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::;;. <br /> �� 4 <br /> _ <br /> ,1 • 03=99�90f3fi ����'0�'�RU�Y P���6 " <br /> 6oe►tt No 71339i34 �. .��;��'`�i��, (Co�ttl�tuod) ��m ����� <br /> ----- _�--�—=-_�---�s--- .__.._� <br /> flECURITY AOREEPhENY{ Nl� ANCItldd OTATEP,!EPJYO. Tho tottorrind proYalons rctattnfl to this Deod of Trusl n�n ccaurlly nprcomont nro u pnrt ot <br /> "' IhS3 Ocod of Trust. <br /> SetuAty Agreemant. Thts In�trument ehall con�tltuto a ¢eaurtty agroemont to tho oxtont a�y of tho ProPcrly conutltutos(Ixluros or othcr <br /> parnonnl properly,und I.ondcr ohall h�v�atl of tho�Ight� of n��curad pnrly undor thu Unlform Commoroia►Codo 0o amondod hom tlmo to <br /> timo. <br /> � 6:°turity Intere�l. Upon roquost by Londar,Trustor ahn11 oxeouto Mancing stetomenta and taka whntovo►olhar aetlon Is ruqaested by Loador .,., <br /> to perf�.Ot nrtd contlnuo 4andnto snouriry intoraal in tho Ront�nnd Pareonni Rroporty. In uddltion to reeording ihis Oood ot Trust In tho renl <br /> proporly rCCOtds,Lcsndor mny,at any time ond wlthou:lurthor nuthorimHon ftom Tru9tnr,(flo oxaeutod countorpnrl9,coplos or roproduollon�of <br /> ' '� ' this Oood of Trust aa a tinnnclnp 8tntomon4 Trustor ahatl rclmbu�ao Londot tor NI e�ansos inaunod In parfoating or eontlnuing thM saoudtV <br /> Intorost. Upon dohwH,Trustor ahali nusombio thu PoreonAt Proporry In m m�nnar and at n pinco ronsonnbly convonlont to Trustor and Lendor <br /> and malce It avallnbto to Londor wlihin throo(3)dnys nRor rccutpt of writton domnnd hom tundar. <br /> pd:Qre�308. 7ho mailing uddra�c�ot Trustar(dobtor)and Lendat{soourod pnrly),hom whtah Intormetion eoncornlnp tho sctcu�ity Intorest <br /> ;s'Sy oTnn�s1•by thls Doad ot 7rust may be obtalnod(eaah ua roqulrod by the Unilorm Commerctat Code),nro as statad on the eret pngo o!this Deed ,,� <br /> , ��.���� FURTHER ASSt1AANCE3;ATTORNEY-iN-FACT. Tho tollowing provistons►clnting lo turther assur�nces and atlomeyNn-faot nro a part o!fhis ''; <br /> � Daod of Trust. � " <br /> ;� Fadher Aestaartcea At any timu,and from timo lo tlms.upon roquost o}Lendor,Trustcr wtlt mnko,exceule and dalivcr.or will cnuse to ba <br /> ,_ � mado,exeauted or dolivered,to Londer or to Londc+'s daslSaeo, and when requasted by Londar. ca�o to be fitad,rocordod,rolilod,or �.�. <br /> rerocordad,as tho case may be,at suah Umes and in euch of8ces and pluco3 ws Londor mny daam apprapdnte,sny nnd nti suoh morlgagos, <br /> ' dc�eds of trust,sncudty doeda,seourlty eareements,flnnndng�tato�nt�,cnnrinuntlon atntemenffi,instruments of furlhor assurance,certiflcates. . <br /> � and other dooumenb as may,in the sote opinton ot tAnder,be noc�sary or dusireble in order to eHectuate,completo,portt�at,cantin�e,or .'�.` <br /> „ presenre (a)the oblipations of Trustor under the Note,this Oeed ot Trust,and the Retatod Doouments,end (n)the Ilons nnd aeaudry t�t�rests .