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i i�y'���.. . � ,s;+y�, N��`,�'q'� "�T�,¢`; 'r•}� � ..-. . .. : , . , i. .{: _ ._ — <br /> „ :�s .�„ ..- '��c �i <br /> .�f . . �,,... .:_.. �!¢r.��r . .. <br /> .. � . }..}n����Li 7'.4,r - . <br /> �� z. 'flk� L J�L� . <br /> . .�I':Z" �l . .. _.""" <br /> �• i��=.-.:_..���_ ___'- <br /> -+� . . �� ,.:'`�11� • � • ' � -�:.-F'.�.-._ _ <br /> r .i � � � ..�,:��C�� � ' ' �� ��� �.ci*i._-'�°_ <br /> � 'J"i.�'' �:�-.?�-�_. <br /> _ — , �, 17. 7�we�ller d'tM P�+a�aty or�Ra�clldd I�taro�t ia Bar�c�er. lf�II or any p�n af tha Amptkyiq��it►y�ntertst ia it _4` _ <br /> _� ix sald ar Iraa�l'orrad(or if a liaac�idal iatcrest ia lbrmw�ri4 sald or trnnstorredwnd liarrowo�i�nd a aMural�eruia�w�thnut � ,�a � <br /> _ _.Yj ,.-T._.__ i�uda�'s p�i�ot w�Sli,.p c�ut�ut, �w:��d�r�aay, +�t its optiaa, rc�qui�e immodi��o psymca�in fuU uf�i)buwa e.x:w�..Ly thi► t,:,,,e .„;.A,i ,,•-�; <br /> tastru•a►ea�Howavor,tbi�optioa slull aa bo oxordc�ci by LoAderif a�e�e 4 pro6ibited by fadcral4w as oi the data �.�---- <br /> � '�l y� � �ecari�`-Instrumaat. �.°,T—"= <br /> Y M` n�.i�~ ___� <br /> � �.•��•�. 'I �,�-��'..��e... <br /> ti � .. v-�.�;. , . If l.oudar c�oerdses this oplion,Lcadarshallgive Borrower�dlce af aooekration.The natia shaq�rovldo a petiad ut aot w._- _ <br /> ' ' leas tdan 30 dayt from tbe date tbe qotico i�daliv�eted or m�iled witbin wbicb Borrower must pyy all sums securcd by this �',:�.�„F,.�-� <br /> -- - ,,:.�_.��, Security lnstrumcnt.lf Borruworfoila topwy Ihesssums prior to tkacxpiratiouoF t6i�p c r i o d.I.eador�a�y iawko aoy remedies r,�.r�------- <br /> ;;�����{r.�{;_•. :�. <br /> '�1"c:::... � �.,,_ :.v: � P��tted try thia Security Instrument wljthout fYuthe�aotja o�deawnd on Bomov�rcr. „-°,y'1��,_: <br /> — :-°_ � �:-..-�---, 18. Baira�'� to Re1a�tAte. If Bonower meets oeriain conditions, Barroaw sholl 6nvc the r�ht ta hnvs <br /> • • �`� {t, `''�� ,� eaforcemeat of t6�s S�eau�ty Instrwaaat diiecoatinued at aa �lma prior to the earlier of: a S da or such a1Mcr od as '`'�";`��"; <br /> '�' ��'� ,'�'` ,:��'�.:. Y � ) YS( p� •.� � .:• <br /> _ : , � , . - appUcable laa may specity for reiaatatamcat)before salo of t6c Property Pursuant 1a any powe�of salo coataiaed in thia :��,:;' <br /> - � Sccurity lastrumeat•,or(�)catry of a judganeat enforcing thic Sccudty lastrument.7�oeo coaditions ara tbat Barrowor:(a1 M�y.c •:;.1;,..•. ' <br /> _ , <br /> -= � . . .; 1.ender aU sums�rhich tl�en woWd be due uoder tlus Secwity InslnunWtau�1�Noce a►s ii no aoceb�daah�d oaurred;(b) `'`'°;>,. <br />��_�"� ' �= cures aoy defaiudt oi aay otbor covoaaats or ag�ree��ts:(cI P� dl ex�eaxes iac�rred in ed'ordng lhis Security IaelrumcM. .