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..7. f + .� v _ . .. � •. .. _ <br /> :eC '1�� , '.{':��s� I �R.�� •'�� . <br /> �+vn n <br /> .. .. , <br /> �,,.. . . �, ... -- - <br /> . T , _ _.... . . <br /> _. .. __�..---------- ------ ---- --� �.-�- <br /> '.u�, . �... <br /> _�--- p� 93-' lOtY'!�3 <br /> -= paymanc may no lon�rr bc roquirod,at�hc aptinn af l.cnda�.iP mnnga�c in+uran►Y rnvcr�c lin Ihe�m�wnt und Pnr�ho pc�iod <br /> �iwt ix�K{rr ruyui�cs3 provided by an in�urcr approvtd My l.cnder again lxtirnkr avnlleble and iH nl��ined. Rnrnnwcr�hall�Y -- <br /> -- <br /> �-�� the p�miunw�fle�1 t��++M•in nM+ftg�ge inuirnnoe in eife�cl.�u io provlde t+lo+r mcrvc. until the requirontem for mort��o <br /> - inwn�e ad�in��oordsm�e with any w�ittan trgroemrnt t�etwxn Bmm�W�er ud 1.+¢nder or�+8cahlc I�w. <br /> - 9. I�pectloa. lander or iu��gent mwy m�kc rca�awble entries upan wri inspo�hia�►.+� uf the P�apeny. I.eoder rhall Qive <br /> BoRawu natico+�t�hc time ot or p�inr Ia a�inxpoctiuo specifyln�trar�►nwblc cau.�c fi►r�he im�r:dnn. <br /> -.. - _ 10. Cond�t�m.The pra.boda of any Awani o�cl�im inr damagr+. di��Yti �►r au��equen� conrkrli�m with any <br /> ��v;;� oondtnu�tion or other takin�oP any paut af Ihc i'roperty.or Wr cunvcyuna in lieu af candemnaiinn,are he�tby aswgnod and — <br /> �:��" shall bc paid ta l.ender. � <br /> ` ---- --- - - !n the ovent of a total takipg of Ihe Pr�npeny.Ihe pm��x shall t+e Appliod tu the wrnx t.ucured hy ihir Scrurny Insltunxnl. <br /> :�•. -. <br /> - whethu ar not tlteo due. with uny eacess paid lo &►rmwer. In the event of A partial luking��f the Pmpeny in which the fpir <br /> � muka value of the Propeny immodiately beforc the�aking is equul to o�greater than�he umiwM��f ihc sums r,�.rured by this =_ <br /> � _ _ Secu�ity InstrumeM immodiatcly befare the aking.unless Bnmuwer und Lender otherwi�:ug�ce in wridng,lhc suma serureJ by = <br />- - tA�is Secu�iry InstNment shnll be reduced by tM amouot of�he proceeds: m�d�iplied by th�: followiog f�actlon: lu►the twAl �"" <br /> �!°'?�.�;�.�� amount of the sutns securcd immedi�tely befarc the uking. divided by(b)Ihe fuir markc� value of the Pmpeny inarwdidely � <br /> --=���'� . Mzfnre the teking. Any b�la�re sf�q be p�aid to Bomower. In the event of u paniul aking uf the Pmpeny in which the fair <br />.- _ i`u�ln':i�V� � r-.:•=. <br /> m�ut�et value oi'the Pmpeny imn�adiately before the u+king is lez+�han�F�e w�xwnt of the sums securod immeJintely befwe�he - <br />�4`'; � �� taking.uokss 8orrower and I.ende�atherwise agme in writing or untess applicable IAw dhenvise provides,the pro�eeds sAa�ll `°-=-- <br /> �,.. <br /> �_,,, <br />.:.;j�K r � --- bt p�plied ta the sums se�-ured by this Securiry lastn�ment whethcr�x n�N tt�e�ums are the.n due. �:r;_._ <br />`-°'' If the Property is abarwoned by Borrower,or if,alter ootice by lxnder w Horrower�h�t�he a►ndemnc�r off'ers lu m�lce�n <br />�``��'►� _�:�fY�^. awa�d or setde a claim far damages, Bornuwer fails ta respund to l.ender within 30 d�y� afler the date the notice is �eiven. �`� <br /> - txrT <br /> r -_-°; ° - oT- L.rntier ia+wliiuiitrJ tu cullctit�uwi a�iy l�r:w�xccy3a.ui iia upliuu.�itl�ec{o�•.:.�.Hatiwi.��rµa� �f ii+e F�u�tiy ur tu�ik a�u�u ":.