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_, ,. . -,. �. .. ,. <br /> , , r� „r"_.;+ , ,...�� ' .� . �, . - <br /> '_ ' J - ' . ���������5�: • • .+ ' <br /> � <br /> .� � <br /> - ��y.�F��`.�F��.wt� `'�-'-�._--. <br /> }� ,y. _ 1 ��:;_ <br /> .� � .�.��� <br /> �r • �. 11�ra or P�aperfy Urunnoe. Borrower slWl kecp Iho impravemeatA naw cxia n or herca er � on Ihc t-A��..��„- <br /> : . w �;' <br /> .:-� �r+�,. �• peqrcnY insurod�ainq tos,by fi�a,tuw�de includod within the�crm "extendeA rnver�ge'�nd aay ahcr h�zs�rds. inrludinQ �- _ <br /> • �`', -� tlooda or Baoding, for whkh I.ndrr tequioes inwranoe.This insu�we r�hwll hr mnim�lne�i ln the attwunl�atr! fur Ihe perN�d� -- <br /> ;,,;;_-_- _ - �-:_--- <br /> - - tbat Lender roquhes.7Le i�+r+aoe carrier pravidiap�he inwrance nitnll he cM�sea by�rmw���ubject ai Lcode�'.�roval <br /> '�,`.•'���.'' • which styll nat be unreawn�bly withheld. If Bnrmwe�f�iln Io m�ieuin rnvarn�e de�c�ih�d At��va. I.emler m�y, w l.enler's --- <br /> . ., y 5.�.. , `..;.,i.•i'. . ��..o. <br /> `��f .��.'�� apfiop abtain cove�e ta protat l�ender'�rigM�in the Property in�rnM�nce wi�h p�ti�ny►h 7. --- <br /> :r..>s��:+,��,.. ,` . <br /> ,. �r '.,%.,.:�,;r� Al)insunnee policies�nd rcr�ewals chall be�ccrpt�ble ta l.ende�and slt�ll include a�tandard mnhgpgc clyu.c. lwndcr =�--- ___ <br /> ;� - - , ' „ sh�ll have the right to bold the policks and rcnev►�ala. If Leode�roquircs.Borrowcr xhall pmm�tly give w I.c�xicr all rc.rips oi `°" �- <br /> '...:-.. ..,:?,; <br /> .s_,. p�id promiumc aad rr.newal notlas. In the eveat of loss.8orrower shal)Qive prompt ndke 1�►ihe in�u�ani.r rar�icr anJ lrndcr. - <br /> :� �' _ ....Y, ''� Leader m�y m�ke proof of loss if not m�dc promp�ly by Bartower. <br /> [s�% =--- <br /> --`��-� ��- --- - Unless I.ender,�ad Hortowa othervvice agroe in w�i�ing,i�sur�ncc pmceeds sh�ll be applied�o�aration ur r��{wir of the ��=�. <br /> '�' ' � " property dwt�ed,i6the restorwion or�rywir ic ocanomic�lly fcasible and Lender's socuri�y is nc�t le�+ennl. If the rc��aration or ����`�.. <br /> ,.� ,A�• .l-'l�i_ <br /> .� �— � • . .,�p�.:� �ep�ir is Nat ooaoomiadly fe�sibk or Lende�'s secu�ity would be Iessened,the insurance p�oco�.�d�shull he applied��the aums ' '"��-��t�' <br /> .;,_.;.� _..:; sxurod by �his Secwiqr lasmumea�t.�Uether or not then due, wi�h any eacess p�aid u► Borrowcr. If Bornnwer abumtom�hc <br /> �fi�...::�:�. <br /> -L��'�. �.:.c��ai� •...t i'►opertY•or doos na,�aswer.within 30 d�ys a�naice from L+eoder that the iasurancr curier has of�e�ed tu s�eu Ie a cluim.�hen � <br /> , ��` . l.eader m�y aoAlat dic insuranoe proc�eeds. lrenider may use �he pnx�eeds w ap�ir o� nestw�e �he Propeny �►r to p�y wms p� -- <br /> �..�a..x . ,..�H � <br /> - so�yrod py this Socurit�Y��t,wl�etlie�or na�hee due.The 3aday periad will begin when die aotkc is �siv�a. _ <br />_r•,'� X . � . . '�.. Unkss le�der�nd Borrower dherwise sg�ee in writing. any applicwtian ai pmceads to principAl shall nnt exte�d or <br /> � • , ;'���•�"�� . postpoeie tllre d�ae date of the montkefY paYmentc refemed to in�wngnphs 1 and 2 0�change thc amount af thc payments. U �� ;'��1• <br /> ;.,,•_•�,:`.<:' wn� . , .,.;�,�_: <br /> �` .:.;�, .t •�.' • wder p�mgrrplo 21 the Prope�ty is acquircd by Lender.Borrower's�ght to any insurance policies anc!proceeds rcsultiog fmm ,,..:�:',:,•;_;,: <br /> f:. •�� .. dimage w the P�operty Prior to�he aoquisition slwll�wcs to Lender w the exteet of the wms socured by this Security Instrument i�'`%��i i�F'.;, <br /> - —= •:t �iatcly Pciat tB t�e ac�ish'sos!. ''= - <br /> .