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, . _ . 7;•. r�I' : <br /> fl�. • <br /> .i � r�. <br /> ` , ��1��':;�r <br /> .. � '� ; , „ ' / ,> '��}�;;. <br /> ' • • . . � <br /> 03-91-14l3fl �EED OF�'�U�Y �y��--'�� Pago 3 ,.. ' <br /> , Lonn Na 763184 � (Gon4i�uod) . ��� �3 <br /> ' �--- - ._._ ^ <br /> �__ r:�> <br /> netunt or IhreAtonod t1Ags9on ar olaimu of any kind by nny poreon roU�llng to auoh muttom;nnd (a)Excopt as�provlously disclo�od to and � <br /> acicnouiodpod by L.ondcr In v�rlflnp, (f)nolthor Trustor nor nny tonnnt,eontmotar,ugont or othor uulhorirad usor of tho Property ehall uso, 1,� „ <br /> ponorato.manuleoturo,a}oro,trent,disposo of,or rotouso nny howrdous wnuto or oub�tnnca on,undor,nbout or hom tho Proporty and (II)any <br /> ouCh aoti�My BAaU bo oonduotnd In compilpnoo wlih ati eppUcabie tedGmt,atata,and toaal I�we,r8guintlons nnd ordinanoos, inctuding wllhout , <br /> Ilmltatlon Ihoso Invia,rcgutetlons,nn6 ordinnncoe doscrlbod abovo. Trustor outhorizas londcr nnd Its ngents to ontar upon tho Propodp to �.° '' <br /> " mako euoh In3peottons nnd tosb,at 'ftustors ouponso,as Lender may daam uppropriato to dotcrmino compllence of tho Properly w11h thls �•� <br /> eeotion of Ihe Oood of TrusL Any InspooUona or tosb mnde by Lend�r shatl bu lor Wndots purposos unry nnd ahn11 not be eonshuad to cmnto '��L, . • <br /> nny ro9porelbllity or Ilabillly on the paA ot Loiider to Trusta ot to any othor po�son. Tho roRrosontelions snd wartantlos contalnod horeln ure ,,;.V <br /> -. wsivos any ftrture e a�ima lagn�nal endot for nd mnity op eonMbW�n the e ent Trus or�h com s Ilabie�to eleunupror�olhor costn u dor any �� ' <br /> ' suoh laws,and (b)agrees to Indomnly and hotd harmla9a Lender ugninst any end at claims,losses, IIabIIINes,dnmegos,penulties,and � � <br /> w�o�os whtch Londer may dlrectly or indimctty sustafn or uuffor resulting hom a breCah of this seatlon ot!ho Doed of Truat or as n <br /> W <br /> consequenoo of eny uso,genemtion, manutacture,atorage,dfspasai,reloas0 or threatened roieasv of a htllardoutti wasto or substsnco on tNe , ._.• <br /> properllss. 1'he proNSlons of thb secllon ol!he Desd ot Trust, Including 1ha obtigatlon to IndAmnlN, sholl survivo ihe payment of the � <br /> Indebledness and the satisfactlon und reconveyance of the Iien ot thls Doad of Truat und8hall not be aMeoted by LendePa acquisitlon of�ny ,;'.;,,s;"n:y� <br /> interesl in Ihe Properiy,whother by toreclosure or dhorwlse. �i 5 °`''`m'`" <br /> �t'!�t'?"��:'.:� <br /> Nuleance,Wtwto. Trustor shali not cause,conduct or pennit sny nulsance nor commtt,permll,or suNer any slrippinp ot ar wasle on or fo the , �^.t;-,__ <br /> ' " Properly a any portlan ot the Property. Without NmlUng tho genorulity of the forepoing.TNStar wlll not remova,or prent to any othor party tho _�;::,^_. <br /> dght to removo,any Umber,minerals(Induding oii and fltts),soll,flrsvo�or reck praduats wllhoul tho prior wNlten oor�ent of Lendor. �;,{_ <br /> ,•a::�.