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r i . �nn�.rpais'�':���; '�• <br /> '�„�,',� : <br /> -! •i� .) ..�Fi'M7i}i�lr I �',� 1�74�`' `I�i ' -. <br /> :rii"'� � %a '�xt '-d1t• ..+ ".� <br /> . - _ _ _ �— -- - _-- - — <br /> J�`i_± =� � ' 93- son�a -. <br /> .'�'""� 17.Traroder of ti�Propaty or�BeneAcl�l Interat la Borrower. If ull or uoy pun of�he i'n�peny ar uny intare,t in it <br /> -' — i�said ar trnnsfcrn•.d tor if a beneficial irnercst in Bartawer ia sald nr�mn9ferred und B�+rn►wer is n�N a neturu!pen�m)wftht►ul <br /> _ _ __ <br /> -, <br /> .. ,. -�-. <br /> _�� -� Lender'� prior w�uen cu�uent. I.ender may, ut ite optian, ui�r imn�ediulc p:+ymcm in full af all �m� �v�c�l hy thia <br /> �;. --._. <br /> --- •-- - <br /> •° SecuNty�s opwn stw�l nut be oxcrc�sod y i.emier if exeni.e ir pwh� it y f ur�i ixw�u i� �lu <br /> � --- of this Serurfry In.ctrumcnt. �„� <br /> ..��� -- -�-'� � If L.encler exenises this bn, l.ender slwll gjve Qorrowe��xNice of u�tirle�utiuu.The natk�shull pn►��ide u ri�d��f n�N =_ <br /> ;.•�' less tlwn 30 days from thc da�e the notice i�dcliverod or muiled wilhf� which R��m�wer mu�� puy all s.umc ��1 By �hi� <br /> Saurity Instrument. U Barnwer Pails to pwy Ihese sums priur la the expirnti�m�if�hir rerfai. I.en�lrr muy imoko uny rrmedie� �`�'' <br /> , permiued by this Secu�ity Instn�ment withaut further notice ur demand un&�rmwer. -- <br /> __ ���.�W�:-�� 18. Borrow•er•s RlRht ta RdnetAte. If Bumnwer meets cc�►in conJitions, &�rn►we� �hull Iwvc thc nghl Io huve <br /> •."�' e n fa r c eme m oP�hia Secu�ity Ins�rument disec►ntinued at an y dme p�iur to the eu�lier uf: lu) S du ys I��r w�h �dher ��i�w1 uh �'�"� <br /> '"'• � •':; � upplicable luw may specif� for reinstatementl beforc sale oi'ihe Propcny punuant 1�� uny p�wer ol'.ul� co�Nained in thin �,_ <br /> . . .1 >• <br />-"-' �'+'-�i Secariry Inu�umem;or Ib)eMry of a judgmea eaPorcing�his Security lasttument.TMse conditian�:un�thul&�rn�wer:lul puys <br /> �_.,�,.�. � Lender all sums which then would be due unJer�his Secunily In.t�ument �rf the N�Ke a.+ii'nu u��cele�ution had�xrun��d; Ibl �`•': <br /> ,� T <br /> ,�_-�, • .._. •� cures any def:wlt uf any ottie�rnven�nt�oc.greemeds:lcl puys all expen�es incume�i in eni'orcing �hi. Scwu�ity Insuument. �,�, <br /> -°=��'• i�ludin�e,but no1 limited to,�able sNtome s' fees:�rd Id11a{:es such a�Yiun:u Lrrder ma �ruu►n;�bl uirr�a au�ure J <br /> �.;,:, . • r ;� ' y Y Y re4 �i:.. <br /> _ �' ,�,c�,-• ��'n;����, that tM lien of this Securi�y Instn�meM, l.eader's�glns in �he Propeny aml&irruwes+,�bligation tu pa}� se�ured by ��. <br /> �.c,:� �; <br /> °-.,;'�� .:'•�.:,;;,,:., this Secu�y Instrument sha0 uontinuc unch�nged. Up�rn reinslatement b�• R�►rn��rr. �hi� S��vriiy In.rtrum►:nt unJ the ,�� <br /> = : j�. oblig�tions x�ure�1 hereby shall�emuin fully eft'ec�ive as iP r�o x��eleratian haJ aru�scvl. Howevc�.