•. .; ,��y' <br /> .,�r • �a ioci�b�t oot timited to,reasoaableattcx�aeya fiees:w�d(d�t�lccs we1M�diaa rns 4.eudec�y rea6oaably require ta assuro `.'�.,,�,.�",�!s ib:- <br /> �".`�°%,�•:�:�. _ � . � � tbat thc ' o d'I16cs Sccurity[a�umeat,l.e�dec's uo 1lde Propertyand Bom�ePs to pey the sums securedby =��,A��"`: <br /> �?�f��' � . . - t�is Securitp Iastrumeat thaU coatiaue u�ach�a�ll�oa reinstatement by Bo�rvprc.�r��Seeurity lnslrument aad tha '�`��'="""` <br /> '. 001 <br /> o6liptious sccuredhereby shaU remain fi�My cffoati�va�s�iff ao Acceleraliondad occurred.Hlowcver,tdis right to reinstateahall .;���s���� <br />_�*j`'�.� - _ __ � •t�° not applyio tMe case of s►�xleratioo under G�r�gr�lh 1�. '��:�"�"'`t''''���;. <br /> . ; :::r.�d�`,� <br /> _ . :. ,��� �,•: -, l9 Swlo d'Na+Dei �*� at I.on ���: TA�e Note or A pnrtia)iaterest in t6e Note(togetker with this Security , .Y+c,�� <br /> lastrumeat)may 6�:sald awo or mwe timcs wi3@+aut priar motice fo Bonowcr.A sa0e imiaX resu�ia a ehaage ia tbe eality(kaown �; �.'.,,,,���-��; <br /> ,r'�` v act6c'L.oan Servrcer')lhata�swoatblYPa3nneatsdiwcu�aderthe Noteaud�YisSec�oritylostn�naea�7Leroalsomaybeane . .-II`�- <br /> °"'- � "^<;;,, w marecbAOgeso!the LaanS��tvio;r unrelatedto a sale of the Notc.If lt�ereis acY�L AF tbc LAan Servi�r�Bor�owerwill be ,�„`.��� _ <br /> ;�:;�;«.::.�,����-°- g,��en wnaea aauce of�Le cLange;n an;urduacrwiih pad:,graph I4 abo�aaaci app�• fi�c iair.`it�c noticc will staee tbe namc and , tif�t ''L.,. <br /> i ��.�;;��:,i�t,+r;°; .• address�f t6e aew Loaa Servicer and the:�&ta�ess to w11�cb pny�aeats s�iriauld be an�de.T�:aotioe wiU dso wntain aay otber ^n <br /> • ,.��,�,�" ,,,�; ' ioformatioo recya�ir�-c]by applicable law. •,'. <br /> ,`E.'' ��f ,�':•; .,1.�'r <br /> , „ ,� � ;��,�,�' ''��`� 20. H�ardoas Sobsbwces.Borrower s�i�NG a���caeewe,or permit I6e preseace,use, d�spo�al, starage,or release of any - . -_ <br /> . ,.°�sY�sj;�" •�`,. �ucardousSubstances on or io Wc Property. ���v shall nd do, nor allow aa�ooe else 4a da, any�u�a�fl'ecting t6e " ,.1,, <br /> � � �"t�u`�;j�'s� .� Property that is in riolation of aay Eoviroamemta�l.nw. �Thr precediagtwo seatear.c,ssb�Jl no1 y to t�e presrnce,use. or • � <br /> �b � storage oa the Property of smal)quantities of I�Aa�a���asSubstaaces that are geaenUy ' R�be appropriatcto aormal �__=__ <br />_ ' '�:.: ���'��°` residen[ial uses aad to meiateaaace of thc Po�a�p��y. ..'"PF`�``:- ._ . <br /> • " . • - - �`'. Bonower sbaU promptlY give Leader wr�u�t c�nfltice of any b►vestigation,daim� demaad,G��wsuit or ather adioa by any �..� s��'-. <br /> - ._ .f..: .:`,'' Bovernmentalor regulatory ageacy or private p�aPdv imvalviag the Property and any HazardousSubstaaceor ,'`'z�•. ' <br /> �, ...