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•;�ri:�cs�fi,3 ,��,�a�l s.4.f'.Y,:�ty����ir.Pri-..,, .� • . . . ,,( . <br /> � • <br /> � t, -�- .a ._._ -. _ _ . . _.--_ .. <br /> _ . • � T _ <br /> . • <br /> i i. — c � <br /> c:t.� IY�Y1f���V • ---- <br /> f�v � <br /> . �;�_� -- p�yma�m�y aa Icmgn�be reqnired,�t U►n opdoa of l.cndor,i(mortgaga L�swaooe awr.�age(in tho amouM and fix the peri�d �_._ <br /> - --- Ib�t Londer�equi�s)prwdded by�iasuror�pprov�ed by L.cada�a�ria beaomeaavailaf►lo and i�oirtaiaed,Banovuor shdl p�y _ <br /> ---- -- .tbe premlume royulmdto maiaGiiamoAg,�go iaRUaaoaia etiect,or to provide a las rucrvo,unUl tho repuiremeatfar mor�e �..�,..,.- <br /> =� imwaaoe aade ia accord�ace wltd Any vvriuea agreeraent bdw�eoa Borrow�o�and l.cader or appUc�bla law, <br /> :�� 9. i�apedla�.Leader or ita s�eot m�y m�ka e+c�cawbleeaWo�upon and ta�podloaa oi�6e Property. Leador sh�ll givc �:,,;� <br /> � ;-����� { <br /> � �'; ^�'� �� Barrower aotia at the tlme of or prior to aa ioapcetion specifyiag reasonablo causa ior tha inapecc:lioa. <br /> ., �iea::�<., t P� �c_�;� <br /> �.;�,• "� ,,;,s�,,, 19. Condana�qw�. '1'be proceeds of'aay �w�r�i ur cialm fur dYmwgr.�,Jirr.��i�ascqncntfixl,ics casut�an wi�h any <br /> x! <br /> ^'�`'�'' - aoadamnadonor Mhor o[aa of tho Pro ` �.- <br /> "�•,.. ,: cti,t..�: .__..:W. w... �� Y P� AaKY.or for coavay�aco in Iku of candcmapt�a►,aro hcraby a�ci�ned aad � "�" <br />- - � . .-.� `�-. Rb�M bo p�id to l.aador. �Y,y_�` <br /> . +;;,' ,...,, ' [a the cv�cnt of a tatal takiug of tde PropertY�th�procecdsshsll bc applied to t6c sums accuredby tbis Sccwity Instrument, <br />`r, . r� ,,,;r•. wfiather or aot than due�witL aay oxcess paid to B�owe�.Ia tho evcat of a portial takiag of Ihe P�operry in wbicb the fair �°�� <br /> . �"" ' '.'�i':. ::"�'''�' matkUvaluo of the P�o immediote 6eiore t4a is c ual to ar terthaa thc amount of Ihe sums secu�ed this ___- <br /> ---= ��:.� � P��Y h► ��8 9 Sres� �!' _�,_ <br />- ��—:�; `' �� ... Securjty Iastrumentimmediotelybct'ore t4e takiog,unless Bonowe�aad Lender otherwisc agree ia writia� the sums aecured by ,...- <br /> — '. s�.. -:��� WJs Sccu�ity laatrumcot s�aJl be reduaed roy tho amamt of tbc proceeds anultiplied by the followlqg iradiou: (a)tho tot�l �"�_ <br /> �•_�' :^�:.. �W:.. amouat of the sums seaued'�wun�te�before the takin8.dihded bY(b)the fair mukct valuc of ti�e Pruperty imme.•dtately _ -_ <br /> �.+r-�i �,� _ <br /> _ .•',: � ,�'`' be[arc 16e taki�. Aay�alaac��ll be paid to Borraver.Ia the event o�a partial taking of t6e Praperty in which the fair ,-�.�._ <br /> �,.�,�Z�4 �'��,.•� � , >; �,;.-_- <br />` ��,� � .��'��...,��'�"�'`�:,., muketvalue oi tD�e Property in�za�d'a�to�iybefore the taluag is less thaa tbe amount oI Ihe sums seauediraaediatelybefar�t1e �.,��'�,�,�; <br /> d <br /> - �'��_��` � �& w�s aPP� P�� Pr°�eds �'_..__�_ <br /> :;.:�• �t:.:�:�,'� s,,�'��s'�i�•� uaAess�iurrowerand l�udar dhBr+n�so agree in or wle�c law otherwise the s�ll .•_�R=-�_ <br />" :`'�`::' '-.',:i '•a bti�1ppUed ta�he suma sm.•w'td by th�s�euurity Iastr�eot whet6er ar oot the sums are thea dtie. . �,: <br />-�'":��t�' tif tl�Property is Abuadonedby Bartoa�er.or ii. a�ter ac�tiae bv Lender to Borrow+e�tbat the condemnor�ers to iwkt uo ' �� <br /> �..� � T=. <br />__---- nw*�c1 oc stttle a C!a'sas for damage�96tsoht![� tc�!