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; <br /> ..) � � . . <br /> � `i • . . <br /> . <br /> • .. . ' .. . \�.- .. . . ., . .. `� .. <br /> . .�, u . <br /> � . .....�..-._...._. � " � <br /> .. . � , . . _ .. „ � •, . .....+_+A.e.. .. <br /> , r- .. n � _......_'__ <br /> ., . <br /> �� . , ..... ..._.. "_ .. .._, ' .. .. . ... _.."'_ .... ....�.. q <br /> . ' ��p ����� , . <br /> � Unlese otherv�ice aIIreed in wdting,�ll iasurmtce proceeds nhall be npplied to the restomtion or cepNr of the Propeny or co <br /> the 3etared DFbt, whether or not then du�� at Beneficiery's Apttou. Any upplicatton af procerde ta principal shnll no4 <br /> • • extend or postpaas the due dute of the schedulal pnyrrtent aor chanIIe tho urrtount of any pnyrrtent. Any cacesR wUl bQ pnld <br /> • fr med�n�m�age to 1he�Fro Pg pity bef on�hue scqulal�n ehul�l pnssotHenet'�iary to fhe ext nt ofth�e SQCU�tc,d�ebt immedintely .�.°.�. <br /> - . before t�e ecquteition. • • <br /> �, �� " 20. G�Cl30W P'OR TAX�S AND 3N8[JRI�NCE. Unleas othe�ise provided in u sepernte ag[eeraent. Tn�stor wfll not h� �tl,.{�• <br /> .- required to pay to Beneficlury ll�nde for taxes and insurnnce in escrow. « . <br /> -`r:�,�-'I,J 21. TINANCIAI. YdEP'OEL'PS AND ADDTI'IOIVAL DOCUMENI'3. Tcustor will rovide to Beneflciary u on mquest,anY ,� �-� <br /> 'j� IITCe9 LO B�BtI, ver.aud fi18 tu►� <br /> financial statement or infom�ution Beneflciary may deem re�sonably necesasry. rustor a del <br /> ' abligatlo�ns�ii der ttiis��cutlty InE�n�u�n�sutd BeneflciiyZa Uenis atus a�n t�he Pmgerty t. continue,end preserve Ciraator s '�,� <br /> ��� ..:�,_� <br /> .���. <br /> ' 22.JOINT A1VD II�IDI�'IDUAL LIAHII.I7'Y CO-9IGNE1tSi SUCC�SSORS AND ASSYGNS BOUND.All dudes undor ��._ <br /> � thia Securlty Insmament are joint and iad�v�dual. If Truator eigne this 5txurlty Instnunent but da fno�testgn�vD b�d ����:' <br /> ', debt. 'hustor does so only to mortg_age Truator's interest in the Pcope�rty w securc paymen Sec ,- -°:.: <br /> Tiustor does not agree to be personaliy liable oa th�Secured Debt. If this 5ecurlty Instrument se�ures a guaranry betv�een ",.�'%..= <br /> � Heaeflctary and Trustor�Tcustor agr�s to waive sury ri ta tLat mf►y prevent Benefici from brinIIiag any actioa or cleim ,.,..�::: <br /> y� m► y <br /> ' agatast Tnistor or aay Rarty indebted under the obIfgation. These rights mayt in�sdse,��b�uty�����ex�tend, ��— <br /> � � anti-deflcieacy or one-acpOA IAWB.1Yustar agrees that SeneRciary and any p� _ <br /> `' modify or make any chan8e u►the terms of this Secuclty InsuvTncnt ar any e dence of debt without Tn�stor's concent. <br /> . ::���q,� � �, S`ucM a cheage will not release T'ruator fxora the terms ofthis Securtty Inst�e�►t. The duties and beneftts of thte Securiry z;.;; <br /> '`��'`''' Inatrument ehtill blad aad b�neSt the succesaors attd asslgns oY Trustor and Beneficial. <br /> •�{,r, L'r=- <br /> __> .' ir'' .- ��l�:c <br /> �l � ',, i;` 23. Ai"1°'LICABLE LAW 3EVERABILIT�t;i1V'1`ERPRETATION.This Securlty Inamiment is govemed by the lawe of cho � : <br /> :.,?,Sh�},�. �� enc ary �- <br /> . ,.,,„ f ..� ; 3urisdlctioa in which� flci is I�ued,except to the extent ot4erwise required by the laws of the jurisdicdon wlx�sre <br /> • :��,�t,)�+; r the Property is lacated. Thi�Secwrity Insuumenf ts complete and fi�lly iategrated.71iia Security Iasuwaent may not 1re `°,�� <br /> ° :',.•:=,';'rr';�'� �' w n e n d e d o r m a d i f i e d b y oral a g zeeme►:t.Any secdon in thla Secudty Instnunent attachnaeats.or Any agteement related co <br /> '',;�,-;•:�: the Secured Debt that contlicta with applicable law will aot be effec�ive,u n tesa t{iat law�xp x e s s l y a r i m p l i e d l y p e r m i t a t h e <br /> '�, �:��, ,�,� : .:::..._ <br /> �..',',,; �,� variadons by written agc�eement. If any s�cdoa of this Security I n a u u n u n t c a n n o t b e e n g o r c e d eccor d i n g to its terms.tbat .=4�- <br /> ;,,�� , section wW be severed and wlll not affect the enforceability oF the rernulnder of thia Securlty IustTUment. Whenever u�l, �;:,--- <br /> ; ��� <br /> .;,,�:,;5� :: � the aingular ehal!include the pIural and the plural the singular•7he caPdotts and heedinge of the sectiona of ti►Is 5ecutity �`=� <br /> `' �of the�s�nc�e in t�hia Se urity I�ne�uum.