��r:_ <br /> . ��� ;,.,;�• oi w6fc6 Borrower has aat�l knowledge.If Ba�rroaer la::uas,or is ndified by any�a�vernanental or regulatory autbori �tbat �ti���,�;_ <br /> :�;,:,- <br /> '��. -�• •�iS�� � aayremovalorotherremedlationofanyHazsua��asSui�aaae�atfediagthePropertr�saaces�cary,Borrowershallprom ytake ,.�•,. <br /> � .�,� , ,_.�� an necessary remedial actioas ia accordaace winR�IEn«r�nnmental law. ��`�'.�, <br /> ����:-- — As used ia diispara�apb?A,:Huur�a,Sar�alua�a.�ra �a tho,�auS,sib.wzs defu�d as t� ar hazardoussnbstanccs by �',�:`'�'.;i. <br /> ,.;;�•�,� • � EnvironmeataR I.a��aad the foQowuig subsQa�nces: g�.�a►�cne, k�ror,tan;, .�ther flamma�le or to�dc petrdeum praducts, toxic � <br /> '��� -� �- - sticidesaacll�ccMK,icles,voletile solven rr�a4•eria'JscoraAUenin ashestosorforroaldeh de andradioactivematerials.Asusedin °e'"'OOf�"�'� <br /> - :� ' .' :, trhC's panr,ra�?1Ji, '�nviranmental Lav�meu�a federaC DaRS and laws of Ihe jurisdirctioo where the Property is locatcd that ��r- <br /> I _ _ 2�---: .. . rel�ez 2o bc safety or environmental protectioa. ��`� <br /> � :YON•UNIFURMCUVL�NAN'fS.Borrow�randLend�rturthcrcovennat and agreeas ioUows: !'",�`"'e,,,�, <br /> f •., -' � 21. Aocelerntloa; Remedles.Leader sCxa)1 give aoUa te Bomowe� prlor to acoekrnHon k�owiog Borrow+e�'s bres�c6 <br /> of any covenpnt or eg�eemeat ia tbls�x.rlty lostromeot (bnt not prlor tu aocekrado�wider pwrn�pb l7 unkss .ns.�ri�s��;°iav, <br /> . . Ppl pr peclf'y: (a)the defwul� (b)the acttoo »"=��� <br /> •�, :. . a Icable law ovides ot6e�wlae).71�e ao7lce shall s rea�mlred to cnre the default; ��." <br /> . �:!�.; ���� (c)a date,not less t6aw 30 da;vs 1Fom the date t6e oudce Is given to Borro�er, by w6k6 the defouk mnst 6e cund; wod �,.� ;�::�;:�:,`'� <br /> �� . � ,., .._:�, <br /> .,�,_ ��� (d)t�aat fsdlure tn eure tbe dleY��u�1 on or betore the dnte specllled io fhe ao!!ce a�a y nesult in acceleradon ot t6e sums �'';''��'..��'-�� <br /> sccored � WIs Scxuri le�str�aen!�nd sWe of Ihe Pro 71�e aotice shWl turther lofora� Borro�er ot the t to ��"'�� — <br /> y xur t�' Pcrq'- ''�' �:�_:.i:.."� <br /> 'J��1�+'' c " rdostate aQter�a�nekraqon au�1 �t6e rl t to brldg A conrt AcUon to a.9sert t6e noa�ezisteaae ot a detrult or ao oWer ' °- <br /> ,,,„ �� r u gh y .. - s� <br /> J ` '� deteose ot Borran+er to accelerntbo aad s,�3e. If We det�dt is a�N carxd ou or before the datr specilled in We aoda, . _';, <br /> (, ' �.(r:a . '� 'y'. <br /> � ,���.<, , �`.,.1 leoder, at its u�2io�, may require im�uer11:�2m pay�aent In full of alc tiums secured by Wls Secwity Inedumeot wlthout i <br /> •��. `r.)1,:; �.