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1' " ::.rr ., . <br /> 7 „ '`,��! <br /> .. � <br /> E,:���)'` <br /> „ 1 „ . ., . .1.,.. . ,� <br /> .. , .... ... ,.. . � <br /> � 03�11�90flfl ��� �Q���,�c� ���Gor�4lr�u�I�i�Y Ragfl 8 <br /> 6ven No Y831941 <br /> . --�__ _.. —__ -s----. .. <br /> . „ . ..�..:�:_:::=_-_�:._._..�.-_:-�_—�....` <br /> � . . tit3� {�ocsl 6�e��l9�iY 0Y �4"� Bdf?f�f19 Ifl 68i�ii71A171y ItR64•m aa 991U APlD 9923 � PIWE 4YW, t�RANO ISt.A�DO� NE � <br /> �"� <br /> ,. �H�;01� <br /> TrESatar�nuuonity Aest{,�na to 1.ender(eiso Nn�wn as Qenetielary In thls Oeod ot Trust)ull of Trustors d8ht,tltio,and Intorost In and to all praont nnd . <br /> hit�cto I^:1+.T�M Ih�PrApGriy antt att Ft�ntn from Ih�6�ropcA�r. In uddlUon,Truator gronta Lander n Unitorm Commorolal Codo ccou�lty Intarest In tho , ^ <br /> � �tanro nnn ttro�'CtGOn�it�topsriy CruNno��f�{uv�. <br /> �� 1}i:i�INITIQ�te. The fm:!o�vinp tvords ehAll hnvo Iho to;lowinp moIIningS whon usod in thls Aood of Trust. Terms not otherwlso doflnod In thls bcod ot <br /> Tnsal oht�tl hnvo Ihn��tanlnpo nStrlDulad lo auoh torms In tha Unitorm Commorclat Codo. M roferencos to doller umounta shall mesn amounts In • <br /> InwAA nt.fnoy at 1��Uni!hd b'tntaa ot Amortoa. „ <br /> !lQ:.A1tCl8ty� TRs�riord'flono(lclary'maana Flvo Pointo Bunk,It�ouccossore and nsslpn�. Fh�o Polnts Bank nt3o is roforrod to as'Lendo�'In <br /> ihf�Ua�d t►}Yruttt. <br /> RO2ltl 8!tf0b1. 'tho viords''�Daad of Trusl"rr�ean lhia Ouod of Tru�t emong 7rustor,Lender,and Trustes,and inctudes wlthout Ilmltatlon nit �• <br /> a�tt;,�mm�nl and eecwUy Inlutonl proNalona ra1911np to th0 Poreonnl Propo�fy and Ronb. � <br /> Utslttnt�. 11co v�ord"liutlrantoP rtWann and Inetudas without IlmltnUOn uny and aA guerentom, surotfos, nnd nccommodstlon partkis in ;}��. , � <br /> cunnoollun rliF�Ihn IndaLtodnaEi. �+'� ' �� <br /> ��� �IttptOVBmenta. Thtt�votd"Improvomonl9"mennn and includos without Umitotlon u0 existinp ond tuturo tmprovomonb,bulidings,struct�ves, • �� ; <br /> n�ot��!3 homm ctflUud an iho Rnnl i'ropody.tncllitlos,addlliorf�,ropiacamanb nnd othur construotion on tho Renl PropaAy. <br /> inReAtrdneu� tAa►vord"IndobtednRS9'means aA pdnclpa�snd into�t payttbte undor the Note and any amounta oxpended or advaneed by <br /> � lar�der to d►saharpo abupnttone ot Trunta or�xponaes tnourr�d by Trustee ot Lendar to onforoe obllgntlons of Truator undor thiu Oood of Tnut. � �.�-. <br /> Ip({81Rfr wttfl tntsro¢i on auah mm�unt�89 praNd�d In th�a 0�:0 of Tru�t. S�xitMatly,�vllhoul Ilmltstlan,thls tkied of Trust aeoures,In nddidon ..,:. ... <br /> to Ih0 wmquntp cpoclita�In tho Noto,nti tuture omounb Londer In It�dlscroSton may loan to Trostor,to,gether with all Intoraat thereon;howOVOr ��;7�i.