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� ���!'�;f� ,/r r ..a �•���y�}a. �L�.� , ..:;;'i�. I` �P`:4 . , •f� ;fi rr;���r� F�- <br /> rk»-' :.+-. � ' ,l�I u�{, � -- <br /> ,y, l. -d4a_.}-� I �� / ' _ <br /> .� . .r� ;,,, ��`.„,. . <br /> . <br /> _ �. ,,, - <br /> .. - <br /> �,S . • � � <br /> .�t.. .�:�� 93_so�� _ __-- <br /> '�— Y- --`',� Tq(3ET({g(M/IT'H aU t�e improvcmantanaw or ha�oafterc�ccteda►t6c property,and all cascmcnts,appurtanences,aad — <br /> _����,��„� <br /> - tixturec aow or dcrcafter a put of tba prapony. AU �oplaceme�nts�cd additioas ehaU alao ba cavercd by thi� Securky �-__-�`�-_ <br /> _ .- _ - � j � Ioctrunaen�All of tbo foregdag ir reterred ta ia tbw Secwity IaNrwaeat aR tbe"Propa�.y.' -- <br /> ' ����, BORROWE[IDDVBNAM'Sth�t Bun�ri���w�JIY ecised of tho ostata dereby coavayed and has tbo right to grant and <br /> �•; ' ;�,�^. .. coavoy t6e Property aad 1h�t the Property is unaacwubamd,e�eP�fQr encumbranccsof rccord.Bonower warraws aad wW .. �_ <br /> _ � • � ��a�r:�-:4'�`7:�. ��•:r, , _--__ <br /> �M _,�;;� � deiend gcaeraUy the dde to tha P�operty againet+�I dai�pe and demands,aubject to any cncumbraoas ot record <br /> '�_` . . � �HIS SE�JRi7'YIf�iSTRUMEM'wuibiacs unifartn cavcaasita[ar national usc and aoa-wuForm caNenents with liwitec! �"- <br /> ..,--_..----- <br /> � '�`��,�" _��� varlatjons by juriadtctioa to coasdtute a uaiform�ecurity iastrument cove�i�g real property. �.,�, - <br /> . : UMFORMCOVENANTS.R�xroweraad Leadercuveaaat and ag�eo as foUows: @.- -� <br /> ' �'`: �,.�. _...-.,.,�:: 1. P�ymant of P�indpa)aad Intet�eaq PraPp�aeat pad Iata Charges. Borrower shall pranptly pay when due the �;_y=_- <br /> a�'� •• - pria3pal of ead iaterest oa tha debt evldcnced by fha Note aad any prepoymeat aad late charges due wider tl�e Nata ���•- <br /> ' i : Borrower sbaU a to f,��-:�_ <br />.:�;,- , '• �. ,• 'e � 2.F'uadr tor Tw� And I�ew��ee.5Ybject to�pplicahlo law or to a written waivcr by Leade�, p Y - <br /> _-•�.�� , . � �,ender on the day mopdilY Pa7►meatsare due uuderlhe Note.wu�i�the Ndc is paid ia full, a senua('Fw�Js") far:(aA)eurlv taxcs `��,��-� <br />�-:-�.;�- __ ;f ti , � a�191 Assessmentswhtc6 may attaia prior�ty over thia Securit�8nstrumentas u liea na tbe P�qFerz},lb)Yearly leuse�rnld pny�eats ::y.�; .•-�_- <br /> ;�' , - - . or�a�uud rents on the Prope�ty�if 7�y; (e)Year1�T'ha�¢ardor propertyi�.twance premiwa�;�(d�l}'�arl�►ttard iusura�ce premitoms, � "��, <br /> �.,�,• � •. Y6�W,. <br />-!+50�� ..• £{�..;�,;�, , ii siay; (o)Yearly mortgage insurapce pretaiums,it'�y, t►atl(�any sums payable by�,nrrowrr ta�auder,in aztnrdancr wlth f�,�,,.C�:��"` <br /> ,•... ,. <br /> - a �J'�'!,�r . �y;,:• ';:- .. <br />. .�iL': ,ts.l.