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�...:_n�',,i ��� • -... :� �� <br /> - � 1. .. I �e;. ' � <br /> �� � � - y <br /> �,. �r.. 'i "�`.�. <br /> ' z� _ <br /> f_ r — p�ymp�U m�y a�lon�u bo raquirod.u�ho optian ai l�ra�dcr.if maA�a incumnca a►v�a(in t�ho+a�xwiq iuid Tor tlie period <br /> -- -------- dNt Lender nqui�)Provided by�n incurcr approvod by I.ender��io becanes�v�ilwbb�d io oMdned.l�arrowcr sh�ll p�y ` <br /> -- _ _-�— -- ----_ �M�wniuma roquirod ta m�inWn mcwt�ra�e itiunerr in efili+r�,or to�nnvlrM�M�+c ir�neves,ontil�he roquirotna�t for mnAg�ge ,--. <br /> ie�nraaoe a�in aoo�tdmoo with�ny writtea�nea�xnt betww�eeen Barrower�rd Lender a applicable law. <br /> :__ <br /> — 9.Iwpeel{ora.L�ender or ib�may m�ke�satwbla enuia upon ur1 inspectians of�hc Prapeny. Ler�der`lall �ive <br /> _ <br /> Bott+nwet aotice at tho dme of ar prior w w in�pectjon cpecii�ring masotibk cause for �hc inspaYion. <br /> _..: -- . l�.CoadnnrqNioa� Tho pra�eeds of any awud or cldm far d�mages. diroct or aonsoquential. in oannoclian with ony <br /> 'W � oo�dmnmtbn or other W3�of�ny pset of the P�openy.or for convoyanoe in Neu of aonckmn�tioo,iue he.nby�csiQnaf wd � <br /> n ' ' thall be�id to[.e�ter. �_��:,. <br /> ,• le the oveat of�topl Wdng uf the �- <br /> PropeRy.the proaads siull bc appliod to the wms secun+d by�his Socv�ity Insuument. s�,�,..: <br /> _�^;•'• . '+ w1�etNer or not rhen due,wYh any exass p�id to Botrower. in che event of a putiel taking of thc Propeny in which the fi�r �`z.=n' <br /> " r � " � .� � �rloet v�lue oi tY�e Prapnn►y iwmediotely befon the�aking is eq�wl to or g�eater thon the amount of the wrns securod by thic r`". <br /> R4Wl� �� <br /> '�:� Soaiuity Instruae�t�m�di�ilr beforc thc t�icing,unless Ho�rower and Lender athe�vise agroe in wdliop.ihe rums sccurod by �:� <br /> ---�;:'��"� this to�tcumm�sDwu be rafuoed b the aaouo�t ot d� - . <br /> SocYrky w y prooeeds muldplied by the following fnction: (a) the total <br /> •�.�_ j � �aauat of�he sums soa�ed im�ediately befooe the taking.divided by(b)the fai�ma�ket value af thc Pnnperty immediately �" <br /> �.i� :;•.i;f#��: bd'ae tbe aikiag. Any baLaaoe slwll be paid w Bomo�w�r. In the ev�ent af A putial taking of�he Propeny in which thc fiir - __- <br /> -,.�v..,.�`:,,:�`; aarioet v�lue ot We Praperty inunedi�tely beforc thc t�lciap d�lass th�w the anouat of the cums secuoed immediately befor+e the - <br /> - ��' . �:tt,s^<'a ' h1r1A8. ueless Bonower�nd Lender otherwise agroe ia w�rit��g o�r unless applicable I�w dhe�wise provides. tbe poveods sAall <br /> -_ �,�':i;.;"';?`, be�pplied tv�t&e swns sxurod by this Security instrument wh�67�es•x�eat the wms�re t6en due. � <br /> � �'�: , � <br />_ ,. '+::,;,`,':��•,F��r If t6�Property is�band�ned by Borrower.or if.aNer no�is�b���,rnder to Bort�ower th�t ti�c cademnor offen to mrkc an ',:;;. <br /> -- n►�d or�ettle: cldm for dartuges.Horrower fafls to aes4�nd to l.cader withia 30 d�ys after ihe date the�wtice is givea. ., - <br /> � -q���`�" r,� I.c�ixr ic aa�aized co aoilcd wKi�,iy tJk:pr:,cw.3s.:.:4�s c.ptiast,cliltcr ia r��:s r.r s�ir cf tl:e!'sv�st�r or tc tlr.