor's tenants co make pnym�nt of Rents due or to become due to Beneflciury. Havever
<br /> � Beneficlary egrees that only on default wilt Beneficiuy noflfy Tiustor an� Tn�utor's tenants aitd make demand that ult
<br /> � tLture Rents be pRaid dtrectly to Beneflciary.On re.oeivlug nndce of default Tcustor wlli eadorse and deliver to BeneRciary „ „
<br /> --- -------- --_ nnv nsvmnnt nf PZltB �II��rnstor'a eossession aad wili receiye nny Renta�a tcust fo�Beneficiary aad tvill not ,commin�le
<br /> —. .--- pp , ...o...»:�.:... .:�__
<br /> _ the�enta with aay other thnds. Any amounts coIIectcti�icable Ianidlord/t nant law Tnistor a so a�rees to m�intain anci
<br />_ �� wtutenta that no default exists uader thc Leasea or any upp
<br /> require any tenant to comply with the terms of the Leases and applicable law.
<br />_ �1 rl .
<br />- ,;.,,. �o� 13. LEA5I�HOLDS; CmI�1DDONII1�1II1M3' Pl.AN1eiED UN1T DEW�LOPMENTS. Trustor agcees to comply with the
<br /> �,;,;,..� � pmvisiona of nny lease if this Socurity�nstrumeat is on a leasohold.If the P.roperty includes u unit in a oondomWum or a :.
<br /> . ',""' p l a n n e d u n i t d e v e l o p m e n t,7 c u a t or will erform all of Trustor's duties under the covenants� by-laws,or reEulatioas of the
<br /> ;;�1;':
<br /> condominium or plonned unit developm at. :� , '
<br />- � : . ra�eo a or4� .t�,t_R;.,
<br /> ., � �t994�ankare Svtta��.��c..5t.Cbud.MN It$OF�97•4�411 fmn Rf•OT.HE 10/2T/B7 .`c;:>{��.'�.
<br /> .,y�.
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