, . . t •,,,
<br /> . e -._
<br /> . . . .. -
<br /> ,
<br /> ' u . i• -
<br /> . .. ., ., ._ .• - I
<br /> ..
<br /> ' .:� . .. .. . :.-.�-...
<br /> Borrowor'e RigFit to �iein�9ate. it Borrowor moots cartn�n condiUona, 8orrowor sha�� hnvo iho right to nnv� i ' _'-
<br /> 9 8. t�cnbro �
<br /> cntorccment ol th13 Socurity Inotrument dlscontNuod ut any ttmo prar to t�o enritor of: (n)S dnYs lor such othor perlod�n opp � -
<br /> Iaw Moy opontlY for rotnotatemcnq boloro sab of !ho Proporty pureoa^t to nny powor ot seta cantA�nod in thls Socunty �nntrumon�. o► � � r�
<br /> , (b)ontry ot a Wdgmant cnt0�clnp thls Sccurity InetrumMt. Thoso condit�ons esro thut 8orrowor. (p) pnys londor nll aumo vehlo�ihcn 0�
<br /> would bu duo u�dCr thls S^curlty Inatrumcnt and tho Noto as if no nccoi�ratlon had yccurrad; (b) auro3 ony dofnutt of any olhc� �
<br /> " Covunant or apr��mCntc; (el PaY h Q�O o4�,onqor may oasonob�ry roqulro to n 6urotth�otho bn,Ot�hIB SCCUfttyi IoBt umont Lendo►'e , `.�
<br /> ntlomoyd taoa;nn01d)tnhos ouo ,. �
<br /> ri4hts in Iho PropoRy and Bortowpr's obAp2tion to pay !ho eums sacurOd by thls Snaurity Inntrumont 8hn11 oontlnuo unchnngod. Upon . r
<br /> � � ro4nstntemont by i3orrowCr, thl� S^curfty Inatrumont nnd tho dbligatan3 eccurod horoby shnU romn�n lully oNectbo no i} no IICCOt3ldtlOn
<br /> hud oCCUtrod. HOwOVOr,this tlght t0 r0l�BtntO Ehull not ttppil� tn th0 Cu80 ot nCCCtotatton undet pnrafl�aPh 1�• , ,
<br /> �8,$p�8�f(ts�t0; Ci�ango ot�oan Servic�r. Th0 yd�o Or a paA4'll IntElroSt In lh0 NotO (tCgOthOr with th18 SUCUttty }M1
<br /> lnstrumont) may bo eold onu or moro ttmos without prlor nottce to 8ortowor. A salo may resuft tn a chunge In tho entity(tcnown as tho �"
<br /> "Lonn Servicor') thnt colloate monthy paymflntES duo undar the Noto und thls Soourity Inatrument. Thoro atao may bo ono ar moro -y
<br /> ehan�os of tho Loan Sorvicor unrolntod to n twto of tho NOto. If tharo Is a ohnngo ot tho Louo Sen�ar, 8ortowor w111 bo gkon wrttton -
<br /> notko of tho chnnpe tn aeeordanco wtth paru8ramhnss�ouid 4A made��Tho notico w�lil u�so containnanyhotherntnformat ondroquU9dtby „ •
<br /> nevi Laen&9nlaer and the addresa to wh�h pay .,,, d • ;
<br /> ttDPltctlbls luw. :�'.�.;t:;y;--
<br /> $0. Wozardou�a Subut�ancea 8orcuwer shnli not cause or perm�t the prosence, uae, disposa�. atorage, or rotaasa af anY _
<br /> ' Hamrdous SuDatances on or In the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor attow anyone else to do, nnytt►in8&ff�ctln8 tho PropeAy t11At . ;7��,{,',rt�'-_—
<br /> � ,�..'�_;uE'�"_'
<br /> �.,,,��.
<br /> is En vWlation of any Envhonmentat Luw. Tha precodinp two sentences sh�6i�l�ot�ti p�proprk►to o nocrtnal tosldentlat uses nnd to ' •,�,-.�:t:;.