�:...,;;,.;�`;��e the pravlsions of parag,raph8, in iieu af the payment af mortgAg�insuraaee preraiwns.'Q"hes�items are caUed'E�crow Itams.' , y,�,,.��'h-' <br /> -�-�c���• �. "� Lea�ar may, at aay time,colleCi anJ bold �ds in aA ama�unt nd to exceed the maximum amount a lepder for a federally ```���..��J°'= <br /> � �n�C'�:"'. ;:':' <br /> rf;�l;t';; ',� ''1%' rclated mott�ageloaa may rcquire for Horrower's escrow accouat uadert�e federn!Rca!Estate SettlemeatProceduresAct of `'_,'�,.:�;;`<�` - <br /> ',',.��.•y.,� �.���;. �974 as ameadedtran tlme W 11me.12 U.S.C. Sedicw 2601 et seq. ("ItFSPA"),ualesss aaotherlaw�that applies to the Fuads e�'=- <br /> -���;Fi1it� s.�.�,r' cPts a I�e�¢er Am�umt.if+qo, Ir.ixle�rmay, r+t�ny timr,cnllrrt And hold Fnn�ic in ao am.►unt not tn eYCpp�l tbe Ie.cser amowN. <br />�-ii (�4r�?}' 'i".r��_.—�'r•.t�'1+1:•'��ut <br />.'-�:�,rt � �� ' �A Leadcrmay estimatetbe aiuountaf Funds due on thebasi�af cunentdAtaand raasooablcestlmate�of expendituresof future � ' � <br />..�:��: . �' (. 4....! ;{�t . <br /> ,.,�1i :�,;:. :s,, Escrow ltems or otherwise in aocordance with appGcable law. � ` . <br />_'` �� �� "` T6e Funds shall be held in aa iastitution whose deposits are iasurcd by a iedcral agenry, instrumeatulity, or entity rr:='`y�_ <br /> e.;::F�a.°--. -- <br /> � �� ^ � _ ���, (includiag l.ender,if Leader is such an institudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.l.endershall apply the Fut�ds to pay t6e ��=y <br /> , , �,_..�-,..,•:,�.; � <br /> ' ,. .. � •M. r Fscrow Items.l.eader may not charge Borrower[or holdiag and aPP�Y�B�e Funds,aanually aaalyiiag t he cscrow accouat,or .--- <br /> � . � verifjriog t6e Escrow Itema�unk,cs Lender pays Borrower iaterestoa t6e Funds aad appl�cable law permits Lendert-o make such '?'i�'i.� <br /> � ' ^ �� ac6uge.However�LendermayrequireBorrowertopayaone-timechsugeforaalndependentrealestatetaxreportingservice i`.%':'�:�.r``�.=- <br />., ,'��;. ' used by Leader in wanectionwit6 this loao, unless appGcable law provides othervvise. Unless an agreement is made or .;:�'�'"���*:�;yr'-=- <br /> �,��_-�__�.,. <br />���'� � -' � `''' " ., ,i��- appUcablelaw requiresiuterestto be paid 1-coderahyll not be�equiredto pay Borrowcraay interestur earnings oa the Fuads. y.��-•�_-_--- <br /> Borrower and i.ender may agree in writing, 6owever,thAt interest sbap be paid oa t6e Funds. Lender ahaA give ta Borrower, ''�' <br /> Iu::.:a.;i�:.__ <br />�:�ti� _� .:;::,;,.�_ ._ withaut c6arge, aa amual accountiog of the Fuads, shov�ang credits and debits ro tbe Fuads and t6e purpose fmr whic6 each �,�:+;';-, <br /> �'" y ` � debit to tl�c Funds was made.The FUnds are pledged as additiooal security for all sums secured by this Security Nnsuumeot. -'�'�''° <br /> ' r .