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�,�.:_ <br /> ... ',..�/ -,�sII -�J�`-"_^•_R e� ��. • � — - _ � <br /> 7� <br /> ,_;�; _��`�""� � 93: so�3 _. <br /> — _ S, Ha��d or pr�oper�y�aturance. Qartower shall Iceep the improvementc now existing on c�rcafler erected on ihe <br /> -- - -- Propeny lnwrod a�ai�t loa.s by lirc, hu�rdR includod wi�hin�hc�crm 'cx�c�xted r��vcragc" ui�f any �whcr h;uaMa, i�cludin� "' <br /> _ — - tla�� :l�:�. for c�hicfi l.c.ndcr�.:qu{t�a insursr.:w. 'i:'::s ir�:sr,:c sha!!Ist rs��:r.tai:s_! }�ttse srtnx:^s�z^.!fe���ha periodti . <br /> tlwt L.ende�rcquircs.The insu�nco cmricr providing the i�.wrancc rlwll ix�nc��sen by RuR�►wcr .uhj�ti� �u IxnJar'�upprrnul <br /> "• which shali not 6c unrcaconably wilhheld. !f Barnawer f�ils to nmin�nin cuvcruge�i��rilnY! aM►�r.�kr nmy. ►u l.cnder'� <br /> � option,abtpin c�nvcragc ta pratecl l.ender'r�ights in the Prnpeny in ac�nnlyn�:e wf�h par�grs�ph 7. <br /> Ap insumncc pnlicies and tenewnls shall be nccepwble ta lxnder wxl shull includc a .tandarJ m��npu�c cluu�e. I.ender �"- <br /> ' � slwll Iwve the rlght ta hald the polickc sud renewals.If l.cnder requireti.Born►wer r+luill P��p�Y Bive to l.cmler ull re��eipta of' _2 <br /> . - <br />_ _ -- - - - ----- puiJ prcmivat�and renewal nwkea.ln the event uf laar.Born►wcr�Iwll give pwmpt nu�ice w tbe inwnm�:c carrie�wui l.�nder. �-: <br /> � Lendet nwy makc proof of lass if na made promptly by Barnawe�. °_ <br />;;`��_, I r:�'� i Unless I.ender atd Ibm�wer olhetwise agree in w�iting,insuramr proceeda shull be upplini tu res�oro�inn nr repuir of Ihe ��_'� <br />- - � � � ' PropeAy dumaged,if the rcstoralian or nepai�is eranoml��ully fe�ble and l.ender's secu�ily is not lesscned.If thc reslaratian a� �j'"�:�' <br />-„s,�,��'"�,�{1:�a � neps�ir ia nat cconamically feasible or Lrnder's security wouW be lessened.the insurunce pmceeds shull be upplied to t6e sums ��:.� <br /> ;�;• ;;��„� securcd by thia Secu�ity Instrumen�, whether or not �lien due. with an�r exce�Qaid to Borrawer. It&�rnower ubunckmR �he �f,.� <br /> -_ . ;:�;;.. Pn,pehy, or does no�u�swer within 30�ys a�atK�e i'rom I.ender th�t the insurs�nce curricr hns c�ffcred to seule a rluim. then �¢.: <br /> `„ ." Lender may rnlkci Ihe insurance pnx�eeds. I.ender may use tl�e praceeJs to ncpair or rest��re the Pmpeny or w puy suaas `•- <br /> �.:�- '+�` .;.:�, _ secwed by this Secu�y Inatrument.wheiher or na then due.The 34-day pzriod will txgfn when the notire is given. �;`R. <br /> � �'^°';'" Unlesy Lender and Bartower utherwfse a rce in writi uc+y a�plicAtion oP racceds �o rinci al shal! not eaiend or � <br />..:�i�; �.,�.,.,.,_�'.: g M. P P P 'E.; <br /> ;,:'s• ' �..'`�:..•�.� postpone the due datc of'the monthlY paYmenls refemed to in �rac.�rup�.c 1 w�d 2 or change the wixiunt of the paymeMs. If �.:� <br />_' `� 4 r�' �' <br /> •�'�'� under paragrapli 21 the Pmperty is xquired by l.emler.&�rnnwer's�gfiu�a any insurance policies and pnxroais resulting from '': <br /> . . �r'r.'. . - <br /> danwge to the Property prior to the acquis�i�bn shall pass to L.ender t�s th�ex�teru.�f the sums secured by this Security Inshwnent • <br /> ' -�--�---;•�, J7 immailaitly prior tu thc:sgeisition. r � <br /> ` .t �', c�jirs:, 6.Qavp��y. Precervation. Mninte�wnce and Pratectlon wfi'tWr �ra�ra.