�rt - <br /> .e '•9R, ' secwad by this Secu�ity Insuuma�t.whether or not theq due. �;, <br /> °�"r ,,- v� ,.. �:s,i, <br />-_-��•s; �:°: �.;�. �1�sy�?xl4i Ualess I�Mer and Bomnwer otherwise agroc ia writing. ariy apPlication of pr�ocoeds rtv�rimcip�l stall not extered or &f_... <br />`��:;:�,';; t �.. :, �: '`�� postp�ne die due date of t1x monthl "�'_ <br />.-.:;�:ti ` .. ,:�� y payra+ents referrod t0 in puagraphs 1 and 2 ar ch�nge�ae�r�sum of wach paymenU. �6i•,f <br /> ��q� ��,_ •� . ..�.'" 11.Hon+��Nol Rde�eed;F�By I.ewder Nat s W�Wa.Bxtems9-an d 4Pae Qame for paymem ar modifica7+�n •. ��,� <br /> ��� 'n>� � ,t��� .; <br /> �� �,_ � �f amortlmt[on of the swns sxmed by this Securiry I�acuanent granted by Lender t�an�su��sor in intercst of Horrower shp�0 �;�,� : <br />�ti��; -�+ Fy aot��y��/�t,n rclease tbe liabili of the oriQ�nnl Sorw�er or Borrower's sucoessors,in i�tcrest.Lender shall not be/�/��i�d to 'j � <br /> �f�` 3 .�' ,.A , f' <br /> ::.r: ;:(�/j�`r'�, i• . A � �'1'w"'� � S^" ��1� i�v:_... <br />�����;��:::'� �:� • ";'..�,.,: - commenx �ceedin s aiast an success�xr ia inter¢s.t or neflue to extend time for nt ar atherwfse modi amortintiun <br /> �.;r :,.s:,, P 8 � Y P�Y� fY .��`��a <br /> :��:°:ir:. ;.,,..w ; '.v• � of the sumx secw�rtd by this Socuriry I�satimeat b�,y r�:ason of any demand made by�he original Borrower or Borrowu's =�- <br /> -'Y ` � J C}� ,f .�ri:1•R <br /> �',�,��: � wa�essora in iatPrest. My forbearnnce by Lender ia en�tcisiag any right or rcmady�lull aot be a waiver oi or preclude the <br />_ �����,..:-t;:'._ �:;:":. <br /> �"� ?;` r �� ��;•..' � exerdse of any rigM or irmody. ` `- <br /> 13.�ss ai�d !� Soassd:Jo4e! sad �vaa! �,�t,,�.� 1!x coveasnts and �ss of!l��a �r�`:v <br /> °:3;..`�'�Mk�-�:r:w-r�—�-7 �i .,.:r-a"iw.a,�s• � 1L�.--- <br /> - �<:�, � 7l,� 5.� . �'� ' Sxurity lasuaawtirnt shrll 6ind end benefn the successors and assigns of l.ender and Borrower, subjoct to the provisi��as p'f =_°_ <br /> aj:;;?;�. .:��,��;. � P�S�I� 1 a. 8orrowu's oovenants and agneements shall be joint and severpl. My Bornower who co-signs this Securi�:ti =. <br /> �� ' �• r In�stav�at bui does not exavte the Note: (a) is ca-si�riing this Securiry Instruaiem only to mongage. grant ar�d ooavey t�huz 6:;;z-= <br /> '"",''"s' Surx�w�t'�3s�tenst in tAe Pro undcr the terms at zhis Sccurl •]nstrument; �9 is not rsonnll obll eted•.o the sums <br /> .,.,�.�;; .�rj'�}tti;�S .,�:�"..�' pertY n f P�• Y 8 PoY �:�': � <br /> •r..,. �axcura3 by this Security Instrument:and(c)agr�oes thal I;,zrui�r w�d aaay other Borrower may agroe to eatend, modify. forbear or �k`:.:: <br />-a+!1.°;,� � .,., . <br /> I r aiake any acsom�nwdationR wlth rega�d to the terms of this S�cu�ey ]�nstrument or the Note wiifwut thu Borrower's consent. _. <br /> �,;:'�„x `''•' ' 13.l.o�x Ghnrga. If the luan socured 6y this Security Instrumcnt is subject to a I�w wh�c'h aets mvcimum loan charges. _-- <br />•�="J't, ;� �t,;.., ' end lhat law is Fnally inteipreted so that the interest or ather loan charges collected or to be co9locted in coanectbn with the - <br /> -�.' '.' r��'.' � ' loan exoxd the pertnitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge slwll be reduoed by the arnount neoessnry t�radua tMo ctwrge - <br /> �,,' �,5�. . Yi.. : -.. <br />::.� �.;?� .N '� : , to ttrc pennittal limit:wd(b)any sums alrcady rnllocted from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to <br />�"'� i��,� �,.