---� <br /> Remov�f of Improvemente. Trustor shnli not dumatsh or remove any Improvements hom the Real Property without tho prtor written consant . __. <br /> af Lendc�r. As n conditlon to the romoval of any Improvements,Lendst muy require Trustor to make anangeMenb satislaatory to Londor to n�,�«_ <br /> repiace such Improvementa tNth Improvemenis of at least equat vatua. �' <br /> �. `_,R�a <br /> ' Lo�daPs RIBAt to EnWr. Leoder and its agents and represontatives may enler upon lho Rent Ptaperty at all�easonuWe timos to nttend to rJ y:,_ <br /> • Lender's Intereals and to Inspoat the Propertyr for purposos ot Truslors compUance wilh the lorms und condltions of thls Doed ot Trust. .;:,_r_j: <br /> ` Compilanee w8h t#qvemmentW Rcqulrementa Trustor shap promptly eomply w8h ati laws,ordlnances,and reguiadons,now or hereaftor In _ __ <br /> „ eHe�t,of eU govemmental authoddas eppllcable lo the use or ocoupattoy of the Propody.Includin@ wlthout Umitadon,the AmeACanu Wlth _____ <br /> DlsabWUes Act. Trustor may contest In good falth any auch tew, ordinance,or regutatbn and wilhhold aompifance du�n�any procoeding, %m-�f,.t„ <br /> �. Including approp�late appeals,so Iong as Trusta han noHflad l.ender in wddng pdor to doing so end so Iong as,in lsnder's sole opinion, . , <br /> Londets Intoresb In ihe PropeAy are not jeopardl=ed. lender may roqulre Trustor to post adequate seeudly or a surcy bond,reusonably • .���� <br /> .�r ::-�.-. <br /> . sattsfaatoryto Lander,to proteat Londefa interest •`'`'��� <br /> , '�� Duty to PtOtect, Trustor agrses ocfther to abandon nor lea�g unattended the Property. Trustor shell do all olher aota,in eddNbn to those ao�3 ' ;r r�f'y�- <br /> sot todh above In thia se�lon,which trom the aharaoter and use of the Proporty ere rensonably necessary to protect and pr�eNO the Propa�ty. .�.z1i-.-� <br /> ..:..�, <br /> • ' DUE ON 8ALE-CON8HNT 0Y LHNDER. Lender may,at ib option,deciare Immodlateiy due and payable atl sums socurod 6y thb L�ood ot Truut ��-��- <br /> : . '�.,, upon the sala or tra�isr,wlthout the Lenders prlor w�IMen consent,of eA or any part ot the Reul Ptoperty,or any Interast in Iha Restli Propodyr. A _ ___ <br /> s - - <br /> � "eate or transfa�'rneana the conveyenoe of Reat Praperty or a�y ri¢M,ti#o w inierest tiro�oir�:wt�sr l��!!ds!ai sR�l►-�I°:whatha yduntary ��� <br /> or invotuntary;whalher by ouMght sa�9,deed,instalirtront sale contract,tand wnfract,contraol tor deed,leasohold Interest wilh u term preutor thun �;�,,,;_ <br /> " • 'l. three(3)yea�s,laaso-optlon contract,or by sa►o,esalgnment,or transfer o!any beneflciut interos!In or to any Iand dust holdirtp Iide to tho Roai _ <br /> •���3: Properry,or by any other method ot conveyanco at RsN Properfy fnterost. If any Trustor ts a co oraGoo,paRnerehtp or IImIWd Ilnblliry�sompany, <br /> _,. transfe�elso includes any change In ownerahip of more thnn hrrenty-Hve porcent(2696)of the vo�ng 8txk,partnership interosls a Iimlled Ilnblllly _ _ _ <br /> ., � company Interest8,tis the case may be,of Trustor. However,fhls optlon shaA not ba exercised by Lender It auch oxe�r.ise is proNbitod by todorat �v'� <br /> �- , law or by Nebreska Iaw. � <br /> � �' TAXES AND UF.N18.The tollowiag provislqns retaling lo the taxes and tlens on tha PropeAy ero a part ot this Oaed of Trust. ��``,'-' <br /> ��°- <br /> �. ,� Paymcnt. Trustor ohall pay when due(and In n�eventa pdor to delinquency)at!texos,speckti texes.assessmonis,aharges prtctuding v�ator ��_, <br /> and sower), Nnes and ImposlGons levlod agalrtst or on aocount of the PropoAy,flnd sheti paY when du�aN etnlms for work done on or 1or <br /> • y, seMa�s rondered or mat0rlai turMshed to the PropoAyr TNStor shall malnteln the Praperty Res of all Ilons having pdoriry�ver Or oqual to the �� = <br /> Utorost of t.ondor under this Dond of Trust,e�u�pt tor the Nen ot texes and assossments not due and e�ca�pt as othenviss providod In this Ooed �-^,- - <br /> ''� �` Ot Trust. -�-,: _ <br /> � • _�, RIpM