� '." '. ' � �� �Liatawace aad Proleclloa ot t6e Rorrower's t.oan Applkationt Leasclalds. ^;"`, _ <br /> �A' wY <br />_ �`���': "� -,� � fd.`� �.�s �lSYPf'u�. ��yi ����.•t_� <br /> -_.�.• .y`` ,�y. <br />,_.'��:;;�• .�:Y;�'�y' Bomowcr shull oaupy,est��d use 1he as Bon��et's rinci rcsideaoe v�d¢hin six da s after the ex�cution of ���t�,+�° <br /> Propert!' P Pal �7' Y E;�::�:�. <br /> :,:. ,t' '1, •,r., � ,,.::..;y � this S�ac�i. Insuument and shall continue to accu the Pro �t as Borrower's rinci a� residence fi�r at least one car after ;,?::�� <br />`�: ,: �F' ,.�.��!�•�:•�:•. .. Q� �t} PY � !' P P 9 t�:.;,;r::= <br /> ° ;�� �� ,.��j�.;t'�'��L�r;�'� ` the dri'tz ou oecu�ercy.onlas l.a�der otherwise agrce.c in writing. which oonsent shall nat he unreasonably wiel�eld.or unless �M�,it;���- <br /> r ;. �' " ; '•���E`.� exterivatimg ri��ecm��t�aces exisl which are beyond Borrower'� rnntrol. 8orroaer slwll not destroy. �awge or impair the C,�k,',�f�., <br /> •• ':.,;°�..��:,•`.i ���:� m, nllow thr to deteriorate. or commit waste on the rt .Borrowe� shall be fo detault if any forf'ei�ure �'°��:_ <br /> � � �nY � Y ,if?'r'�'.:. <br /> :� �"•''•�' �ctioa or proceeding,whether civi�l or crimiaai, is begua t0�at in�nder's good taith judgm�nt cauld result in fodeiwre of Ihe ,,�.i :r:�, <br /> j :.t, 4�.° <br /> " �� •»�� or othervvise rtwteriall im r the lien created b this 5ecuri Instrumrnt or l.e�ciFr's securit interest.Bonower ma ` ��°rf f���'�" <br /> � � � .�s �� . p��Y Y� Wi Y �Y Y y - - �� = <br /> ° W .��,,_:�.. <br /> . ' �� '• •x � cure wch a default and rcinuete,as provided ice iparagr�ph 18,by causing the ection or proceeding ta be dismissed with a niling ===__ _ <br />...u� � . .�y tyy,,�y.. : — <br /> thu. in Lender's�aod f�ith ddcrmination. pr�8udes forFeituro of the Bomower's interest in the Property o�aher material <br />_ - �:.4�:?�..-_ imQairment of the lien�cnsted by thic 3ecurity ]narument or Lender's secarity interest. 8orrower shall also be in default if �'�� <br /> � � '''� � Borrowu, during the loan applicau:ma,gave materia90�•Fa1se ar inaeeurate inforn�a+tion or s�atements�o Lender(or f�iled �,�� <br /> ,•:. r� , � <br /> ° , ,� `��-`�`. .• W pmvide Lender with any mater+a;infom�ation)in connec�ion with the loan evidenced by the Note. including.but not limited -- ---- <br /> • o .��,..,, :. .,� to,�preseaita�ions coaxrning BorTawer':arcup:u+ty of the Properry as a principal rcsidence.If this Security Instrument is on e •�. ;.;'�:- <br /> :r•� ;,��..{„ �s:,z. <br /> '-•-.� Iwsehc�ld. Borrnwee sfiall mmply with a�� thc rrnvisinns of the lea.ce. 1f 41+Hr�wer acquires fee title m thc Pmperty. the �-- <br /> . .�.-.�.-... --.--.. � �;,..,_..r_�.r <br /> !' " leasehold and the fee title sha�➢nc�+t mer$e unles; Lender agrees to the merger in writing. �,;_; <br /> �� k'F';�•t''1rjf,.'� z 7.P�otation�o1l.cader'�Ra�.,�ts M the Property.lf Borrowcr fails to perfo�rrre nhe cnvenants and agrecmc�nts contsaned in ' ".```•-��... <br /> ' i�%��:.'��}i'�;�;�:;: this Security Inatrument.or them is a legal proceeding that may significantly afffea U.ender's rights in the Property(such as a ::',,,�::�:` <br /> f.,., <br /> � �� ;,rr�,f,.:,� t��: �f�'�'- <br /> procetdiog in bmnHcruptcy,probrte. for condemnation or forfeiture or to eniorce laws or r+egulations),then Lender may do and :'�;,4r�t,•'•:�; <br /> ��i." ' .l f.