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. . . S',y _;!;.. ,. � !. 1 . <br /> �� <br /> .. . �. r) <br /> � " .� �. n . ., <br /> .. .' f; .. . _ , . . �� y .. <br /> � • • � � •• <br /> 03>99m9��fl , ���� �� '���'T ' P��o 7 ° <br /> " �.ea� fs��aa�4� � ccont�r�,oa� ���- �����' �� . <br /> .. - � ,_,__.,�" q� +_ �= ��'�.'^�'���' .._ •-----•-,_��� y <br /> c.=-^--_=--�t--:_.=� V� .. <br /> exporsdliwo unt�l rc�sld. Gs�ae���covcred Dy tRis parqqreph tncludo,v��lhou111mltnUOn,houravcr aufltsct to nny Ilmit3 undcr oppitcabto la���, � <br /> I.ondor'0 nitornaya'ta4s�'�h�that or not lhero la o 11�r�uI1,lacluElrtg nttorrt�yo'h;s tor bankruptay proeaoding�(Irtcluding offarta to modly or <br /> l vacnto any outamntlo alny or InJunctton�a�ppeato end any anttcipntad post-Judgmonf co!leallon aaMces, tha casf of s�arehlnp record3, <br /> '� �1 obtalnlnp tIC�rcpott9(Inctudtnp fotCCloJWO rcpott9),Oun"Jyoro'rapattJ,Ilppralsnl 1Ca3,tltto in9urnnCO,�nd f009 tor tho Tru9tcsO,to ikfl oxlent <br /> p�rmlttod Oy n�pi�eabto tn�. Truslor¢Iso wlll puy any ctiutt co3u,ln addlllon 10 ni�othnr eums provldod by Imv. .� <br /> RIQAtO ot TttlStee.Yruatoo ohn0 hnvo ntl of!he dghb nnd dutlos o1 Londor ats eollorlh in iht�sactlan. Y` <br /> ��• FOW�Rf3 AtiO Q�3Ll0AYlONS OF YRU9Y�E. Tha toAOwfng praYs�ons relntinp lo lho powero nnd obligatlnns of Trusfon nro paA ol lhl�Oood of <br /> • ° Ttusl. :. <br /> � Po�Yere of Tre�stae. In addiQon ta ntt powora ot Tn�t��rtaing ns e mattar of luw.Trustco ah�il havo tho povlar to tnko tho foltowinp eo9ons � <br /> �vllh rospoat to lA�Prep¢Ay upon IRa wABOn requesl o!londar nnd Trustor. (o)Joln In preparinp nnd iting a map ar plst ot tho Resi Property. <br /> �� IncluAinp 1M dodtc�ttlon ot oheota or oiher d�hts to ihs publto; (0)Join in flrAntinp any easemoM or etoaUng any rastdctlon on Iho Roui PropoAy: `„,;�. <br /> and (o)Join In nny aubordinntlon or othat ngroemonl affaetlnp this f)aed of Tnlat er tho Interast ot londsr unda thl�Dc�d e!TYast. �1'{' '•}.t;; <br /> Ytustee. Tru�too ahnit rrwot all�ualliicoUon��eyulr�d for Tr�sta�under nppttcnbto taw. In addiHon to tho dghls nnd romodloa eel tortA nbovo. ��_,: <br /> �vilh rospccl to NI or nny puA o}Ik0 Property.the Trustee oAa►1 hiv�thm dgM ta foreGlo�o by notico end'�bto Ina�ndar ahall hava tho AgAt to �,.� <br /> � tarc+ctoso hy Judicl�l torectosuro,In eilhor ease In aacordanee with and to the Ntl extont provldod by npp --_:�<,- <br /> Suecessor Truatee. Londar,at Londcr's aptton,may hom tlme to Ums appotnt n swccn�sor Trustaa to any Trustcita uppolntnd horeundnr by nn <br /> :i:;,; <br /> instrument exscutod and ueknowladged by Lendeu and reeorded in Ms otnae of tho rocordor ot HAI.1.County,Nobraskn. The instrum�nt ehnll <br /> � addlt!on tu a0 othor mattora roquirod by state law,lhe name9 of the aiginal lendor,Trust¢o,and Ttustor.tho book and page(or __ <br /> us ;.,... <br /> �omput�:��t3m rofQroncc�)wharo thts Oco�of T�ust b recordod,and tho name snd ctddross ot the succossor husteo,und tho InaUUmont 9�ati , :,.;;; <br /> . bo�xcaut° aRd ncknowtedQod by u0 