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._.:_�� r� , tttk�'::1�,7k�i.��!v;"M.` _ <br /> f� . . ..inias.l:-�+M' � _ ���` < .;,��- <br /> - - • .� �', •:i_ .•a.o. � q�.:!�'.��u 3 -��� <br /> .� �� .cr��:_ <br /> �� 1.d •;l�t •.4..:. � . <br /> . . . � ...!•. . �.. <br /> •.�._� . . . ., . . . < �.�-•. <br /> _ . _ .`..'."�_[i.•� <br /> _"_. _"' _ ".___._ <br /> ... :' . _.___ '.. _ . _._....._..— <br /> . _'. �� :___' <br /> ..�..«u.M'r <br /> . •#� ;�.:., r: Ig3- �OR�'�'S.Z ���-- <br /> - ----- 7bo6THBR WI'i'N au d,e i�aprove�ah rww nr herc�Q�eieaed on tho pnuperty..ud aU e�aaeau,qipuna�noa�eod �.-_ - <br /> ' ..��=;.R��=.�6� ��ura �r or heral4er � pwn ai�he propa�y. All ropl�oa�ents and additiunr ciwll �lw�be oovwed by thi4 Soa�rity =— _.. <br /> �_„- _ - � - fatttm�-.x.:.A::a:�».�r.aatng is rcfc�sr��::t�ts°.uvstty ln..hcuss��!!se"!'crAMY.• <br /> ��---_.__ <br /> BORROWF.R roVBNANT9 thN Borrowu is Iswfhlly seisod af tha at�te hereby oonveyod�nd h�s Ibo�ht tn Q�ant�nd - <br /> . ';�",A, oonvey the PropeAy and thu thc Property is unencumt�ered,exapt fa�encumbrances af rocord.Bomawe�wan�u and will <br /> defai�d gcooally the t�tle Ia tho PropeRy��In�all cldms�u►d demand�. wbjoct�o any cncumbr�nccs of rocord. _�'='z"'�_! <br /> -- - - - TNIS SECURlTY INSTRUMBNT��ntnbines uniPann anvcmnt`for�ational usc ard non•ualf'orm wvenrala with limited �`��. _ <br /> . , vu�pions by ju�i�dktiae to oanctituta a uoiform socu�ity inclrumeot cove�in�rcal Pmperty• <br /> .- ��"�' UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lendcr covenant and ugnee as follows: �'-'°-"-- _ <br /> • ,, 1. P�yiaait of Prindpd�ad late�ct: Pir+eP�ymeat�nd 1.*te Ch�rg�. Borrowcr sholl promp�y P�Y whea due the ��:��'-- <br /> , . `r�,�ifr �:M.;,}�•�•� pdncip�l �f snd intercst on thc debt evidcnccd by thc Note an�anY P�Yment and latc chargcs due under Ihe IVate. �=- <br /> . �. ,.; i•.l'i �^+ Q!Y.r:- <br />'_ �� �.r: •.,,�>�.;.,� �,j_ 2.Fb�ds�or Ta�ta aad laeuranee. Subjoct to applicaMe low or to a written waiver by Lende�. Bo�tower shall paiy to <br /> --:-:*:�•� ; � ,.,- • l.ender on the day monthlY P�Yments ane duc under thc Note.until the Nou is pAid in full.a sum('Fuads')far.(pl Y�Y� ��-°" <br /> � ._ ..:,, � <br />�� " '� ' �► md as�s�ta which m�y�ttois p�io�ity orer this Secarity last�umeat as A liea on the PropertY:(b)Y�Y��P�Y�S <br /> --.��' �' '�:�,:t. or rnund rents ou the iian .lc)yc�uiy hvard or msurao��e rcmiuns:(dl YeulY flood insutsu�oe ums. �_--°- <br /> -� � - y.�. 8 �Y•� Y' Pr°PenY� P p� �_— <br /> ��.� � , if any:(a)Yauly mo�tg�ge inmun�e pKminms. ii any:and(�aoY swns P�►Yable by Bomower�o�.ender, ia Aornrd�noe with _ <br /> x�.-.,, ;:,, • r.:' thc ravisioos oi' 8,ia lieu of 1hc of a�o�l e insut�nce 'It�esc iteax:�ee called'Escrow Items.' �" <br /> �r.-�,.,�„� . ,..�.� P <br /> W�+B� WY� �B P��• <br /> =���- <br /> � ,{s�`.i F���P� Leder m� any time. a►OtcxY and hold Fwidc i�an amount not to e�coeed�he m�cimum amuwa�t a lender kx a Pederr�liy `,:.r,`•d'�_,��' <br /> a- �1 {: �elatad mo�tgage laan may �enire for Borrower's escrow xrouot uader the fede�l Res�! Estate Settlement Prawc�u�s Aci of "''''"' - <br /> - :7�i.("'.i3r' c;,i': �� �',:�•r?:,.��_- <br /> �7�.i:.f;��(..�q;•.: <br /> � 1'�74�s ameaded from time ta aime. 12 U.S.C.Seclian ��ill er seq. ('ACFSPA").unless Anatlier!•awr tbwt appl'a�s t,�tt�e Fw��s �;:�,:. <br /> sets a ksser amaunt. If sa. Lender may, at:+tn tin�. collext and M�Gd �unda in an amount oot to excce� the I�sser suaoun�. �,:°.: <br />•:•� y �t�: <br /> - - Z.enaer may estimwe the arpount ol runds due on Uw:basas oi curt�ent data and maso�wble eslkuu�s nt expenQiiarcs ot tuture .