�1�. <br /> crea�ad by thls Desd of Trast as tirst and prtor Ilens on tha Prope�lyr,whether now owned or herenNer aoquired by Trustor. Untoss pro�ibltod by �,.,,„_ <br /> . Iow or agread fo the conirary by Lender In wAUng,Trustar shail reimbursa Lendor far all costs and e�ansos Incurrad In connocpon with fho �y r r, <br /> mattsrs reletred tu in this parap�aph. �A. <br /> .;i;�a,�� '• AttomOy-tn-Fac1• If Trustor falis to do any ot thu things roferted to In tho procoding paragraph,Lendar may do so for and in th�namo of - ;;, <br /> Ttustor and at Trustors e�ense. Fa such purposes�Trustor hereby Ircevoc[ibly appolnta lsnder es Trustors attamey-lo--(not tor tha purpose �y�`; <br /> oc <br /> „+,:�;. <br /> ' of makinp,oxecuting,dalfvedng,flling,recording,and dotng ati other things es may bo nscessary or destrabio,In Londets aoio opinion, o tl�:r` <br /> accomplish the mnriera reiertod to in the precsding paragreph. °� <br /> �• FI�A.PERFORMANCE. I}Trustor pays all the Indobted�ess,including wlthout IlmltaUon al�tuturo advances�whon due,and otherwise p�rtorms ull �a�. <br /> � tho obitgations Imposed upon Trustor undor thts Doed ot TNSt.londer eheli mroeute and deltver to Truste0 n roquest tot hnl roeonv0yance and ehait e� <br /> _�.. <br /> ,,.� exeoute and detiver to Trustor sullab�e statements ot tarmination of any flnancing stutemont on fite evidenain8 Londe�s socudly Interost ln tho Ren __ <br /> . . -_ <br /> and tha Personat PropertY.AnY reconveyanco foo rsqul�ed by taw nhell be pafd by Trustor,it pormitted by appticeble�aw. — <br /> ' D�FAU.T. Enah of thv tdiowing,at the opUon at londe�,shap constituto an eveet ot dotautt('fveni oi�etavii y tir��:�;ihi��!a ___ <br /> Detauit On IndebteOna�J. Fniture of Trustor to meke any payment when duo on tho Indnbtedness. <br /> any o her pay men P�iiecc�ssad to pre e!fitl 8 ot or to�eNocl dfsehargo of any Iten Deed ot T�ust to make any paymeM tor toxos or Insumnoo,o� - - <br /> :;;;?:.. � --- <br /> •� e Complleneo Defnutt. Fatlure of Trustor to cnmpty aith any other term,obligatlon,covenant or condiUon contained in thts Deed of Trust,tho � <br /> `""'�'�;y Noto or In nny af the Retatod Documents. —° <br /> he N tse oe he iieta ed Doc me ts t3 ortmisieading ineany mad erial�resPeot�elther now or at the dmemado outumbhgd this Ooed of Trust, _ <br /> � Detaotive Colletenflixattoa. This�eed of Trust or any of ihe Retated Dooumenta ceASes to be in tull torcA and effoot Qncluding failuro of any ,�--- <br /> :;. collate►at documonts to crvalo e vaild snd peAacted secudty lntatast or Uon)at eny 8me and tor any resaon. �=. <br /> � �ngpfv�o�l. The dlssolutlon ar terminadon of Trustote c�dster�co ss s goln business,tho Insolveney ot Trustor,tho appolntm�nt of p roneJvor �: <br /> ds <br /> tor any part ot Truatore propeAY.enY essi0nment tor the benetit of cred tore,any typv of creditor workout,or tho commanevrturil c+t any E-i <br /> �, prccasding under elny bunkroptoy or InsoNenoy laws by ot agalnst Trustor. ���p <br /> Fore�t0sure�Fortel:ut��etQ. Commencomnnt ot foroctosuro or tortetturo pr000edings,whethor by Judictut p Hrooec�IQnB��hts sub&oatlon�s all not R.