lhe bonoftC�rl3s undor Iho Oood o}Ytust or thotr auccossofa In intores� Tha suee�or trustc3u,wllhout j ,:;,; <br /> j eonveyanco at tRo PropaASt.ahNl sutx:ead to elt!ho tlSo,power,nnd duttaa eonforted upon tho TrustoE�tn this Uoad of Trust nnd by opptleablo _-�.. <br /> ; tnw,Thts procaduro tor subsfltuUon ot hustcie ot�sll8ov3m!o the exctusian ot aIi other prov'sions tor subsUtutloo. -- <br /> � , w NOYiCE9 TO TRli9TOA At�ID OlTlh�l PARTIEB• f►ny noticn undcr thls Ooad of Tntst shall bo In wdling,mny bo sant by to:ofctalml!o(unbss '��''�`::' <br /> � othorwlse reyulred by Iaw),and ohal bo eHecUve when actually deliverod,or when depositad with a nnUonally roco0ni�d ovcmtght coudar.a,It _�- <br /> � mnilod,shnll be daomnd oftaalivo+ahon dopo5itad In iho Urdtod Stutos mn►�Qrst cless,caR�flod or rog�t�rod mall,postnp0 ptt�eld,dirttated to tho �.,,. <br /> � "• addresses shown nuar tho bogtnning ot thts Doad of Ynq4 Any p�rh►mnY chnngo l�nddross far rtottcos undor this Oond of Trust by pivin8 tarmu► �1.. <br /> wditen notico to Iho other partf�a,s9ociMng that tho purpose of 4he rtotta+b to chart�a ct�pariSfs addross. Att coplas ot notloos at foroctosuro hom �_,: <br /> the hoider of any ilon whtch hea pdodry ovar thls Oeed of T►ust ehe�be eont to Lon�address.os showe noar tho bopinning of lhls�and o!Truat. Y_y:�, <br /> � i For noHce purposc�s,Trustor aQreos to keop Londor n�d Trtutoo IniormeE et all tlmas of Tnutofs c�trtoM addr�.5s. -- <br /> ,'�'e g �ir <br /> ,� � �.. <br /> u L <br /> �� � :��� MIf10EW►NEOUB PROYIS10N8.Tho fol►owq+g misce7nnoous provisiois are a pcut ot thls Oend of <br /> - a ,� Amendmenta This Ooed ot 7rusL[ogemer wim any iietoto3 Oa.'u�ss���tsd°�!hs 8ntlrE�urt�!e!?!?neltng ond eareomtlnt ot tho OatttoS 0.3 <br /> �� to tho mutters set forth In thls Qoud of Trus� No cltcmllon of or amendmont to thls Dead ot Trust sha0�e ettecthre untoss flwan In writlng nnd <br /> ':�;�,, ,, slDnod bylho pariy ot partles sou8ht to be chargo0 ot bound by 4tu�alteraUon or umendment. <br /> �'1;?'1:' An�ue!Reporte. It iho Proporly 19 used for purposes other ihan Trusto�s residenco,T�ustor shan�umtsh to lsnder,upon�tast,a carultod <br /> stntement ot not opamtirtg ineome�red from tho ProperlY dudng Tntstofs previous fiscN)etu in sueh tasm and detafl ea Londor shall � <br /> ` roqulro. "Nst oporntlnp irteomo'shnll monro di c�sh reaetpts hom tho Properiy�ess att eash e�endttures made ln eonnootlon wlth tha oporetton <br /> .. Ot th0 PrOpklrty. _ <br /> �,. , � Appllceblo Law. Tht�s Deed M Yruat hns Ooao dalNered to Leader ertd eeeepted Dy Lender la tha State M Nabreake.TRis Deed of Tntat <br /> '��.