�his�ight tu rrin.uUe�Iwll <br />�� :'M`"�'�{...' �xN apply in the case of accelerolion under pur.,�raph 17. <br /> ' . . t:,,,�.,, o: <br />_ :` �'��='t�`�LLt, !9. Sale of Note: <br />- ,,,.,:. :�;.*�..,:.f�: Clwoge ot Loan Ser+�icer. The I�MC or n partia4 9�terest in the Note (together with thi+ ScYUri�Y �-_-- <br /> -.�ti.::�� .�� ,- <� �X� lns trumeo t)may b e xo l d one or m�*re ti m e s w i t h�w t p r i a r n n t i c r l o B o n o w e r. A�l e m a�� r e s u l t i n u c h u n g e i n t h e e n t i q•l k n o a•n �-=_ <br />-��?±�:it ' , .�:?^.`�;�:i;s; uc�he'L.oan 5ervicer")that rnlle��ts:�nthly payment�due under the Note nnd this Sr�u�iry Instrument.There alu►mry be ane �-A- <br />- ..,. <br /> .s �;�f �` �rl�:;�!�t ar more chonges of the L.oan Sen:.a�uneelated to e sale of the Note. If Ihere is a change of lhe l.u�n Servicer,Bom�u�cr will tK ��_ <br /> �•��++��' ,:' pi�en writtcn rx�ticr rf the Ch9n�F in:.,�■w,l:arxr wilh raora Id nhnve nn�i a lrcnhlc Inw.The nnticc will xlatc lhc nnme s�nd <br /> t.,:��i.�,, 4t r.• a � � � ... <br /> �. r?i';.� � :� address of�he new I.oan Servicer uaa;7 a8�e:wtc!��s to which paynknts shouW be mude. The notire will ul�c��n�;un vny other <br />:,-'ryir:.. :: : �.��;.. <br /> infornwtiqn required by appli¢able laa. � �,ti-- <br /> _;.{..�; ..,_,;:, F_.: <br /> ,• ,,;�..:<<,.:: 20. FIwz�Mous Subslanec�. Borso►ver aha11 rxit cause ar pertni�the presence, use. dispnsul. atomge.or mlr�,e of un�• <br />_ • .,.,,„;.0 k:v;.c HazurJaus Subslunces an or iu chr Pmperty. Borrower shull not do, nur alouw aa�.�n_ else ta do, unything .�V'tccting the r?; <br /> ."a• "�.,L'`�f1r,���"'` Pn►peny tlwt is in violatian of ua:; Environmental Law. The pre��eding two sentencc>zl�all notupply to the pre.e��re. us�, or .-_ <br />- ': ;7;'�;`•.x�`'' uorpge on�he Propcny of small qunntities of Haza►dcws Substwues thut am gencrull�• ra:ognizeJ t�►bc oppropri�t� to nnna�a! ' <br /> -r:-��;t,�r residential uses und�o maintenance of the Pmpeny. �,��. <br /> '� '"'y' �''' S� purrower shull rom U ive l.ender �crit[en nrnice of an investi .nion, clnim, demand, lawsuit or olher uction hy an} �� <br /> ',�',:tl`� P P Y R Y 8' <br /> ., . •r::��;;.".� ,�•.;,+: ; goeernmcntal or regulatory ugency or privute pany involving the Property and any H�arduus Sub.r•tancc or Envirann����al l.