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viJ(Y! ' 1_I-�NIY(` ��i� ���..�...�:�rt • , i /l. .� <br />---- ;fd:.. ti,+,�- . � , 4 •. - ... <br /> ��. � . _ �;:,,;a o� ' �dilqu�'� .. i. <br /> -- ,� �� �' �• ' . _- . f� ��'. ir.- <br /> .v� 4, ��.1J, /: 't 9 <br /> � �,t•Fa4�b�v �.sn,:r� e. _ <br /> _,:�` �; .. . � � . � . 193� .�i�s -=- - <br /> •�.�.. �,''.. `Y . . �.�c;�- <br /> '� d. 11�an1 or Propwly Iwu�ae. Borrower sh81 keep tbe improvomonu now oxicllag or hereaRer erected oa tbe �F fi„e,- <br /> ..��Nr,"� �, Property io:ured�inzt Iw�s by tfre,bazards iarluded wichin�bo tcrm"o�taadcd cuvo��ga' and aay dher ha�rdr,iocluding � <br /> . --�=-�".� Aonds or fioodin� for whicb Loadorrc�luiresinawonx.Tluk ioaurance�6�i1 bo mwinuinedtn the amuuata.ed tnr rM n�� _- <br /> - n,y�;; ..-;�s,t.;�'' tb�t I.euder n:quirea Tbo ia�uranoo c�rrier provldi�g tb ia:uraace s6a11 bo cbo:oa by Barawor subject ta l.euder•s approval �—�- <br /> ' ' whic6 chall not ba uare�soa�blya►hhheld if Borrm�eriailc to maintain cavoraga descrlbed abava,l.eader m�y, at t.oader� <br /> ;,��°.�� ., � .;: >::�:^�'�'� opt�oa,abtaia coverage to protect L.eadoPs r�ghta in t6e Property fa ncrord�nco wlib pa�s�apb 7. =- <br /> .• ',f ,. �::� <br /> ' Y AII �IliUiiI10E(1DIICIE�i AAd f00CWAI8 SItYII I)0 iCOCpIHbIC(A I.OIIfIC�All(I SMAII IACIUdB d SlAll�d R10�1gOBC CIflWSO. I.endar �-,�--- <br /> - : .�-a+!`�`�!'��"���;�, sball bavo tba right ta hold tho polides and reaew►�s.if Leader rcqul�cs,BonaworahuU promPtly� to Leadera0�ecaipts of �- <br /> �3- -_ °-~,;;.� peid promiurasaad ranawal aotices.Ia tde event ot Ioss,Bonowar ahaU give prompt aotfce to the iasursuice carrie�aad l.endet. 'r •� <br /> �, ; . . �_�� <br /> -- � ..�•.:... .' � .. Laader n�ay maka proof of loss if not mado prompQY bY Borrower. _-_ <br /> Ualesxl.eaderaadBorrowerotharwise agreein writing, iasuraaceprocecdssdall be appNedtorestoratioaor repairof the `"`', <br /> '��.���_ �',h � �. �'�;�.. .. ,; Property damaged�if tl�o�wnitionar rapair i�ecoaomically feasiWe aad Lnador's security is not Icsscacd.lf the restoradonor �°`�, <br /> �.�., <br /> ��:�-:=. <br /> �.-$.;�;.�. =' '�,: rapair is not ecaaomicary feas�7►le or Lc�der's security would bc ksseaed,the iasuraacs procecds s6a11 be applied to the swaas ,,:.::-.._ <br /> ��- :, 4 i� secured by Wis Security Instruoaent,a��tber or not then due,wilh aay excess paid to Borr�wer.lf Borrower aband��as tl�e <br /> �`� .��:� :- _ . Property,or does oot�aswe�vrilh�a�ib a�}.�A a�.�aa Gom I.eoder that tbe insuraacc carrier has c�6'iercd to seqle a claim.then <br />,��ee . � � Leader aaay cdled tbe iosurauce pracecds. Lenide�r u,�y use the prorxcds to rep�ir or restae tQMr Prog►e�y 4x to pay e�ws _ 'r.