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'I.i��( <br /> '1. � � . <br /> .� • � � <br /> � ' � . <br /> � <br /> .. .I <br /> . ' .. .• .. . , • ���_ <br /> . . . �. .... ._.____.� . ... .. . <br /> . ., . .. . . ' . <br /> ..... . . . .. <br /> . . � .ir.....".'_....����. . . �� Q <br /> 03a11-1flfl0 :� ' <br /> ���� �� ���s� � 'a��."�7'+'�'3� �Og� 4 <br /> Loon No 7a39i34 • ' (ConUtn�uo�� _ -- '., <br /> —.._--� <br /> �� �^- Inoludfn oUpulaUon3 ihnt oovcmflo��vin not bo canccl:od or <br /> � tlmo to tlm�lhn pa:lolss ar e�rG�:atos of In�uranco In torm nntisfootory lo Lond:r. g . <br /> dlminlahcd wlthout at t�uot ton(10)dny�'prlor wrltton rtoQno to Londat.Eaah InsuPa�co poUoY oloo ahall mctudo an ondoroomonl prqviding that <br /> ooverago In tpvot of Lendar�viB no!bo impalresd U nny r�ay by any aot,aml3.�lon or dof3u8 ot Tru9tor or aiy othcr pCrson, TNo Ron�ProP4�Y�� <br /> locatod in nn aroa dosipnalod by tho Dtroctor of tho Fodortii Emorgartay MannpotRflnl Agonoy ao n ePee�N tiood hnmrd nroa. Truotor agroo�to <br /> r <br /> obtnin and m^Int��n F�demt Fbod In�uranco tor tho tull unpuld pdrsclpai baanco o�tho ban,up to tho mEVClmum poUCy Ilmlts sot undar the � <br /> Natlonni Flood In3umnco Progrum.or no olh�rvil�o roqulrod by Landc+r,and to m�ai nlaln:+uch In3uranCO to<<ho term o�tho ban. <br /> A�plleatlo�of Pfotttda T�uslor ehatl promptly no1Ny Londer of any tosa or derte$go to the Property. Lunder ma mako proof of Ioss If Trustor <br /> falis to do so wlthln Ilftaon(18)daYs ot t'o`cus fo�aflhfo�ho roduot on�ot the Indo�bl dn�oss!PnYmflnt of ny�l et�aHecling tho Proporty,or tho <br /> .•.. thfl procends ot nny In�urartco nnd app�t Lendor eiects to nppry tho pro�oeds to r�tomtlon and repnir,Trustor nhau rspa�r or replaco tho <br /> rastoratlon and ropalr ot Ihfl Propedy. <br /> domagod or dostroyod Imp�ovomonts In s munnor satlstuotory to Londor, lender ehall,upon satistuctory proot of sueh oxpondituro,paY or <br /> , • proceods�htch hovo no be n dishun;ad h+�lth n�1flQ dnys afte�tholPr�iece�pt and w�hbh �-ender hae not committed t ethe IropNrar�EStoraQon o <br /> th�Propurly shali bo usod fi�al lo pay any amount otving to Londor undw thb Dead of Tru�t.then to pay uccrued interest,and fha romslndet,it <br /> ' uny,shnll bo appllod to tho pdncipul balnnao ot tho Indobtodrtws. If Landor holdn any procaods after paymont in full of tho Indobtedno;s,suoh I.`; <br /> prosaeda ahall be pald toTrustor esTrustoru Interc�ts may appcar• ,� <br /> • � tlnexplred Inauttmee at 8tale.Any unnxp►md Insuranco ahntl Inuro totho banefii d,8nd pe�s to,ttre purChoser ot the Propotty covored by this . :•�� <br /> Dood of Tnist at eny irusleo's eele a othor eale hold undor tho provislons of this Ooed ot Trust,or at any loreelosure sate at suoh Proporly <br /> Truetot'e Inauraneo. Upon roquest of Lendar,howove�ti'��m�+�g�ed���th9 emotunl orf theupotoy: (df hetpropoM�g�4� ; <br /> � oxletlng potloy oT lnsurr�nco sAa►vtnp: (a)tho namo of lho Inaurer; • °.h: <br /> �' � the t�shf.11 u onpequast OI L nude8tha e nn ndop°ndent�epprnfser eatis�eetory o Lender determ na iheecasi►v�e epiaqman tfcost ot th - <br /> Tnis o . P <br /> Proparly. <br /> DtpHHDiTltRHB