To Conteet. Tnutor may w!thhotd payment of any tex.essessment,or ctNm in conneoGon wtth a good faith dMpule ova tho obilpation 4•�==— <br /> to pny,so lonp a�Lendera Intorost In the Properry is not eoperdized. If o Oen arises or b flled ss a rasult af rtonpaymo�d,Trostor ahcdl vAthin <br /> � Oftoon(16)Qnys after th�Ilen edsos or,If a Ifon ly fi{ed,wi�in�fteen(16)dnys after Trustor haa noUeo of tho Ninp,eoeuro tho dlsehargo ot the �_�- <br /> ' ° pon,or il roquested by lender,depasit w(th Londer cash or a sufl�lent eaporato sureiy bond or other soourity satisfactory to Londor In nn <br /> . �': -'_ <br /> •� e m a u n t n u t i t c t o M t o d i s a h a r ge lhe Ifen plus an y costa nnd attomoy�'toos or othor ohargas that could eoenio nu a casutt W n taroctosure or sato <br /> unda tho Iton. In any contest,Trostor ahnll dotend ftsell snd Lender nnd shali sa t k�ry eny n d v c n s n I u d B m o M b o t o r e a M o^c o m e n t a p e i n s t t h e �_ <br /> ' Proparty,Trustor shall nume Lend9r ea en ndditlonril obligoe undor any eurety bond fumbhed In tho contatit procaod�rtg3. �,. <br /> . � _ - <br /> � ' -�•� Evldertce of Peymeat. Trustor shali upon domand 4umish to Londor sntlstectory evidonai of poymoM of tho toxas or assessmont3 nnd s1wt1 �;�-_,------- <br /> ' uuthorlxo iho approprinto governmeetel otfl�t�t to dollver to l.ondor at any tlme n wrttton statement of lhc+ta�ws and a�monta nQainat tFro � <br /> Properly. �',,�-- <br /> _.._ .. .`� •,"�_ <br /> Noti�e ot Constrttotlon. Trustor shnil notly Lender at lea�it flftoon(16)dnya beto�e eny�vorlc i�Commoncod,nny sorvtcss nre turnished,or any �.•=-..._.. <br /> • ° � matedals are euppIiod to the Property,tt any mechenfo'a Ilan,awteristmen's fion,or dhcr 1���coutd be esserte�l on acxount ot tho woAc1 H1�Y <br /> •� � �' . servk�.�,or meteiteis. Trustor w�u upon requsst of tcsndcr tum�sh to Len4ar sdvence�ssu►r+�oos setistactory to Londor that Trustor can and wlll , <br /> � � ��� paythe cost otsuoh Improvomonb. • '�,-"� <br /> ���� ': <br /> PROPLRT1f DAMAQE tN8tbRANCE.Tho fotlowin0 provisions retaUng to Insudng the t�oportyaro a pnd of thfs Deod of Tn�t -��;�-:t <br /> _ . l � ��'��'�,---- <br /> � . ep�acemeM basis for tho tuA Tnswnblohvaluocoverinp at�mprovumenffi on ho Roal PropoAy in an amun e Hiciont o avold appikntloof nny �1�� ;;=,v;_ <br /> � cdnsuranc��clnuso,and wlth n atandard morfgnpoo dnuso In fpvar of Lendor. Tnr3tur chaU s�so Praoure 8nd malntnl�camprohorr�lvo gonorc�i _,�_ _�.; <br /> � ? Ilabllity innuranco in suoh aoverage amountu na Londor may requost wlth trustoe nnd Londer boing nntnod as addiBonul in�ureds in such ilabiilty .:�+,-:, <br /> Insuranos poildo3. Addlllonaliy,Trustor ahall mafntatn suoh other Insumnco,Inctuding but not Ilmltod to hezard,buslno�IntcnupSlon,nnd . <br /> � � '' te.e��a:e�a Issued by a co pany or co pAnliatt rettsonttbly gaoCept b�e to�lender. Trustor,�upon quost�ol l.e dor,�wlA dollver to Lendor om - "' <br /> �.�•: <br /> _ , '�r.;'`'' <br /> �.:. <br /> :. . <br />- ,.. , <br /> � ,t.�a� --,�--_,,.,�.»..._ .,.,� ,x , ��. ., <br /> •- . . . _ ' - - -- --- - <br /> - �-- ..�_ ,. - .. ; :. . . _ _.. -- - .. ... .. -°'-- -.:�� .�•p•�- — � -�- ---- ---�-:----- <br /> ' • _......_ �. _ _. <br /> ' �- - .. , . � . � . . . ��l . ., .. .. <br />.- . - . . v - , . . . <br /> 1: • . . . „ . . " . -. <br /> . ., <br /> - .. �� <br />- . <br />.-. .. .. ., _ _ <br /> J •• <br /> . � . <br /> __ r• .. . „ . . <br /> ' � . , . . _. . . <br />