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<br /> � > If th�nmount of tho Fund.g hoid by Lcndcr.mgclhcr with thu tuturo monthly insml(ment�oF Funds pnyablo prlar to .�,n,.<.
<br /> thc duo dute.v of toxcs,nssr.�menw.insuranw prcmiums and graund rent�.ahall aacccd thc�unount rcqutreQ ta pay �utd
<br /> � tnxcs,assess[ncnlv,insurancs pi�rniuma wtd a�'aand Ycnts as ttt�y fnbl Gu�,s��ch exccvv ghail bo, �t Bnrrc►wcr's opUon, L
<br /> . either promptly repaid to Sorrowcr or creditcsd to BQrrowcr an monthly insuiliment�of Funda. It tQio wnount of tha �,�Y
<br /> � � Funds h�ld by Lcndcr ahall not bo suificicnt to pay wxcs.nsses.gmenis, tnsuetu►cc~prcmiums uttd gmund rentn av thcy -� _
<br /> c
<br /> o-���{. �r fWl due, Borrower shtill puy to Lendcr any amount nocessnry to mt�ko up ths dafictency in ano or moro pnymcnta os ,,-
<br /> �, �� I.ender may requlrc�. �`_
<br /> ul � :�
<br /> "'"' � Upon paymcnt in fuU of alt sums secuced by this Dr.ed of Tru�,L.endar shuii promp t ly re fun d to Sorrower un y
<br /> o b 17 hereof tho Pcaperty is sold oT tha Property is alhcrvHiu+ acquired by ����-
<br /> � Funds held by Lend.,r. If under p.�mmgrnp �=
<br /> „ ;; Lendea,I.cnder sP�aU apply.no laZn�th�u�immediately p�ior w tha stilo of tha Prapr.rty or its aoquisidon by Lcnder,unY =
<br /> ., � Phndg held by Lender nt the tUne of ap�titadan ug a credit ayuinst�hn aums se�umd by this Umd of'IYusG
<br /> ' 3.ApplirntEohs 1 and�2nh�aeof shnll�belFttble l�a by Lemd firs in pay e t of amnun payabla o Lcnder by �
<br /> ' " �� Note and parag�'ap —
<br /> � . „ � Bo�rower under paragraph 2 h�aeof.then to int�rest payublo on tha Nous.and then ta�ho principal of tho Nate.
<br /> . ��. . �,� 4.PrEor Mortgeges u�ed Deeds of 7lrusti���ti�i,mEcnt with n lien h h�h�P oty ovBet thie Dced of a'ltust, ,
<br /> ., � under t��y ruoftga88,dccd of tar.t or ott+er socurity e8rec'
<br /> irtcluding �orrower's aovenants to make PaYroe�►ts When dua. Borrower sholl pay or cause to bo�aid all tnxes, __
<br /> . ' asscs.sments and other ctiar8es.fir►es er►d imFos3dons surlbuta8le t�ihe Properiy which may attaln a pdority aver this
<br /> � �� f� Uaed of 1Yust,snd leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. �_
<br /> �'� �'e S.Ha�ard Insuruace.Borrower shall keep tha lmpmvementa now wdsdng or hemaRcr e�ctr�on tha PropertY
<br /> ' fnsured agaiust loss by fim.hamrds included wIthin the tecm "wctended wveaaQes:'a��d auch other haza�ds as Lendet _
<br /> �� � may requirs and in sucb amounts and for such periods es 1�ender may cec�eilre. �
<br /> �e ����ri�r pmviding the imsurauce shaU be chosen by Borrower sub}ect w appmvnl by Lender,
<br /> � • pmvtded. that such appmval shall not be unreasonably whhhedd Alllnsurance pollcie�and renewels thereof shall bs ia `
<br /> ' i'' a fom►aoccAtable w I.�nder and ohall lnclude a standfud mortg�ge clausc3 tn favor of and in a foan nccepmbIcs to Lender. -
<br /> : ° L.ender sha11 have the rf�'gh�t`��a ll nwhic has prlarity over this fDced oft'husG �g of any mortgege.dead of wst
<br /> .. or othcx securlty a�grce
<br /> n
<br /> � ' In tfle event of loss,Horrower shnU give prompt nadce ro the insarance uuric�a��d L��f€s• �►���'+�
<br /> proof of loss if not mude promptly by Barrower.