��..:.r.,�,; iw�ther demand and may Iovoke the power�Q sale aad aoy otder remedles permltted by ApplicAWe law l.euder shW16e � <br /> �,{ti"+�1� � f'' " �;:;.;:' e�titkd to cdlect all expeoses iocurred W p�7rsuing We raaedies provlded ia t6is parx�r�p6 Zl, lad�iR�,brt aot Y�aited <br /> tt •f,{����'; ;�,i°fi��� �:�•.�'� � RQ rrusonwWe+�ttoraeys�r��a�os�otia�e�a�o�. �t�'^-.=:�r:�. <br /> ;�'5::: ,.,�?�;:; ;: ��(�' , It t6e po�wer ot swle Is invoked, To�wstae shall record a notice of deiault in eac6 counly in v�iicr pmy' p�rt ot t6e �''"`--��" <br /> �Y 6 �T=iRI�Z.'1�� <br /> ..��' ,,'.,.'�.tj., -41 � .N.�1�^.-"':: <br /> .�t,;�'�,,:.. . i{•��,�•:..:•,ti Prope�ty Is located and shall mafl copi��►r'such notice In We maacer prescribed by appNcable la�to 0oarro�er and to • <br /> ' �'..+>r�i+:i�i-;S�,1L:,%; tk Mher�ersons pt�Cri6ed by applirabCe law. Mr�the tlme �quired by appllc�ble law, TrusR�r sY�ll gi�r pubtic eotice �. ''.= -_M- <br /> , •�.x''>�5'�4� .�.t-: p�'� Y PP i�Y`. <br /> . ..•sL.. .:. .'�',.:�,,,� of sAle to We persons swd!n t�re maaner bed b a Ilca6k law. 7�ustee,witbout dem�wd oo Borra�er� s6AU seU ,11Nf;yn;�._. <br /> . ;'�, � U{C PI�O�lM�y A�p11W�C AUCIIOIO'I�o We hiR6est btdder at the tloe n�d plwce and�ea�Abe terms desipwted iw RAe notice of �'���� <br /> w,.i!.. . ;��-� <br /> ,� •°�: . �le in o�or mo�+e pnrcels aad lo Aay order 7Yustee det�a�si�es. 7�astee aiuv pctw'IpOOC SaIB Ot QII o�any panuel ot the j .�; �,f'�`�u:. <br /> � �, ...,.�.. <br /> Property by puWic nnoouncemeal At We liu�e+wd plaa ai ooy p�rvilaw..l�t�v]uJed s�le. Leuder or ita derl�,oee m�y ','�`°'.f. - <br /> � . ,�;� ,�„ pw+cW�se the Prape�iy at ay�sWle. ��'c�'ii.;' <br /> ''. ;, • .� _ � . �'' ;);���( <br /> ._, � �� � �:.�.� , <br /> �,. .. . . <br /> ;�;,�!:�;^• . . • Y' ioaa 902Y 9I80 � <br /> +�t.. . ,`:+� �-QitINE)roioci vw.aoie � <br /> ' I,'����.�., `.J.' ''�'� .7�` �,` .`.:5� • MYY:�J.f� � ' � . <br /> . �Yr�).��• •.�� <br /> ' i ..�;�.: .t, ;, <br /> �•4 ;'}�'., <br /> '`�} ��':�F.;',: .��,t�;4�`T(^~"","'^�1. , . . , , . , •'�,;��:.,s� �,• '�i: . .,'.n,a;:..� , ' . , <br /> j� • '.t)j:if.��. `,�1�{l. , 'r•f:. �:l� . ' ;. , � , <br /> s�� • Y '1':"t�? �� ,:;!; '�.., . .. , ' .� , , _ ' . <br /> "�'. �,. , '.i�.�::r,:_ • : �.,,`.' � <br /> . `�1S�t�1,�. ,:r � r;� '` •,.•���•��; . <br /> ' �. S��At' � , <br /> . ; ; ;1�. ' `1.�;'-_.:j; • . • <br /> . `-� .n•ir�.;,� <br /> . t •�fjY.�`� . -- •tfr�_ � - _ • <br /> j.'. S ' - �'� . <br /> , i� .;- , <br /> i�� , <br /> ' r ' <br /> i V� <br /> � � <br /> ? <br /> � .. <br /> � �N . . ��J. �` <br /> 1 <br /> I � � � ' <br /> �' . - <br /> � � <br /> � � <br /> ' �. 1 <br /> 1. ' . � _. .. . _"__ "_ _ . __ "" __ .—_""_".__ "" _"_ _—_"___ � . .. <br />