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<br /> Thc runds situll bc ltcld in nn instituti�n whosc dcposita nre imured by u fedcrut u�cncy, iostrumcntulity, or cntity
<br /> „ -: (3ncluding l.cndcr,if I.cndcr i+such un in.r[itutian)or in any Fcdcrui Hontc l.nan Bank. Lendcr shull upply thc Fund.y to piry thc
<br /> • F�+crow Itcmy.I.enJcr muy not churgc Bnrrc►wer G►r hoWing and iipplyin� qic Fundti,unnuully nnulyzing thc csrrow uccuunt,ur
<br /> vcrifying ihc�+crow Ucm+. unlcti+l.endcr {�ayy Borro�vcr intcres��m thc�unds und upplicable luw pcnmts Lender tn makc such
<br /> � A CIl1f�'C.Hl1WCV�f. I.cnder muy requirc Burru�vcr w pay ai one-timc chur�c f��r un i�idependent real estntc tux rcporting ticrvirc �
<br /> useJ by 1.enJcr in ronnerti�m wi h this lo,m. unlc+s c�ppliciible luw pruvide; ��therwise. Unl�x an agreement is mude ur �.
<br /> upplicuhic I�nw rryuire+lntcrest t��hc �+uid, lAnder shzdl nut bc�cyuircJ to pay Burruwrr uny intcrest or earnings un the Fundti. � .
<br /> � Burrmvrr u�id Iw:ndcr may ugrce in writin�;,howcvcr,thut intcrest shuU be puid on the Funds. l.endcr shall give to Barrawer. "'
<br /> withuut �ha�gc, an annual accuuntinL• nf the Fund�. +h�nvin}! �redits und dcbits to thc Fundti und thc purpusc for which cuch
<br /> " debit tu the Funds was mudc.The fiunds urc pfcdged i�.�uJditiunul security fur uil sums securcd by�h�s Secunty lo+trw�nnt. �s...
<br /> � If the Fuinls held by I..ender exccai the am��untti permitted to be held by upplicable law. Lcnder shnll uccUUnt to Borrower �+
<br /> fur the excesx Funds jn uccordunce with the rcquirements of applicunle law. If the umount uf the Fund.heid by l..ender at any �;
<br /> " =-_c:I.� time is �ut sufficient ta pay the Escruw ltems when due, Lender muy tio natify Bonuwer in writing,und, in such cuse Borrower __-
<br /> `' tih�ll puy to I.endcr thc umaunt ncce+sary to muke up the deficicucy. Borrower shAll muke up thc detic�cncy in no mara thun __
<br /> twdvc monthly puyments,at I.ender's xo le discmdon. �_
<br /> . " . Upan payment in full of all+ums secured by this Securlty Instrument. l.ender shnll pramptly refund ta Horru�ver :►ny _
<br /> of he Properiy�hull apply uny Funci h ld by[.e der ut tho dmeraf acqaisittan�or�.w!as ucn:dit ugainst the�SUmstiecured by -_-
<br /> ' thisSccurity Instrument — -
<br /> 3. Appltcution o1P P��ments.U nle+s upptieubie luw prcwidc+othenvi�e,ull p�ymcnts reccivcxi by l.ender undcr par,�gr.sphti ___
<br /> �� 1 and 2 tiIIAII SC �(f�ItCII: (lftit,to any prepuyment churge.r duc under the Note: second, to amaunts puyubie under purugruph 2: __
<br /> � , third,ta�intcrest duc; tounh,to prinripal duc:and Inst,to uny lute chargcs due under the Notc.
<br /> � , ��; 4. Chargeti;I.ienv.Bnrrowcr shall puy aU tuxeti, ussessments,charges, fincs and impi�sitiom attributuble w the Property ..�
<br /> � , whi�h �nuy Attain priusity ovcr this Sctiurity Instniment, und IeascholA payments or ground rents, if m�y. Horrower shnll pay `
<br /> • these obligations in tha�nanner providcd in purugruph 2,or jf not paid in thut manner.8arro�ver shalt pay them on timc JirecQy _
<br /> • �� to the person owed paynvsut. 9orrower�hall promptly fumish to l.emler all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragrnph. —
<br /> If 6nrr�nvcr makc�thene paymcntsdirecily.Borrower shall promptly furnish to I.cnder�eccipts evldencins the puyments.
<br /> ��� Borrowcr shull pru�»ptly discharge uny lien which hus prianry ovcr this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower: (u)u�rees in uu.�_••
<br /> writin�to the payment of the obligation secumd by the lien in a munner ucceptable to Lender;(b)contests tn good fuith the lien
<br /> y� " by,or defends :�gainyt i:nf�rcement of the lien in, Iegul proceedings which in the Lender's opinion opernte to prevent the n,::;,,
<br /> ••�k. enforcemcnt of the li�n:ar(c)secures from the halder of the lien un agrcement wtisfuctory co Lcnder subordinating thc licn to
<br /> ' this Secudty Instrutnent.lf l..endcr detemiines thut any part of the Property is subject to u lien which may attain priority over
<br /> lhis Security Instru►nunt,l.cndcr muy give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. Borrower shnll sutisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> mare of the actic�ns set fonh abuvc within l0 duys of tlie givinb of notice.