�t to be used to iaterpret or define the terms of thla Securlty Iasmuaenf• _ <br /> +�. ��� <br /> _ . �: � <br /> ?A, SUCCESSOR TRUSI'�. Beaeflciary� at Beaeflciury's option, may from wne w tune renwva Tr�nt� rwd ap�so =� ° <br /> auccesso:tnwtee wlthout any other formsility tt►an the desi tion in wdtiag.The suaessor austee wIthout wnvoyonos of <br /> `.��;+. ' the Property. ehall succced w all the utle� power and utle9 conferred upon Trustee by Wis �ec�uiry Insuwnent nnd <br /> �._ ��, npPlicnble law. <br /> - �- � Zs. NtriTCF.Uatesa otherwise required by law nay notice ehall be iven by delivering it or by mailin�it by firse cloas mail <br /> ,1� ot�lee t on�uuator wlll b8 d�med to be aodoee t�nU�tyre���nt� or to uny othet addrese d�iBunted in �vritLng. <br /> :f` M N <br />. !� ..� 26. �Aa1VE�e�cept to the eatent pmhlbited by law� '1'c�utor waives all appmisement and houcestead exemptlun righ� _ <br /> �B P�Y• <br /> . '�' 27. OTHGR TERM3.If checked�the foAowiag er�applicable to ehts Securiry Instnunent: . <br />;r�;:�,;,;�.. ❑Line of Credit.The Secured Debt iadudes a revolviag liae of credit provision• �►lthough the Secured De6t mqy t�e _ <br /> - ,.:,�....,. � , reduced w a zero balence.thia SECUrity Imsaument wUl remaia in effect until released. <br />_ �_�..,,;,;•..��r: ❑Constntdion Loan.T6is 5ecurtry Iasaument secure.v an obllgatlon incum�d for the conatruction of an impmveaann3 ---. <br /> • ,4 - ,, oa the Pmperty. ..__-` <br /> : •�•� <br /> "• �r. ❑Flxture�WnB.Tmstor gr�nts ta Beneftciary a seauity i�terest in all goods that Granwr own3 now or In the future `::._ <br /> �+'`;�� �� and thnt ere or wilt l�ecome flxtuc+es r�elsted to the Property. '[riis Securlry Iasuument sufRces as n finus�oin8 � _ <br />_,�t� �7:; :. � statemeat aud any carbon.Photoarnphtc o:other reproduction may be flled of record for purposes of Article 9 af ehe 4_ <br /> - . :�:� ..,� Unlform Commercial Code. <br /> ... . ,}i. . ..: �„- <br />::��:�.•:•:,..�;,�.; � ❑Riders.The covenants and agreemeats o 8 e a c h o f t he r l dera c hec k e d b e l o w a r e l n c o�p o r a t e d l n t n n a d s u p p l e m o n t a n d _ <br /> '�''''+.��:,}'•...� � emend the terms of this Se�udty lnsmuYCent.[Check atl applicable lsoxes] -- <br /> . . •`;,�`� ` % �Conct�:nWium Itidcr � Plunued Unit Development Rider ❑ Other .................................................. �-- <br /> "� • - <br /> i,V 1 ' — <br />- . _ .ti � D AddiHonal Terms. __._ <br /> � <br /> .. �•�4 i <br /> ,#; , +t �:_`- <br /> � ' � ., eovenanes conwiaed in thia Seeutity Liateument and is�any =- <br /> �, B Y G I+I A T U I 2 F.5 s B y s l g n i n B b�1 o w�'l t u s t o r a g r ce s w t h e t e m�s a n d <br /> reea <br /> ti , y attachmente.Trustor alsa ackaowledg�s�+eceipt of a oopy of tl�s Securhy ineuumcnt on the date stated on pa}ie 1. <br />.. � ' ' // � . . ` <br /> . ',' s //J//� ,. ..`....................................... . ... .'�.:�'�`. <br /> //�� .. .... ...... . ... .. ... . .. . . �,� <br /> . •. �:Y":-�� �i �aar�rttn�T c V11DL1�T T. (Ifatel 1 (�1I0� <br />-- ----------- (ayyunw�yA�.�P*te�ttu���*Tv✓�� as .w..... .... .----• • - � �•-• _ <br /> i� $ViJ1�iLYtYV -. <br />-- . �'` ACK1�10WLEDGMEN'I'• . <br /> . <br /> . � ;i: • S'CA'f}3 OF�1���..................................C OF .... .............}as. <br /> OUNTY ����� <br /> s ' ......�,4Gk�.......da of..........�ki�..J����.........�.�.....�.�... <br /> .� �nd1"°""n 7'his iastn►ment was acknowteclged be�orc me this <br />- .;.i,,,�,�;. ;��, .. by �,,.�3�..�.�..�tr..rS�t�t��.��.�+i.�..69.�^�,�',�i.�F. . . . ,�t��.�.�i.}� • <br /> •:c;�... 1. � . <br /> ;,•���r;;:,,'.. :..,,'•� � y mmiseio <br /> ,. ., . . � M co n <br /> •;�;:r.`;.,:�' ''" • �6ENERAL NOTARY-StetO o!Nobrt3lm .............................. <br /> , •��; •���': Ip qLENN RAUERT ..�.. . • (Ndary PuDtle) <br /> . "� •+°'' �'� M9��•�����2001 <br /> �,';,�; °,t�r '��'•, C{�1D8A Oantcera 6YnCmo.Inc..51.CI am E•DT•N8 tOQ7187 �QOgO 4 0/4) , <br /> 1`J`i.'' � • � .1 <br /> - .,�;;:� <br /> •. - <br /> • 1 <br />