� � T ���L. . <br /> , ;: ; 4.;t�3 pay for whuever is necess�ry to protect the vAlue of the Property and l,endcr'i righu in the Property. l.ender's actions mey •;.�� <br /> �, � � '�;:'y����; ,,Y� include paying ony sums securcd by a lien �tihich has priority over this Se►vrity Instroment, appearing in court, paying ��"�=.:a:i_- <br /> �,f::!� �� }.,;���'��': rcASOnable attorne s'fees and ente�in on tha Pro n to nwlce re rs. Althau h Lende�ma take actinn under this �ra h -.�`-��A^ <br /> � '�i: �.,�.. Y R Pe Y P� 8 Y p 8rep `' r:,.F��'v:°°_ <br /> �i, � t,y,,;:�!'?.,�: 7,Lea�kr does not have to do so. , , 1�<i: <br /> •� ..�;� <br /> :�;�,•;�-�.: ,. r r� - _ � Sr.:- <br /> r .._ .;.(,�. ;'•u Am� amounts disbursed by ].en�er undzr this paragraph 7 4ha11 becotne additional ;lebt of Eorrower xcured by this .__� <br /> .1� r . .7 �%r�'__" <br /> - ,..r , • t; . Secur�l3y InsUurnent. Unless Borrower and l.ender ngree tn other terms of payment, thesc amouMs s�hal] bear interest from thc �__. <br /> "'•'�'� � date �f disbursement at thc Note rate �nd shAl1 fie payabie, wi�h, upon notice fram Lender �o Hormwer requesting E'��=�''- <br /> .,: •y. •� ''�. ,. �- <br /> . ,. . ,;,. .,•jv�,.:-:r.��! paywent. �---- <br /> ,?�iM• , �,.:�;,�,,�,�;�':���.; 8.Morigage Insuranee. If L.ender required mongagc insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security ---a.�_ <br /> r ,; �'�""'aS��`� -�,, Instrument, Borrower shall pay t?�e premiums required to maintam the mortgage insurunce in effect. If, for any mason, the � - <br /> ��ti r,,f !w; � "'►�{ mortgage insuraace covenge required by Ler.der lapscs or ceases to be in effect, Burrower shull pay tht premiums required to �� + .k <br /> ''�°� • �` !>"' ' �� ; ` obtain ooverage substanlially equivaleni to t9�e mottgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost sufi,ra�tially equivalent to the ---=~�- <br /> � .:;�;� },,+,�,; ,••>•� �v��► <br /> � • �� " �I`"''�1 • , cost to Borrower of the mora�age insurance previcwsly in effttt, fmm an oltemate mortgage insurer ap�roved by Lender. If <br /> . � a:;.•,.t:"�. <br /> ' ;' ; '`n4. �:' _ subatamiafly equivalent mon�age insur�nce coverage is not availuble, Bormwer shall pay to Lender each munth equal to <br /> •,�. � �.:�}� , •;: <br /> � one-awelflh of the yearly mortgage insurunce premium Mein�p�id by Borrower when the insuranee caverage lapsed or:eased to <br /> ,. .• <br /> , be in efie¢t.Lender will acoept,use and re�ain these paymemc as a loss reserve in lieu ot' monga�� insurrnce. l..oss resewe ; . <br /> . ' �:,�.• . <br /> ��''!! ._..� 'ti,_ _, Fam 30.'t� ff�O <br /> � .Z' ' :ri;':,�ft • . <br /> � . ry ��., . P�3o1� ' . 'J�i•�., <br /> , +.� . �';� NIC,90/9�A9iEt3 �' . '; <br /> ,�. � �. . . <br /> , .i,_, t • . ' u, <br /> ' ,iir; `�� .. � � ..I � ' ,�.�r' . <br /> '� Y S .:;;�....•,.�+�+K'i�;+tfi'a',:}'•_, �.:,�+�`�+�'.;�i•:i��:�,i�� • . . .. 1,, , � �•' <br /> ""'�.tl;�; , . <br /> , �` .j��:i,.. , }'�.�. .' �'�_. .. � ; � , <br /> ,ri�'• <br /> iA ' �.. � . . 11� , ' , I • . . <br /> . � ' �f„ �� ��1 . <br /> --. . _.___.._:_ -��,�'��t '' . �, � ' . !' _ � <br /> � �' `��'i � ' � . . , '. � . <br /> .7 r . . . ,fc.`,. _ • ' .1, � '.�. . . � . . <br /> ' �� , ,_ '''� �'•'� '4�� . <br /> : t. , . ;�i �. • , _�a�, � • <br />_ �`'_ t . ' <br /> . � � . <br /> , �' � '.��.' <br /> i t' � •• .. . <br /> •�it. <br /> � , .�, � <br /> � I <br /> , <br /> . _ ._...---- ----_...- - - - -- - -- -- -�---_.1.___.. .--. . <br />