+Ps(+t+*�t�l Ra+!t3►c4er wi1� ifl da}1a aBer tM dMR�he nn�tice ix Qit+en, _ <br />=��=":r -i�� � „''�'�S". Lesiileris authoriudto coli�ct aad apply t6e procads,At its aptioa.oiilbcrta restorationor rep,�auf lba Prop�rtyor lo tbesiaaas �:;: -v- - <br />_:,•r,. . _. <br /> :_ �. .., .. �,; <br /> o„'' ' �ecured this Inatrument,w6a:u�n�;�or not then due. , <br /> .. , �°... bY ��S' �._ <br /> � ' .�; :''�' Lender end Borrower otherwjse agree ia writing, uny appUcatioa of praxeds w prin�tipal shall not extend or `:,�;;.-� <br /> . �..�. ` ,:r..:.:..Y <br /> pastpone the due date of 14�e woatWY payatents referred to in paragrapbs 1 aad 2 or c6ange t6e amouat of such payments. ,+�,,. <br /> � • , �;�r�.: ; <br /> .i� �• ��. ;, il. Bo�r�oeer Not Released;Forbeara�ce By ixndu NM a Watver. F.�usion af t6e time for payraeator modificatioa :. <br /> '',;`�: of aa�orti'r.qtioaof the sums secured by t6is Seecuuriity Iastruat�ntgranted by Lead�;rto aay successor in interest of BotrawerahaN �4�"".� <br />'`„� � r <br />_:i:�.. • :,,L'.; "� '��, ` aot oPerateta releasethe liabil�ty of the ariginal Borroweror Borrawer's successors in interest.L.eadershall ad be requke,dto -�. _ <br />_,��;:: a � ;_�„. ,, .;,, �.:,. commenceproaedia&s against any succcssor in ioterest or refuse to extend time for paymeat or otherwise modiiy amortizatioa �`" <br />,`�,���:� �.°:;�^,:;••h :"�'° of the suma secured by t6is Security lnstrumeat by reasoa of any demaad made by the original Borrower or BorruwePa i ' ._ <br /> 4 , .., , a u c c e s s a r s i n i n t e r e s t.A a y f o r b e a r a n c e b y l.e u d e r i n e x e�c i s i n g a n y r i g 6 t o r r e m e d y s b�U n o t 6 e a w a i v e r o f a r p re c l u d e t 6 e �` <br />-;',:;e�.:• -� -•�} e.xerdse af uny rigbt or temedy. `�",�"�� <br />...., ---- ,�:�..;;• - <br /> �:; _� M:,, 1!. Su�aus�ors�ad As�lps Bound; Jolst aad Sever�al ldaWltt,� Co-sipers. Tde crnenaats aad agrcemeats of thia ��•����-� <br />"'�•�•i,�� • ' '�"�'``" �"'' Scaurity Nas[eumentshall biad and beaefit the successors aad assi�as af Leadcr aad Borrower, subject to tde provisiuu:, � E--���°_- <br />,.,._,: <br />=;`,1;�";'. ;•.. . ,p a r a�a r a p h 7 7. �a o r r o w e r's c o v e a a n t s a a d a g r e e m e n t s s h a l l b e j o i n t a n d s e v e r a l. A a y B o r r n w e r w h o c o-s i g a s t b i s S e c a a a i•�n .�-" <br /> n <br /> �• . .:�`..:`�`-, 'ItistrumeAtbut dpes n�¢�xecate thc Note: (a)is co-si�ning this Security Instrumentaaly to mortgage,grant aad convey t�at �"�.:.-�_-- <br /> .. �,. ,� ,_; n <br />°��w�5;,; -'•��%�r�;:r""�;: �vnuwe�'s iniereat in iD�F�'ruperty uader t6e terms of t�h+�Security lastrumeat:(�1)i5 A01(IC�S0118IIy ObGgBIC(I[0[lay[IfC 6UAIR : •�+f`��' <br /> ,r�-,•;+ , � accuredQ► tfui�Securi laStrumenhaad�rla thatLendcrandaay-ntherBorrowcrma eetow�tcad,m ` °��,J'���- <br /> FOiI1Cil!OT u <br /> _ r.�t. � .�c,�. y �Y B� Y�* �Y+ ��'•:,- <br />�`�„'��� � wake aa Acaommodatioas wiW re d to t�e terms oi Wis Securaaer tu�„►ument or the Note without that Borrower's conae��t. `�'�"" <br /> ;::4. •��1.., y B� . ...��K's <br />=H. � ..�� 13. I.oan C6arees. If the loan secured by this Security lastrumantis subjecl to a law which sets maxia4um lonn charges, •..� ;�: <br /> , ,,,_ ,_ <br /> '�-. � .vusy�:,� . �< � a�u0 tfiat law is fmally interpretcdso that the wterest or other loan c6argcs collccied or to be coUected ia cua�ctioa with the �,i�.=" <br /> '"""� , 8�ran exceed the permittedlimits, Wen:(a)any such loaa cbarge shall be reducedby the amount aecessary tu Q�edwce We charge �F•,...