<br /> � , s�. licizard ar Pruperty Insurunce. Bc�nuwer shul! keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected an th� _
<br /> .� ,� �, Pmperty in.tiured aB+►in.wt loss by fire, huzurds included within the term "extended coverage" und any other haztttds, including
<br /> ��,,,,;, �,;;;,,;;�„g� go;w�t;;ch lxr�er s��s+m� �n�ucnncc.This insurance�hall be maint�inai in the amounts and f�r the periad5
<br /> .i , �� that[.endcr requires. 7'lt� insur�nce camet providing the insurunce shall be chosen by Horrawer subject to Lender's upprovni
<br /> • � , which yhull not be unreasonably wltlihcld. If Borrower f�ils to muintuin coveragc descdbed�ibovc. Lender may, at Lcndor's
<br /> ,...,.. � option,abtnin caverra�e tn protect[.ender's dghts in the Property in accordunce with purugraph 7.
<br />�'}`;r��; . . Ap ilesurancC '��J:Y and rcnewals shuU be ucceptnble to L.ender and shull include a standurd mort�age clause. Lertder
<br />-�r..,: •. po..�:;
<br />-„},: ; ��•,s;�.. .• shall have thc righc to 1;�i1 thc policies und rcnewuls. Tf I.endcr rcquires, Horrower shnll prornptly give tu I.ender�II n:ceipts of
<br /> ; � � .., paid p�emiu►n�und renawal natices. In the event oi los�:,Borrawrr+hull gtve prompt notice ta the insurunce carr►er nnd[.ender.
<br /> '' �"''�' Lc:ndcr muy mnkc pri�of of loss if not mndc promptty b�•Bonowcr.
<br /> `"'"` � "��}s� Unless Lender und Bormwcr othcrwise agmc m wnting,in,urunce prorceds sha{I be applled to restorntion or repair uf the
<br /> � '' � Property damaged.if th�t restoration or repair�s cconomicully feusible and Lender's sccurity is not lessened. If the restorution or
<br />�'"`"''"'" repair is not ecanomically feasible or I.ender's sccurity wuuld bc Icsscned,the insurance procecds shall be applicd to the sums
<br />-� � � �...;.;,p� secured by this Security instrument, whether or nat then due, wtth uny excess pnid to Bcxrower. If Bc�rrower ubundans the ____
<br />;=,. � �:� r�t� Property.ordaes not nnswer within 30 day�u notice from L.ender that tha insurance carrier hus offercd to settle u cluim. then
<br /> "'�`�*�'���.}�'�'�'•. Lendar may coltect th¢ insurancc prou�eds. Lcnder may use the proceeds to �:�air or restore the Propeny ar to pay sams
<br /> s:�_......,,
<br /> 7`*°''"`:�'T 1` ' secured by this Security Instrucnent, whether or nat then duc.The 30-duy perlod will begin whon the notice is given.
<br />-,s;_,��^,�.�'p� Unless i.ender und Borcower otherwise ugrce in w�iting, any npplication of proceeds to principat shaU nat extend ar
<br />-.`r;'°"''��. postpnnc the duc datc of the monthly payments referred tv in para�rnphs 1 nnd 2 or changc the amount pf thc puymenu. If
<br />����������`� i� under ara re h 21 th�s Pcopeny Is acquired by l.ender.8urrower's right to nny insurance policied and pmeeeds msulting from
<br /> ��bot•:.�x:,��>l.�t- P � P
<br />�5��,ki�;�,�:�!i�';,s�, damn�e to thc Property prior to thc ucyuisitios�shull pass to Lender to the cxtent of the sums secumd by thjs Security Instrument
<br /> ;,, .;�{,�� immediutclypriortoth¢ucquisition.