�µ - <br /> - ' ,�•!;}:�'''r d�-�•r;�'��' c�f which Borrower hvs nctuul knawledge.If Borrower learns,or is ncNlFi�d by uny gac�;-omenwl or regulatory aut�):,�rity.that •`' <br /> �, "�"'� � '�'t����-��� nn remnvul or other remediAtion of un Hawrdcws Sub�tance affec�in Ihe Pm rt �.neccc�a Born�wer.hull rum tl tdke �;,.;: <br /> "1, ;., Y Y 8 P� >' �• rY• P P Y <br />`;!�tf'�'�:�i '_� �II neces!cury remedial•�rtiuns i�Accordance with Environmenwl Luw. ,,�: <br /> x�r �` •..:`�_ - As uscti! in l�i��is.raaraYh 30. "Harnrdnu• SuMtunre�" am tho�c•���+�t.tnCe�d!'P1t1P(1 t1�11�x�� �� ha�nrd�ro+:u�h.�nnoe. M �= <br /> ,,,.,f,1�;1' ��+: � ,. �• - • F.nvimnn�ntal 1.��� arni �he fallawing �ub+�unce�: gauiline, kcror�ne, �uh�r tlammable or ta►+cic petroleum pmducts, toxi� � <br /> - �.n,-; . _ ..,w b l,• . � <br /> _.. �•-•°• x �5�,. , ` petiticide�anJ h�rbicide,. �ula�de mlvem�,ma�eriulz c�mtaining atihe�tos or fomialdehy�ke.:ast�•adi��acti�•e muterialti. As uxd in �;��� <br />__ � -• �;�f���;��i:�;, thi� paragraph 20, "Em•ironmcntal l.uw" m�un,fcdcrul luwc uncl I�wx of the jurisdi.einn where the Property i� �oc:ucd thut r�:`� <br />° ',;�`��� relate�o heulth,s•rl'cly or eneironmental pmtection. ��!'�= <br />`°-°-V� �'-'�"''-'� NON-UNIFORh1 CO1��NA!�[TS. Barr:�a•cr anc! Lendcr lurthcr ra�•cnnnt and a rcc:is f�ltotie�: - - <br /> .-,��.,--n.-r;-- ._,,.-� g =-- <br />-__ ••'�• - ' 21. AcceleraNun;Remedics. I.ender shell give nolice to Burroe•er pr�ar tu acccleratton Pollo��in� Bnrrower's bn�ar� �_�._ <br />__ a",-: "':;. �'��;:��•� af any covenant or ogreement in this ti��curlt,r Inxtrument (but not pr�ar to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless �,`_ <br /> �'_ . � •'. " � "1 s�pplicable law provider otherni�cl.Thc nutice shull speriiy: (u)the deouult;lb)the aclion reyuired to cu�r the default; -- <br />__ �.„� , <br /> _ �,. . � (c)a date.not I�v th�n 30 da�s i'nxn thc dale Ihc noti��ir�Qiven tn Borrnw•er. b}•K•hich the defAUlt mast be cured;and <br /> - ' ••.. '�'�'�k- °--�..,' ld1 that failure to cure the deiault on nr hefiim Ihe dute specltled in the notice ma�� result in accelerAtion of the sums �.__ <br /> .'+r'��'.'� � :`� •b-'• secured by thts Security Inrtrument vnd wle ot the Prnpert�•. The nMire shall further Inform Borrow•er of the right tn -� � <br /> �.;. . ��r=;,;; •-��'•S rcln.r•tAle aRer�ccelerallon and the riRht lu hrinR a courl ectinn lo u.�.sert thc non-existence uf a deieult o� eny other ��_ <br />- !��,��� °�,,�-.:;�.�c"{'�: de�ense af&�rmK•er to acceleration und wle. If the defaull is not curi+c�nn or befure the ds�te xpecified in the nul(cr, - <br />`=:r;,,`�;�� ,.•;,}����:'r� � Ixnder. pt its optinn. m�y reyuirc fmm�diwtc pa}•mcnt in fuD of ull sun�s xccurcd by Ihis Secaritv In.clrument with�ut <br /> ei�:�V•;4 h'„i_ <br />�•�f;': . ,,, ��".