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<br /> 03-99-9998 ����O� Y�U�T Pago E3 .,. .
<br /> l.oan No 7631�4 � � ' (Contie�uo6) �m ���'�'r r ,
<br /> �_—..�s�� _�— .
<br /> Initlatos atopa suN`sanl to auro lho faituro nnd thCrcatior contlnuos and compiotoa ali roa�onAbto and nccosonry otopo sulltclonl to produco
<br /> complinnco us 000n na rousonably prnaticnl. •
<br /> RIGOiTt3 AND REl�l�IEl3 0N[1ERQl1i.T. Upon tho occurconco o}any Evont o}Dotnult ond at uny tim�lhoreuilar,Trustog or Londor,nt ns optlon, „
<br /> mny oxorclso any ono or moro ol ihe lo{IOwlnfl right�and rom:dtc�,in nddHi�n to nny othor�lphia or romndlos provldod by I4w:
<br /> �• Accateretloa upan Do4autt�llddittonnf Remeslea If anY ovont of dotnult ocouro as per tl�o torms of tho Noto seourod horaby,Lond�r may ��
<br /> daclsre all Indobtndnoss soourod by thts OQad of Tru�t to be duo and puyablo nnd the aamo shutt thoroupon bacomo duo an9 paya0lo wlthout .
<br /> _, uny presantmont,dompnd,protost or notloo of any klnd.Tharraftor,Londor mey:
<br /> (a) Ellhor In pomon or by ugont,wllh or wilhout bdrtging nny action or procoeding,or by n rocolvor appolntod by n coud nnd wlthout
<br /> ropard to tho adoquaay of Its scourity ontor upon and Intco possassla��f tho Propody,oe any parl thoreof,In Ib own namo or in tho nemo
<br /> ot Trustoo,and do any aots whkh it doam�necessary or d;s!rable to prosCn�o tho valuo,maAcetabliity or rent�bllity of tho Proporty,or part
<br /> -, of tho Proporty or Intereat in the Proparly;lnaosso lho Incosn�ham tho Proporty or protoat tho socu�ity ot thu Propo�iy;and,with or wlthout
<br /> takl�possossion ot the Proparty,eue tor or otha�wtse CoAOCt ihe�ents,is3uos and proflts of the ProPerty,InWuding thoso pnsl duo und
<br /> unpa d,and apply tho aame,�ess cosb and oxpenses of operutfpn and collecHOn,Including attotnoys tees,to any indobtedness securod
<br /> by this 03ad of Trust,all In such otdet as Londnr muy dotormine. The ontadng upon e►nd taking possession o}the Property,the eoltECtlon
<br /> ot suoh rents,issues and p�.,flls,and ihe applleatlon th3reot shati not cure or walve any defAUll or nodoa of default undor thls Ooad of Trust ,
<br /> � or invulidata any uct done 1�rosponso to sueh dofaNf er pursuant to 8uoh not�u�of�dop fi�,Trustee'oh$Lender shatl bo�entt d to • --
<br /> possesslon of lhe Proporty or Ihe Colioatfon,receipt nn;i e�ppflcatlon oi renta, ,.•
<br /> exercise every�ight provided 1w in ths Noto or the Relat�;�Documents or by Iaw upon the ccCUnencO of any event ot detau8,induding the
<br /> dght to exetClse the powet of Seio;
<br /> ' (b) Commonco an sotfon to fatecioso tht�Dsed ot 7nrst sa a mortpsga,o�point a recc33hror ar apcdRCa4ly enfotce eny of Ihc�tovannnts '
<br /> �' ht�eof;snd . -
<br /> � (a) Oolhrar to Ttustea a v��itton doclaraUon of dotault and demand for sals and n written�otice ot dotauit and eteoUon to cause Trustor's "
<br /> ' fnterest In the Propody to be sotd,which notlrs Trustm s'�alt cause to be duly flled inr r�ord In the appropriate otflcos d the Counly in
<br /> � which the ProRedf►ts�ocatad;nnd •. ':�;�•�'
<br /> Nebma a UntormtCommerci�C do}tho Personat Prop�rM,Lendor shall have ali the dghlg and remed�es of a ssoured party under tha .
