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, . <br /> , ; , , � <br /> ,n . , <br /> � .. ;;. .,�»_,:..,. . ' ---... ...:' _. ... _. .. . , . . .._...__ <br /> ' , �• . , �... .............._.. . ._,._,._,...,- <br /> � eorto�rars onoror�ncoount und�r tho tod^.rnl FL:a►Estuto Salttamont ProcoEurc,s Pat ot 1974 na amondod from ttmo to timo, i2 U.S.C. <br /> 260t at tloq.�"RESPA"),unMsa anothor Isw thut opp��os to tho Fund3 oot� a r�ssor ttmount. if so, Londcr may, at nny tlmo,coi�ct and � . <br /> hold Funds In nn amou�!not to excnod tho lo�aor nmount. lendcr may cjslmato tho amount of funda duo on tho buals of currCnt dnta <br /> nnd reauonnbb ostlmnros ot oapcndituroa of luturo Eoarow Item3 a othonvlse fr►accordnnco wilh nyplioubta�w. <br /> The� Funds shaU Co hotd In nn inatUutlon whoso dopoulta arp Insurod by o tadcrut uponoy, Inntrumantality, or cntlty (�noNdlnp � ,,, <br /> • Lendcr, If LCndor i9 ouoh nn Inatitutlon) or In any Fadorol Homo loc►n Bunk. Londer ahuli appN tho Funds to pny tho Eaarow Itcma. <br /> Londor mny not ohargo 8onowor (or hoiding and aPPN�^8 tho Funda,nnnually nnntyting tho oscrow uaoaunt, or vorlyNg tho Eocrow <br /> Itoms,unl�ao Lcndor pnya Bortowot I�torosl on tho Funds and appifrsabl� lan pormlts Londot to mpko auoh o oharQo. Ho�vovor,I.ondor <br /> mny requt�o 8orrowcr to pny o ono-tUrte ohnrgo tor an mdapondonl roal aslale Iex ruporting :.crv�o uscd by t•cnd°r In oonncotian wi3h <br /> thts lonn,unloss appibabl�lae�provldos othcnviso. Un�ess an ugrosmont is mado or upptlaabb 4�w ruquUos tntorost to bo pald,Lcndar <br /> shnll not bo«tqultad to pt+y 8orrov�ar nny Interost or onmtng3 on tho Fu�ds, BoRO►vor and Lendor mny agroo 1n v+�►ting� howovor,thnt <br /> � Intoroat ohuil bo pntd on the Funds. Lendar ahall gNa to Borrowar, without oharpo, nn flnnuul ncoounting of thp Funda, ohnwing � <br /> cr3dita untl doblto to iho Funds nnd lhv purpose tor whloh enoh dobit to Iha Funds wua mndo. Tho Funds are pbdg3d as additlonat � ' <br /> sacuriry tor alt sumn soaurod by this Soourity inAuument. <br /> . If the Funda hold by Landor oxco0d the amounts pcsrm8led lc ros hotd by appttcabto i�w. Lendor ahett acoount M 8ortowcr tor tho ;;-� <br /> excosa Funds In ncaordunco wlth tho raqulromonta of applicabte lav,. lf tho emount of tho Funds held by Londor at any timo b not '"+;; <br /> suftloFant to pay tho Escrovi Items whon due,Londor moy so noUy 8ortavi¢r fn wriling,and,In suah cuso DoROwot shal�pay to LendCr .,,. <br /> ths emount neCO3iiary to mnko up thp dofAienay.8oaowcr shail make up Iho dsfialency In �o more than bvoMo monthly pnymant8,at �:_t_ <br /> �'' � � Lvnd3�s sob dtsarotton. � .-- <br /> ••���::,�k,;, � Upon poyment in fult ot nil sums securod by t�is Securlt�r Instrument,lender nhall promptry rotund to Borrovror any funds hold by ,� <br /> ,'}t��„'j'�'- Londer. I�,under paragraph 21. 4ender shall acquW or setl the Property,londar, pdor to the aoquMsitlDn or sab of tho Property,shaU �-.�_... <br /> ,ppty c�ny Funda h��d tv Londer at the thne of acqutsitton or sab as a arcdR agntnst the sums seaured by thl�Sccuriry Instrument. � <br /> 3.Appltaation ut Payu.3Qt6. Unless appllcubte taw Provldes dhQmise,all paYments recebed by Lendsr under pnrc�qrephs �'�_- <br /> 1 flnd 2 shnll bo upplted: firet,to any prepayment ohargos due undsr the Note;second,to amounts payabie undar pamgraph 2;thUd <br /> to IntermsQ Euo;fouRh,to prinol�at duB;and last,to any Iate ahergas duo undet th�Note. L <br /> ,'�j�� • � 4. Chargeo; Lien�. Bortov�er shall pey sil taxes, assesamants,charpes, Ilnes nnd Unpositfona nttribuUtbie to the Proporty .