<br /> . � ' :�
<br /> , ,.
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<br /> . . .•, .. -� . _
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<br /> ,. niaterlaio. AR used In�his p�rnBrnpf� 1 y,"P.nvlmnmcntal l.nw"mcnns fcdernl Inwa and Inwe of the Judsdictian where
<br /> tiie Property is lau►tcA tiint relnte to hcalih, enf�ty nr envlmnmentnt pratc�tian. �
<br /> ?A, I�n11c�}Rrc. A fcc cqunt tu c�nc•hnlf c�f nnc perccnt of thc haluncc of thix loiu� aq af the dnte of transfcr of
<br /> ' ti�c Propcny �hnll hc pnynhle nt thc tlme of trnnafer to thc lann holdcr �r ite authorl•r.ed aIIcnt, as truxtcc for the ,,
<br /> Department of Veternns AfCalre. If the nssumer faild to pny thio f�ti nt the timc of trnnsfer, thc fec shull constiwte an
<br /> ' I eddidanal dcbt ta thnt nl�c:tdy sccured by ttda inRtrumem, shnll benr interest at titc mtc hereln providcd, nnd, ut thc , .
<br /> uptlou u!thc payc::of thc iadcbtedaess herr.hy secur��l ur any�mnnfcrcc thercoi, ahull ke lmmcdintely due nnd payabie.
<br /> . 'TUia fee ie nutomuticnliy wnlvcd if the osswner 1a cxempt under thc provtsiona of 38 U.S.C.3729(c). .;�_�
<br /> 21. pt�o�ss,inB (�erge. Upan upplfcut[on for upprovnl to nllow assumpdon OP thl8 IOil11, n processing fee rnay b�
<br /> �� . „-•--'` churged by the tosu► holder or hs nuthodxed agent for deter�alning the creditworthiness of the assumer �nd
<br /> � s u b s e s�u e n t l y r evisin a the holder's ownerehip cecorde when un approvcd tru�rsfer is wmpleted. '19ie umount of this
<br /> churge sh�ll not esceed the mauimum estublished by the Depsutment o f Veternn.g A f f e i r a f o r a l o a n t o w h i a h S e c t i o n
<br /> 37l4 of Chnptet 3'f.TItle 34,United States Code applies. �'
<br /> , � - ?2, Jc�deonnity Ua�iUty. If thie abligutlon 1s assumed, then the �ssumer hereby a�rees to assume al! of the '�.�,r
<br /> - obNBntions of th� veteran undes the ter�rcs of the insuumento creat{ng and securtng the loan. 'Itte assumer furtder ;'��:
<br /> .,, � agrces to indemnif�the DepartmQnt of Vetemus Affairs to ths extent of euy claim paymeat nrlsing from the 8uarnnty .
<br /> ' ot iasur�u►ce of the indebtedness cmuted by this instrumeat. . �
<br /> • �; NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower ttad L�tder fluther coveaant and agrec as followa:
<br /> • ; 23, pooele�{fln; �edies. I�euder ahalt glve notice to Borrower pdor to ecoeleration following�orrower's brezch
<br /> �an
<br /> - � '. ' � of nny coveuant ar agresment in lhis SeciuitY Instniment (but not prior to accelemdon uader paragraph 16 unless •_-
<br /> � applicabie law ptovides othenvise). 'me notice shall apecify: (a) the default; (b) the ucdon requlred to cure the
<br /> • default;(c) a�Qate, not less than 30 daya from the date the nodce is given to Borrower. by which the default must be v
<br /> cured; and (d)t�ent failure to cure the default oa or before the date speclfied in the notice may result in aa:eleradon
<br /> � ot the swns socured by this Securiry Instrument aad sale of We Property. 'Rte aotice shaU fl�her iaform Rarmwer ,_:.
<br /> :�,
<br /> "� of the right to reinstate after acceleratia► and the dght ro brinB a oourt action to assert the non-e�istence of u defautt :,.