<br /> Fvfroclosuro by Powmr of Seta. If Lender otecta to forociaie�y vttereise o!tho Power ot Sate heroin containod,Lunder ahNl notlty T�ustoe and
<br /> I� ,: shatl deposlt with Trustoo this Ooed ot Trost and th9 Notp entl such receipts and evideoce ot oxpenditures made and seaured by thls Deed of ,, ,_
<br /> Trust as Trustee may roqulre. _--
<br /> (a) Upon re,culpt ot suoA noUce hom Lender,Trwtoe s?u�11 cause to be recorded,published and dotiverod to Trustor sueh Nottco of Detaull `
<br /> and Natice ot Sato as thon requlred by law nnd by ihis Oesd af Ttust. Trusteo shall,wfthout demend on Tnutor.uRor such tlme as may � ,..
<br /> � ,,
<br /> - '` ��rQAU,.�4y�ay�ane�nnar recordation of suah No11co ot Detault and aRer No�co ot Saie haWn9 baen given as req�rod by la�v,s�11 ,..�;�:
<br /> tho Proporty at the Nmo and ptace ot sata Bxed by it In such Nottee ot�ate,either as a wtaib�ur����aPa�a°!o��t R='�°K 4t°�`°flg ° '-
<br /> ' Trustse shali daem e�odtent,a�d in sueh order ac it may dotem►Ine.at publlo euotlon to the hlghest Qitldor for cash 1�lawld monoy of '�'�'
<br /> the Unitud States payuhla at the Umo of s[ite. Tnntea shall deliver to such urohuser or purchasers thsreof ita good and sNftcient doo�9 or
<br /> `�'�'�r: h n covenant Ar wcvmn�r.express or impltod. The recltals in suoh deod o4 any matte�s �_-?��=–
<br /> � �t� deeds aonveying!he property ao sold,but wlt out a Y - _
<br /> ' �'���`f'�� or facb shail be conctusive proot of tho trulMtdnoss t?�areof. AnY Person,including wlthout IlmitaHOn Trustor,Trustee,or lendsr,may
<br /> `��yy:.'..
<br /> � pUfahsse et SUOh saio. ��.'r7�"i.`�'
<br /> (b) As mny bo potmltted by law.aftor d¢dueting W!Caste,fees and e�ensos ot Trusteu nnd of this Tniat,including costs of ovtdonce of �� —
<br /> � tltio in connootion wlth 8a18,Trust6s shatt npply th�proceads ot sale to payment ot (t)oll sums expended under the torms of Inls Qoed ot
<br /> � • Tn�.;t or undet the terms of the Noto not than repatd,Inttuding but not Ilmlted to acc�ued Interost and tato ohergos, pq a11 Gher sums then ;.�' � _
<br /> seaured hereby,and (ilf)the remalnder,lt any,to th�p�rson or pereona Iegolty endBed thereto. _^
<br /> --"-�"�s--=
<br /> ' ��• (o) Trustoo mny In tho manner proNdcd by law postporte sate o f a l l or ony p a t l a n o t t h e P ro p e r t y. �_��,,,
<br /> ;r:;', �.-===---r
<br /> ( Remedles Not Exeluulve. Trusteo a�d Lender,and oaoh of them,ahnli ba entitled to entorce paymont and partorn�urtc�e of uny{ndsbtodnoss
<br /> -� ,. ''�1�i�'� or obifgatlons seoured by this Qeed ot Trust and to exorolse ell dghffi and powora undor thls Doed ot Trust,undor the Noto,undor uny of the � :w..,
<br /> , w. w.
