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<br /> """}�r�-`✓i±^='-r»""__�__,,,—'-_----- �•---
<br /> • ,ubstantiull� cyuivulcnt mortgugc insuruncc cavcrugc is nut avuiluMc. Hurrovvcr.hall pay tu Lco�lrr each munth a+wn ryuul t�,
<br /> • une•t�vclUh uf the ycurly m��rtguge in,urnnce prcmium hcing p.ud by H��rrowenvhen the intiuranrr ravrra�r lup+ed ur rcaud tu .
<br /> hi: ineffect. isndc� will urcepi. use and r�tuin thetic payment�u+ i�lu.rti re+cive in licu af nu+rt�ugr in�urunrc. 1.�,+, retiuwc
<br /> pnymcnt.muy n��Innger be requiral. ut the c�ptin�of Lcndcr, it'mi�rtgugc�n�rancc cuvcragc lin thc umuunt and ti►r thc perioJ
<br /> thut l.ender reyuireti)prc►vided by un in�.urer uppruve�l by landcr ugain hcrumeti avuiluhlc and is uhtaincd. Harrowar�h.dl puy
<br /> dic premiu�ns rcquircd to maintuin m��rtgage insurancc in cffcct.ur t��pruvideo luy,rescrvr.until tha requirement fi�r mortgut;c _ _
<br /> in�urancc ends in ucrordunrr with any wriucn►�grecment bctwecn Aurruwcr uml Lcndcr or upplicuh(c luw.
<br /> 9.Inspecti�m. I.ender��r its ugent muy muke reas�mablc entricti upn� �w�d inspectinas ot thc Property. I..cndcr tihall givr �.Lr,_.
<br /> ,. Barrowcr nutirc at thc titnc of�r priur to un inspcction ypecifying rrasonublc cautic tiir thc inspertion. -_;;
<br /> � !O.Cundcm��utLun. Thc pmcccds af any aw:ud or claim fi�r claneag�-�.dircrt ��r r„n+equcntiui. in c�uincrti<m with uny � ..
<br /> • cunJcmnatian or olher tuking af uny part af thc E'ropeny,ur fur convcyuncc in licu c�f cortdcmnusion.urr'hcrch)' uti>ignrd und� �� ;
<br /> xhull bc paid tc�I.cndcr. ��;_
<br /> In thc cvcrn��t�u totul tuking of'thc Property,thc pruceeds sh�dl bc uppl icJ tu thc sum.ticrurcd by this Scrurity Instrumcnt, � ;;:
<br /> .�-•��'` wheiher ar not then due, with uny excess puid to Burmwcr. In the event c�f a puniul tuking uf thc Property in which the fuir � �,�:'_
<br /> � ' •� mutkct value of thc Property immuclintely before tho tuking is equ:d tu or�reater than thc umuum uf thc tiums�ecured by this <_�'
<br /> � ; ,�,�� . Security Instrumcnt immcdiutely befarc thc taking,unlesx Barrowcr und Lendcr uthcrwixc agrrr in writing.thc,ums�ecured by `;:i;:S
<br /> this Securiry Instrumem shall be redueed by the amount of the proceed� multiplied by the folluwing fructiun: (u) thr totul �-:=u'
<br /> � ' amix�nt oC the sums xccured immaiiutely befare the tuking, dividcd by (b) ihe fair murkrt ��iduc uf thc Pruperty immediutely �-=
<br /> • t befora the tuking. Any balancc�hall be puid to 13arrower. In the event of a punial tuking��f the Property in which thc fuir !`'''�-
<br /> . . ;"�il �_`_
<br /> .r���L� murkct value nf the Pruperty immcdiutcly heti�re the tuking is lcss than tlre unx�unt crt'thc sum+ticcurcd inunediately before ttic °"
<br /> .. � �«� taking. unlc�s Borruwer and L.�:nJer athenvise agree ln writing or unless applicublc luw othcrwixc provide�. ehe pruccedy shull �'`'-n'
<br /> - ' be applicd to the+ums securcd hy this Security Instrumrnt whether or not thc wms are thcn duc. �-'-
<br /> If thc Prapc:rty is ubanduncd by aorrowc�,or if,id'ter noticc hy LrnderM Borrowcr thut the cundrmnur offcrs to make un ��_-�
<br /> �• award or settle a clu�m for damagcs, k3orrowcr fuils tu resputtd tu Lcnder uithin 30 duys uftcr the date thc notice iti given,
<br /> � � L.ender i,auti�urized w co{tect and upply thc procccds,at its optlon,either to rcstorntion or repair of the Property or to the sums -
<br /> , ,,<<�,:;;
<br /> : �ts secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. ��_�'-
<br /> i(+1!9,� � .