°-µ`== <br /> ,' �, .� � � secured bk thix Security Instrumeat,wheth�r or a�ot th�a due.Tbe 30-day period wiU beg�a a�,c'Ii�e3C pOClCY iti�f��p. �' <br /> , .�"' ,;.�'a;`, Uo1c�s ILeader aad BoROwcr atherwis�.Agree ia wrltinB+ t�oy aPpGcadon of procxeds t�o priacipal shAll not erzend�r ���,`�._ <br />__.:•;:�,'�;` � - . ,. <„„ <br /> . ,�.. . • � i�?:.,:�,. <br /> 1ti;Sb,.,r;" '. .'j:�< ...�,. st ne the due date of the moa nymeats referred to ia Q a hs 1 and 2 or chAw e the amouat of the euts. i! ��..:_�`�. <br /> ' '�!� �• ��d ��t:w,• Po W �Y P Pa�P g Paf'°� It,• - <br /> ��..'�t� r E■:�' uqder ParagraPh2i We Propertyis acguired by Leader,Borrowcr's right to anp iasuraace policks and praxedsresultiog from <,;•.:_�.„_ <br /> ��.���;'t``,;" � f.•,r.?�:i��� damageto the ProPertYPniar to th�a¢guisidon s6aU p�ct to l.enderto the eateat of t�c swas cecuredby thi�s Seeurky lostrumeat �:< '.- _ <br /> � - �,•, F :_. <br /> - " ���►�s_}:;kt ,>�;::�+.�g: imme3iateiy prior w the ucguisiGua. ;-� <br /> ' � t,l f;•f: , '.-, <br /> y..�,,,�,����', ���{:�� (, Uo�apx�ry, P++era�vatlaa,Malateotwce asd Pratocdoa ot t4e Nropert�, Borrowe�'s I.ona AppUcatlaoi I.a�eLold�. <br /> �;�:,� �•i,� � � vt . Uoea . <br /> ',<. �r; , �+� a. +�Y Borrowersl�all occu establish,and use the Propertyas Bonower's priacipal residencewithia sixty days aftertheezecution oi �M1-•"'- <br /> .'��� �.,� ti� :_ PY. ,:� <br /> " ��' �,;�!?!; '����� this Securi Instrumentandaball ooatinuetu occupy We Pro as Borrowet's riaci al residenafor al least one ear after �''�" <br /> <4(% � " �Y PertY P P Y� <br /> `. .�1,�� , �z.,^: '.: the date of occupaacy. ualess L.enderMherwlvc n�rees in writing, whicb coatient shaU qot be unreasonablywit6held,or unless j S1T <br />.:�.r;_��y� !' " �� ,�, exteauat' circumstances exist which are be nd Botrower's coaual. Burrower shall aot destroy. damage or impair t6e �?�.:_° <br /> .�:-�?s.�"•� �,. �B !�° <br />��5�:;:�.� ? �n�"�`�''�•' "• Property, uUow t6c Property to deteriorate,ar commit wastc on the Property.Horrower shall be in default if any farfeitwe ��:�� <br /> ,f��:sd,�- � tY.,: .._. <br /> ' '�''''r'���{��:�r�f adioo or proceediag,whether civil or criminal� is begun that in 1,ender's good faiih judgmeat could result ia fo�ieiture of the �;�A:-.:, <br /> �•' � 'r,<�t�� Property or otherwise matcrially impeir the Gen createdby this Security lastrumentor Lender's security iaterest.Borrower may <br />,. '�S�=�:,f ';��}:v,.,. <br /> • t;; �; cure sucb a default aad reinstate,as ptovided ia paragraph l8� by wusiag thc actBan or proceedingto be dismissed with a ruling �.