� r • <br /> � In fl eve I lhtttl eua�1 ure tdvanc s(e�cotudirt I t r t)oxceed In the n88�e9ato 560.000•0�. �fhe Ilen of thla Deed of Trus� �;,;,,,�;�,�, <br /> a P i a�l roo�ex�ae���en y Aee�Ime 8�0,�� �':, ' . <br /> Lettde►. Tlut�vor0'i.onAa"mOAna Flve Polnfo 0ank,Its auccessore nnd aas►ena. .�.:,., <br /> � HOte. Tlilt WOTtl"ti0t9"n�aena trte Note dated March t��16��,in the princtlpA1 amount of 531,733.89 hom Ttustor and any i� ";�°==:= <br /> t. ` cad�orrow8re tq lnnUar,topothor wlth a�ranowats,o�nn�ionn,mod�liontlons,roflnanafnps,and oubstitutfons tor the Noto. Tho maturity dato 04 <br /> „ ihl3 Q3ad nl TruL113 M6tOh 10,Ef)Q4. � <br /> PA�tonet 97Cpetry. Tho words"Per�onal Properly'moan sll equlpmenl,8xlures.and othor uAkios of personal propoAy now or harantWr .. : <br /> o►wnod by Truotar,unA n0�y Or haeAttet ettElohsd m atOxed to lhe Real Proporly; togothor wilh att acco531ono,perto,and addldons to,alt <br /> ,•���' �� :;�'� <br /> • ., mplacomontn af,end eU eubetitution�for,any of euoh propeM:and toQether wlth cil praouds (Including without umi�►tlon all Insumneo ., • <br /> procu��dn and r�Nndu of premiuma)hom any ea�o or other disposidon ot tho Property. �;j,;,;:: <br /> w � PpOpOtty TRa wad'Froporry'meam ool►ectivaty tho Reat Progt�ty and the Pemonal PropoAy. ^.°'�:� <br /> •..:�_;,, <br /> � tieN Rropety. 1ho worda'Rosl Propsrty'mtan the propoAy,Interests end dphts dc►scdbetl ebuve In tho"GOnvayunce end Cuanc=seciion. -:��e <br /> 4 Rst�t�d 800ttmtnts. i'he words'Raltt�d Ooaumonta" msan an6 Inctudo without umltnlion ult promiseory noto9, cnsdit agr¢omonte,knn �Z^� ••+� <br /> . eproomento,er�wonmentat earesmentl,puu�ntlea,Gecudq eprosmenb,morlp4peg.da►ds ot trust,and alt othor Inatrumonta,agroomonts and �±;'�t <br /> �t; dooum0nte�whather now or hereafter oxiati�q,�xe0ut�d In Connoctlon wilh the Indobtadn9ss. -:__=_ <br /> ;,,._�..,�-:-. <br /> Rsntf. 7Ao wor0"Rentn"moana nli present and tuture ront�,rsvonucs,lncomo,tssuos,royalHos,proflta,and other beneflta de�lved from iha �.,��- <br /> �� <br /> PrCPo►N• - -- <br /> �� . Ttuuttt. Tfui wad'Truutue"nein�Flve Pdnte Oonk and any aubat�luto or succossor truatoos. 4_._-_-- <br /> Truator. 7AU word"RUCtoP means ony�nd nti peraons nnd enlltls�oxnouUnp thls Oeud of Truat,inctudinp withouf IImIlnBon elt Tn�stora nan»d ��;,�-,- <br /> Wovo. �'��' <br /> � TPt10 Q*..�D eF TGiIl�T�I(dQ!.�INQ TIlB A�SI�MMFNY OF RENTB AHD Tf�E SSCURITY INTE6iE8T IN THE RE�JT8 d1ND PERSONA9.. ` <br /> ,��i ' pQppFJpTY,l��IVEN TO EEC3lR8 1(1 PAVNIENT OF TIIfI tNDEHTE0fIG88 AN9 (�)PEfiFOfiAAAkCE OF AHY!WD AU.OBLIOATIONB�F - <br /> , :�. TRU'TOR t�WIIR T��tlOTH,YiIE RL'�ATF�DOCUMENYB,APID TH18 DL•ED OF TR1d3T. YHID OEED OF TRUST IS a1VEN/WD ACCEPTED ---- <br /> O!1 TMB FOLI.OWt�O ft:ill�Ais <br /> ''''�� PAYAt�NT M1D PF..�FQAMANCE. faco�pt��otMrwlae provld9d lo fhla O�d ot Truut,Ttustor ahnit�ny to Londot all nmounts securad by thla Daad - - <br />-�� ot Trust�o they becom�duQ,�nd�hrlt itdOUy and ln�tla�oty mannor paAorm a�t ot Trustofo obllpnt ons undor tho Noto,thls Dood of Trust,and Ih� _. <br />- � Re►�to9 Dooumento. ":= . - <br /> ppgBHS'�lW�1 AND NAtI�1TEIVANCH�F THIt PRtiPEiiTll. 