<br /> Ptoperty of emnit quantflfea ot Haxardoue Substancos that 8to generu�N�eCO9 ,::.A„�
<br /> malntenanao of the Proparty f°�—
<br /> i3ortoricr ahna promptry flNA �ndar w�ftten not�Ce of any InvasttgeUon, cialm,demand,tawsuft or other aotbn by any govemmental ._
<br /> ot rctgulatory egenoy or prNete party invoNing tho Property anb emmeotal oruregulst ry aulho rty,�thamany'r moval orhother�emedladon __
<br /> •" eptual knowtedge. It BoROwer leams, or Is notified by any g � _
<br /> of nny Hc��rdous Substance affectlnfl Ihe Property Is necessery, Borrower shail promptly take att necessary remedlnt aatlons in �_�__
<br /> accordenca wkh Envtronmental Law.
<br /> � As used tn this paragrePh 2�� "Harardous Substances" are those substances defined as tox� or he�rdous substances by —
<br /> Envtronmentel law and the folbwing substances: gasoilne, kerosene, other (lammabte or toxtc petraleum products,toxb postictdes end „ �
<br /> ' herbialdes. volatt�e sotvents,materials containln9 asbestos or formaldehyde, and rBdloaotHe materlals. As used N this paraBruPh 20� �� „ �-�-�
<br /> 1�. � •Eovtronmontet Law" means tederal Iaws and laws of the jurisdbtion where the PropeAy ts tocated that relate to heatth, safety or — _
<br /> environmentet proteotton. �'x"�- m-
<br /> NON-UNIFOFUA COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender further aovenant and t►gree as folbws: .��,;
<br /> �1. Aoaelerotion; Remediea Lender ehall give notice ta Borrower prio� to ecoe�eretion tallowing �
<br /> ;.;: _
<br /> eor�ower's breaoh of eny aovenent or agreement in thla Security InsUument (but not p�tor to ,
<br /> ' aacelerattore under paregrapn t� uniess op�,ii�a�=o =�r� iss�Y4sle�A�+��W��?• 7he noUae chall epeaity: _
<br /> � �� (e) fh� c�letault; (b) tha action reque�b�whfch tNe detault�must betcured; a d d)th t fellure to cure h '., .��
<br /> d e t e t h e n a t i c e t a g[v e n t o B o r ro w , S► r e s u t t i n a c c e l e r a t i o n o f t h e s u m s Y ��`;,� • �'�F-:
<br /> the detault on or botore th� de►te speetfied in t he no t iee m a y Tfie notiee sha�ll htrther Inbrm ;.'�`_: :'•;?;
<br /> � :; securo�i by this Seaurity InsVument and sale o� the Property .,� r�
<br /> ���� 8orrow�r ot the right to roirn�tate c�iter aceoleratiom mnd the Nght to brtng o court aetion to �ss�rt the '. �.��.
<br /> " non-eu�c�tence of a defautt or any ot eQ`�d d insthe �ewLender at'Ite opdom m�y�requUoeimmed[ate 'f�9'f;�' � '
<br /> a ,.: ,.a�.,
<br /> � , n o t c u r e d o n o r b e t o r e t h e d a t e s p � .. ,;,_
<br /> payment in tull of all sume seoured by this Seaur ity In s Vu m e n t w i t hi u�ab Q���,d�Qnder shait mbe ���. ����::
<br /> ' invoke the power of sale �nd any other remedleR permttted by app _•�„�„�.
<br /> � ent(tlod to coilect all oxpanses incurred in pureuing the romedles providod M 4his parapraph a1� : �._.���.^. .