� �.Borrower. Lender may chaose to meke thic refund by reducing the p�ncipal owed under t'he Nate or by msJcfng a duect � <br /> ... .�L . �r::•, paymcnl to Bonower. If a refund reduccs princip�l, tM roduction wfll be �reatod es e partial Prcprymmt withc►ut �y �:- <br /> i'�]I /J, '� � ' . Prearyment charge under the Note. �,:: <br /> ;� _ s,,C�ty!f,�'�y,,,,.•;�:`� �` 14.Notlas. My n�tia to Borrower provided for in this Security Instnrmena shall be given by delivering it or by mailing e :_ <br /> � r�Q?Q� "�� it by first class mail udess applicable law requires use of anwher method.The notice shall be dirocted to Ihc Pc�operty Addrcss <br /> � P �61""'�,.(, _ <br />,:'•;�;1`�} . �.�� .� . 'r or any dher ddcess Borrower designates by notice to I.ender. Any notice to Lender slwll be given by first class mail to � <br /> � ����;�: .. l.ender's addass stated he�in or any othcr sddress l.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notiee provided for in d�is _. ' <br />' ;�?;,', ' �,� �'����� Security Instrument shall be deemad to have been given to Borrowcr or Lcnder when given as provided in thia parograph. s- -` <br /> -.r�� t. '.`.•r.,= ' `�� 15.Gova�niag I,rw;SeverabUity. This Securiry lnstrument shall be govemeG by federal law and the !aw of the - <br /> ;�.;t�; +' r� �� jurisdidion in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of ttiis Socurity Instnmtent or the Nate <br /> "�'"��.. , +c oonflicts with opplicable law,such rnn0ict shall not af4ect other provisions of this Secu rity Inucument or�Fie Note which can be <br /> `'',•` ` " ��' �' iven effoct without theconflictin rovisan.To this end the r���sions of this Securi Inurument and 1he Note anedeclaned �- __ <br /> -::.i{;�� ��' '� 6 B P P �Y - <br /> �"�;'. : • .-�,.;�;;.�� w be scverabk. a� <br /> . ric~ '� !� r !.-. <br /> ��=,� 16.Boerow�e Copy.Bc�rrower shall be given one oonformod rnpy of the Note and of thic Secudty loswment. <br /> !�''_" ;..�.; �.t.�.y ��•..•� <br /> ' ��� �it�'jY� .a�r��:• � fMlll�� Sl� ' <br />��"�1Y�{���� - I�S•1•�'�• , ."��,"t: ' P •of <br />-rt`•,'�1 '���}', '' ''t�T- AiC-301g1l�fE9�l � ° , ' . <br /> _-���'..� +� ��,��' ' 'i1'1,}'� - •. <br />��;r,it•:• ' a�;' ,� �''1'•:,r;::� ` �r <br />-.�1},��';l �'�{��`Z,�iT;!•';.,j'��j�{!): L`' <br /> :.'��{��•` ,`��4�f��Ai { , •f - ,���- <br /> _ 1 /yf/��� ��Ij'�t �' ��- <br /> -�K�� 1 I�t��� R f,� , '�V})�i��ti;yl�.�� . . '�,.�.7,_ .....;. . . . . ..�ff^'.....�.....«.�..-._..�.r��.�' • �ir..��t�r'� �� ."�.�N^';.� <br /> i �'t' } . '����'f;�r�: . ' . . 1 � ,�,. . .. ;U . ;�1 �i,+ . '��.1'.i - -' <br /> 'fe, ir, � ..1.;!"�i' - � ' � ' . � • � �. <br /> ��'�i-� . . . �-.0,J 1 .' . �' 1 � . . . . • i • <br /> 1' 7 yi� ..C'4l.lF.lLls. '.li))� . . . ..l . � /. � ,1,;�:1�' � . . �f•�'1 . . <br /> • ' • --�--- , ";14': ` . •- ; . � ,� ....r . <br /> Nv ' ( Y• .• . . _ ,o�•v.t'.ti r , . . � .� ' • " ' ' ,,�,��,i,•. <br /> .. . k� . ' � <br /> ��� . , . ,� , �, . , . <br /> �� ;� . , .. . , . <br /> }:,'� ;�. •,. . <br /> >.' . . . . . . . . <br /> , �.,� .. , . . . <br /> �.� � .. , <br />. j , .. ...���; . <br />� '� 'y��''� `� ; � ...- . <br />. `, .. ;°. ��� . . --� <br /> .. �. , .:'�:.. • . , . <br /> y i <br /> , , <br /> � ------ -- ---� <br />