•;Borrower's l.o�n AppUcalion;l.eASelw►�Bds. '"'s, <br /> " #•� j':;��?'` Borrower slwll c�ecupy,euablish,and u�e the Property us Borrower'c prin;i�pa�residence wfthin sixty days aQer the executi�.n of •- <br /> ��►���- this Security Instrument and shall continue to nccupy the Property as�±rrn1�cr'�}�rincipal residence for at one year afler ���.� <br /> �<<����f% il�e date of occupancy,unless Lsnder othenvise agrees in writing, whir�i e+�n�cr��: :hall not be unreuc�►nably withheld,or unless i • <br /> ��R ,�� ;"�-t•,.;;::^ extenuating circumstances exist which Are beyond Barn►wer'r ca�rusol. B��nower shall not destroy, damage or im�a+r Ihe <br /> - " Property, allow the Property to detcriorate, or commit waste on N'he�rn�ny. &►rrower shull be in defuult if any tie�feitum ;;` <br /> " � '�/"��'"':�,.;.-;,• action or praceeding,whether civil or criminsil,is begun Ihat in L.ender's good faith judgment could result in fiirfeiture of the �`- <br />.__ ' �'t'� ' a�� ' ' n <br /> • � d'�.''�;..; '}° . �openy or atherwise muter�ally impuir thc lien created by thls Securily lasflauaar nt or I.ender's securlty inte�e�t. Borrower may �" <br /> � �" A �.1. ' cure such a default und pmvided in puragrnph 18,by rausing tP�e action or pmce�xiing to be di�miased wilh a tuling <br />_ �-�_ _��;,��;��.��lf� , • thnt. in l.ender's goad•faith determination, precludes forfciwre of�he &irrower'c interest in the Propeny or other matedal _____ <br /> ,1�;,«:t `��"�"��Vr a�.;, , ,�. � lmpairmem ot the lien created by thn �ecurity instrument ar i.e�cirr't s�cwrity interest. BoROwer shaii aiso i�e in�:�tault if <br /> a+ . . �1 ,�f 1 -%ititi �' • °':*-. <br /> �• E�y'�,j( J '�Bormw�r,cluring the loan applicutian prinexs,gave rtwterially fafse or inaccurate infornw�ion or titatements tn L.ender(Qx t'uiled A„ <br /> ,.���. ..."t4U�`„+�f <br /> ��: ,� ,,�,t� �t�;��;��, lo provide Lender woth any material infornwtion)i�c���nectinn wi�h the Inan�tiadenced by the Note, including,but not limiitd �� <br />- ,,`'.:f;s ;,� `��.. �n, re resenlntions conemin Bnrrower's occu uncr nf the Pro n ��fl rincinat residenee. If this Sc,�curii� ]aa,trument is an a <br />�::�.�_ ;:.�t� P � p � Y P . ..�._ <br />=� -•:�-^.-,-�--��•.� lear,ehdd, Borrower shall a�mply with nll thc praeisions of the lea�e. lt' Bnrr�•wer acyuires lee title �a the Prc�prn�, i!he �_;;. <br />..r„ . <br /> _ �.�'?:;_.�,•.�W==• .�� leasehold and the fee�ide shall not me�ge unless l.endcr agree+to thc merger in wri�ing. ��_ <br />-- , :T,� ; N ° '• 7.ProtecUon of l.ender's Rlgbts in the Properi�•.lf&►rrawer i'ails to perform the coverwnts and aFrcementc contninad in -��'[==- <br /> � �*'"'� � this Security Ins[rument, or there i+A Iegal praeec!int that muy signifiruntly affi�ct Lcnder's rights in the Property (such :u a != <br /> .."�.6 i."-'. �i'_" <br /> =1 "' =a' • pa�ing in bunkruptcy,probate. fia roixlemnutian or furleiwre or to enforcc lawti or regulution�►, then l.ender may do and �''= <br /> "� i.t-: <br /> _� " ,..�•'"�t '+ • pay for whatever is necessury�o pmlect the value oi'the Propeny and Lender',rights in the Property, L.ender's uctions may ��� <br /> "�v-- ° , ,. ,y•is1'�'�`;,�� include paying any sums tiecur+ed hr a lien which has prioriry ovcr this Sc:ruriry Intitrumcnt. :�ppearing in coun, p:►ying � <br /> x,•:•?