<br /> , � Includtng,bu4 nnt Ilmited to, roasonablo attorneys teea ancl coots of tiUe evidonoe. �,.��y�:v;,:=T� �
<br /> It the power ot asto ts Invoked� Trustee shali reaord a notlae of detault In eeeh aaunty In whlch M
<br /> � any pert ot the PQ��eerty lo tooated and sheil mall coples of auch nolice �tice�le law er After�the time ���
<br /> app�icab�e taw to �orrower and to the other pert�ons presaribed by app _L�iv
<br /> .. �eyulreal bY epPlicabte law, Truatee ohall give public notice o! sale ��aUpc;ett�tF�e P operty a public �����.�—
<br /> .�� '� preoarlt�ed by epp�laable taw. 7rusteo, wtthout dconand on Borrower� • v --
<br /> �. ,� �, auoU�� to the higheat bidder na�n an order Truste ndeterr�ninese tTrust e@ ayapostpo oet�f��m� �� �.�'�`"'- _ _
<br /> salo!n ane or more p�rceta a y �`'�`"�- - -
<br /> �'• or any parcel ot 4he Property by Pab�ia announaement At the timo and plaoe ot eny proviouely � - � ,.,
<br /> � scP�&duled sato. Londe� or Its dosignee onay purchese the PropeKy rat eny t�t+le. i - _
<br />_-. . � Upon reaet�Ot of payment oeQ,�t p n the i�'�uetoets deeci ahelt be prtma facte evfde Qe �t the tru�h k::-:-.:..�-_
<br /> aonveytng the Properhl. T�� `��} �W�'�--
<br /> . �;f..1„
<br /> �;,•�,a�.'5:�;`_
<br /> ot the swtements mad� ther�la. Trustee shail appty the proeeeds oi the sale in the toltowing order. '+ ei,��y�'��--�;,_:
<br /> , (p)to ali coeta and oxpenaes ot exereieing the power of sele. and the sele, ineludiflg the peymant of
<br /> (b)LO eD �>.L • rr•::
<br /> • � the Truatoe'a toeo acWally incu�rod, not to exaeed 3 96 of the principai amount of the nate `�•.� �� a
<br /> �-� �'I�++�,f .,
<br /> at tho time ot the docla►r�tlon of detuuE4, end reacsneb e �ttornoy�tees as pormittod by law; _ ;.�J.c,�,�:,_�Y�,_
<br /> 1'��.":�l_..:._.
<br /> � su�s �ocured by this So�a�rity InsYrumcnt; and (o) �ny exeess to th� person or persons te�alty __ .:i`^�.M.•l+ M-
<br /> .:. ,;;cti r: _
<br /> „ @eu4i9i�c�l t0 1� ,.
<br /> r�r.,. '
<br /> �1. Reaonvoy�+nco. Upon pnYment of ell sums scscured by this Security insWment,l�nder shell mquost Truatoo to reconvey ,�<<�{r ,� _
<br /> tho Proparty rtnd ahall surtendor this Security Inntrument and an notes evldencing dobt secured by thls SecurBy Instrumnnt to Trustoe. � `: ' . 1�t--
<br /> without wArranly and wRhOUt Che�go to the person or persons 18gally enl'Rled to it. Suoh person or , .:�,�,;-
<br /> Trusteo shap reconvoy the Proporty ' ���`
<br /> '. . ,,��.
<br /> pCrycn� sMll pny nny reaordation Co9ts. �;.,. . .
<br /> �� r.�..: .
<br /> , , , 1 '
<br /> Olttt 8 SUCC�SSOf 1tU8tC8 t0 f�:' �
<br /> , '' ��_ S�eh.�tittee4o 7ruat@e. Londer, at tta optbn, may Irom tlme to tlme remove Trustee ttnd app ^ �^��� .�
<br /> -- ' 'f T— =
<br /> _ --_ _- � gny Tn,tt3too cipPOtntoO hGroundor by_8n_in3�trum�Qu a��cnd to aNthotil�e, pOwer andidulb8 oonhlrredtupon'T usl� horeSn tind by • �:.
<br /> -- ___ _ _ _
<br /> L.. _ r .
<br /> convoyunco ot tno �ropertr, ou�o� ••,•�•..� _..-- ---- �-:�:-°---- - ,
<br /> a�sp�cnbto bw. I
<br /> s
<br /> 24. Roqu�st iqr Noticea. Borcov�cr rctquostu that coples ot the not�cus of delautt and &al3 be sont to 6orrowor'S a0 rass n ' '
<br /> , �� whkh ks Iho Property Addrosu. , • '
<br /> Q6,p�dore to this Socuri4y Instrumont If one or more rldera aro exocutod by k3orrowcsr and recordad tvgother with i
<br /> ihis Sacur4y Inatrumont,tho covonnnts andro8rc���Qn=ag°��he Idor(s)rweroi obpart off thls Sacurity Inatrumont mend and suppfomont
<br /> th0 CovOnMtt;Md u6tC�Cnts 01 this SuCU tY •,,
<br /> fo•��avre Y.VJ • •
<br /> _ .. Payo�u�S I' .� , - , "
<br /> pt0J9lMU(�/09� _ „
<br /> , �,. ,
<br /> {i .
<br /> 14ri �
<br /> -'. _
<br /> -
<br /> 1 — -- --_—__ _ _- —.
<br />