-.4 .... �K-..� . ' — <br /> • 1f the Fbads 6eld by l.ender exceed the amountspermittedto be held by appUcable law, 1.endershaU account co Borcower ��: '<'° _ <br /> ' for the e�ss Funds ia accardancewitb the requiremcatsof oppUcable law. lf t6c amount of the h�nds t�eld by l.ender at aay <br /> . ' ' .�' r'�- time is not suflicieat to pay the Fscrow Itemswhen duc,Leader may so notify B�rrower in wriliag, and,in such case Bonower I '�_��� <br /> --- � =:�:r�:�::`.n,'`�...:;,� � ., --.__- <br /> _�.... _ <br /> • - • --- �� • sball pay to l.endcr thc sunouatacccssary to mukc up lhr Jeficieacy. Borrower sdall taake up thc deFuieo�y w ao more t6an � <br /> -. . .. • :�� twelve moathly paya�eats,at l.eader's solc discretioa. � �;���1:','_�`,_ <br /> '.,� . • ". Upon payment iu fuU of ell sums secured by this Security lostrument,Lender 5�1�alf prompdy refund to Borrower any Sj�,�:;•,�'.•=� <br /> , ��:_ ��-; ,., - <br /> •• � Funds held by L.ender.lf� uader parugraph2l, Leadcrshall acquire or sell the Property,l.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale ,-•�•p������n.�-�::. <br /> � � • '��"� ''� '; of the Pro sball a 1 an Funds held by Leader at th�tuac of a nis��on or salc as a credk a t t6e autqs secured b . .� <br /> � ,F .'`q�•� Peni'+ PPY Y �9 6'� Y ., - <br /> ° •'�"�:;; ;.�. thic Security InstrumeM. .� <br /> .�..��,�;:,�,�,• _ <br /> , ,;., . .,:«,,; .j_ <br /> �. �,�- .���. 3.Applk�ndon ot Paymentei. Unless applicable law pmvulcs othenvi.c�,all payments received by Lcndcr under paragraphs ,q <br /> „ -. �.•:!'r�?,e� n �-:--. <br />�:`�: �� ;•�.�.,ti�,,:;�,,•.'4y,.:-��,•4`,;��� 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to aay prepaymeatchargcs duc t�ndcrthc Note;sccond,to emounts payable uaderparagraph2; ',�?'-- <br /> ( 7 �; ; „ ,;'. �,,,�. � � t6ird,to interest due;fourth,to priacipal du�;and las�,to any lutc chargcs duc undcr thc Note. "�"� <br /> il���t. S <br /> at ;'•;� �,;r'�` :' ..}'� �T•. �� I.Chwrges; Lieus. Borrowershall p•ry:,il raxes,asscssments,chargcs,fincr aad impositioas attributableto tMc Property :�*F�� �:�`-_ <br /> � �� • ' �" which ma attain riari over this Securit 9nsuument.aad leasehold cnts or ound rents, if an Borcowcr shall a - °i' <br /> ,. •.,:;,,;::•�F;. Y P tY Y PaYm � Y• P Y ri?�:•'f�,1,-�.'. <br /> . , �' �.,��s'•j;�}; " ' t6ese obGgadons in t6e mannerpro��ded in puragraph2, or if not paid in Ihat manncr,Borrowershall pay t6em oa time directly � '. -: <br /> . • •;:>..�:���,tit:�; "�. ',:t° - <br /> ,�;,',:„',�«;;,�� to the person owed paymeat.Borrower shall promptly furnish to l.