<br /> � �� ur uny other defeuse of Borrower to nockleration end st�le. lf the default !s aot cu�ed oa or before tde date sp+xtflod _;
<br /> sl
<br /> .�=;_
<br /> in We aotice, Lender at its opdom m�y mquire immediate payment in full of all sums secured bY this S�u�1�Y „ ::
<br /> Insuument without further demand and rnay invoke the power of sale end uny other reme�ies perniitted by applicabte
<br /> . � ��
<br /> law. ixndez s4a11 be entided to collect all eapenses incurred in pursuin8 the remedtes Pr°v�d� ��p�B�Ph �' . ,.,
<br /> ' � including, but aot limited to,ceasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. ,;�;y;;:�
<br /> ' '� _, If qhe wer of sele Is invoked, Tiustee shuU record a notice of default in eash county in wl�ich aaY P� of�e �`�„_
<br /> �'. propertJ, ts la�nted end ahall mail copies of such notic;e in We m..�nnEr prescribe� bY aPPlica`ula iaw ta Eatro���an� --
<br /> � to the other poraons prescribed by appNca'ble law. After the tlme re9uired by applicable law.Trustee ahall gtve pubiic f;;;�=
<br /> � �� .'a, nodce of sale to the persons sad in We manner prescdbed bY epPlicuble law. Tcuscee. without demand on Borrower, �--_
<br /> '��:���� �. ;�:., ahalt seU tho pmperty at pnblic uuction to the highest bidder at the tlme aad place aad under the tem�s desip,aatod __
<br /> �;:c:,�.�. ns sale of all
<br /> ���:;��'`,��� �' '� In:2he nottce of sale ia one or morc parcels and ia any order Trustez deteran�aes. Trustee may postpo __
<br /> `��%�;';� ' .� � or any pamel of the Pcoperty bY Public announceinent at the Wae and place of any prevfously scheduled sa1e. I-ender =--
<br /> �h�' or its destgaee may purchase the Property at any sule. �
<br /> ���, �� U�on receipt of payment of�he pdce bid,Trustee shaU deliver to the purcheser Tcustee's dead conveying the �,__�
<br /> �, . -03!_. property. 1Ue recitale ia the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evtderzce of the tru�h of the statemeuts mede therein• a,y;
<br /> ^►� ltustee shall apply the praceeds of the sale in the foltowing order:(u)to all casts and e�epenses of exercisiu�the power ;::::;:�.
<br /> „ ,,. �� of sale,and t�e salle.includittg the peyment of the Tastee's fees actualiy incurred, not to exceed ���"
<br /> _ . � of the pdacipal �alltsums s aec,ur�alAby this Socurityelns�trumenr dd(c�an�y�exces�s to Weeperson or'persons —
<br /> - . permitted by law;(b) --
<br />-. �. , legally entitled to it. _..,_-
<br /> � ;;,, ?A. Pteoonveyano�. Upon puyment of ail sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shalt request Tn�stee W;"::
<br /> '�ziira to reconvey thc Property anA aha11 surrender this Sesurlty InstYUmc�nt and �11 notes evtdencing debt secured bythis m,�,�.._
<br /> ,;�:�i;'" � Securiry Ins3rument to Trustee. Trustee a6a11 remnvey the Property without warranty aad�vlthout cherge to the person .:
<br /> F-`=-=
<br /> '" � or parsAns legalty entlded to tt. Such pe�son or persons shutl pay any recordatton costs. f •��
<br /> �i5_=...
<br /> . �;.� �. S�b�tiprte 1liustee. Lender. ut i�s option. may from tlme to ti� remove Trustee nnd appoint a successor �,..
<br /> ;..��;. � tNStee to any Tiustee apPointed hereunder by an instnunent reoordad in the county ia which thie Security Iastrument
<br /> ;;;.�;t;�,c � ��obed. Without convc��ance of the Fcoperty, the successor ttustee shall sucecrd to all the tWe,power and duties rtt�'-�
<br /> • .� • ooaferred upoa Tcustce harein aad by applicable lnw. �'�`"
<br /> ' ? Z6, Requgi for Noflces. Borrower a�equest that copies di the nottces of default actd snl� be sent to Borrower's c�,-;
<br /> �° address which is the Property Addreas. `"--
<br /> F�__.
<br /> .;�;;`� - �. ������Iy�n�um�� If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded toBether with �_,..
<br /> ;±;}`"`r% �Ois Secur(ty Instnunent. the covenanu and aBc�eements of each such stder s&all tbx incurpocuted into and shall umead �_:,:
<br /> ,;:,t,r{;, . , '" -
<br /> � . end supplemeat the covenante attd agreements of this Secudty Insuument as iftihe rider(s) were a pa�t of this Serurity
<br /> � . .�,;.:;x, Instrumeac. [�heck appllcable tarcQecD� "
<br /> ,;.
<br /> : . ..., a .�.
<br /> •��%'� Adjusu►ble Rute Rider a Other(s) (spacifyl Asaumption Rider ,,,'.;
<br /> .;.,,.,- ,
<br /> �,,�.
<br /> �>,
<br />_ `� � Grndunted Paymeat Rtder
<br /> +
<br /> • �KA�Ingic t'amily-l1NINORle IIdSIRU[�11�1n'
<br /> oonaf.cn sn�•� «�+¢�� i'age 5 of 6
<br /> „ .
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