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<br /> . . 11 . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. ... ....... '
<br /> �� . �... . _- . . ._.. . - ' • .
<br /> • • Cl'�O �U��� ,
<br /> BORttOW�'R GOVENANTS that BOfrOl4CY fa Inwfully seised of the esinte hcrcby c:unveyed and hns the riaht ta .
<br /> ��ant nnd convey the Ptapeny nnd thAt the Praperty iR unencumbered, except for encumbrances of rr.cord. Barrowet
<br /> wan�ante cu�d wiil defcnd gencrnily the title to the Prupeny naainst r�ll claims and demnnds, subjcxt to any enrumbruncs:s •� .
<br /> of mcord. ��
<br /> TH1S SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenunts for nationul use and non-unlform covenunta with
<br /> limited vnrlations by Jurisdlction to constitute o uniform securtty lnstrument wvering real property. "
<br /> � UNIFUItM CQYENANTS. Bucrower und Lcuder coveaant and �tee ns follows:
<br /> " 1. Paymeat 9f Priacip�l s�nd Interat� P�paY�t �����• 8onower shall prnmptly pay when due the
<br /> � principul of und interest on the debt evldenced by the Note and amy prepayment and late charges due under the Note. ',�,
<br /> ""' 2, Funda for T�xes and Iasvrana�e. SubJect tu applicabla law or co a written waiver by L.ender, Borrower shnl! pay :
<br /> to Lender on the day tttonthly payments are due under the Note. until the Note is pu�d in full,a sum ("Funda') for: ,i, •
<br /> (u) yearly taxes aad assessmenta whicb may attuln prlorlty over this Security lnstnunent us a lien on the Property; (b) s `
<br /> yearly leasetiold payments or ground rents oa the Praperty,if any;(ci y�ly hazard or property insureace premiums;
<br /> and (d) yearly tlood lnsw'aace premiums. if any. 'Iliese ttems are callad "Escrow Item�". L.eader muy.at uny time. .. `,.
<br /> collect and hold Funda in an amouut aot to exc.eed the maximum amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan .
<br /> tpay mquire for Botrower's escrow account under the federal Real Escare Settlement P�acedures Act of 1974 as
<br /> amended hom time to time. 12 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.( RESPA ),unless aaother law that appltBS to ch� Funds sets
<br /> N ��
<br /> a lesser amouat. If so,Lender may,at any dme.collect aad hold Fuads la a�►amount not to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> Lender muy estimate the amount of Funds due on tha basis of current data and reasonable estImates of eapenditures
<br /> of future Essrow Items or otherwise lu accardancc with applica�le la�Y. .
<br /> � 'j The Funds shall be h@Id ln en iastitudon whose deposits are nu�sured by a federal agency,instrumeatality, or endty "
<br /> ({acluding I�cader. if Lender is such an institution) or ln any Federal Home I.flan Banlc. Lender shall apply the Funds , ';,;,
<br />- to pay the Escrow Items. Lender may aot chacge Borrower for holding aud applytng the Funds. annually analyzine '
<br /> ��;,I.�?;�� the escrow account, or vedfyiag We Fscrow items, ualess I.ender pays Horrower Interest on the Funds and app L
<br /> �:;:`t;'°' law permits Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender may requirs Botrnwer to pay a one-time charge for an
<br /> . , :.7.;:;y}, '
<br /> •:•�G•;,.� i�dependent real estate tax re�orciag service used by Lender ia connection with this loun. unless applicable law ; -
<br /> � ;,� ',`� provides othenvise. Unless aa agreemeat iR made or applicable law requires intereot to be paid. Lender shall not be l,;w:
<br /> ;� tequlced to pay liorcower any interest or eamings an the Funds. Borrower and Lender may aseee tn wrttia8�however.
<br />=,� � that interest sdall be paid oa the Funds. Lender sha11 giveto Borrower, without charge,an annual accounting of the ,:_^u
<br /> � Fuads. showing cre�its aad debits to the Fuads end the purpose for which eacta debit to the Funde was made. 71ie ,,F.-,-`
<br /> � ; • :.
<br /> ; ° Fuu3s ar pledged s°s�.+ltlQnal �'��*�ry for ull sums setuced bY�his Secudty Insuvment. ' _-
<br /> ;'�,. ' c If the Funds held by Lender excaed the amounts permtttect to be held by applicable law.i.ender sheti accaunc iu �'�i
<br /> '�" Borrower for the excess Fuads in accordance with the requtremeau of applicable law. If the amount of the Funda held �, e
<br />'��''' � by Lender ac aay tirae is not suffieient to pay tho Escrow Items when due. Lender may so nodfy Borrower ln wrlting, if}._:.
<br /> ,�,,1� ,,,,�;;� .