�yr <br /> � � ''`�'`�' `�` t6at,in l.ender's good faith determinatiaa.precludes forfeiture at the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material • ��"' <br /> : F g:.r Y; <br /> , ;-,:;:,;.�..��i{. ,:,. <br />�'- •�Q,i,�.•i'�s:�"' .��:7.:'°';;; impairmentof We lien createdby this Security lmtrumentor Lender's security interesa.8arrowershail�lw Lc u�3efauh if -- - <br />� �'�r��+'�`�X''��� ��`''���• Borrower.during the loan appGcati�n process,gavc rnaterially false or iaaccurateinformasaon or statementsto I.eader(or faited ..�� <br /> , '(S.�y, <br /> ., r�F._:I;, .�' .1,,,;� zr�- <br /> ' ''.,,�.... .,,; � ,. . to provlde i.eaderwith any materialinformation)ia wanecdaawitb the loan evidenc�dby tbe Nate,includiag, but aot Umited <br /> � !•����:��` =t��, �o,represeatat�onsroaceming Bonower's occupancy oF the Property as a pri�ipal residence.If tl�is Security lastrumentis on a __�.ti;:�: <br /> ,;,.�..��,. �,:.�...., :.-- <br /> " ,i: • ',��,. ..� feasebold, iiorrower s�ala comply witb all the provisions ui the lease. If Aurrower uryuirra fw tt[le tc� che Praperty, the �j�,,,.:;,,.�-. <br /> 1 <br /> ,�` ��', �'��,I�1,�,�''•Y S�. , i't) : <br /> �.'.S�� � �-�,. leasedold and tha ke titic shall not mer e unless Leadcr ees to the mer r in writ ��.'.<<_•. <br /> �:.�. ,�:t �'{�`%�,Y���..• ' i 7. Protectloa of Lender's W¢6ts io t6e Property.If Barrowerfails t parforn�the menantsand agreemen4scontain�din R;''-- <br /> ...._.�;,•. ��:� � . ., ., ' W 6 <br /> �'���' �`r�' ' tlus Securi Instrumenl,or there is a le al oceedin Ihat ma si Jcand aitecl Lender's r ts in the Pro suc6 as a <br /> ,�s'�:S'� �:;� � �Y 8 Pr 8 Y 8� Y � I�nY� <br /> �, y. !',,;•r:. proceedingiu bankruptcy,probate,for coademnationor forfeiture or to enforce faws or regulatioas),then I.ender may do and - �'�`-� <br /> � . . �,,i� �•• <br /> , � '��,�,�!�� ,..,i,:g pay for w hatcver is aecessary to protect t b e va lue o i t 6 e Property an d l.ea d�r's rig h t s ia t be Propc r ty. L e a d e r's a c t i o n s m a y �;;11__,T.. <br /> v •:� - k..:.. ,t'.��, '1 .`�.'�,". <br /> ,�:a; .;�„ include paying any aums secured by a Gen which has priority over this Sccuriry Instrument,appearing in court, payiag <br /> ''�' ��� '�'i� `^' j reasonableattorneya'fees t►ad eatering oa the P�operty to makc repairs.Altboubh Lender may tuke xtion under this paragrapb ,� • • <br /> f=- ;��rl�`,��+"`i�J�., �b:. 7,�ader dces aot have to da sn. '°��ws.y <br /> i . ' 1�$�', �l . � :, .z r <br /> 4, � ,�,,;,h���*y,•-.r� ,, Any amowNs di.�wrsed by L.endcr under this �aragraph 7 shall hecome additioaal debt of Borrower secured by this •+,'f.