�rr���� _ <br /> „� , Escrow Items or dhervrrise i�e accordance with appli��l�i:aw. ,,r., .�y�: <br /> �;'.;�.� , <br /> • .. • � � . T h e Fu n d s s l w l l 6 e h e i a i in an inst itution w h ose d e p o sits arc insu r e d by a �o de m l agenry. i n s trnmen t n lity, or en ti ty � �'`�� <br /> rt 'n �'° . . . � (including Lerder,if Lendcr i�such an institution)or in sny Federal Home Loan BanCc.�.ende�shal� apply the Fwu+ids to pay the 1!#'` ",-- <br /> ._ ' A �4 ,,i' ' �.rs�L�• <br />`..':�t' `•..^�`' a�''�� Escrow Items. Lender may nat clwrge Borrower for hotding and applying the FuMs, annually �w!}•�iog the escrow account.o� --- <br />��'j��,�" °•l ' '°„ , veri pxys Borrower intemst on the Funds and applicable laK Qerrt�its I.ender to make su�h �u - <br /> �'�;fi��'�:��''' h � fying the Fscrow Items,unless I�nder <br /> ',s�?",'.:`'"` "�'� ":, a chs�tge. However, LcMcr nnay require Borrower to pay a aae-time chuge for an indepe�dent real csuue tau rc�ling sen�6ce �r���;�� <br /> +��.�r�. .�. u�nf by Lender in oonnect+o� with this loan. ualesa applicable law provides dherwise. Unlas an agreemer�t is n�ade or �+:::`�`.�-== <br /> -� !-• Yf'� �F�,=.—_ <br /> .��, �: �.•�". a,roplicable law requircs intercst to be paid� l.ender sha0i nat be requir+ed ta p�y Borrower any interest or eamings on�he Funds. F�,,-�---�--. <br /> . ,- tr .,.. <br /> ` �,��•.,. �.•t;t,;t.;�;. Bomower and Lender may agree in writin�,howevcr, thAt inte�st slwll be paid on the Funds. Lender sh�ll give to Borrower, �._ `� <br /> r , �i <br /> � ��►� aithout charge,aa ann{wl ac�eounting of thc Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and tMe pu�pose for which exh <br /> _ - ��,�5'�``�"..� drbii tu t�Funds was made. 77�Fands�re pledgeai as a.ididonal setvrity for ali sums secur�d by ihi6 aecu�it��ir�:3rumeni. -�..,�=__ <br />,•h „ ` �+����.• �� If thc Funds held by Lender excoed the amounts permiued to be held by spplicable law,Lender shall accou�2 to Bortnwer -�f.. <br /> . , � ;���,h,_ . .;�. `, for the excess Funds in xcrordance wlth the�equi�ments of applicable Iaw. If the amount of the Runds held by Lender at any �j.;�„�-. <br /> ��� ''��x1 '�•�•`•' ,"" ;; time i�not suf�cient to pay the Escrow Itcrt�when duc,l.ender may so notify Bormwar in writing, such aise Borrower �i��.: <br /> �✓�:. a ,;.� , <br /> � � "��'' ' shall to Lenlicr the amouat ro make u the deficieac Borrower shall malce u the deficie in no more tto� __- --- <br /> E�r _;: -v �t.�ir 7��,Y� PzY ��Y P Y• P �Y =-. - <br /> . �� r?� `;`�? ,�'�j taelve monvhly�payments, at Lender's:wle discrction. ��. <br />� ; � �;�,,����' : ,:� �'� UP�n p�ymont in fi�ll of all sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument. l.ender shall promptly refund to �orrower any �;r;-=-- <br /> , , ; •, ;. . , ��;,, Funcls held by l.ender. If,under paragraph 21,I.ender shall acquire ar sell the Property,[or ta the acqu1sition or sale ;;: <br /> � f(���' ' �•yM.,:, ; . : o�F rhe Propeatay�,shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the time of xquisition or sale as a credit�gainst thc sums securod by � ,,,,;,�,. <br />��.. �I���.•��1, �. ' - ". �r . {i1���7iiY�ry]�St��I��. ' <br /> 1 4�.w.+��''' -..'�1� , <br /> : .t�.:..�._.•_.,� , . - . <br /> ��+i' + •i��.•• • "�1 3.AppNcalion o[PQyments.Unless applicable law provides othenvise,all paymcnts roceivad by l.ender undcr paragraphs • <br /> ��� •,... ,, . - <br />� ,:':�:,,�.r�;!�. :. 1 sued 2 slwll be applied:taru, to any n��,ay►w�nr chargcs due under the Note:�ernnd,to amounb payabk under pa�agraph 2; �-�-.