� <br /> � ar any olhor mvthod,by any cred:tor at Trustor or by any govemm.oMal agenoy against any ot the Property. _ <br /> ppply U tho ovont ot a good fdth dispute by Trustor as to tho vatldily or reasoneb�onoss of tho cis{m whkh ts tho bests of tho toroclosure ar ___ <br /> torefaHure proa3ading,providod lhat 7rustor give�Londor wdtten nottco of suoh ciatm und fumish2rn rasprves or a suroty bond!or tfio clatrn =�;_. <br /> � � saHSfactory to Lender. -W° <br /> ereach ot OtBe�Agn�meM. Any broach by Trustor under tho terms o!any othor ugraoment botweon Trostor and Lender that is not romsdled �`y <br /> " ' wllhin any graco podod proNded theroin,Including without Iimltntlon any egreemnnt aancoming any IndobUtdnr,ss or otl�r obltpallon o!Tnutar �.�- <br /> � ';` to Lender,wtrether oxistin8 now or tater. �_ <br /> ' Er�r+to AfiecUn�Gtuurcutor. AnY of tho prccodinp ovont�oMUrs wnn respeat to nny Ouarantor of eny ot the Indobtodno3s ar nny Quaranta � <br /> '- - - ctr <br />- ^'� . •� d l e s a r b o a r i m o s l n ro m p o t e nt,or rovokos a dM�putes the valldity ot,or Uubliity undor,any Ouaranty ot ttse Indobtndmss. Lendcr.oi Ib np on, — <br /> mny, but ahali not ho roqulrod to,pcumft tho Ouarnntors estate to ussumo unoondittonniy t ha o b l tgn tlons a r is i�g u r i d o r i h e g u 6 r a n t y!a a <br /> mQ��pr eatistaotcry to landar.and,fn doing so,curo tho Hvent ot Oofauttc __ <br /> EyQr�q�����p.�ottowere. Any ot tho procodMg ovonb occu�s with rospoct to nny cobonov�er of ar►y o}11w Indobtedness or nny �.�_ <br /> co-bortowor dtos or bacort�os Ineampeter►t,or rovokos a dlaputes tho validlty ot,or ItabllUy under,nny ot tho Indebiedntr�,�9. Londor,at Its �;. <br /> ma�n�rtor sut�s n ory o�Lende.nnd,�ln doing so�otuto tho Evon of Ootn�ultto to ussumo urtconditlonally fho obllgaUO�ns on tho Indobtodnass in a s,;: <br /> . ��,; <br /> ��.,� .. � Ineec�tdty. londor In good taNh Gooms Itsolt In�auro. <br /> � Right t0 Cum. It suoh o falture Is ourabio and It Trustor hna not boon glvon u aottco of a broach of tho anm�pnnsfon of this Oeed ot Trust <br /> � wilhin Ihe pracodin�twshro(12)months,It mny bv c��red(and�o Event of Oo?ault wf11 hntro acaurted)ii T�tor,aflcr Londor sonds wrifton i <br /> � . � nottce dsmanding oure ot such lallwe: (a)cures tho fnilare witMn ten(10)days;or (b)It tho curo roquires moro ihtin tan(10)days,Immodl�taty <br /> ,, <br /> � <br /> _�-----^^��•��k <br /> .. ,,_._. _..�c._:r..-r^.�.--�----f- ...�.'�1^C6`.C_'__ _._.... . . . :-.�.' 'r m. n. d,.�1�i<', - - --- -- -'-- - '- ---' _ - �l�::c_�-- <br /> ..- <br />' _'_.._.__....�.-_�.e.,���...._. , - .<_sr. _�...- ..._ .... _ _ <br /> '-'_ '-' _ .__— .•nv�'�c•v—. ___.__.___`_.._-_._,. -"' —`. _ <br /> _ __ -�-.. ...-_ _ �ems--'=.— _ _ . __ -- __- ___ -___ _--_ `__- _'__ _-- <br />. ._-____ ___-_>'___ . _. . ___ '-_ .:-.:;. . . ._. _.___.. . . .___:. .. ___ ____._ ,____. ___.__ _._._ _._.. _. _____ ._ ____ ___ - _. <br /> .��p,. , . <br /> �� . <br />. .. . <br /> • <br /> • .� <br /> . • - „ :� <br /> . . � .. � - � ... . . � <br />