<br /> ,r,;•,� aad.ia such case Botrower shnll pay to Lendor tho emouat necessary to make up the deflciency. Borrower shall make �,f�;;;
<br /> ,��,.,.� -
<br /> up the deSctency in no more than twelvc monthty paymenta. at Lender's sale discretion. `.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums seeured by this Security lnsuument, Lender shall ptompdy c+eNnd to Borrower =
<br />�;`.;; , I ` � any Fuads held by lxnder. If,und6r paragraph 23,Lender shali acqulre or sell the Property, 1�ender, prtor to the i���•
<br /> i<.�_
<br />���'. " acqulsitlon or sale of the Property,shell apply any l�unds held by Lender at ths tims of acqutsitlon or sele as a credit �.;,��.---.
<br /> . �::� agaiast the sums secured by this Se�udty Iastcument.
<br /> ' � � 3. Appllea�ion of Pny�eats. Unless appllcable law provides otharwise, all paycaents recetved by Lender uader _
<br /> •• �, � pazagraphs 1 aad 2 shsll be applied: tirst.to aay prepayment charges due uader the Note;second,to aznounts payable __
<br /> under paraBcaPh 2c���co taterest due;fourth, to priuctpul due; and last,to any tate charQes due uader the Note. ,__
<br /> 'j:�, �'� 4. 49iar(�ea: Lteav. Borrowec shatl pay all taxes.assessmeata� c.�arges. fines end imposidons attrlbutable to the ��,;:,
<br /> 49 T(�
<br /> � r,.:�::
<br /> . �� �,;. property which may attnia priority over this Securiry Instniment, and leasenald payments or grouad rents, auY• �.;,_.'
<br /> ,�;,
<br /> Borrower shall pay these obligatIons In the manner provtded in paraIIcaPh 2.or if not pa�d in Wnt manner. Horrower �
<br /> _ `����` shell pay them on tlme direcdy to¢tie person owed paymeat. Bomower shall promptly fumiah to I.ender all andces ��'-
<br /> of amounts to be paid uader this paragraph. If Borrower makes ttiese Payments direcdy. Barrower ahall promptly �,
<br /> �;'�t�
<br />=<� •, � furaish to Leader reoeipts evidencinB the payme�its. �,,���:
<br /> Borrower shull prompdy d{scharge any lien whicu has priority over this SECUrIty Instnunent unlesa Borrower: (a) u_..:••
<br /> ' a a�[rees in wrIting to the payment of the obligation acxured by the lien in a manner accepteble to Lender; (b�contests i`�=_
<br /> _ U go�d faith the Itep by.or defends against enforcement uf the 1[ea in,legat proceedings which in the Lender's opinion ��'_
<br /> ," � ± � operate to preve�►t the enforcement of the lien;or(c) secuc�s from the hoider of ti�� ilen en agrccmcnt sadsf�story ��__^
<br /> to Lxnder subordinating the lien to this Secudry Instiument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property 3s �;,y_
<br /> � � subject to a lien which may attain priority over this Security instrument, L.ender may give Borrower a aotice idmtifyiag ,�,y�,;
<br /> " the iten. Borrower shcill satiafy the Iten or take one or more of the acttons set forth above within 10 dAys of t6c giving ��;;
<br /> - �i of notice. ��--
<br /> ' ' � S. Ha�rd or Property In�uaaat3• AorroWer shell kcep the improvements now existi�g or hereafter ecected on the ��:
<br /> �r..�.-.
<br /> « pro erty insured against loss by fire,ha�ards included withia the tecm "extended coverage" and any other h�zards, ,,;:�
<br /> „ inctudiag floads or floadtnII,for which Lender re9uires insuraace. 'Y7�is insu�ance sliall be maintained in the anwuats f'Z�';
<br /> and for the periods that Leader re�uires. The insurance carrier provtding t�ha insurance shall be chosen by Borro�ver
<br /> � subject to Lender's approval which shall not be unrea5onnbly withheld. If fiorrower fails to maintaGn coverage
<br /> descdbed above. Lender rnay. at Lender's option, obtaia ooverage to protect Lender's righta In the Propeny ixe
<br /> :�.� acoordance with parngrnph 7.
<br /> All insuraase pollcies and mnewals shall be acoeptabte to Lender and s.haii include a atandard ntortgagc clause.
<br /> ,:.
<br /> - _�. �_�� .,._ ....�:.. a.,.� .�,�...,o�a tf tcnder reauires. Borrower shall Dromptly give ta
<br /> .,�- -- - '
<br /> --�-__ _ - - '
<br /> t.euaer snaii RBYC lRC fl�ttt iv iwa� wv r........ ....� .--^..--' " -- .
<br /> .eu
<br /> Lender till receipts of puid prem[umA and renewal nutfcea. Ia the event of loss,Borrower shall give pmmpt aotice to
<br /> � � the insurance cnrcier nnd Lender. L�ender mey make pcoof of loss if aot made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bomower otherwtse agcee in writinQ.insurauce praceeds sh�ll be applied to restoratton or repair
<br /> of the Property dema�ed. if the restoration or repair is economically fea.gible aad Lender's secudry is not lesseaed.
<br /> . .,
<br /> t�iDRf1SxA-Singlc 1'emfiy-UI�OaZP� QdSlRUAAlI�1'
<br /> .. ao.wrn snum,.t� ioan aa►snt Page 2 ot�6
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