�° <br /> L: - ' '� �' 1 °� i::,.�::,,� ... <br /> � �;�;;,`•',, ' , •• interest due; fnunh, to principnl due;und lust,to smy late churges due under the Note. G��.r�:�= <br /> � ,�����`•' � �:�:°�;�'�::. <br /> i - .. , , {{,i,:, �.Ctwt�ges;Lk�tts.Dorrower stiull �py all taxes.assessme�u.c. charges, fines and impositiaw attribulable to the Prope�ty - - - -- <br /> � � ba g ----�._..- <br />;' �. ,°� �"��w '�nr�;:; which may at�ain priority over this Securit} lnstrument, und leaschold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall ps►y <br /> � • K�'������. , <br /> . ;..;:*' ,, ''��,�`�• these obligations in the manner provided ira�aragraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr.sorrower s�all pay them on time directly ��^T.•:°.c'.+ <br /> �' i�••�'t; '�"�"��� to the person owed payment. Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to Lender all nwices of amcwnts to be paid under a�his paragr,�h. ° <br /> ' �';. <br />�`s- . '`t�:�`},�.�� ��'�' If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Ixnder receipts evidencing the Qa}•ments. �"" ���- <br /> . -y.:. d'.',t• �A . . �. ' - '- <br />•{�'•'��i1 . 'S�1'���;,n ,-`;• „. ,,;' 8orrower shall prompdy discharge any lien which fi;u priority over this Securily Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in �- �- "-=�_' <br />,!4r..X,�,1.� `�,;,�•',, 1 .., ..;�� 8 PaY B Y P� g �.�_� <br /> y � �. � writin to the ment of tfie obli ation setured b tht lien in a manner ucce ble to Lender; (b)c�ntes�s in ood falth the l�en Q=-�-� r��= <br /> �f�,,•. � [:_���=. <br />,.��';�t•s.` •.;,'y „� , by. or defends ag�inst enforcement oP t'he lien in, legal proceedings which in the l.en�ier's opinion o�rate to prevent the �����^° � <br /> enforament of the lien;or(�c� secures F�om the haldcr of the lien an agrcement satisfoctory to l.eadcr subortlinnaing the lien to � v <br /> ;..�i-x:%"�•: .�� .'^ thia Secudty Instrument. I�Y'Lcnder determines thAt uny part of the Pnipeny is subject lo u lien which may at�uin priority over ' <br /> f%'r'�•��`�'� ' ' � �': this Securit Instrument,Lencler ma ive Bortowcr a notice identif in the licn. &xrower shall sacisf thc lien or take one or k : � <br /> G ?.��,,�, ' ,�, Y Y R Y� S Y <br /> ' ,,��'.�;��. :s� , ...�{,:; mo�of the actfons set fonh atwve wiihdn 10 days of the giving of notice. E <br /> Y��1�_.•-... .. i`�Y G�.�.�1 �l p M �,� <br />. � .5�,.; /�f,1��1* � a.. ' , �"NI��J�RB i�iY ' . <br /> � i� .:�F�:,;',;,,..�lfa�.�{���`#�ai� o <br /> ',ir'�. .w�a a ;.�:%• <br /> +��'','i,:s�;�:�:' ' • �1�� ti'r.ii�::, �: <br /> . ,'i';' ti S1:•�,ya.' +':`� ' . <br /> � r� �',�`.}�'v . �• r <br /> .i��Ht., ,f ,.,;.i, .� ,� <br /> , f.!_ i ti ,� U �.. o- , � �. , ., � • . � r.., <br /> SL' i�dJ , ,_ :T- ..n-�..•.:,Y:� . ��1qht.�r.qri�.cl�1y r �� �.,�''�:ii ;I��tir�•q.:m�,w� �ir:"�,'� i�r, le.ilr��t�: 44�..�. . � <br /> +r��j � ; 1. . . -' � 1•,' . i ,. . ,• ,' ,i � ... I;1�( 1 (rll -� <br /> ;y. �',�t���(y,•` ��.� I . ` 1 1:'''�I,- � 41'. � 1,�,�� 1 . .1• . 1. � .. . ! <br /> .• ������� - � `}v�� • ' . �� �� ���. r ����� � � � ' , � • - f���. <br /> .�M¢� AS'4.ul��ie � j` � �i� /. . , . . ' \.1`' . � .. 'i�� �. <br />. _ _;---��,-.'--- J =.�_._..�_.- . .. .,. . . . . �i• , • . .. . <br /> '{'�"•, ���, �_';`''f . - ' - .. 1 � . � � 1 .' ,' . <br /> .i+ , . u, .� .. . , <br /> }. . '�; ' ' <br /> . . }.. .. . .. " . . . . . . , � ' • - . . � <br /> I�, � . ' . L\ . <br /> ,' � � ,{P.J ,; � <br />.1 � - `,Yi. . <br /> - I•�,`.. • . .. , � � � <br /> . '�i � . <br /> . <br /> _- ___ _ . . __ .1.. _'_ <br />