-. <br /> ;�—__ �� �ecurod by this Secur�ry lnstn�ment,whet9�rr�K not then due. ' <br />-_' Unless Lencler and Bomower wh�r�ni:.e agree in writiog. unf• .»���;,►tion of prtx-reds to primipnl sliall not extend or '',',. <br /> c ne the due date af the mcanthl A�mrms referrr►�¢o i� ra rn h.1 and 2 or rhan e the amount oP wch ,� ments. �'';_•• <br /> ' r '�. P�� Y P 3 N S P • L� p"Y <br /> '�•' ll.Borrower Not Re1ea�; Farbearance By I.ender Not a Wnlver.Externi�m of ihe�ime far puymertfl ur r.a�odificution ':;�_ <br /> • .� �'` � `��"-��° � of amorlization af the surng secu�ed b�� �4�is Security InstrumeM granted by Lender to any sucr��+tior i�intercht uf Bc�rrower shall - <br />- ' 1 -� � � not operate to releace the liability of tha uci�inal Borrower ar Bonower's successors in interest. QAa�er shall not be requimd eo ` <br /> '.��:: - <br /> '�,� • ���' . �^� commena pmceedings against any succ�yor in interest or refuse to extcnd time for payrnent or atherwise modify amor[iurti��a �'��. <br /> " .s,,,•N of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any derrwnd ms�de by the original B�rn�wer or Borrower's �+-' <br />=r•,� •1t;.,•,.x . ,-�- <br /> +� successors in interest. Any to�'oearance by l.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude Ihe w;,-;.- <br />- ` j'`'4��`$-�� exercise of any right or re�edy. <br /> �_.. <br /> _ :�;a�.z-;--. -� - 1Z. au��;.�� And A.;i�gns 13ousfd:�ia3ni �nd �ever�i f.{a�ip}; Co-stgners. Thc cc�c;:��ss as�d agrre�ents of a!:i:: �_ <br /> ����� Security lnstrument shall bincS and l+en:�it �he succc.crors smd Ass3fin�,+Y l..ender�uxi Borrower. subject to the provisio�i. af' �- <br /> �,f , e',, :.r;; ,:'., -, P:u��aph 17. Be�rrower's covenu�t. Ane! ugreements sfuV1 t� joint and sev.�rul. Any B��tton•cr who co-si�tns a'his Security �..- <br /> �'. �?i�• ,t�. `"' Ia�cuument but dces not exccu[�the Na�te: �u) ic cr-�i:�ainz �hi+ Serurit Instrument an] ta mort u e rane �u+u conve thut �. <br /> c:,�,•:<< � ,., y Y B g • 8 Y ��',_ <br /> _ - -_'= � �-�`,,, ,s., i?.>rrrwer'a inkrccl in the Pr,�er�y pnc#er the rertnc nf tbi�Seeuriry Instrument;Ib)i.nn1 pennnally �bligoted lo(wy the sums _ <br /> 'f1L •���'"'� i secured by this S�ruriry Instrumeni:unu'Icl a_rces that Lender und any uther&irrower moy s�gree tn extend,modify,forbear or ��-. <br />_ . lJ,gi,s�r;�: <br /> �;�z make any acrnmmodations w•ith rcgurd tn[h�termz nf thir Security Inatrumem or the Note withou�thut Bnrrower'x consent. �T- <br /> �� t: •� • �� 13. I.oan Cha es. If�he lonn secured b this Securirn Instrument i�suh' t to a law which sets maximum laan chur es, <br /> ' .�� ' rA Y Y J�' $ a•s=- <br /> •:�t; <br /> '"' �"��. �• �a and that law is tinally interpretrd u�that the intere��or other loan churgc�collec�ed or to be colkcted in conac�tion with ihe ��;- <br /> ..!���P. _. <br /> ,�. . �,�r,;,�� ,,,�, loan excee�i the permitted limits,tlxn: la► •rny .uch loan churge.hall be r��luce�l by �he vm��unt ne�etisury ti�r��du��e the charge <br /> =''��•" � � � .:c to�he permiued limit:nnd�b1 any sums already cullect��l fr�im &irciiwer whirh rxreexled pertnittcd limits will be refunded to �- <br /> �'`�`�' ..'�;ti:::. .. ' o', . <br />- �:.�,.