�.:'"� <br /> ' �y,,,��y�, •-� �,;�'a: �, Security lastrumeot.l'�less Borrower end L.ender aw�rrr ta uther terms of pay�m�ns,these amouats shall hear intcrest from the "�:;,,� '�`• <br /> %;i�:;;. i'•'",�� , date of dLsburscment at the Note rate and shAll be payahle, with intcrest, upon nolice from Lender to Borrower rcqiarsting ;��;����'' <br /> ',�.:.. • �. payment. �� �S i;� <br /> ' `�',' '•' a 8. Mort�►�e Inauranee.lf LenJ�rrequiredmurtgageintiurunccas a cunditionof makingthe loan securedby tttis Securiry �,,,T_r <br /> � fi�" . �r,.`^���' <br /> �°�• • '- '�'��:'�'- • '� lastrument,Borrower shal] tbe �miums re uiredto ms�intain the mortgaec insurance in effect. If, for an rcason,the �;;,;_'•_'-'" <br /> . ��•,,r� „ ,. . :�„ � n� paY Pr' 9 Y �.�, .._ <br /> ,;Y�F�� • mortgageiasuraacecoveragerequuedby Lenderlapusor ccasesto Ix in ef4ect, Borrowershull pay lhe premiumstequiredto !�''"'�- <br /> -� ,rl1'"":,,o. <br /> , t��y.?3'�y�.�;� .,;, .,r., obtain coverage substontially equi�raleat w th�mortgage insuraace previously in c Ffect,at a cost substantially equivaleot to the �t1";���•_ <br /> •. , . � '' �?+•�• :' cost to Bnrrower of the mortgage u�surancc previously in cffcct, From an alternate mortgagc insurer approved by I.eadcr. If ;�)� <br /> . �:� , ., ��'„�;�`i�,• <br /> " ;�{t, '''�: �� '�'?"�.';:•,;'' substantially equivalent mortgage iasurance covcragc is not availahlc�Borrowcr shall pay to lxnder euch month a sum cqual to �Z1,,. , <br /> .;;rt!?��,•.:�: .-,;;. ,.� one-twelfth of the ywrly mortgagc insurancc prcmium bcing paiJ by $orr�«cr�vhen thc insurancc covcragc Inpsed or�:eased ta ` � <br /> , ;�,;�;f.. ., ...:,;'.r be in eff'ect.L.enderwiil acoept,use and retaiathese payroentsas u loss r��en�e in li�u of murtgage insurancc. I.oss reserve ���1,;'�. <br /> '_i f� y:;�f}::- . �.; :�� . , <br /> fwm 3028 a19C n <br /> .'��3� e,;:k�t:: '',,4;� . <br /> �•'r��?, . . �� , • ., ;��i15 � . <br /> '� '�y�� 4�,�1'� �,�;� )rt� �6R�WF.)�eioei ww�o�s w�.w:� i � <br /> "�:i' ��. � .. <br /> i�:., • ;:N? : ,�f;�r ) <br /> ;� � i,,'• ',,�'(: r <br /> ;}i':'. .:t�;i f.'� . - ... • �� <br /> ie���f�4 ��."yi;'�:.� . . .. <br /> �'1{?���t�,'�I.,� it�,k1�:��y,���;rt- .i:,.l;'djy`��y����r.........�.-�,..............,......... . .... �, , . ... . . . 'i•Tr•lf� . . . � . . .f;4r_ . <br /> �l�'1 5 ��I'��7•�4 _�ti� AJ� ' � - r-� � � . . <br /> �' 1���1j( 5 � � . ' 1� ' , ' <br /> •1��.=r,��'���. r'!`r 1 ������ _1 n _ . • 1 • - .• . <br /> ''I • �' ' !,�)����':i'. � • , , �'� , <br /> S�l;r.•1�:• ¢...�.i�'�. .r,i:-:_ <br /> �-1' ;����-a=--- -. -. . .._.. <br /> ' � ���7� , , . <br /> . ,. �l . . , . <br /> , f�� . . . . . <br /> :.� {;��� , � <br /> ,n <br /> ��.ir <br /> . . , �d9. . <br /> ; '' , •%� ' ' <br /> � • ' � <br /> f . _�.-- --- - -- 1 <br />