�- <br /> M whbh may attain priority over this Security Instrument, ond teasehoid parrr�ents or ground rents, if any. 8orrower shnll pay thoso '- _' <br /> � obligaUona In tho munner providod� P��gmishtooLender a�no�eseof amountg to be paideu dey thismparag �:N'• <br /> l��'�S� � -- <br /> •;I;�?,1,�: ,�_ owed paymen4 8orto�vet shaA promptry lu �r--, <br /> � �,..;,; , these payments dlreotry,Bortower ahau promptly turnish to Lender�ecelptsevidenaing the payments. <br /> '��'s' Bortower shall promptly disahargp nnY Oen wh�Ch haa prioriry ova thb Sscurity Insirumant unless Bortowor.(a)agreas in�vriting to <br /> _.� the paYment of tho obliyutlon secured by ifie Ifen in M mnnnor aeC�yteble to LenOor,(b)oontests In good faith the Iien by,or dofanda `,�-_-, <br /> "� agaNst entorcement ot tho Iien In,bgei proceaam8s w�c^m t"°��""i°�'°"F�� aC�rste te prc�em�na enfnresment ot tho Ibn;ar(o) _ <br /> �;';�Y. seeures hom the holder of the Ibn an agreement sAtlsAactory to Lendor subordtnating the tien to thls SRCUrity InsWment. It lendar c.Y, <br /> •�����?1.r � dolermines ih8t Any pIIrt of tho ProR3rty is subJoct to a Ilen v,hlch may ettc�h prlority over thls Seourity InsWn�ent,Lendor mny gNo <br /> , �(,.�;��•�1�. <br /> '��I,�;:,: : 8orrower a oot�e tdontHying the Iien. Borrower shall satfary the Iten or take one or more of the aatlons set forth abovo wBAin t ys <br /> ..`.•J�'fi��`�� 'e� a <br /> ot th�gNing ot not�e. __ <br /> �� <br /> ' ��:"��:,{ 6. Ht�zard or ���porty Insurenae. Boaower ahflY keap tha :mprovements now exi9dng on c�rou(ter orooted on the __ <br /> ".�i!ti,,i•n. ?V <br /> ,;�;r4�,.,; � PropoAy Insurod agninst Ioos by tiro, hemrds inoNded withln the tettn °extended covorago" end uny othEn c��ards,InaludNg tloods or �;. <br /> •;�;�;,���;._,�. ftoodtnp, tor whbh Lendor roquires �naurance. This Nauranco she�t be mt3lntalned In the amounts end for ths parlods thflt Lm�der - <br /> .. ' �^:�r� �'; <br /> ',; requUms. TAe tnsuranae cartier provkJMB tho Insurenco shnli be ohosen by BoROwer subJeat to Londers approval whbh shnl!not o _ ___ <br /> • unronsonabry withheld. 1f Borrower falis to mnintnln oovera8o deseribod c�bova,Londer mny, at Londefs opt►on, obtain covemge to <br /> ••:a � proteot Lendurs rlgAts W tho Proporty In acoordance wllh paragreph 7. <br /> ��+,��, AI�insurance poibbs and tenewals ahaU be acaoptable to lender and shn0 tnolude a stnndard mortgage oiauso. Lender shall have <br /> ,��,s.;:��'� tho �ight to hotd the polbbs and rene+vals. lt Lender requtres, 8orrowa ehall prornptly gwe to Londer all recolpta ot pald pmmiums <br /> �'`�j�'�'1�t and rCnewat notfcos. In tho event ot lose, Borrower shall glvo prompt nottce to the Insurnnce cartbr end Lender.Lendor rtt8y melce _ <br /> � �yYrr�.+;tt —. <br />' . �4,;.�' � proot ot Iosa N not mado promptry by 8onower. <br /> ' �� Unbae Lendor snd 8orrowcu otharwl�e apreo M wrlting, inauraneo praaeds shall bo appibd to rostoration or ropnY of tho PropoAy <br /> ;,.., ,.,;;, dumaged, H the restoration or repntr Is oaonombnity feaslbto and lendate security�S not bssonod. It the restomtlo� or repeU Is not `___ <br /> i r,.•,y;.' �+;:. <br /> . ,.�,fy��,�}.;' cnonomicaly tonaibb or Londors eecurity wouid bv tessonc��J,the hsuranco Droceads shall bo uppik�d to the sums tscaurad by thts <br /> - ;•.�.s�.