7rustor ayrees thnt TnrstoPa posscr3sion and use ot the Proporty Shail bo govorned by ;;;;;:;_ <br /> thsfol:owingprovlSlons: ���__-� <br /> P(39aY�lon s�2d tfia� UnHI tha otaenona�o!en Evtml ot�efautt,T�u3tor moy (e)romnin In posaasslon and eontrol ot tho Proaorly, (b)uso, � <br /> - • � opor�te or mnnepo the Rropafty,oti0 (o)colleat any Ront�hom tho Property. :r,- <br />- �,: Duty ta MYntQln� Yrustor ePell mefnlflin tho praparty In tenantebto cAndltlon end promptiy peAorm atl ropalrp,rapincomonts,en�ma1n19nanao <br /> � ne!+±s�!ry to(+�eserva IM vnitn. �-,=��� <br /> - , ��yys�;;���. 1h�tcttn9"�ha�ldaus we91e"V►�Eerdous eubatnnoo;"dtsposal'Yetoa.�:nnd'th�tonnd roloaso."oa used In mts ��'-�_�= <br /> � Deed ot Trust.aAttl h�vs lha eatmo metninge ef uS to�th In Ih�Compri?Nnslva Envlronmontat Reryonue,ComponaaUOn,and ltabklty hot of l-== <br /> - + 1f�80,ns tm�ndld.IQ U.ti.C.C�ction 9lf0(�Y1 teQ.l^�R�"l�I�a 6upBHUnd Amondment8 and Rsnulhodzallon Aot of 1953,PtID.L.No. =-s;_- <br />- gg.4g9(^BAl�A�,lFN 14s�►tlou�Mxt�rltM TrrrupoRiUon ACt,48 U,B.C.Smollan 1801,st seq.,iho Resourco Consonratton and Rocovory Act, �.�,,:• <br /> - - 42 U.B.C.6aRttlon Q901,at s�q„w a11sN�ppttcs btt W tA o►F�d�rd iaw3,ruN7�or ropuletlons edoFted pumuant to nny of ths for�golnp. Tho <br /> terms"Re�udoui watt�"and"flatardaua�ub�'anc�"�Rat�atso Instud�,wllROUt IImiBUOn.p�tratoum and potrofeum by-producta or any haatlon ,.•. ; <br /> ' �,:.:;;. <br /> tRereof�nd asaNtos. Truitor tsprst�b snd r�armnb lo Lentier lhei: (p)Oudnp tM p�rlo�ot Tnutrn'a owrtoraMp oi the Proputy,tharo hes ��_�_� <br /> �eon�o ui�,Q�9►�COn,msnuf�Gtura,atu�ApB,Ue�tms�il,dlapo3a►,retoats a lnroabmtd ni��ot eny harardous waste or oub�nce by any �,�.<,' <br /> • � �erdon on,urt�a,ab0u1 a fror+�lhs(�ruU��Y� (b)Trustor hte no kno►viedy�ot,or rod�on l0 06ueve thu!Ihflro haa bcon,aarpt�provlou^.ly <br /> � d!scloseA lo artd ecknaalQ�ed b�Londa fn wattap� (1)lfly ULO�QOtttiIIUOfl,fllIIfl{11i0tttfA,6tC►8Q9,�f88tf110�1��dlSaOgQ��(0'.8350�l�►Y�If0II10RC=d <br /> �� ro:o�ao o!nny huardnus want�or Rul�atar�CO un,undor,aboN ot hcm itro Rtoporiy by Qn�prfot awrter8 or oauupanta ot tP►a ProrErAy or pq nny <br /> o'. <br /> " -- <br /> _ ... . .. . .. .,. ... .. _ - - -- <br /> �-- ..._� <br /> . _ <br /> -- . . ... . .. .. ---��--"+r' °"' }) <br /> --.K:-- _.. .... <br /> --.. ... . _ __ .__----.�_.....,-- .� - -- ------_-- <br /> _ _. .�. ..._ .__.._ � � �.. ... <br /> ...._,__�_R�_--....--..,�..�-- ._�r___-.: .. <br /> .. . , :e. . ' _ . , . _ <br /> - �� . <br /> v ' `F' . <br /> .• . .. - ' . ... <br /> . � ' l•".J .� <br /> :� „ .. ., " „ , <br /> -- .. .. <br /> tl . . _� , � <br /> , ,. - _ <br /> °- <br /> _ � -- <br /> __ --- --- <br />