<br /> � � � �9° ��'��� .
<br /> lf the r��sturntiun or repnir iA not ec�momtenlly tenaihle nr L.ender'q security wnulcl Ne Iessened, the insuranre praceeds
<br /> shull lsc npplicd to the sums Fctiurccl by this S�wurity Inetrument, whcther or nat then due, with nny excess pnid to ,.
<br /> ' Borrocvcr. If fIIarraw•rr abnndong the Pr��perry, ��r doe� not nnewer within 30 days n natice fram I.ender thnt the
<br /> insurnnce cnMer hns offemd to settie n cinlm, then l.ender mny collect the lnsurance procecds. L.ender mny use the
<br /> � procetda to rept�ir or rcotom the Propiny or to pny eums seeurcd by this SE�curity Instrument, whether ar nat then duc.
<br /> , 'the 30-day geriod wiU beain when the notice is�ivcn. ,
<br /> U��lcss Lender and Borro�ver othenvlse a�ree ir.��rltin�,Kny npplicntion of proceeds to principal shnll not extend ,,,
<br /> or postpone the due date of the monthly peyments referred to ln paragrepha 1 and 2 or changc the amaunt of the .ti _
<br /> puyments. If under pnmgraph 23 the Propeny ls acqulrect by Lendcr, Borrower's riBht to any lnsurance policles and �
<br /> �� .. -�� proc�ds resulting from demaIIe to the P[c�peny pdor to the acquisition ah�ll pass to Leuder to the extent of the sums
<br /> secured by this Secudty Instmment immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Qncupancy� Pe�rntEon� M�iat�ns�e nad Peetection o! the Property: Boarearer's Loun Appltcm4ian;
<br /> I�sholda. Bonower shail occupy,establish, aad use the Property as Bflrrower's princlpal residence within slxtyduys
<br /> after the execudon of this Security Iastnunent and ahall condnue to occupy the Property as Barrower's principal
<br /> restdence for at teast one year efte�the date of occupancy,wnless L.ender othenvise agrees in wdting,which consent �,,.-- .
<br /> shall not bc unreasonably withheld, or unless estenunting circumstances exist which are beyond Bonower's conuol.
<br /> 8orrower shall aot destrny,datunge or impair the Property,allow tde Property to detertorate. or commit waste on the ,
<br /> " Property. Borrower shall be in default if eny forfeiture actioa or proceeding, wh�Wer civil or crlminal. is begun that �
<br /> " , in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfciture of the Property or otherwise muterlally Impair the lien i �,;'
<br /> � er2ated by this Sccurity Iasttumeat or I.eudQr's securtty inter�t. Ac�rrower may cure sueh a default und reinstate. as
<br /> i provlded in paragtaph 17.by caustng the actton or proceeding to be distnissed with a ruliag that.in i.ender's good faith �
<br /> � detemaiAation, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material impainnent of the lien
<br /> created by this Securlty Instmment or Lend:r's security interest. Bormwer shall also be In default if Borrower, during
<br /> :4 the loaa application process. gave matedally fatse or inur�curate infam�adoa or statements to I.eader (or failed w ,,�,;.
<br /> � provtde Leader with any matedal InformrstIoa) ln connectlon with the loan evideaced by the Nute, iacluding,but not -� '
<br /> '� •` limited to,mpres�ntations coaceraiag Bormwer's occupaacy of the Property as a principal residrncc. If thts SecurIry `
<br /> '' � Instn�ment is on a leasehold, Borrower sheli comply wtth all the provislans of the lease. If Borrower acqulres fee title ° �
<br /> �';�}• to tho propeny,the leasehold And the fee ttde shall not merge unless Lend�r Agrees to the merger in wrlting• ``'�
<br /> n
<br /> ' t 7. Pmtectton of I�eader's Righta in the �copeKy. If Borrower fails to perPar�rn the covenants and agceemeats ,..:��
<br /> � ' coatained in this Security Instrument. or there is a legal procxoding Wat may signiticantly affect Lender's dgbts ia the _;:.:
<br /> �;-:''�'
<br /> � � Progerty (such as a proccedlnA � baakruptcy, probate, for condenu�ution or forfeiture or to enforcc lawa ar • _
<br /> �K.._.
