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�,; rF�,. � . <br /> � `';r�`( . . <br /> , . . <br /> ..•,..,,n � � ... .. . .... ......... . ....... <br /> , . --°--• � .... . - <br /> . <br /> .. ., ... ... ._...._, .-'---.._. _ . <br /> _'_""_"�3__._.........._..�._..�_"'_"".. .... � - .� <br /> 7. Protoc4lon of L�ndQr'o Riqi�to in the Property. �f eoaowor tmis to portorm tno covenuntn und ogrcomcnta <br /> • contelnad In thls fiCCUrlty In3trurreont,qr IhCro Is n lognt prOCaeding tt�at mny aipnificnntiy aifect Londor's►tghts In the Property(fsuoh n0 � ' <br /> • � o procc3dNg In banhruptay,probato,inr condomnatlon ar forfolturo or to ontorco I�ws or rcguiatfons),thon Lcnder mny do nnd pny tor <br /> whntavcr Is nccosonry to protcat iho vaUo of tho Property nnd Landora rlghto In tho Propurty. �enders ticttona mny Inotudo pnyNg 8 <br /> nny auma ocourod by n I�Cn whEoh hno prlariry ovor thts Scaurity Inotrumont, apponrinfl�n aourt, pnyln0 ronsonabt�attomoy'o taaa and �9 . <br /> entainp on 4ho Property to mako rcpntrs. Atthough Lcndor moy tnho aetlon undur thfs porngrnph 7, Lendor doos not havo to do so. � <br /> ' My nmounW dlsbur¢od by Lendor u�9dor thls 7 ohull bcoomo addittonni dobt ot Borrowor sccurod by this S�curity . <br /> InQwrrtont. Unlono Bortowor and Landor agrou to otAor tertn3 of payment, these amounts shnA baur Interoat trom t�o dato ot � <br /> �lMhureement nt tho Noto rnto ond ehntl bo paynbl�,wfth Nterost,upon nottco from Landor ta Borcowor roquo3tinp pnymcnt. <br /> . � �. Mortgage Ineurence. If Landor toqulrad mortgago in;,urnnco au a condltton ot maktng tho ►oan seourod by lCta 3;curity .. <br /> InsWmenG 8orro�var uhail pay tho pr�emNms ra0uired to matntaln tho moRgnge tneuranco In eHaot. If, for any roaeon, tho mortpage ;,�:s: <br /> � �� insumrtco aovaraao ruqulrad by L.ondar lip�es or ccazsos to ba in offect,8ortower shntl puy tho promlums r�quUod to obtnin ooverago � <br /> • �� � aubatanUalN oqulvnbnt to tho moApngo hauranco provlously In etiQat, at n ooat substantf�ly oquNnicnt to the ooat to 8orrov+or of tho <br /> � mortgugo hcsumnoo provlouary tn eHeot,from nn ultomote mortgaQo Inauar ttpprovod by Londcr. if substnntialy equtvnlont mortga8o <br /> tnoumnco oovomga is not c�vupabb, Borrotver 8hai1 pay to Lendor etiah month a sum oquui tu one�tweltth of th0 yoarry moApago <br /> Inaurnneo premlum boing pnid by Borcorrer �1hen tho Ingurrinco eoverago tapsod or ceased to bo In oHect. Lander wlil aacapt,usA end , ,_::,, <br /> �a2uln theso paymento na n los3 roserve in II�u of mortQuge tnsuranCO. Loso raserve pnymantR may no Ionaer bo roqui�Od, at tho �,:�.°: <br /> ; :�: <br /> optkn of Lendar, If moRgspo Inaurance aover+iQe (in the cunount nnd for tho porfad thut Lnnder roquiroa) provided by en Insuror ,,:n <br /> upprovc;d by Londor ugnin boaomes avattabl� and Is abtutned. Barcower shnli pny the promiuma roquirod to mnlntnln mortgago r:��:,,t <br /> v <br /> ' � tr.surnnco In otf�t, ot to provtde a toss rosorva, untlt the roquiromc►nt tar mortgngo Ineumnae ende in nocordance with any v�rittc+r► �;;;�Y <br /> ' � agresment bet►veon 8onowor und Wnder cr appibub{a t�w. ' .�;�. <br /> � 9. UspecNon. Lendor or Ite agent may mnke roasonab�s ontdea upon and lnopeottona of the Proporty. Lender shaU give ��_. <br /> `� 9orrowar not�e ut tho tlma of or prlor to an hspeation speaifyfifl reasonabte aaune tor the inapeotlon. ,:,;� <br />,r;;�� � � �� . <br /> � 1�1.CondemneUon. The proceoda of any award or at�►m ior damages, dir¢tt or oonsequentiai, in oonnccGOn �Ytih 9ny 'i <br />������!' • condemnatlon or othpr tNcinp ot any paR of the Property,or tor conveyente In ibu of condamnatton,are horeby asslgned ctnd ahntl be = <br />-'�, �" <br /> ' ' pekl to Landot. <br /> � ^ ,,F In th9 evant of a totol ta6cing of Ihe Prqperty, the proceeds ahaN he epplted to tho sums socured by this Seaurity Instroment, � .,;_ <br /> ' '�; whether or not thon due, wlth any excess pntd to Borrowor. in the event of a paRlal taking nt the Prapem/ in whbh the hsV madcot _,W <br /> a� vafuo of the Propsrty Immediutey betore the taking is equul to or flreater than the amount of the sums securod by thls Sflcurity �rt,,�:: <br /> � 1: InWrument knmediatuiy before the takNg, unfess Boaower and Lendar otherwise agres�tn wrRing, the suma ceaured by thb Securfty �;;{,':i.