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<br /> .: j' 9.Condemaauon.'ll►a pmccecls of+u►Y ewnrd or cluim for damagcs.direct or conscqucndnl.in canncction wlth n��_
<br /> any condemnuttan or other wking of tha Property.or purt d�crcof.or for conveyance 1n Iteu of candemnadon,are hereby
<br /> • ' �S��ned and b{yall bo pald to l.cndcr,subjtxt to the tr,rms of any mortgaAc,deed of trt�st or othca r,ecurity ugtcement
<br /> �vlth a Uen which has prioriry over thfs Deed of Tntst �Y=;�
<br /> � 10.Borrower Not Relensedi Forbeuroace By I.Qnder Nut n Watver.HxYensian af tha time for payment or ��-=W_
<br /> .-.-;f madificadon of amo�on of the sums secured by this Decd of 1Yust granted by�wer and Horro��s success�ors In ;,X�:
<br /> =°.�: Borrower shall no1 operate to mleaso.ln any mtumer.t�e llability of the original B -�__
<br /> mu
<br /> ' � interas� Ltutdet shtill not bo required w commence Pr�ngs ega�ac such succagsor or resfuse w oxtend dma for �'-A,,._
<br /> rs
<br /> .. ... - "n .�,. _�,:Y;.�..
<br /> payraent or otherwisa modify amartixadon of the sums securcd by this Deed of Trnst by rcason of eny dcmand made by �,j,�
<br /> . . t h e o r i g t n a l Borrawcr and Borro�ves's suuce,s.sars in IntecesG My forbearruica by I.ender In oxercising any tigtll OT ;;�,,
<br /> ` remedy hereunder. ar othcrwlse afforded by app l l c a b le l aw.s h a l l no t b c s a w a l v e r o f o r p r e c l u d e c h e e xerclsa of an y
<br /> ;^�_
<br /> '. such d�ht or remedy. gound;Joint and Severnl Liability; Ca-stRnera'Ilio covenants and egreements
<br /> � i l.Suceessona nnd AsstAns aU inure to the res dva successocs and assigns of Lender and
<br /> � h�rein containat shtdl bind,and tha dghts hcreundcr sh � P� :'_
<br /> � Honower. subject to the provislons of parag�aph 16 heroof.All covenents and agceements of Borro�v�'�''��fei� ��_
<br /> ' and several.Any Borrower wha co-aigns this Deed of'Prust,but doas not execute the I�t�:�,`t�)�S co-s;�ti.^�b�'f��:a �,.
<br /> . � �� of Tcust only to gcant and convay that Borrower's lnterest irt tha Property co"frustee ur.cl:x �e t�er�s a��uh�s Det%d�F ---
<br /> • .: � Trust,(b)is not personaUy ilable an tho Note ar uader tliis Do��f af 1Yus4 and<c)aBroes that L.endizr z�n�l�y o�� L�v
<br /> � Borrower hereundar may ugree to e�xtend.madify,furbear.or mako eny Q r*.;r�ccommodedons arith re�,as�l'�n the tetina --,_
<br /> • �'� of this nced of'Trust ar the Note,without tbat�onower's consent end�va't'ht�ut resleastng thac Buno�vc��r raodlfylt►8 `°'-
<br /> this Deed af'I'tust as to thai Borea�vEr's intett�'.sst in the P[operty. en �n another manner.(a)anY not�ce t�u °�:.-.=
<br /> ,, !2.Nottce.Bxcept far eny nadco cequired under appllcable law ro EK Sri' such nodces by certified mni� -
<br /> .� � ' , V' Barmever provtde�for in this DBad uf Trust shall bo given by delivering ya.�r by meilin8 _
<br /> . ,�i[; uddre,ssed to Borrower at tho 1'ropertY Addcess or at such other uddress fs�anower may designat�e by notius w Lcndr,r w —
<br /> ^�'� �y pmvide�herein.�nd(o)ar►Y nodce tn Lender shall be given by cerdfiz��nail to Lendec'u addresa stated berein or tc� «�
<br /> such other address ps L e n dar may desi�na u s b y n o d c e t o B o m awer as prov�deci hemin. Any nodccs provIded fohr��g «.