<br /> . c iti Unles� l.ender and Borrc,wer otherwise agrcc in writin�, any applicmion of proccedh to princtpal shull not cxten or
<br /> � , �R,��� postpone the due date��f thc monthay paymcnts referrcd to in purug�aphs 1 and 2 ar rhunge thc�mount uf such payments.
<br /> �,�� 11.�orrawer Not Y�eleused; �'orbeuritnce By L.ender Not a Waiver.Extcnsion of the time for payment or mndificution �,?�
<br /> A'.�:�y-,
<br /> �"�c ����;'� ��f amortization af the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by L.ender to uny succetisor in interest of Borrc�wer shaQ
<br /> :.,lc�„. ,
<br /> ��� not operate to releuse the liability of'the uriginul Borrower or Bonower's successors in interest. Lender shull not bc required to �'�;��.
<br /> .`� ra�mmcnce pmceedings ngainst any successor in interest or refuse to cxtend time for payment or otherwire modify amartization ,;__.
<br /> ' � of�he sums xecurcd by this Sccurity Instrument by reason of any dcmatd niade by thc original Borrower or Bonowcr's �____
<br /> � successors in interest. Any forbcarancc by La:nder in ex�rcising uny right ar remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the �_
<br /> '�i.��' ` excrciseof 3ny right or remuly. «..
<br /> 12. Succes.wrs nnd As.cigns �ound= Joint and Severul Liub i l ity; Co-s i�ners.T hc covenants and a grcements of this
<br /> Securiry Instniment shull b{nd and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender und Borrower, tiubject to the provis{ons of __
<br /> -' . pa�agruph ii. nuiruwci��w�cnai�t5 ar� agr�.mcnis shalt !sc;�::: a:x! �»°^rEtl. Any �+rmwer who co-tiiCns tl��s Security _-
<br /> <� •� Insttument but does not executc the Note: (u) is co-signing thi+Security I�wrument only to mortgage, grani and convey thot �,
<br /> �'i'
<br />_ .+,: , Borrowcr's interest in the Propeny undcr the tcrms of this Security In�trument: (b)is not personally obli�ated to pay thc suma ,u,;;-:..
<br />-,���,5� securcd by this Securit�r Instrumcnt; nnd(c>agrec�that L.�nder anJ uny athcrBorrnwer may ugrec to cxtcnd, modify,forbear or �;�,:
<br /> , make any acconmialattons with mgard to the terms of this Security Instrum�m or the Note without thnt Borcower's consent. �LL;_
<br />- ,; 13. Lourt►Charges. If the loan securai by this Security Instrument is srbject [o u law which sets muzimum loan chntges, __
<br /> . , and that law is finully interpreted so that the interest or other loan churge�col lectui or ta be wllected in connection with the
<br /> „y,. '', �� loan excec�the permitted limits,then: (ul uny such lottn charge shnll be reduced by the amaunt neces5u to reduce the churge __
<br /> u
<br /> to the permlttcd limir and(b)any rums ulreudy coilected from Borrower which excceded permitted lim ts will be refunded to
<br /> ��.�,:;.{`� i Borm�ver. Lender muy choose to make this refund by mducing the principai owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br /> .. � , . payment to Bnnower. If u refund reduccs principal, the reduction will be treated a.ti a psu�tiul prepayment wlthout any ���` -
<br /> . .- - 6::_....