�� � Socurity Instrumant, whether or not then due, wlth any ozcosa pald to Bortowec If Borrowor abandona tho Propctrty, or doos not �+•- <br /> -, _';" .: „� ��-`;__ <br /> answer wltAln 30 daya a �otfee hom Lende� that the nsuranca canta hes offe�ed tv atlttl� e alelm, thsn Londer may ev�lset tl+� c <br /> "`,�rt�,'���„ Ineurance proeoods. Lendar may use the proceads to repalr or rsslae I�e Property or to pny sums seaurod by this 5�curlty �,^ <br /> • - Inswmont,�vhc+thor or not then duo.Tho 30�dey period wul begh when tMo noGae is gNen. ` <br /> � • Uniese Lendet and 8onower othenvise ttgrso in wNting, any appibbadon o�Proceeds to prinaipal ahnA not extt�nd or poatpone tho o. <br /> , �, duo dnto ot the monthty paymonts reforted to in pero9mPh$ �and 2 or ahnngo tho nmount of tho puymonts. �f undor paragmph 21 �;; <br /> � is tho Proporty is a¢qutred by t.or+dor, Bortoweta rlght to any Insurunce poEOl03 and procoods tesuRing from dmm�8o to tho Prop�Ry p►iar ����_: <br /> � ., to tho ecqs�Iskion shnli peas to Londer to th0 extent ot tta sums securod by thls Sc;curky �nswment Immedlatety prtor to tho <br /> � c�cquisttton. Borrower'o Loen � <br /> � '4;�-• ' 6. Occupnecy� Presarv�n�lon, Malntennnce and Protoction of th� Proporty; <br /> . r�,:._� . <br /> }'�::':�•:: q�pll�4l0�9; �Qaaoholda. Borrower shatl ocoupy,estaGils�,and usa the Property as 6orrowera prinolpul rostdonco wlthin s�cty <br /> �'•;;:;,• ,:� <br /> dayfi nftar th9 exaeutlon of thl3 Scsaurity tnetrumont snd shaU contNue to oecupy tho Proporty aa Borrowora prtnolpul ro3ldonce tor at t <br /> bast onu ycar aRcr tho dutu of occupan^y� unles� lendor otl�orwlso n8retis In W��lb9� WhiCh Consent sh�ll not bo unrdae0nobty . <br /> wlthhold,or unloss extonuntlnQ oUcumstances exist whtoh nro beyood 6arower'�controt. Borrower ahall not dn�croy,damago or fmpulr <br /> tho PropoRY�allow tho PropoRy to deteriorete,or oommit waste on the PropaAy. Bonower shnll bo in dottiuft B any tortaitur�aati0n or <br /> : -__ <br /> -- - --- -: .,..,�,�li,e.urhnther nhril or crlmtnat, Is begun thnt tn LontloPs good fafth Judgmont ooutd resutt In torfoituro ot tne rroportY ar otnonr+►uo r . <br /> -- ----- .�----- �. �---°•-- --.. �...r .. <br /> ...w n wetoun and � <br /> mncorlaly ImpaU tho Ibn c►oatod by thls Seouriqr Inatrumant or lonaars soauriry miare9i. ���.� ���, w.- ---.. - --.—- - <br /> ro{natnto,aa pravtdod � p�►9mPh 18��Y�using tho aotton or proCC;edhg to bo dismisttod with u ruling that, in Landoto good tutth <br /> dotom+inntlon, prcaNdo� foAOlture of tho Borrowera Interost„ the Propc�rty or other materlat ImpuUmcnt ot ttw uen crcutod by thl� <br /> � � Soaurity InaWrtmnt or Londoro soaurlty Intorost. Borrower shRli also be In delnutt it Bortowot, dur►ng tho loein app�icatlon procoss, <br /> � nsvo mntoriatN to�so or tnncourato intormntton or statQmant3 to Lcnder(or tnited to provtdo Landor with ony matQrtal Intormntlon) In <br /> connoatlon �vtth tNo toan ovldoncod by tho Noto, inoluding, but not I:mACd to,rCpro3ontattona oonaemi�g BortoviC�o ocouptu�oy o}tho <br /> Proparty as n Pr(ncipal roatdcnco. If lhis 3ucurity InsWmcnt Is on u laa�.ehotd,Bortowor shatl compy with sll tho provlsions of the <br /> b3ft0. If Bortovresr noqulros fao t►tio to tho ProporiY� tho leasehold und tho l0o tRib 8hui1 not morgo unlo�n tho Londor agreo3 to the <br /> • . mCrgcr In writi�g. Form aosa o�oo <br /> . ' p�pw tot 6 <br /> Ft0901M0(tlOGJ <br /> _ .. �..� t0?? � <br /> F ,� _ _ _ <br />