�:ndcrull notices of amuunts to be paid undcr this parag�raph. <br /> ��. , �, .., t�.:::;• ...; ', ':'.': :,_ _ <br /> y''��u,��l� '.. P Ym Y� ,....,:,. <br /> � !f Bonower m a kes t hese a ents direcU B orrower s ha l)promp t ly furnis h to L cn der receip ts evi deacing t he paymeats. , <br /> �I�'..,.: • • - � <br /> , �' �'r.;�. ,.��%��.i.�:t�;;n•'h„ „,:'..i .. Borcowershall prompdy dischargc any Ikn which has priority uver this 5ecurity Instrwnentunlefs BoROwer:(u)s�grees in ! • • ; .� <br /> ' � .���;' . •r�,�J���p��,,+F�.y��<�.�,*� , wri t i n g to the pa y ment of the obligation securedfiy the liea in a msinnerucceptublcto Le:nder.(b)contesls in good faith the 6cn �t;1,��=.;;'.:.,,, <br /> ' � ;�;J�,��, �. ;��r��,., � by, or defeads sigainst enforcementof the lien in, Icgal proceedings which in Ihe I.ender's opinion o}+erate to prevent the t �- _ <br /> ""E ,,�y ' l� '- enforcemeatof the lien;or(c)secures from the bolder of the liFn an agreemcntsalisfact��ry to I.�:nder subotdina'tingthe lien to � s;�,� <br /> . •"•�;11'•:f1-.'15:'r.• ' � ���t��-' . - <br /> � '' .4���:�'�;,f{''-� this 5ecurity Instrument.lf Lcndcr detcrminesthat any part ot s�c Property is suhj�ct t��a lirn whi�h may attain priority over � <br /> �� , � '� :,`•{�#�'r�:+;��'i�� this Securit Instrument,Lenderma ve Burrower a notice identif'n lhc lien. Burrowersha!!s:�ais the 6en or take one or i. , • . . <br /> + ,,s!��.�i� Y Y� ri 8 �+ .. � <br /> ; �,;;,:,.;; �.� i,i'F;.�,�, more of tMe actiops set iorth alwve within 10 dayx nf thc giving of notir��. � • <br /> � �r�--rr, �.,iF, .`�ry � ,���t <br /> • '. ��� �f� ' r' F :`'� <br /> ,�'..:,;-..•���,;',, Fo�m 302Q �I80 i , <br /> . r. ; : ::���1�;(' ORINEIa,oai van.aa• �mw: 4 � ;, • ��.. <br /> �.,';:�;:it;:.,,� <�1� �� �i', <br /> ' '.l{:fi; ::,;i}', � � .. 11•.•.�', <br /> ; . ''�1, �f�'.,�..�;�:�,•�`�4. � t _ <br /> . . <br /> t ) i ': �.,; ,.t��! ����i . <br /> Sf�M1l� � ���f�:r 7 �-��1 7 .� 1 . . <br /> iriJ ' � ��, � �','�� F�)��'���-.ta•�:�li.:..,. . , . . ,'. ����•' �� . ,.i•� ..� . '�y;t.��} . ,� .f .t. . .. �. � . -� (-hb�" •;\}�,'+f�1��:_ � �� ��,' t' . <br /> ��i�j(�,9f� � i�t�)� (�,,.�`j-~♦ Ci � - � - ; . � . <br /> 1t't'rti�t 1. ��35 .<! ;• ,f 1. -� ' � '. ' ' ' � ' ' • . .. �- . . ... �_ .��. <br /> },,� d'����I 1 .i�,�', <br /> "3II:j. J`� Lh}��TY.'I..,��II��C�2.lf .'�.1 ' �� ' . ' . ' '�1. <br /> ���' <br /> ' �T't}1 �. "`�,;,!�.,i+y?,t''''�,'� � J�,. �.' ��. ' � •� '. . !i <br /> R�, •`,atJ: .,�1� <br /> . ..)� ',: '��lZ•)��;i±i.,,.1•;� • .�� <br /> �� . �'� . �t t.��.r'�. , � . �� <br /> �'' �. ��.1�:�;:��,!� • ' � . <br /> . '�, '�,;i',r.''' `,�',;.,)�if:',1};. ,� � ��.�`' • � <br /> .. ��. . . :� . :"'� S' � , . . <br /> ' '!,�,',, f %� . �,,;1t'`, .',, . . 1 `. .. . . <br /> � ;�_ . . , <br /> '�� '�, �o ' ���' � , <br /> , _ } . . . <br /> . <br /> . � • � __- � _. _ _ __ _ � - -_ _ <br />