<br /> .,v��:.;,f��... • If thepro�e�t is absuidAned by Borrower,a if Borrowes feils to respond to l�en�ar within 30 daya fcom the daus
<br /> ,�,.,,. ',,,.,, na�oe is mailcd by yLender to aoirower that the insural►ca can�ier offers t�o scule a cleim far#nsutance benefits.S�e�ndcr is
<br /> _ �,, '�-Y.�:; . autharized to ooll�ct and apply the tasurancu pma�ds at Lender's opdon etther tn restam�An or rega3r eS Q3:1E�'c�{mrty
<br /> or to the sums seaured by this lleed of Tcust
<br /> �,•,,.,�..ti.,•, ` 6.Preservtstlon c�ud MatntenAncc ot Properiyi Lenscholdsi Condomtntumai Pl�mt�i�Fn`i4 iD�v�'�t��menta
<br /> u
<br /> �m,-.„�..;'�...,.,� ' Borrower shall kc�p tha Ptoperty in good i+epair and sha11 not wmmit weste or permit impairmerl�r-�le�e,rcara�.�mf the
<br />- ptoperty and ehaU comply with the provisians of any leasc+if this U�of Trust is on a leasehold.If ihis Deed oi�Itru�t is
<br /> <<�;:«,"'°,::� on u un{t in n condominiwn or a pla+nmEd unit development,Bonower shall ps�form all of Borrower's obligadorr�undea
<br /> '��_,�:,-'..:��. the d�laration or covenants creaflng or govemiag the condominiium or planned�unit devclopment,the by-laws und --
<br /> s__--r»,h_ regula�tonR of tho eondominium or planned unit development,and constitucnt documents.
<br /> ��r.s�_�=_i� 7.Pratcct[on ot Lender'e�urity.If 1Boccower f a f l s to peef o rt n t h o c ov enanta ttnd e g r e�tJa3s wntained in this �
<br /> Deed of Trust,or if en act�on or pmccedin8 is commencrd which materially affacts 1�enda's intis.;z+t!n the Property.
<br /> '',Y�:�_ST,�� the�►Lender.at Lcnder�s option,upon n�tice to Horrawer,mny mako such appearaneca,dLsbw�sa 8�iah suma,including
<br /> -=LL.�rs�,Y;y,�y rea�onable attomeys'fees�and take such acdon as is necessary to protect I.ender's�nlaresi Df L�a�cies requfred matirlgage
<br /> �,;:��f�i. insumnce as a condidon of moking Ihe taan seciucd by Ihis Deed of 7Y�st,Bqrrower si�ulJ yay 3'i'i��rrmi►�r+s te�luued w
<br /> ..`-:,=�•.r� t� mainmin such insumnce in effeet undl auch t�no as Ute r�ubeme�'fce sush insurai►oa temiannt�s �in ucordettce va[th
<br /> -':."-��� Boirower's nnd I�der's written a�reemont or applicable 1aw.
<br /> -;�'����, qny amaunts disbursed by Lender pursuent to this parngraph 7,wiil�interest thereon. At•iho Note rate,sha11 _
<br /> __:.- n!r �.
<br /> -_�''�;:� become addidonal indebte�9ness of Boicower secue�ed by this Dee� otT�rusG Unl�a�wer acad I.ender�S to other
<br /> '�°-:,�S�u�•:�•' terma of eu such amaunta shall be payable upon noticc from L.ender to,�nrrower re4uc�Nng paYmcnt thereof.
<br /> --_�rc�,� P� �,
<br /> - -�.��. '- -- NotLfng contau+a4 in this paragraph 7 shall i'�Qulre Lraider tc►incvr any expense ex�e any ac��n hcxeunder.
<br /> ����n�^�.�_�� 8.Inapecth►u.I.cndcr may m�lce or casue to be mnde cmc�noble entries t�an and in�pctidna of thd l�rope�sy.
<br /> _--=`p��� pmvlded that Lender shaU�ive Sorrower notice prloT to�►y such ia�specdon sgGCn�g'�ng�za.can�ibM u�use therefor reluted `
<br /> �«�;�x�'; tfl Lender's interest in the Y�aperiy. �nmm.• -
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