� . ,. . Borrower. Lender may chcrose to mnke this refund hy n.tiiucing the principal ow�til under the N�ite or by ms►king a direct - <br />�'��'� ''�'�� � � a ment to Borrower. [f u refunJ raiucex rinri ,�I the recluction «•ill be t�r,ted a► r nial repa meM without an <br />�::,;•,t�s P 9 P p' • pa P Y Y <br /> .F:, . �,', ;� prepayment charge under the Note. -:,T�.. <br /> :� '• ':` ,g,�k+bi.� x ,.;�' �4.Nodces.Any noucc to&,nuwer provided(ur ia t;�i�Securit}�Imtrumcnt,ha11 hc givcn by d:li�ering it ur by msiling ��,, '.. <br /> ' � t,� �` f : it b first cluas mai! unlc��A lirahle law• re uirc.use of unothcr mcihnd. The notire sh•rll l�e cldr.cted to the Pro rt Address �r����== <br /> '� �" � Y PP y Pe Y �r:v,... <br />- -k,'�.�' �`r:,;n. .. . m�;�. <br /> . �•;�.•• 't?'''&:;'. or uny nther ncklresx &�rruwer de+ignaie� hq n�nire �u I.enJrr. An} nntirc t�► Lendcr >ha!! t�e c��ven by first cla�s nwil to {{ti�, <br /> "� !'4;`;, " .i y..••dr;� Lllr.�. <br /> �' '• � ��'•°^,°'•� � ^ Lcnder's uddrrss siat��1 herein or uny i�ther addre�s Lender dcsignatc.hy nntire ta F�irrowcl'. .qr,} nmice pmvided far in this �i���- <br />?"�. . �;r0,;r4�_�~..`=-.. �.,.: . <br />-:�,� ^, �PC:;��'�:.�.�::::�= Security Instrument ahall he dc.mcJ w havc t+c�n givcn a�B��rn�wer ur Lcndcr w�hen�wen uti pmcided m thiti paragraph. , <br /> . •'fY'�T��" ' ^ IS.Govern�n� Luao: Severability. This S��urity (nstrumcnt .hall br gu�.r-nid hy fed�ral luw und the IAw of Ihe �'r�� <br /> . �•.�.. • "'...- <br /> ' �` ' ' ' • '1'� juriuliction ire which Ihe PropeAy i,I�xateJ. In�he event thut any pro�•i.ion�►r clau�c c�f thin Securitc Instrumcnt or Ihe Note . <br /> . �'- ., .,;,;_. <br /> � •' rnnflicts wilh applicuble law�,such confli�t�hnll not affcr�uther pr�+�i�cions uf thi�Secutity In�trum�nt nr the NcHC whir.h r:�n he �.;: <br /> '�}�;•'�Y •'�`�' ' , .. given effect tvithom the rcx�fi+�tiin�pru�•iyion. To thi�end the pmvisii�m ol'Ihi�Serurit. In,�n►nxm •rnJ the Nore ure declare�i �,..s; <br /> -, ,r;C5:. ''�::i•:'.'" <br /> r ,�` ;�;'�: 'K'i-••':�,: • tcr!�e severable. ::..;_:•`` <br /> `'; �., 'k' � l6.&�rrower's Cop�ti.gurrnwrr.rhall bc�eiven w�e r„nti�rna�l r��py al Ux h.�te and ot thiti Securiry Instrument. ,;.�;`: <br /> •.' -2'i' !�..�6..� �t�r:'. <br /> 'F-'f^r.Ci�S�', 4'�Yt�it'. <br /> �� .cr�7! . <��//, ��:• ��. � , Form 3026 9180 �f. <br /> ,,;� ; ,xL•p ����,vti„- -�r�. �fS;, np�A ur r -. <br /> !�c1.��• Y,� �`�� {••+ . P'�. ,f}l1�r�S <br /> .. "�i� ��!� I�r���j�'� ','�. ' 1 • <br /> .' } ' t 'f''�,. <br /> r :,�.(r: '. ,' •; r <br />- �� ' ./� '.��Ytl•!1��15�. i. . _�... _.. <br /> ��° � ����� '4-r. . .. 1�. <br /> �a 'r11!�`�n��,E����''n }�'� � 't`t .. <br /> .a* ay` ���':tt F•izi>• r "i}3{`7°F��.y�A►TI'M�l���Ylnr'� '�1��M4�J7,�i�.j{�Wiwi��t�i7C��:FrUill�i��li�i[`l jj �(�' �!j'JIJ: <br /> .i' 7. �.�8,� ',,lS�••1; '.•,t�' ,'1 -} ' � 1`5� ' ' ., , - ' ln jn�fi10�','.. , i���'� t�(� <br /> `� .! lN�� �?�' �' ',.l' ��4 ft � 'i�. . � ':1,.�" � _ . . ii <br /> __.0 �. :,��<}� 1' � r Cyll�l �, . . � - .-- . ' 't� <br /> o.:� �'� � �-�--.'. :S�•� '�. _.t'_i. ' <br /> .,�j —,-__����.,-----.,-: - --- --tr.�,�il r�—'= '. -" .- ' _,`i . . . , . . .. ... - .. . . . . .. . - ...-.. <br /> � �0 1�c5't4`..�r•,Y��+.� � � . �C� , . . . . ' , <br />- V ° � `� �.. ,�` � .. �' ,� ' ., ' . � . � � �. . <br /> - � � •�rij; '� „ ' - :�.}'��; , . . ' . - <br /> � ' . . ^ _ . � � . '�.. _.r � . . . , . <br /> ;� <br /> �w .�1�J�1•n�u}. �_� f. I .. 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