<br />.. .. _....:�-- `f,_
<br /> � regWationa). then Lender may do and pay for whatever is nocessary to protect ute vaiue oi�he Froperiy oud L�,�c��s ,M.;�;
<br /> ,1 + ri�bts in We Property. Lender s actiona may include paytag eny swns secured by a lien which has priority over this �i�?��:
<br /> .� Szcuv3ty Iasuument. Appearing in caurt.paYlnB ieasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make mpeirs• a�N
<br /> . ,, • Altboush Leadar may take astioa under thfs pazagraph 9,fl..ender dces aot have to do so. �_�
<br /> Any umounta disbursed by Lender under ttus parn�raph 7 ehall ts�ome additioaal debt of Horrowes secured by this �_
<br /> _ '" � Sectuity Inscrum�nt. Llnlcss Bonower and i.ender agree to other term� mf payment. these amowate shaU bear inntareat :�`�
<br /> froim the daie of disbursement at the Note rate and ahall be payable. wlth Intereot, upon notice from Lendor to j';;��
<br /> .' �ora�ower requesting payment. F-',---
<br /> ' • �' 8. In�spedion. Lender or lts agent may make reasonable enuies upon aad inspectlona of the Property. Lender e;_,=--
<br /> 1�� eha11 give Bonower notice ut the ttme of or prior to an inspectton specifyiag reasonuble cause for the ins�ectton. —
<br /> 1. :� 9. Co�on. The proceeds of any award or claim for dcunages, direct or consequential� In conuectton with �""
<br /> • ��r� any cuademnation or other takin�of any part of the Property.or for coaveyance ta lteu of coademnation. are hereb,y
<br /> � �i� assigned aad shall be paid to Lender. _�
<br /> ��� In tt►e event of a total taking of the Property, the praceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this SecurIty ,.�
<br /> Instrument, whather or not then due,wiW any excess paid to Bon+ower. Ia the event of a partial takin�of the Property
<br /> In which the falr market value of the Pruperty Lnmedtately befor� the taktng is eqaal to or gmater tiian tlie amount �':..-
<br /> •"f '' of the suma secured by thls Serurity Instrument tmmedlately before the taktag.unless Horrower und Lender otherwIse
<br /> � agree ia writing. the sums secured by thts Secudry Instcument shnll be reduoed by the emoant of the pmceeds
<br /> „� raultiplled by the following fracdon: (a) the total amount of the suma secured iitunediately before the taking,divided _"
<br />.._m, . , r� by(b) the fair market value of the I'roperty imnaediately befo� the takiag. Aay balance shall be patd to Borrower. �� -�,
<br /> :,� Li the event of a partial taking of the Propemy in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the
<br /> �';�
<br /> . takinII is leas than the wiww►t of ihe sums sccw�cd immediately before the takin�. unless R�rr�wer and Lender F_....-
<br /> '.' otherwise agree in wrlting ar unless appl3cable 1aw othetwi'se provides. the pmceeds ahall be applied to the sums
<br /> ' �� ' secured by this Securiry Instzument wbether or not ttte sums ace then due.
<br /> ,� to Bomower that the oondemnor offero to �';-
<br /> If the Pcoperty is abaadoned by Borrowcr. or if.after notice by Lender
<br /> ° mnlce an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender witb{a 30 days after the date We
<br /> notice Is Biven,Lender is autharized to wltect and apply the proceeds. at its option, etther to restorntioa or repair of _
<br /> th�a �toperty or to the sums secured by this Security Iastnunent. wbether or not then due. �
<br /> � " �lnless I.ender nnd Borcvevcr otherwisc aBree in wr3rtdng.any r�pplicatlon of pr�o� to principa] shFill not eatcsnd
<br /> , i or post{soae the due date of t6� monthly payments n�F�rred to tn paragcaphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the aiaount of such
<br /> paymenta. ' ,
<br /> • 10. Botr��+er Not ltel�: Fa�4�¢uaae By L�det Not a �fiaivec. Bxtensioa of the tinats far paymeat or t�;�
<br /> mu�ificat{on of amortizatica of the sum�s secured by thia Security Insmiment Branted by Lender to any stca�essor in
<br /> , ir.�er�est of�orrower sh�ll �eot o�rate to release c�e C'v�bility of the origiaal Hora�wer or Barrower's suoaessors in
<br /> --------------- : t • e6oli wv hs.ronuimtl tn mmmrn� n��� �� anv suooessor fn interest or mfuse to extend
<br /> ---- ---_ -- - sutsaw�. w....» .+.+. .�...�_".�--'- '- ' .- _ _
<br /> • Nme Por payment or otherwise modtfy�srcortizntion of the sums secuced by this Securtty Inswment by reasou of any
<br /> • „ deunaud mnde by tbe oriBlnN Borrower or Honnwer's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercisinB
<br /> any daht or remecty shall aot be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any ri�ttt or remedy.
<br /> N1381lASKA•5ingle Fnmlly-UN�OltlA IPt.4[RU[YIDNT
<br /> .
<br /> ooc� snmv.�R�com aa4�� I'agc 3 of 6
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