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�� /1 1 <br /> � . ggm ����z " <br /> I1. Sls9oessom eacl Aasliy��n��1��u�nt nad�Lvetal LitibUity;CcroignLrn. The mvennnta nnd a�rc�:menta of thla <br /> S�urity Instructtcnt ehnll bind nnd benefit the euccessors and nssigns of Lendcr nnd Rorrawer.su6jcet to the provlaions <br /> af pnrngmph 16. Barrowcr's cavcnnnta nnd �Brccmenta shull bc joint nnd severnl. Any Borro�ver whu co-signs th1R � <br /> Security Instruntent but daes not execute the Note: (a) ls co•aiIIning this Securlty lnstrument only to mortgAge,grsun <br /> nnd convey thut Borrower'R interest in the Property under the terms af this Security Instru�ncnt: (b> is noc peraonalty <br /> obli�ute� to pay the sums secured by thls Sccurity Instcument; and(c) aQrecs that l.ender and any�thee Borrower may <br /> agtee to extertd,modify,forbear or make any cnx:onuiwdudnus wlth rcgard to the tem�s of thVs Security (nstrumcnt or <br /> the Note wtthout that Borrower's consent. <br /> lx, �an �sirg¢s, If the laun securr�d by this Saudty Instrumcnt is subSect to a law which seta maximum loan ,� , <br /> eh�r��.and that law is tinally Mteepreted so�hat the interest or othrr loan charIIes collected or to be coliecerd in . <br /> connection witb the loan exceed the permitted flmtu,then: (n) Any such toan churae �hntl be reduced by the amaunt <br /> - necesnary to reduce the ctwrge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already callocted from Bottower which <br /> eaceeded permitted limtts wiil be refundcd to Bortotvet. I.ender may chQase ta meke this refund by reducing tha <br /> pducipal owed under the Note or by muking a direct payment to Batruwer. If a refund reduces prtncipal,the reduction <br /> wfll be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepaYment charQe und�r th¢ Notc. <br /> � 13. Aludces. Any nodce to Borrower provided for in this Secudty IruttumYat sl►all be glven by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicabl� lSW ieqll�i¢9 t15C Of NIOIhYI mrthod. 'Ihe nottce shull be dlrected to the „, <br /> 9 <br /> Pmperty Address or any other address Borrawer deatgnatcs by aotioe ta Leader. My aotice tA l.ender shall be given . <br /> by first class maii to Lender's address stated herein or any other addresa l,ender designates by notice to Borrower. My '.,,, <br /> ' ' nodce provlded for ia this 5ecudry Instrumcnt si���11 be deemcd to have been given to Borcower or Lendet �vhea given <br /> � j as provided in this paragreph• � .. <br /> 14. Gavaanin„ l.aa:Sev�ubfl�ty. This Saurety Instnu�►eut shall be�overaed by fcde�ral law and tbe law of the <br /> n <br /> jurtsdiction in which the Pcoperty is located. If the ladebtedn�s secured hereby ls gu�rantc�td or Insured under Tit�e <br /> � 38,Uaiteci States Co�i�,such TiQe aad Regulations i:.sued the�reunder and in effect on the date hereof shall govem <br /> � the riQhts,dudes and liabiliti�s w�����ri�nt wah s�aid Titlesor R gulationsr are hereby am ded to confoim , <br /> . coaaection wi[h said indebted�► <br /> thereto. <br /> " ��' In the event that any provision or clause of this Securiry Ins�avment or the Note couflicts with applicable law.such •a'' ` <br /> canttict shatl not aff'eet other provisioas of tlils SecuriYy Instcument or the 1Vote which can be siven effect without the :+;1;,.' <br /> � corttlicdag prnvision. To this end the provisions of lhis Secwity Insuurnent and the Note s�re declase8 to im severable. ��,`. <br /> _ - , i�. �p'a�. p,o�•��r �1�•gi��,one conformed coPY of the Note and of this Sgcurity lnstmment. � <br /> �•., „ 16. T�ansfer of the PmPertY. This loaa may be declared immediately due and payable upon traasfe�or the Propercy , a�,° <br /> :?�.,,:. <br /> : ';� securing auch loan to any tcansferee, unless t�e acceptubllity of the assumption of the IQUn is establisDed ptusuant to .