<br /> ti;; �,,. pmpayment c{�arge under the Note. _�
<br />��,r:F�5� 14.No4ic�es.Any noticc to Bonawer provided for in this Scrur+ty In�tNment shn{l be�iven by delivering tt or by mailing
<br />-- it by fiat class matl unless upplirable law requires use�f tinather methcxt. The twttce shull be dimctul to the PropeRy Address
<br />' �'"'�'��� or any other address Borrower designatcs �y r.�rfce �o I.ender. An3� natire to I..ender shall be given by tir.;t class mail to _
<br />_''.�+.'E�� . •� tLxnd�r's uddr�.ws statai Rereire or uny other uddmss L.ender desl�nates by noticc to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this R',_'
<br />'''�' S�u�-ig•�nstrument sha116e decmeci ta huve bcen given to Borrowcr or Lender when�iven as provided in this parugraph. °
<br /> !,�':,.- .
<br /> r��•,.�� . �_;.:
<br />�`��.;,.-..�;:ti i:, 15.Q+�v,�rning l.aw; Severability. This Sccurity Instrument shall be governed by federul law and tha taw of the
<br /> .�r'�:_n��=.:.:•,�.:•�
<br />-.;w:w,. 1 jurisdicticio in which the Propeny is located. In the event thu[nny provisicm oc clause of this Securiry Instrua�ent or t e ote
<br /> :,`r,a„� conflicts with applicuble law. such conflict shail not affect other provision�o(this Security Instrument ar the Note which can be �
<br /> s��"..,"'t"' given efF��ct without the confliain�provision.To this c��d the provisians o(this Serurity lnstrument nnd the Note aee declared __ _
<br />��'..,.;��,,,. ' tobc severable. --
<br /> -• - - 16. Barrower'R Copy. Borrower shall be�iven one conformed copy oithe Nute and of this Secutity Instrument. _
<br /> ' -;,��;;!��. ly. Tra+�.sfer uE ti�e Pcopc►4y ur a Reneflcful Intere4t fn Rorrnwer. Itwll or,mv part of the Property or uny interest in lt 4_
<br />�,;,��N����'-, issoid or tr�►nsferrcxl(ur if w Ueneticia! intcrest in Borm�ver is snld or tmn�ferred nnd Bormwer is not u naturul persoa)without _
<br /> ,. . . , I.ender's prior written cansent, Lendcr m:�y, ut its option, re uire immediate payment in full of ull tiums securcd by this
<br />-'r r'�,�,;.�,.
<br /> }��� Securiry Instrument.However,this option shull not be exercised y�Lender if exerclse�s prohibited by feder.�l law us of the dnte
<br />��".�e.`:..y._,r • °--
<br /> f,., .,, of this Security Instrument. --_
<br />=-'''" � ' � If L.ender exercises this option,Lender shull give Burtower notice of acceleratian.The notice shnll provtde u period of not _
<br />- . .� '..� less Nan 3� duys from.the dute the notice is delivereci or mailed witliin whicl� giorrower must pay all sums secured by this - __
<br /> �ccuriry �«xrument. If Borrower fails tu pay these sums prior to the expiration of this pedal.Lender may invoke any cemedies �N
<br /> z �er�riitc�by this 5ecurity Instrument without furthcr nutice or demund on Borrower. �"..
<br /> - p8. 1Borro�er's Itiqht to Retnstnte. If Borrower mects cerwin wndit{ons, Borrower shall huve thc right to t�uve ;:
<br /> - � �;4�reertcent of this Security Instniment discantinued ut uny time priar tothe earlier of: (u)S°duys(or such other perioc�as �1-:.;;
<br /> i� appticable luw may specify Cor reinstatement) before sule of tt�e Propertr pursa►a�n to nny power of sale cant�ined in this [�:_.