�'�:,� . �, shafl bo Qovemad 0y cnd eonstryisd 1n aeeardance wltD trie taws ot l9ie Stete ot Nebrn�ke�. _� <br /> ,::;,+,. <br /> :�i;���' a� Captlnfl HeadlnQs. CapUon hoadings In thls Deod of Trust are for eonvnnt�nee purposos onry aa�aro not to bo used to Interpret ar do no o __ <br /> �' . •'- provistorn ot thls Deed of Trus� � <br /> l�ferQer.Thero shNi bo no marger of tho intertssl or eshdo creutud by this Deod of Tnu!with any othor intnr�t or estato In tho Proporty at any � <br /> ' ' time hoid by or tor the boneflt ot Londer In any cspadty,without!he wdttee Consent of Londor. <br />=��' ,,;�;'r''• <br /> r,��1• . SovQrab�llry. It n court of competant JudsdtoUon flnds nny provislon ot this Doed ot Trust to be imaud or unontorceablo as to nny porcon or <br /> '"'1%,i�'��'.' <br /> -: ;ti�,�,,;r,. �' circumstnnoe,sueA flnding ahatl not render tha!provision invnlld or unoMoreeablo as to nny othor peTSO�or dreurn:�taeocls, �1 t�aslbio,nny <br /> „�f�,ff t H' auch oNending prov�ston shell ba deemed to bo modl�ed to ba wilhin iha Ilmits of ontoroeabltity or valldity;hov�ovor.It tho atiending proWSlon <br /> cannot be ao modliled,It sholi bo t►MCkon aod af!other prov(s�ons of thb Oeed ot Trust fn utl othsr respoets ahail remeln valld and onto►caab�e. <br /> ' gucceatp►s end Aaatpnt3. Subjeat to tho l:milaYons ekttad in thls Qoed ot Trust on tre�fer of Trustor'a interost,fhis Doad ot Trust oholl bo _ <br /> , ����'�,� binding upon end Inuro to Iho bonotlt ot tho paNOS.thelr euccc�aaore and assigns. If owner�ship ot the Pro�r�Y becomos vastod In n porsan <br /> othor thnn Trustor, Londor, vrithout nolEco to Tnt�tar, may deei with Trustor'� succsssors v�flh rotorenao to ihis Qr3ed of Trust nnd tAa <br />- ;� Indob2cidness by woy of torbaarDSCb or extonsbn vvl�hout relea�ing Tnistor from the obltgAllnns af thb OC:sd ot Trust or ilabAity undor th� .� . <br /> i <br /> Indobtednoss. _. <br /> Timb le ot 4`,ae Eesnrtco. 11me is of the essence In the peAormnnCO ot th�s Deod of Trust. =-_ <br /> ^ • � WeJyera�rt9 C�otit!nts. 4oncfo�ahnu not be daomod to have wNvod any rtghb undsr thfs Ooad ot Tnmf(or under the R�totod Documa�ets) �_ <br /> . � unles�suah waivor Is In wdtinp and slpnad by lendar. No detay o�omisslon on 1he ptut ot Londor in axorai�ing any right sh�l oporets a�a <br /> '' � '' wNvar ot suoh�ght or nny othnr d8ht A wNvor by any party ot a provblon o!ihis Dood of 7rust shnD not cnnstitute a waivor ot m psolud�e 9➢ro <br /> . ,. — - <br /> padys dght othawNso to domand shlct compltanoe wlin that proN^�on or any othor pravt�lon. Wo prior waNOr by Lender.nor ar�y coursc+of — <br /> � - cteating botwaon Londor and Trustor,al�s0 constituto a waluor of ctny ot Londt�a dOMs or unY of Trusto�s obQgatlorrts ae to any futuro __ <br /> trensactbna. Whonover consont by LAndor is tequirod In this O�ed of Trust,tho gran8rtg of sueN aonsonf by landor In eny in3tanco shsll not __ <br /> • ca+stitute eontlnWnp consont to subsoqaont inslencos whero such consunt fs requlrod. - - _ <br /> ; Wdver ot F�Cmoateed Exemptlon. Trustor here6y roleasos and wnlves a►I dghffi and bonotits of the homostoad oxompHOn tawa of!ho 31nto of __�- <br /> � Nobruska as to nll Indobtodnoss sucurod by lh�s Dood ot Trust. ',, <br /> ;; �. <br /> . , <br /> , , , . � <br /> , i <br /> .._....�___ <br /> � <br /> —_�� ---�r-^--- --�._T --- - — — <br /> _° • .: , . , ' ' . , ' . <br /> • , l . , � <br /> „ ,. � <br /> � ., . �' , <br /> . __�. • �. <br /> � , <br /> . _ _ - — <br /> ' --'------.� _ _ <br />