<br /> ,��,;::�:, k Retated Documonta,or under any othur ngro3rt�nt or any laws now or hereaftar in torce;notuAthsfunding,somo or NI of such indabtedness
<br /> . ,�• nnd�DltgnGona scoural by ihis Oeed ot Trust msy now or heroafter bo othen+rirs 800urod,whether by mortpape,dsed of trust,pindge,tien, ■�='"-
<br /> '•��s�+•�� �• , nssignmont or olhenvise. Noil7�sr tho axoptnnce af�Ma Deed ot Trust nor ib entorcemont,whetha�by court actlon or pureuant to ihe power at �U�SBMS�
<br /> sNo or other poweB eontalrtad In thla Dr�sd ot Trust,shalt proJudlce a In any mannor aftcat Trusteo's or Londer's�Ig�t to re�o upon or �;,�,,,_._
<br /> � pntorce any other seeurity now or hero9ftu trsld by Truslee or Lender,it butng agraod Mat Trustoo nnd Londer,and oueh of them.shntl bo �„___T_:__
<br /> " ..r ontltled to entorcs this Deed of Trust end arty olhor eoauAy now or hemafter hoid by Lendor w Trusteo in euoh ordor and man�or es thoy or -=.-,T�__,=
<br /> ' '` pither ot them mny fn thotr absoluto d4croUOn dotermino. No remodY eontarted upon or reserved to Trust�o or Lender. Is Intendad to bfl `:4r�ti ..
<br /> ' cuxluslvo at any othor remedy In tht�Oced of Truat or by law providod cr permlttod,but oaoh shntl bo cumulnlivo and 8hni1 be In uddltlon!o •'�.,���.
<br /> ' ! every othar remedy glven tn thla Oood ot Trust a nor�or heras t t e r o�d s tl n 9 u t I a v�o r�n e q u8 y or b y atatute. Evury powor or remedy pMen b y the �:,,�- . �_
<br /> *• Note or any of the Relatc3d Oaumenb to Trusteo or L�nnder or to wh�h elther ot thom may ba otherwise enHtted, mey be eucere�5 8d, ,.�;_
<br /> d
<br /> � � concurrontry or Independontty,from Urta to tlma and as oRan as may bo doemed e�odlont by Trusteo or Lende�,and eilher of tRem rtay _
<br /> ir pursue Incon^.,t�ont rom�dles. No1n�nE7 In thls Oood of Trust ahoi�be construed as prohlbl8ng Londor trom sQelcing a delldency Judgment
<br /> ��;� �gainst the Trustot to the extent sueh ae"on.ls pomtitrod by 18w. ,
<br /> Reqttest For Nottee. Trustor,on boha4 0�Tirus�or and Landor,horGby roquost8 thet ts copy ot uny NoUCO ot Dofeuli and tt copy of aa�Y Not�e :�y_ 4.
<br /> qt Sato undor this Oued at 7ru9t be mallad to thom at tho addressss sut tbrth�n the flret aurmgroyh of this Aoed of YrusL ,�.�r:�,,;_
<br /> WNver, Clectlon of Rernafllaa A wa►rer by any pnrty of a broaeh of a provlslon of 9hlo Ooed of Trust ehail not constilule a walver af or �.�.�;;,_�
<br /> "4.�:.,..�.
<br /> proJudico tho paAys dOAb othenHso to dCmand 9tdct compliano�with thot provision or uny other provislon. EtouHon by Lendor to pursuo any �... .,,._
<br /> '� ' romady pr�vlded In this Oc�ed ot Truaf,th�Noto,in ony Ratated DooumoM,or proNdod by law shM not exciude pursuit of any dhor remedy,
<br /> ru
<br /> nnd nn olactlon to make expondilura�or to take actlon lo poAorm an o4�118eUon of Truator undar this Oeed ot Trust uHcr tauuro of Tru�tor to _
<br /> • , pertorm ohalt not aHoc1 londer's dght to dtxtaro n detautt und to oxerci�ri any of its romedios. . .
<br /> Attomey8'Faas;D�cn�. it Londor Instttutes any sult or nctlon to onforoo nny of tho t¢rn�of thls Doed af Trust,Lendor shsli bo enlieed to .
<br /> racovor suoh sum fls tha courl may udjudgo ronsonuDla oo nttomoy3'tees at trtat nnd on any nppesi. Whethor or not eny court ecllon Is .
<br /> involvod,aA roasonab�e expo�os Incurred by tendor wh�h in Londo�o opinion are naCOSSnry at anY Umu for tho protecUon of Its Inlerest or the n .
<br />- .::;,`� entarcomont ot Ib�Iphb shatl 0scomo s part a1�ho Indebtodnoss PaYgbto on domand and uhnli buar intorvst nt tho Noto ret0 trom the duta of
<br />- ;.� ,.
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