BV 6ftI1IIER• If Trustor fails to compry W��h any provl�lon of tNs Qvod of Trost,a if any actlon or proceea�n�Is co�.monood that � �'•.;, <br /> I y .,. <br /> " , dee�ms epp opdato.M�y amount Ilw�or expGnda In�so doing wlll boar lnteres nt 1he rate P ovlded to tn the'Note hom the�dnte Incurrod or paid . , <br /> . ,y;: <br /> by Lendot to ihEt dntu oi ropayrnenl by Tnistor. All suchc�pensos,at Lendor'a op�on,�+M (n)be payabte on demand, (b)be addod to tho batanoe , <br /> of the Noto and be appoMoned ar�iong and bo pnyable wllh nny Instaltment pnymos�te�o bocome due dudng elthor p)the torm of any applicablo • ;'r�.,1l, <br /> �,� Insuranoo poAey or (U�tho romaiNng tarm of tho Note,ar (o)bo trc�Wd as n bntloon paymonl whlch h ahad be in addlUOntoenny otherdghts or a Y . <br /> � Thb Deed of Tnist a�so wlit sooure DuYment ot these amounts. Tho�fghts pr�vtdod for In this paragrap ;, _ <br /> �I` romodlos to which londar may be enlf U e d on accou n t o f t h o defaulG M y euoh acllora bY Londer shali not be construad as cudng the de1ault so os 10 .�� <br /> ' ber lendor hom any remeatylhet N othorwlse would have had. •�.�; <br /> �, <br /> " WARRANTY;Q6FEAZSE OF TI'I1.F. The tollotiving proNsions relating to o�veer'sNP of 1he ProPerly are a par1 ot thla Dead of TruaG . �, <br /> nrt nr Bnal fltle optnlon ISSUVd�� ���� �� <br /> f �_�. T���.�n��qa��rw�Tn,ator hotds Oood und marketable Ytle oi record to the ProPerty in tes simpte,lree and clour ot ali itons and <br /> y encumbranoes othor than ihose 9et forth in the Reet PropeAy descrtpuon orin nrn w�io iraurar�Foue;�t4t4��?D_..i . °,,�W. <br /> . ( favor of,and nccepled by.Lender�n cannectlon with thls Oeed ot Truat,end(b)Tntsta has the tull right,po�ver,and authorliy to oxeeuto and �, <br /> � � daitvor lhl�Dded ot Teust to Lendor. <br /> nls and w i n f o rover detend the UUe to the Property nguinst tho �:`=�, <br /> ,' � Qofnna�of TiGe. Su b J e a t to t h�e x c e p tl o n I n t h e p a re g r a p h a b o v e,T'u sc�w �m�noad that questlons Trus to rs tl t le o r t h o I n t o r e s t o f T r u s t o e o r <br /> Inwtul olalma oY aN pereona, In fhe evant any aedon or proceedinp in auoh pr0000dln <br /> ��,;,� . • Lendor undor thb Oeod o4 Trunf,Trustor ahall dotend tho acUon at Trustor's expe�e• Trustor maY bo the nominat pa�ty 0,b� ;�:--,. <br /> ����Y Londor s h e 0 b o e n N t 3 o d t o O a�G p A t a I n t h e p r o e e adin g and to bo reprasentod In the prxaeding by cour�sol ot Londor'a own aM1oico,and -- - <br /> Trustor w�9 dolh�T,pr cause to bo dotiverad,to Londctr suoh Irqtruro�enta 8s Ler�dGr rttrsy roq u e s t h o m fl m e t o G m o t o p r s r m i t G t c o h p a�i d p a t i on. f,�-. <br /> Comppance WItN I..aMS. Trustor wartants thal tho Proporty and Trusto�s use ot the PrcPortY compllos with aA oxtsllng appllCabls laws, �,.__ <br /> ,,!;:. • y, ordlnanoos,flnd rogui�tla�s ot�ovommontat suthodUes. ;;_:,:,_. <br /> ' ��'"' 0011DHMWATEO?!. 'fho tnVOwlnp proNSlono rel�Ung to condomnaUOn prooec►dh�gs cuea puR of this qood ot Trust. ____ <br /> � � C'::.