<br /> : �= Drr.d of Tcus�shall be deemed to have fieen given to Bomnwer or Le��1 h����8�of'i'rust shall he�tha�laws of tP��
<br /> �' -'�;'''• � 13.Governing Lawi Sovernblltty.'I�e stats and local Iaws app
<br /> ,`�'.��,:t�,� is located.'!he foregoing sentence shall nnt Umit the appllc�bWry of fcderai law to th�s
<br /> q�+. jtuisdir.tion in which th�s Property
<br /> „ Deed uf 71rus�In the event that any provisIom�g���,���or de�Not�whi h�can be giv nic��w�out the
<br /> _ _ , such conflict sfiaj'i noc a�'fa:t ui��r p�vL"iar.s
<br /> .
<br /> :.� . .
<br /> � cenflictin pmvision,and to this end the pmvL4ions of this Deed of'IYus3 and tho Note ace declared w D�sevarao e.
<br /> � d,�Sy�,�����•�s������p��°�u►d^atWmoys' fees"include ail sums co the eatent not prohibited by applicable law ar :;._-
<br />-_`: ,� " �b,�A�l!heteill. --
<br /> � :•., - Il�i.Borcower's Copy.Borrower sha11 be fumished a wnforme.-!copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the
<br /> � tIme of ex�udon or atter rcxordadon hereof. home —
<br /> YS.Re6AbilSQai�nn Loan AgreemeaG Borrower shell talfill all af Borrower's obligsdons under any
<br /> ' .� reliabili�t[on, Impt�ucment, rcPafr.or o�ter laan aBceement whtch Boaowet enters into wtth Lender. Lender. at ^
<br /> . .� , , Lendrx's optlon.may req�im Bo:rov�er to execuus and deliver to Lender.in u form ecceptabla to Lender.an assiEnnaent
<br />�,tt�„;,�� . af anp dBhts�claims or defenses whtch Borrower may havo aBainst Pa�des who supply labor,muterinis or servie;es tn
<br /> �. : connecdon wbh impmvement�mada ro the Prog�tY•
<br /> ; � ;:'' 16.TruasPer o4 tha Property or u Beueficiul Interest in Borrower.ff all or eny r�act nf the Fxoperty or nny �
<br /> � �� �,.�."�� int�cest in it la sold or tcansfctred(or if a 6eneficial interest in Boirower is sald or�i m�� ��f�of
<br />••��:=:`'"� nauuul person)wIthout Lender's prtor v�ten wnsent,L.endcr may.ut its opdon.
<br /> -r-�;�r,���''
<br /> u11 suma securetl by this Deed of Tast Howevca.this optlon sholl not ba e�cercise� Y I�ender if extu�se�prohikited
<br /> �a--:,:"�'�'� by ffe�eral lavi ns of the dute of this Deed of'ilras�
<br />-�-��'F`�"� 7f Leader exercises triis opdon.Lenda aha�l give�otrower nosEse of accxierafloa.'!he nodce shall provtda a pa�iod
<br />����'t�� of nat(ess thsu� 30 daya from the date the nodca is deIIvcred or mailed within which Borrower must pay oU suma -
<br /> -,�nt L� secured by this�ed of'1Yuat If Borrower feils to pay thesa sums pr�or to ths expiradon of this p$r[od.Lender may
<br /> _��-�;;�• invoke any resmme�+os pelmttted by thig�of Trust wIthout f�utt►er nodcc ar demand on Bonower. _
<br /> �=-`',=s'�"' ` ' NON-ZJN�ORM COVBNANTS.Horrower and Lender furthex oovenant and aQrec�s followe: �_
<br />-�,�a'"��.Q":�` 17.AcocleratEon;[temedtes.Except es pm�ed in para�p H 16 hereoY,umnn 13orrower'R breach of nny
<br /> �- •�.. "� covenant or ap�eement o f Borrower i n t h E�D�e d ot"r'p��+includln Borrower's 41uii�e+e to pay,by the end of 10 =
<br /> . '�.:��s' c a l e n a t a r d n y a�e r t h e y a re du e,an y ewns secured by t61s Deed ot��st,Lender pdor to aacelernNon shall g ive _
<br /> �,:�.��w� notice to BorrBwer as p�ov[de�iap�ag e�oph 1 2 hereo t s p e c[f y t i a�.(1)t h e A r e a c h;(2)t h e a c t i a n r e�u U e d t o c u re L
<br />�'-;r�:`'-;�-� t su�ch brnuc6i(3)n daler�ol Ec�s W a n Z t t day3 f'tom the a ate t�e notice Ea mtilled to Borrawer�by whtc6 suc6 _
<br /> -��•*'�'"°�. � breach must De cured;und (4)thnt taiture to cure such'breuc6 on or before the dnte sQectfied in We natice
<br /> _��,s , n
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