�._.-_. <br />=��'`y;' ' . '.` to the penaittedlimit; aad(b)any sums nlready collected from Borrower whic6 exceeded permittedlimits wlli br refint�ded to -'�°-'° <br /> „'•,• " .r,w;.: <br /> `�" `'• � 'r" ` " '• Borrower. Linder ma choose to melce this refuad b reducin the , tinci al owed under the Note or m A dov�ct <br /> -;,:::, , . <br /> .:�. nv�:�,sw��:� • Y Y S p P �Y akinB , <br /> �S ��"`� ' paymcnt to Borcower. If a refw�d reduccs prinapal, thc reductior+ will be trcated as a partial prepaymeat without aay <br /> "';i'�. �.r. �' ., � __ . ' <br /> �t i. tif"' QC:S' . --._-� <br /> { �� s�.�!..�. .n.;. , prepayment cLarge undet the Note. ��'' , ,�.�,` <br />,�;�f�!�,.: '' 4��_ � 11. Nottoea.Any noti��c to Borrowerprovided for in this Securiq•lastrumentshall bc�ven by deliverin�it or by mailiag <br /> ;��;+E?:r` ���rt+�f�i�'�� it by fust class mail wiless applicable law requires use of aaother met�hod.7'he notice shaU be d'uected to the E'roperty Address .,j•'! <br /> .,�.�,f , • � . . <br /> •e••>� � or aay other Address[3orrower desigaates by noticc to Ixader. An;� notice to Lender shall he g'rvea by first class m:�Jl �o <br /> __ y-..� <br />-`�;';';\`� ��:P.... ..:..,�� Lender'a ad�r•��stated herein or any other addresc Lender design�aes hy notice to Borrower.Any notice prcrmded for in t� I..- :- _ <br /> , ' � ° +c° Security Iawument ahall be deemed to have beca g�iven to Borrowcr or Lender wheo given as provided'w this paragraph. <br /> . '.�A�r � iS. Goveniog I.p�; SeverA6ility. This Security Instrumeat sbal! be governcd by fcderal law and the law oi the <br /> , �.�r�►' jurisdiction iu w6ic6 the Property is located.ln the evcnf z3�at aay �provision ur dausc of this Security[ostrumentor the Note <br /> . �:. ,; ��,.� cantltcts with applicable law,such contlict shel!not afFect oVl�er provisions of this Security lastrumeotor tbe Note w6ich can be �� <br /> , , Y given eFt'eci without the conflicting provision.To thi.�end the prm�sions of this Security Instrumentand the Nate are declared k :,. <br /> ,.�r r�,�,��;..•: ;c.1. ;.. tobe severable. E.:.; , <br /> ' �,� . N,.. 1 6. B o�r o N e r's Copy. Sorrowars ha l l b e given one cnn furme drnpy o f t h e Note an d o f t h i s Security Instrument. '� ' � <br /> ,�t, n _ - =� Fam 3028 9l90 �1�F <br /> (,•. • � ' '�t''' �-6R(NIE)is�a�� v�w s a� �nnw./Y�l.,r�� , <br /> c t � �- �J• <br /> .� , E�- � �i���tf{��r� �t <br /> � . r `.i:tj . <br /> �W I�. ' �tt�y R��,�J� � y/X��,j,}�^,� � e.�� ... .. .... . ....� ��:��... ' •;5„ a .4':'�'�ve A1iK•�;i��' � ,j�.r'�� �•�..1�,:.•.t�11;Si1't..���� <br /> � •� ���\ _ \ .�li � r%f1,����-���'�a . � �+� . . . 1 � 4 •Fr...,..�. �f Ij•;, ��� K <br /> �� � � � ,I .' �'�� �ifi ' - - �1. , �� . , 1. , .. ��,` . . <br /> �'. F ; • �t .. ' ������;;\. 'JJ rt���7' . ' � - "t} . � •�l. _ . .� . ,�� _ � - � . <br />►.11�� � `i!�1��: ���.t 1�!; ' • ' . ' �i�' I,• • , ;1'. <br /> k ..i_• . � r. . <br /> e �'-;5 � '. ' ' - . I� . . � _ �.1: � .. - 1.'. <br /> - �.x:� . _ . . � - � � . '.�''. , <br /> � � - t�.rl,,, ' � , . -i . , - � .� <br /> f '� u ��t4 <br /> �• . <br /> , �# : .1� .� , . <br /> � f' .. ' . a � � • <br /> . �. . - � .� . . . - <br /> • �,. � .� � . . ... . <br /> � � �� <br /> � • w;� . <br />. - !Y�.�.- . 'rki • . ' ' _ <br /> � . . ' ' ' � <br /> . . .� <br /> ..� ' ' <br /> + �� .� <br /> � • _ _ '__-___ — _ ____ __-__ _`___ ___ _� _ _ __ _____-_ 1 _ <br />