�; <br /> • � � tnaWmdnt aAnii bo reducod by Ihe eu�ount ot the proceeda multlplted by the tollow�A haotion: (a) the totai amount of tho sum8 ,���,�,:� <br /> �,� socured Immedic�toly before the taking,dArt6ed by(b)the taU mnrket vfllue ot the Property Immodietey betore the taking.My bnlanae +,;,`'`` <br /> ; r shal►bo patd to Borrower. In the event of a perttal taking of the Property in whbh tha fcU market vatue of the Proporty Unrreodl�tely .: y�. <br /> �,�... <br /> bofore tho tuktng is tesa tAM the amount ot tt18 sums secured Mmediatey hefore the tnking, unlesa Bortowar end lsndaz othawiso e:�. <br /> • `�� agroa In writing or unbss applfceble �w olhernise provtdes, the procaods shail be uppilad to the sums eeCUred by thts Security �.,,.:-__ <br /> � " r l�bt�um�►t whathet or not tite sums ttre then due. ���y- <br /> !,;.�s If the Proposty is ebendoned by Borrower,or if,ufter notbe by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor ot(ars to make sn aword or r�� <br /> .;,:;7• setUe a c{nim for dameges,Borrower teils to nASpond to Lender wNh(n 30 days after the dete the notl�e Is gMon,Lender is auth�A�rad r�'°� <br /> •• ��'�`�`' to aolieot and appty the proceeds,at Aa oplion,either to restoratlon or repaa ot the PropoRy or to the sums �seoured by thfn Socurily <br /> �� inaWment.whstfier or not then dus. <br /> � Unk�ss Lendor and 8o►rower othenvise aflree In wrfting,any upplfcatlun ot proceods to prinoipal shali not oxter►d ar postpone the �T-:.- <br /> due dato of the monthry payments retorted to In pcua9raD��B �and 2 or chenge the amount at such puyments. �'•=-' <br /> � � , � � 11. Borrower Nat Pleleased: Forbeara�ce 8y Lender t�ot n Walver. ExtenBton ot the timo tor puyment or �. <br /> •'; „ � �' modlticution ot amoRimtton ot the euma secured by this Sacudty Instrum�nt g�nntnd by Lender to ony succossor tn Intorost of Bortower _� <br /> *,; shali nOt opotnte to ro�oase the�abtliry of the orfginal BoROV�er or Borrowars successora in Interest. Londsr 3hn1i not ba roquirod to <br /> oommence procecidings sgninst any successor In interost or rofuso to extend tUne for pnymont or olherwise modtty art►ortirutior ot the <br /> ' su�rs seaured by this Socur[ty In�trumont by roason ot any demand made by the orlghat Bortower or 8ortowmr's aucco�aora 1n <br />��. intgtgt;G Any fotb811tE1ttCe by LdndoT In exeralsing eny right or remady shnil not be s waNat ot or prootuQo the exsrotso ot My Ayht or <br /> ' 2� � '%?.��'.. remady. <br /> � � � � ��'t�'' 12. Seaaessora and Qssigns Bmund; Joint and Severet Llabliity; Co-signero. rno covenanes and -- <br />- .!1"•.•...,r.+ <br /> '1 ' Agrooments of thta Socurity In3Wrr�ed shall be�d nnd bonetR tho suecoasors and assigns of Lender and Bortowor, 8ub)oet to tho _ <br /> • - provistons of pnmgraph /7. Bortowere coventu�ls end agrca�ments shell bo joint and eeveral. Any Bonowor who caslgns tfils Secu�ity �,;;_ <br />.���. � t InsUument but doos not oxaaute the No1�: (a) Is oo•slgning thts Sscurity Instrument ony to mortgnpo, grant, nnd eonvoy that �;s,'�r:: <br /> �. ��;:�,,:. <br />='�:'�.