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<br /> � : ° I)�ED OF TRUST �
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<br />' � THIS DEED OF TRUST("Security Instcument")is mada on Ma r ch 1� 199°.� . 'fhe uustor is
<br />. . � �' .
<br /> �� =' Steven A. Iiarms sud Cynthia Harma. huaband aad w�fe �
<br /> .. •• .,;,�•
<br /> :.��:.. „'„" ,. • ("Borrower").Thetrustee is Norwest Bank Nebraska, National Associaeion
<br />. .,t�
<br />�.;F�"�; : "'� ("Trustee").Theberteficiuryis Norwest aank Nebraska� National Aasociation
<br /> Y-�.;;_,., ��:� •{ .
<br /> y'y:,♦:,,:_�;_: • Am:,r»c�
<br />,,�,.. which is orgnnized and existinA under ttic iawa ai ii n i t r u S t s t e s :._` { .u w iase
<br />__:��,:°,.. ,,..,: address is 202 TJ. Third Street � �
<br />=' ,��,�1, Grand Island. Nebraska 68801 ( Lender ).BorrowerowesLendcrdieprincip�lsumof _.
<br />�p�;�"'�3..,:,:. .
<br />�,��:;;.;,��•,'c�r F3fty Five Thousaad Fiva Hundred dollars no/100DoUars(U.S.$ 55,500.00 ).
<br />�:1t,6':!s,J�d:
<br /> ���;;�r;�;�� � This debt is evidenccd by Borrower's note duted thc semc date as this Security Inatrument('Note").wht�hprovides for
<br />-'-''r��';.�:��.F''` monthly payments,with thc fall debt. if not patd earlier,due und paynble on Feb rua ry 20• 2014
<br /> _- =� ��+� This Security Instrument secures to Lender. (a)the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note,with interest,and oll renewals.
<br /> ""-'�;�� extenslons and modificntions of the Note: (b) the payment of�Il other sums, with interest,advanced under parngrnph 7 to
<br /> �-�.+=:;za�•":"°-' prntect the security of this Security Instrument; und (c) the performance of Bonower'R covenants csnd agreernents. For thia
<br />�ii;:�;�;�� purpose. Borrower itrevocubly�rants and conveys to Trustee. in trust, wlth power of sale,the folinwing descdbed property
<br /> °-y�� locuted in Hal l Coanty. Ncbraskn:
<br />-���'�..�� .
<br />- �:.:���se��
<br />_-- -== --- Lot 4. Block 2, Fireside Estates 5econd Subdivision. Hall
<br /> a;�,,;:,�� County, Nebraska.
<br /> -_Y��"��
<br />�'�=rcr�as:':��
<br /> �.� _�:�Vi L__
<br />-__'=µ�{,i��_ �.�,�Ct�C�ty��
<br /> �• �:.�.•� whtchhastheuddressof 3533 Graham Avenue. Gr�nd Islaad
<br />�:�: J�_ ..,,;r. -
<br /> —. . . Nebrasku 68803 ("Property Address"):
<br /> 'd,l�'..�'.t,�'c,� � (ZipCade�
<br /> •.�.`''^N. ,,
<br /> TOOETHER WITI-i nil the impmvements now or her�l�aer erectod on the property,emd all eacements.eppucteaances,c+nd '"-
<br /> •,''• ftxtures now or hereatter a part of the pmpecty All re�piacements and additions shall ulso be covered by th6s Scr.urity _.
<br /> , , . �, Instcumer►t.All of the fore�oing is referre;d io in thls Security Instrument as the"Pmperty." -,__
<br /> � BORRUW�R COV6NANTS that Borro���ar is Inwfully sciscd of the eswte hereby conveyed and has tho riBht to grcuit aad �m.
<br /> � canvey the Prope�cy nnd that the Propecey is unencumberod,except for encumbrnnses o1�record•Barno�vey wc�rr�nts nn�i will
<br /> _ � . . �� defend generuliy tha tttle to the Property against u11 cluims sucd demands.subJect to any encumbr�c►ces ut e+cxord.
<br /> uc
<br /> �:•�� THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUM�N1'combincs uniform oavettants for nationul uss and non-uniform oovenants�vith limited _
<br /> • '�'�.,.; �' varintions by judsdictton to constitute a unifotm security inytrumem��uvering reni property. _
<br /> .. �
<br /> ` UNx�URM COVfiNANTS.Borrowcr artd Lender cavcnc+nt und aAree us follnws: F F�� r��,,,ti„n�iur �hr �
<br /> —�—^-'� � n..,.n.,nr ..f vrtnrtnai nne Lttemsts iireDnYment und i.uie a.iw■Kiw. �rr4':::.T sttali r�m -
<br /> _.�_..�.
<br /> . �.�.r°—o t - • o---' -- - - -.
<br /> _ . principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Nate:u�d uny pmpayment and iuce c6arges uuc�iNa. ���...n�• • -.
<br /> ? Z. F'urtds for Tnxes and insuraaoe.Subject to�jpplicable Inw ur to a wdtten waiver by Lender, Hormwcr shali pay to ' 6,
<br /> - Lender on the day monthly paym:nts uro due under the Note,until the Note is p�id in Cull. n sum('Funds")for. tn)yearly wxes �_
<br /> und assessinents whlch mny uttuin peioriry over this Secudry Instrument:�u licn on the Property:(b) yearly leasehold paymenta _
<br /> or ground rents on the Pmpecty.if s►ny;(c)yearly hntucrt or property insurnnce premtums; (d)yearly tlaod insurance premfums, _
<br /> � lf uny: (e)yeady mortIIage insurunce premiums, if uny: und(fl uny sums puyable by fl�rcvwer to l.ender.in :�ca�rdnrtse�vith _
<br /> _ • the prnvisions of puragrnph ii,in lieu of the payment of mortgaIIc insumncc prcmiums.These items arc culled "6scso�v Itcros." _
<br /> - l.ender m�y. at iuny ttme, collect und hold Funds in an umount not tn exceed the m.vcimum umount u Iender for u federally _
<br /> � ret�tcd mortgage loan may reqoire for�ormwer's escrow ucrnunt urtder the fcdcrui Re:il Estutc Setticment Procodurc� Act uf _
<br /> � 1974 us sunettded f�nm time to time. l2 U.S.C.Section 2b01 et seq. ("R�5PA"),unless unother law that applics co the�unds =
<br /> - � ' ecu a icsser amount. If so. 1.enJer may. at cmy time, collert und hold Funds in nn urttaunt nut tn cxceed th�Icsser nmount. _
<br /> v'�� • Lender may cstimate the nmount of Funds due on the basis of current datu und reasonuble estimucs of cxpcnditures of ihtunc _
<br /> ,. Escrow Itemti or otherwise ln accnnlancr with i�ppltcable luw. w
<br /> �1EBRA6ttA-Sfnpio FamUy-Fannlo 1'nao(F�ddlo Mao UNIFORM INSTRUMEI�IT Porm 30Z8 9/00
<br /> v ' �N���g�n,�d VMP MO(1TOA6E FOAMS iJ131209 0100 iU00�nYt 7�01 Vcgo 1 of 4 V /�fitOR1�C��3/fl�
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