��. <br /> ' ' Section 3714 of�hapter 37,Title 38,Untted State� Code. ''-�---• <br /> If Lender exercises ehis option, L.ender shall give Borrower nodce of eooeleration. The nodce sha11 px�ovide a pedod :���,_, <br /> � ' •� of uot lese thaa 30 days from the date the aoti�is delivered or mfliled �sa¢hin which Borrower ravss pay all sums j`. ,_ <br /> mi <br /> secured b this Securlty Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these swns priar to t�e eapiratloa of this period,Lender ��_, <br /> Y <br /> � ' may invoke any remedtes pemaitted by this Secwriry Instrumena without further notice ar demand on Borroaer. ,�;,�;;., <br /> . � 17. �omower'a Ri�►t to Reinstate. if Borrower meets certain condltions, Borrower shail have the ri�ht to dave ,'"`',;F'': <br /> s,� - <br /> enforcemenc of thls Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlies of: (a) 5 days(orvsu� f s�a�e ���±"�`�� <br /> pedod as applicable law may spocify for retastatement) before s�le of the Property pursuant to any po ��,__.� <br /> ;� wntaiued fn this g�carity Instrument; or(b)enccy of a judgment enforetng this S�eurity Insuumeat. lbose conditions �:�_� <br /> �.:---=_ <br /> �,�;;'P are that Bc+rcower: (a)pays Lxader all sums whicd then would be due uader this Secudty Iastniment and the Note c:�_ <br /> ��.,t,,�, a Wl ex eases q��:,�,.��. <br /> � :�ti_� as if no acceleration had occurced: (b) cures enY default of eny other covenants or agreements; (c) pay p <br /> >�. „ incurred in eaforcing ehia Securiry Instrument. �ncluding, but not limited to.reasonable attorneys' fces;cu►d(d) tekes ��::,::_� <br /> �� �' such actlan as I.en�sa nnay reasoaably cequu+e tm aASUre that the I{en of t4is �ECUriry Instrument. Lender's rights in ttte ��J� .� <br /> '.�,,.�' propertyr and Borcower'ss obligation to pay the swns secured by this Se�uv�ty Instrument ahall contInue w►changed. . <br /> �.� �' llpon reinstatement by Borrower. this Securlry 1nstNraent and the obligadons secured hercby shall remaia tiilillY •,,v'.-__ <br /> 1 in the cas$of accelertitinn •"'°�:�": <br /> � effective as if no acceleration hed occurred. However,this ri�he to reiastate ahell aot app y j�r_ <br /> un�er para�caph 16. - <br /> . ' 18. Sale of Note;Ci�ange of Laan Sc��sa�. iI9�e Note or a partial interest in the Note (together w7�this 5ecurjty �� , <br /> f �• �? Instrument) may be sold one or more dmes wea�nout prior aotice co Borrower. A sale may result in a change In che ,,,..<<__-._ <br /> • entiry(la�own sis the "Loan Servicer")�hat coUects monthly paymeats due uader the Note and this Stx:arity L�suumeat. �F7 <br /> ; Thece atso may be one or more chan�es of the Loan Sen+ioer unrelated to a sale of t4� SVote. If there is a cha�s,� of ,�7,�;' <br /> :;;;?�' �he (,oan Servicer. Borrower will be given writtea notice of the change in accordance with parngraph 13 abo�:ssud ,a-:,�� <br />- applicabie law. 'lt�e nottce will state the name and address of the neLV Loan Servicer and the uddress to whtch ,. , <br /> _ � payments shoWd bz made. The notice will�lsti wntaia any other inforns�tion roquired by applicaT�]z law. <br /> ; 19. Ha�datis S�bstun�s• Bfln°w'er shall not cs{use or permit the pr�►ce. use,disposat, stornge, or release of <br /> any Hazardous Substances on ar ia the Prop�rty. BorronzT shall aot do, nor altow anyone else ro do,anyth�nj <br /> • effecdag the Property that is in vialation of nny Cnvironmental Law. 'The pceceding two scntences shotl �ot app7y to <br />= ch�preseace,usc,or storage on the Property of�natl qunntides of Harardaus Substances thut ure generally recvQnized <br /> � � to be uppropdate to nomutl resideatial uses ax��to maintenance of thc Property. <br /> Borrower shall promptly give I.ender wrtnen notice of any investigatton. claim,demand, In�vsuit or other action by <br /> su►y govemmenta� or re�tulatory agency or private party involvin6 the Property and uny Hawrdous Substance or <br /> Environmentai Law of which Borrower has accual knowledge. If Borrower leutrns,or is aotifted by any govemment�l , <br /> �---_ -----___ �_ — •,.�+,... ..c o.,.,uo�o�n.,»a snhseance affectina the Propetty ts ' <br /> --�' -- — or r�ulatory autnoriry, mac any cr,rn��� :,��..s�� •�u4....�..,... ...--, ------� _. - -- <br /> : necessary. Borrower ahall pmmptly take all neceasc�ry'remodiai actions in uccordence with Environmemnl l.uw. <br /> ' As used in chia paragraph 19,"Hauudous Substances" ure those substances detined as toxic or hozardous subsuueces <br /> �� by�Envpi�ronma ta��a��icia��l�oIIt��s�i���,'maeritils'wntninina�usb oMS orbfomuildehyde�%ttd dioactive , <br />_ N�3,�lASILA-Stngte FamflyUti11�1FL►� iNSCrRUAiRN� pa e 4 of 6 <br /> �� snu.�,,.t� �am esa�wt FI , <br /> , , �� <br /> ; .,_,�_-�-- _ - - •----.,,_-,,,_,—•_ <br />