�:.;;, turther demand�ad may invokc thc poµrr of calc and am nther reme�lieti pern�ittecl bv Appli��ablc law.I.endcr shall be '..... <br />�-����'�•�' ���'���-.�'x j�'�;':": entitled to collect all expen.�es fncurred in punuinR the remedies prnvided in lhic r►arA�raph 21.including.but not limited '.�.�� <br />:;.:�:;r�i� , .;,.. ,j.� .. ., . ovs:n <br /> ,.• �^,,.,r.-f•1��{:r����'�y' to,r+�►sonable altorners fecs und costs of tidc erfdenrc. <br />';" ' .i'.�:�`•�'` �� •� ��' ' li the(w x«oP sale iti invoked. Tru+lee shs�ll ratinrd u nolice„P cle�aufi lu euch�ti�unty In v�hich am• p�rt oP the �" <br /> ,�; .,i°,. ,i'; . .. �,.�r Fi��:� ■�a*: <br /> _ • . •.a.:. . . ,..�f. I'rn�rty i!�I�rcuted and shul! mail c��pies�►f ru��h nutke in Ihe munnrr pre+rribed by upplicahle lu�� to&�rmwer and to �� <br /> ___� �'��;�.�,; the��tl�er per.wny prescrlh�d bc npplicahle law.After the timr r�quired fi� applicAble IaN.Trust�r shall give piihlk nntice t� <br />�-.�� ,,,��;;�,;� r • ot�s�8c t++thc penW►ns and in thr manncr pr�wc�ltxd b� upplicablc lu«�.Trustcr. uithout dems�nd on Am�rrn�cr, ,h•rll ull �_-:�� <br /> - �i'""'F�.�j �- the Property nt publtc auction tr+the hiRhrst bldder at the tlme and pluce and under thc term+deaiRnnarc9 in the nntice of �'�-� <br /> �. •` '��;,''fr::�' , sw�le an.�e nr more purcels und in any order Trutitee detrrmi�Kw. 'fr�+,l�r mr� po+lpune�ale��i n11 or um•purcrl ��f tbe � <br /> �-.. . <br />. ., ; � ,:•� Property� b�• publir�innouncement ut thc time ond pluca nP um� preti i�+u�l} uh��duled wle. Le�der ur its d�wi�mti mu� <br />: •r ,•,��,:~ _ purchase the Prupc�t�•At any sale. �- <br /> o 'a Yy;;�:('f�;t� ��'.� ' - <br />'_:t:. ' ,')i;��.:�.° � <br />;-�, ' ;1 �j ��_-- Fmm 3028 8/80 ;. <br /> ( ,. <br />[ii.'1�f!:'Yi, � � .- Op�6c�F S'P"_a <br />�WT.t'._�:(�. !�(. . r <br />'.t��,j,�t7t./C .: , y . ..... :; �� . <br />.l'ifrfl��l,�� ,�S ;�',�.�( ',�%44':%i�y.��.�:', , .-� <br />•"�: . �' � �"�:`S� , � <br /> Xl.t,.� ��; ;�' ''.•,�;:�l,5• �+: <br /> ): . '}'i�,+.''�rt;%�_}' '.'.� •+1��ri�' <br />��;�. . ' 'i �� .�: +�5.$�.`ofi�'��+-��S'rj,';?,� tr�et4•� ... , . . ,��' i �...qt�� . y3 - s _ ^��t� . ,�. <br /> p. . T`i ` '%1�+�. . �� i•�i. ,. . '��1tA''1-�1'/�.lY'!•'li�fll�IILU!�At1`iRlt'✓r: �'�i <br /> � � :� • ��: ��� . . ,f� .';' , . ,�,,.:.. <br /> , . , , . ,.; .,:, . . .,;. <br />�.; � ��-- � , . . . <br /> : � '.t,. .• ':. • � . � ' . . . � <br /> •H " .. " , . .. ' . I'- - _ <br /> .. , ��'� . . ��.� . � . . .. ' ' . � . . . <br /> �. y, u , . � . . <br /> l . <br /> 1 � <br /> 1 •. r�.. - . - . <br />. .. ' �f.:� .. . � .. . <br />' .r ' . � ;� `� f .. . 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