<br />-. Saucity Ir�.wrument;or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing this Securtty Inst�urr�ent. 'Those cordit[ons ure that Boi*ower:(a)pays t���_`:..
<br /> � Lender utl�sumc which then would be due under this Security Instw¢nen4 anc: the Nute as if no ncceleratlon hud occumJd:(b) :��,.
<br /> Y!!
<br />— • cure�any default uf uny uther��venunt�or�+gr�timents: (c) puy�u�� ea�se�+es incurred in enforcing this 5ecurity Instrument,
<br />-- _ _��___�_ � includin�,but not limitai to, rcsticmublc�uorneyti fecs:und (d)tukes such ua:tion us Iw:ndcr may rwsunubly requin:to fissure �=�;.
<br /> '-'"_��i.� that ttm tien ot this aecuriry in,uuu�ut. i.c��S�e'� ri�tiu,in thc Property�und E3omo��-ei s �+hlio,+rinn ro�:�y the sums secured by 1��
<br /> �- .�____7 ■f___ ..�.......w 4..� IL��IYIWP� f�ifc CPCUfItV �l19lIUtI1CR� tlill� the �'•_
<br /> - --=—
<br /> ° '�s ,. tllis SCCULity lnstrument �nuii �Ymiiuuc uiauan w. v .. °"'"'
<br /> B N" �.....�..,........« .�� ...._._.._-• •---.. _
<br /> ' , obli�ations secured hercby shall rem:ii��fully effective ac if no ucceleratian hmd orcurned. However,this right to reinstate shnll
<br /> , , noc�pply in thc cusc of a�ticicrutlon undcr p:►ragraph I7.
<br /> �•„ 19. Sale of Note; Change ut Loan Scrvtc�er. The Notc ar u pact�l intcrest in thc Notc ttugether with thi� Sccurity
<br /> � • instrument)may be sold nne or ntorc tim�:s without prior notice to Borrowcr. A s�►le may result in a chanIIe in the entity(known
<br /> ui the"l.oun Scrvicer")tl�ut�rollects munthty payments duc undcr the Natcand this Sccurity lnstrument.Thcrc also muy be dne
<br /> - " " . ur murc chan�es of the Luan 5crviccr unrcluted to a sutc of the Notc. If thc�e is n chunge of the Loun Servicer.Horrower wiil be �"
<br /> - given aritten notiru of thc chnngc in ua;oniancc wlth parugraph 14 ubovc anJ :►pplicable luw.The�tottce wiil stutc the name nnd
<br /> " • " udSres.� uf the new Wan Scrvicer und the uddm,s to which payments s huu l d b e ma Je. 1'he no tice will alsu contuin nn y other
<br /> � • infarmatiun rcyuiral by upplicnbic luw.
<br /> _ 10. Hazurdous�ubstences. Burn��ver shall nut ruusc ur permit tk�c pm+enrc.�ese, dispo�l. stur��xc,or rcles�se of any "
<br /> ° Hazanlous Substunres un ur in thc Property. B�rrower 5hu11 not do, nor allo�v anyone etse to do. unythinII affectinII the t
<br /> - ° Propc►ty thut iti in vu�latiun uf uny Fnviranmcntul l,i►a. Thc Qreceding t�rn .cntencc.r shull nvtupply ta thc prescncc, usc,nr
<br /> - • ' ` storage un thc Property uf small quuntiticti uf N:�mr�l�iuti Subswnres Q�ut ar� �tenetally r�rogniud tu Ue uppropriute ta normal
<br /> � ' � residenti�l uscs and tu ma�ntenanrc of the Property.
<br /> �. "„ voao�o�a Form 3QA8 Olt�
<br /> —
<br /> � ,. .
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