<br /> ;�;i.l�,�..��;, 6.Occupancy�['rescn'utton,MuiuRenance und Pratectton oYthe Property;Borrower's Loun Applicution;I.easeholds. —
<br />�'= � � � Burrower shall acupy,estubHsh,and use the Property xs Borrower's principul residence wiihin sixty dny+after the executton of
<br />•ft;..t-.q:S�%��
<br /> f;»-;.�• thls Scxurity Instrument und shull continue to accupy the Property us Borrower's principal residence for at least one ycar after
<br /> ������•'�'`{���` the datr of nrrupnncy nntee.I.endcr athcrwise a�recs in writing, which conscnt shall nut be unreasonably withhetd,ar unles9 e
<br />�r:��;"'r;�'''��:::�� extenuatin�circum4lances exist�vhich are beyond Borrower's control. l3orrower sha11 not destroy. dwuuge ur impair tlu `
<br />— �';f++'�'t�;i�+, prop�rtp, ;ilbw thc Pro}xny to deurio.rate, or rommit wuste on the Property. Borrower ahulf be in defbult il'w�y furfeiture
<br /> �'��.e4�►:::;'' : anion or rocecdin whethcr civil or criminol, is begun thut in I.ender's good fuith judgment could result in forfeitum of the
<br />���' P g•
<br />-::-�,"�•-:;: . . Property or othcrwise materiaUy impair the licn rrcnt�d by this S�urity Instrument or I.ender's security intcrest.Borrower muy
<br /> �:�'� ",':' • eure such a default and minstate,as providat in puragraph 18,by caustn�;the uctinn or prorceding ta be dismissed with�ruling
<br />.:- .' '' � thut, in I.enJcr'� gond fnith de�crminution, precludcs fiirfeiture of the Borrower'x intercst in the Property or other material _
<br /> ' �•�'�-%: impairment of the tien crcateei by this Security In�trument or L.ender'� security interest. Hormwer shall ulso be in default if
<br /> .. ;,.t�.,�.;;. , _..
<br /> � :;.,�;tS,:� 8urro�vcr. Juring th�luun uppticaticm procc�s.guve matcrially fulsc or inaccurntc inforniatinn ar statcments to l.cader(or futicd
<br /> . .. �� '?;r}+;., to pra�vidc Lender with�ny muteriul ini'urmatiun) in cunnection with the loun evidenced by the Note,including,but nnt timited
<br /> �'�: ��., tu,representntionx coneernmg Borrower's uecupuncy of thc Pa�psny as a princi�al n:stdenoe..Tf this Security Instrument is nn a �:
<br /> `'� Ieasehold. Borrowec shall wmply with all the provisions of tho leasr. If}3��rrnwer ucc�uic+es fee title to the Propeny, thr, c
<br /> ' � ,��' _.
<br /> „ ,. � leaschold and thc fecs title shull twt merBe unless Lcnder ugrces ta tho merger in�vr�ting. —
<br /> 7.Protecttor�a►f I.ender's RE�htx In tho PrropertY•If Borrower fails to ped'orm thc covenants and a�mements contAiued in
<br /> ' diis S�xurity Instrumcnt, or therc i-,a legal pnn�ding th:it mny signitirandy uffi�ct I.endet s rightn in thc Property(tiuch►tw a =
<br /> - � ,' ,� procecdin�;in bankruptcy. probate, toc condemnutinn or forfcituns or tu enforce laws or regulatiuns), then Lers�er may do nnd
<br />- --==�� pay i��r wiwir��� „ i�«"w�a sc�r�:`t iha,�lhirhf hna,nrinrit�ovcr th adS�xun Y tin trumentt.�ppqr ng a n cc�ni�paying
<br /> - - - Incluue payinb uny ,iiun a,...�... ..� ., ...... .._.._._ . , _ -
<br /> =�"� � ;. ��ronable nuorneys'fce+and entcring an thc Property a� maxe npain. Altbough i.�nder rnny take actton unaer cais paru�rapn • _
<br /> 7,Lc:nJcr iku:ti ncit h�rvc to do su. —
<br />- ' _ Any amounts ditiburaed by L.cnder under tBis pamgraph 7 ,hali becomc udditionul debt of Borrower accured by this _
<br />� ,� • Saurity lnstrument. Unleti.Borrower und I.cndcr a�;r��c co uthcr terms uf payment, the�c anwunts shull bear Inter��t frum the _
<br /> ' dote of di�buru;ment at thc Nu�c rate and shull ln pay:lMle. with intcrest, upnn notice t'rom Lcndcr to Burniwer rcquextin�
<br />_- payment. .
<br /> 8�M1'Qo�4y�nue IInsurunce. If Lcndcr mquin.�d murtgube imuranre u�a ronJitiun c�f making thc loan�ecurcS by thi+5��cnrity �
<br /> = , (nstrument,Bormwer shull pay thc premium�r��quired ta �rwintain thc m�irtgage imur.tncc in effctit. if', tix any rea.on, the
<br /> • �," murt�tag� insurancc rovcru�c rcquind by Lrndcr lap�c�ur cca�c+tn bc in cffcct. Burrowcr sh�ll pay thc pmmiums rcquinvi ro .
<br /> ' obtain a�vcru�c r�ub�tantial�y cyuiv:�lent tu thc murtt:cigc in�urmcc prcviuu.ly In cff�tit.at a c�iyt tiuhstantiully cyuiv,dent tu thc _
<br />'_ , cost u�Bnrmwer uf tlm murcgagc insur�nrc prcviuusly in cff'cct. fmm un ultcrnatc m�m�agc inyunr approv��1 My l.endc�. If -
<br /> _ .
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<br /> , ,
<br /> _.
<br /> ,_
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