� , � � 8onoure�a intereat In tho Properh u�0or tho terms of thls Security Inawment;(b)b not personalry obtigatod to pay tho aums socuro0 _ <br />_ .. ,. •;r�'� `_. <br /> by thfs Secu►�ity Inetrumont; and(a) agrees lhat Londor and any other Borrower may egroe to axtond, modHy, torbear or mako any <br /> r,' accommeduUans r1Rh rogard to trnn^•o}thk S�urt►y Usm,ment or the Note wRhout that Borcowers conscsnt. �v ` <br /> t':�n ;; � 93. Laan Chargea tit me ben SCCUrCC by th� 3�urity insWment Is aubJect to a Iriw whiah seta rtuucimum tonn ennrges, �:_:__ <br />;.a�+ ; and thnt taw is ffnniry Mterpreted so Ihnt the Intorost ot othor Wan ohargeu aolteated or to be aoilsetod In aonneetton with tho toan � __ <br />• � cuc�d tho portnttted IYnks,thon;(n)anY auch toan ohnrges shail be teduce0 by tho nmount necossory to�educe the ahargo to tho �,,°q_ <br /> ' purmtttod Omih, und(b)eny suma ntrcwdy colteoWd from Bonower whbh oxcoodod pormitted�Imits wln bo rotunded to Borrower. Londor :.,-- <br /> ';�+`' • mty chooso to mnke thia refund by roducing tho prinotpa�owad undcr the Note or by mektng a diroat paymsnt to 8orrower. if a i'ur,;, <br /> ,,., �`" <br /> ro`und roducos prtneipn�.tho rc:ductton wtli bo Veated aa a partint PrcPaymcnt v�ithout any prepnymant ehnrgo under tho Note. �.,;.::� <br /> r , <br /> " j 14. Noticea MY notice to Borrowor Drovldod fpr N this Sacudty IneWment shati ba gMan by dotNaring it or by mntling H by :�`:;s; <br /> � �� Poat ol�sa mnii unbsa aspl�ubb law roqulro3 uso ot enother mothod, The not�e shall b� direoted to tho Proporty AdOro�s or any <br /> •';.i°?:. . <br /> �� ' .t,�.:,:�i othw uddross Borrowor dosig�alas by not�o to l.cmdor. My notice to Lcindcr shntl be gNen by last olass mnit to Lendors addrer�s <br /> ';`„;��s smtcd hcroln ot anY other nddress lendor daslgnotos by not�o ro Bortower. My not�e pro•�Ided lor N this Socurity Inshument shali <br /> ���. <br /> bo doomtsd to havo bcw+ghran to Bo�rowur or Lender when ghren as provtded In this parapmph. <br /> �r°�'�• ' 16. GoverNng L.�w; 8sdardbilihl. This Security InsWment ahall bo govamud by federal law and tho !nw of tho . <br /> ity;%`' jurisd�tWn In whbh tho Propmrry fs toctitod. In the ovont that any provisfon or c�nuso of this Security InsWmont or tgo Noto contOCta <br /> _ .::4)•,f;�, �rh arntir.abts I�w. suoh conilict �taE �ot atiact athor provlstona oi thls Socurity InBwment or tho Noto ��hbh can be gNan Mf�ct <br /> -r4�+�l�`�tt�'� wRhout the oonflbtin8 Proviston. To thls and tha provisiona of this Security Inetrurtsont and the Noto aro�eataro0 to bo eowrai+o. ` � <br />----------tts.,,_- • � • ._- -`.-- --- --' - •,,........�u,c Atnco nnd n}thls SnCUfitY IfI8WR18Ilt. � <br /> _- ��I�t:,`I�`jY �Q. Borrowero �opy� tiOrtovrer 5�on�o yna.. vno YN��V�o�vv....rr -._._.--•- - . <br /> ` �''� 17. Transfor ot t��o Proparty or a Beneflciot Intereat in Borrowor. ir au or flny ptirt o� :ho Propurty ar enr <br /> mtetost N it Is sold or tranatertcd (or►t a banetfolat Interest In BoROwer Is sotd or tronsforrod and Bortowct ls not a naturai parson) <br /> r,tthout Londefs pdor�vdtton concdn6�andor mny,at its option,�quiro immttdi�to poymont in tuli ot all oums aecured by thi3 Sacurity <br /> InaWmcrtt. Howovo�,this optton shn0 not bo oxcrcised by lender if�corclso ks proh4�ited by tedeml luw no ot tho dnto ot tht3 Seeurity <br /> ' ��'�� insWmont. � <br /> �.;:. . <br /> ' if Londar oxoteisos thls aptbn,londor oh411 9No Borrower not�CO ot pCCOler�tion. Tho �ot�o�hnii provido u pcttod ot not F�sa <br /> •,, tAan 30 days Irom tho data tho notko Is dotNerod or malbd wfthin�vh�h tho Burcower muat puy nU sumn socured by thFS SocuKry <br /> InBUument. If 9ortowor tnils to pay tlroso cums prtor to tho expUation of thl�portod,Landor mny invoko tiny ramadto3 permittod by thls <br /> � � Soaurity�notrument w�hout tuRhor�oUCO ar domand on Bortowsr. Fo�T�o¢o aoo • <br /> �, <br /> F,oao.t�na�+roflt Pap�8 ot 6 ., <br /> ,� <br /> � �otx �.. <br /> „ t <br />