-_" <br /> �'SiF.. . ,:� Ilfld f0 th0 �`_ <br /> , �, AppllaaUnn ot tEdt Procctd�. If all or any paA of tho Property b condomned by ominont domN� P��dings or by any pr0000 n9 a� �K1t'`` <br /> ,, purohpso In ikiu ot condernnaUon,Londor may at lts oleabrne Qt pr txoods ot tho ward s�II mean the awerd a er pay�ntbo Nl�roasonabto ��u„_ <br /> 7�� Indobtndnos3 0►the repair a rosloraUon ot the PropodY• —_ <br /> ;r/; - <br /> ,• cosb,oxpontc�s.nnd ettomolta�toes�"°urrsd by Trustoo or Lendar In connxtton wlth tlio condumnaHon. _ <br /> � g' noUry Londor in wdnng,and Trustw 8hn11 promptry tako auch �,___ <br /> �� �' proc�sedlnqa H any pracoedl�g ln condomns9on is flled,Trustor shell�romptry _. <br /> '�;,`�+� ,' •- tc detond tho aoNon and obUSin tho nv+iard. Tmstor mny bo the nominN parly�n suah pr000c�ding,but Lendtu shaJ� <br /> . , . stops ns may bo noc�ssery .�+,,, <br /> '�""�'� � bo eM!.�►d to partictpalo In the p�d��0 ond to bo rcpresan'la�d In tho Orocaed�ng by counsel ot ib own eholco,ond 7ructor w1A dotivsr or �;, <br /> ,;,��, �. ��!Sl: <br /> �, cnuso tn bo doiivarad to LonQor euah Irtnhument�es maY Do reque�od by It trom Urrto to tlme to Permlt suah ptuUcipntion. <br /> , � '�;�. IM�ltYttbPd aP'��5�fEl�91!l�1D CHAR(#F$aY GOYERNMENY/LL All[HO�tIf1E8.Thu tollowlnp provlslons mtaling to govemmonUi►taxes, ;;,R <br /> . f3os and ohprgas sm e prnt o!tNS Daed at 1YUOt: ..:,;.� <br /> � � , `:: <br /> �' � on uost by londor,Truslor ahal mcecuto eueh doeuments In addlSion to thls Qetid at Trust nnd teko <br /> ,,,•, ., Cunan4Tez�a,FaesenOt�ar4os. uP � <br /> ,:s:. u whatuvar othor aollon b atVunsted by Lendor to poAecl und tontinue Lsndo�'s Ibn an tho Aoat ProDatY• Trustor shul��a►mburco Londor tor <br /> .};ri��_i <br /> � toxos,os dt�crlboc9 balow�lflgoliwr ti+llh all e�o�"�'+inc��rted In recadlnA,perfading or aontlnuing this Oood of Tntst,Including vdthout �3ti`'i: <br /> ItmltmUon aU Inra3�tow,documoMnry si�►mpa,end othor chnrgas ta recordng a re8ate�►ng lnta Dood ot i n�si. ,3`;t: <br /> Q•. <br /> " TmtOD. 7Ho lo�towln8 shaC canstltuto tazes to whlch thts sootlon applles:(&)a sPotac tax upon thls typo of Oood of Trust or upon a or any �_� <br /> � ppd ot ttfu Indobtsdness sceurod by thls De�of Trust; (b)a speciRO fox on Trusta wNch Tn►stor Is uuthodzed or raqulred to doduet irom �.+, <br /> . thaa hofda of t e'Nal�t an0$(d)a spocl0otht�uc on aUforen Y�Por�on�ot�Mo�InEsbiadn�or'on psymenls ot pr�c�P`�eand intorest mndef by <br /> ;'� �._ <br /> ��:..- ' YtU5101. <br /> ';A, �'1_ <br /> �m�°��s'��w�i a c'�"o�u�i��don oa bo owjpa�`a i e m y oxasd uny or�ttA ot Ha nvaltnbtoremedtcs tor un Evant ot Ootault as !,.� <br /> ' proNdod batow uMos�Tnislvr�Ithor {n)pays tho tax botoro ft bc�comos dollnquent.a (b)contesta tha tox a3 proNdod ubova in tho Tuxos and <br /> ,,,.��, . Lt3ns sOCtlon antl dCpa�'.�Ib with LOnder cnsh ot o nut8ciant corpora�g��roty�ond ar Otht3t soCWily 8a1f3tactory to LvndOt. ' <br /> � �. <br /> , t�. <br /> :ry,, <br /> . '�.?:; <br /> . , . 1',.r.`.."' ;.c� :,�nt�ti'X_•+,«�i-�?,� �. <br /> , i <br /> . ._ _..-...�... �. . <br /> .._ - . _-'^----.—.—�...�.�_�.-- ' . <br />---- ' -:_.—_..._ ' -' '•.._— , .�_ . . "' - - - �- <br /> �� .r--.� -• . __.... ...-— - �. � <br /> . � . � �� '�d:, , . ' <br /> , ., � <br /> .� . ._.__� ,. -_ ¢ <br />