���_:� ,�.;"•.''."`. � <br /> �. x:'��: reawnsble nttorncyti'fees und enterin=��n�hc Propeny to rnuke repuin. Althaugh lxndcr may�wke action under this paragraph " <br />;���;• ' 't'.�?'�h:�.,.,. ��x��4�;�,ti'' •„ <br />-.' ' ' �is;,,�',ryl?;y�y� 7. Lender dces not have to dc�so. _.._. <br />__F i '! ��1��� � ��yft.}ih��: � Any amounts dis�wrx�c7 hy l.ender unJer thiti parngraph 7 �hull hCC�t111C a:Idi11o1w1 Jebl uf&xr���rr secured by this �:-�- <br /> -� ��..,.�f�..,, .: <<•: <br /> , '':!;a ,�;n}•;•���;:r� Security Instrument. Un7e:; �rmwer anJ l.cnder ogrce ti� uthcr��rn�.ti af pu}�m�ni, tlx�u:umountx tihuU bcar in�erest fram Ihe ' <br /> ��" '� �' . '��;;����,'1 dnte of disbunement ut the Note mte anJ shull be puyable, wic2� interest. up�m notice from I.cnder to Borrower rcqueating <br />`�;i�_�'` ��,���Z.y.•.,''��. �_,-'. <br />- � �,� ;.�,..��, payment. �°,�;.. <br />:�^,1�ir v>. � •>':.;�y �+i;'. • �-_,_` <br /> _;:t .trb.:�����.1�u, 8.Mortg�e InsurAnce.lf I.ender rcyuired manEogc ir»uran.c u. n ro�xlition uf makin�!�hc loan securrd by thf�Scrurity �� <br />_i.; �• �.... <br /> lt�.� ��� :'•;;,,,���t�i�Y�,s�., Instrument, Borrowrr sh;dl pay the premiums reyuired to nuimuin Ihe morlguge inxurunce in effc�t. Iff. For any rewon. �he �',- <br />�_-.�j J�� � . '��7�'!.'{�' mortgage insurnnce covernge reyuired by l.ender lapre�or ceus��.�o In in rff�rt. &�rrower tihull pay the�+��miums reyuirec!to ��._ <br />;:;;'°a'�:• •. '� �`�`• obtnin coveruge subs�nntially equivalent to thr mongage insuranee in eff��t,at a caxt tiubstvntiully.eyuivalent to�he �-- <br /> ;d... r•�`` *�'��,�;`'•:�i:•: �; <br /> T �: -.. ms� to��+rruwer of�he mc►rtgnge in.urance previ�wsly in cffert, 6r��m un ullcrnalc mort�:+ge insumr upprov�,ci by Lend�rr. If <br />:3�r' ,,,, ,;, ,,, ;,;;;;;, . , <br /> • � ���t. substami�►19} eyuivulent mnrtgng� ia�surance r�weruge is ni�t av,�ilaMe,B��rn►wer shull pay In L�ndor euch mon�h a sum equul to �• <br /> ''��•r����5� one-twe109h of Ihe�•c;+rl} mn�tgege intiurance premium Neing puid bv&�rrow�r�ti!:er. �h� inwranrc ci►rera��-:±a�+sed ur ce:ued w <br /> . < <<" , . . <br />-' � � � •��'��r� �•� be in eft'ect. Lendev wilo accepi,ueee and rewin thesc payment�•rs a lu.s resrne in ireu af mongage in�uca�Ke. Lu�. MtiCNC n <br />— r.. � �'n_,W-.��?Sa� - ,a�:.v <br />.�: �"' . �,�r':.��; FOfT��S 'g�� <br /> i..., <br /> ,^i� •_ � �;.��yr^(}.� <br /> .�(�� :.: . P�yn 3 0�i� <br /> - , �f;,�••: ,,�r;�'sr��f�{ � . <br /> , t�':t,��`�fr'.: �„ ;.�., . <br /> '�t.�;�;'i'!s�.r�y�)��,��`� � . <br /> . ,,l �.� '��'',5�� ,� . �i'ATn.i}ti.iZl�is". Ye:-� ... . � . �. . � r � .. ,5.,�7�r....G...::r'1a�77ri��: 't:r"2 . � �:iYS'.-.c'•.,.. � .. .,i:�t,' � <br /> .. �7��� •�. , . ' . <br /> ��'•" '���x��hl�lrt'•.R�liLi� .. . . 1 � . .. -. � <br />_ .. t}t G ;.�J •. � . . . ._ _ ...; --.. , .. , .. .. .. . . . � . <br /> . - '�, " „ . , � � • . . <br />. �4 ' � ', \'•,, ' T , : ' .� .. . . - . <br /> -f# . � . � . , � <br /> 'iJ' . <br /> •. � ' � � �., •�.. �4 . . • - ' , � . <br /> . ��'� �'L�. ' . . � • . <br /> . �. ;� . . .x�.� . . . � . . ' ' � ' . . <br /> - .'�I . _ ,,•', � :1 � ` . ' . _ . ' . . � ' , "' . ...,� . <br /> �� \- ' . . . � � <br /> , .... .. ... . ..""._" _"_ <br /> ,� .. _ . .........._"—'___._ .. ... __. .. _'""_"______. . . <br />