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<br /> m�y result in uccciem4ton af the sums seturc�by thts Deed uf TpuAt and aale oP the Property.Tde notEce sh�ll �:
<br /> : i�r�her[utorm Dore�ower at tho rf�ht ta retnsWte�her ncocleration und We ri�ht to brtn A�OUTt iiCtIQII tQ ASS4it
<br /> ����y���,gnst'�'C(RQ A tlePtl!!II OP AD,y OuleP dC�@IISC Ot Y�¢11[AEVCP f0 nCI�EIEPAlf011 URd 83IC.1�the breach Ev not cured ��
<br /> on or Detoro tAe datQ apecifled In tha n�ttcc,Lendcr�at I.ender's opttui��if�uy de a mea�in oke the powe of sate ��`=
<br /> ` thts D�d oP'�rust tu De ImmedlAtefy d�a nnd pnynDle wlttsout fhriher deme,nd nn y -_
<br /> . " untl any uilrer remedtes prrmf4t¢d by nppltaeDlO�GW.I.enaCT BGiDQ D8 f11UQIEl1�O COIICC1 AU�eIISOflIIbte rnat�and
<br /> -°:;:�;��� expen�s incurred In pur�utnH tlee re��edtc�provtded in t7�i� puraRrnPh 19. includtn�, but not iimiteedii tn,
<br /> 'T :•` ,,,r . reASannblQ atto�nsys'fces.
<br /> „� �� , � IIt thc paiver ot sntc ts tnvoke�,Truste2 sbnq eecord n r+ottte af default in eucd county tn c�rhfth the Property
<br /> ' nr sarne ps�et Ehereat ts Ioa►ted und shnll mail wpfcs oY sucl��aottce tn the munuer prescriDed by appltcuble taw Eo :���
<br /> s Dorrawer ond 4o the ather persons re.s�sribed by appltcabte 18w.After We Wpse ot such IIime ax muy h�required �`,`�
<br /> ,� by apptEeu6le ln�v,Trustee shuU�ee public notice at sala M the per�oas ond In the munner pr�crt�ed by �,_.
<br /> AppItcabte Iuw.'L'rustee,�vithttnt CAIARd 011 OOROWEl�ShAll&8l1�I1C PlOpeT�y A4 pUbIIC QItCtEOD t0 1h@ hl�jhCSt ;�,
<br /> �+ bfddcr at the ttme und pinc�an6�wder the terms designnted tn the aotic�ot snte in one or�nare pnrcels Aad in f;:.
<br /> w
<br /> ' ' sucd order ne TrtuteQ muy detertntne.7Yustee rr+aY�astpflne sAle of nU or nny pnrcef oY the Property by pubRc =_
<br /> ' ;; ennourtcemen3�81ho lttue und nlace aP any prevtovsty scheduipd sn[e.Lender or Lender s desi�nee mey purch�.se �
<br /> ,-.. � the Pe�ep�r3y nQ am,y sale. ---
<br /> - �`. � �l�sr�uc��A���a��nt u3 tke p�tce bid,'d'ru�.Ses st�al!aeliver to tho pnrc6oser Trustee's deed rnnveyfnQ
<br /> ., ,,. fa ����,&.�I,'I'���i,�ls in tttx Trustee's deed sheU 6$prima tr�cte evidence of tde trut0 of flie statements
<br /> � �` ��:��e tEa�rn;m.'Utustec fih�ID npP4y the�ruoeeds of the�ate b the Pol[owin�order:(o)to ail ceasonab[e wsts and _
<br /> V
<br /> , expenses g? RQ�a snle, includinA, bcs r�t Ifmi4ed to, Truste�'s tees nchwUy ic�curred ot mot more thum __,
<br /> o�flt�e g��prEoe�m.�sonable ettorneya Pees And wsta o!tit�e evfdettce;(b)to all
<br /> siuns secured by thts Deed af Trusts und(c)Rhe ex�ess,itnny,to We person or persans leqaUy enHtled thereto.
<br /> �;- �� 18.Borrower's Rt�ht to Reinstute.NotwithstandlnB LendePe acceloretlon°:f dh°sums secured by thi�Deed of _
<br /> ���`: 'IYust, duo to Bonower s bm,�ch�Bo�atizr shnll havo the riBht to have eny groax�::�ge 1�a8ur►bY Lender m enfo:ce
<br /> .. ��: this Deed of'Hh�st dLscon�nued at any ti�na pdor ta thc carUer to occur af(i)the Cu*�n�y befom the xale of the Pro �.
<br /> h�
<br /> pursuant eo t�u acower of sule conmined in this Deed of Tnwt or(il)en�Y of a jGdgment enforcing this Daed of Tiust : _
<br /> Y . (a)Bomower�1-ender all swns which Would bc3 then duo uteder t?�os�af'Ihis�and the Note had no acceIeradon
<br /> 0
<br /> � occ�ured;(b) otrower cumes all breaches of eny other coventtnts or�memts of Borrower contuined ln d��s Dee�of
<br /> , n
<br /> - ''�:��°�'` 7Yust; (c) Boirower pays nia aca»uabi� �P�� �sd b; L���r nnd Tmsta�in enforein$thm covenmits and ,
<br />=' t�'+,`'�; •. —
<br /> _ ,�r��. agreements of Boirower con3n�intd jn this Doed of Trust and in enfor�ing Lender's�nfl Trustee's remedles as provlded
<br /> �p�t�apb�2 Qereof,includ3ng,but n�t limited m,masonable euom�ys'fees;an�(d)Barrowex talces such acflon as
<br />-�rt �� Lender mny r�snnably requim to assur�e that th� lien of thie Deed of Tcust,I.endet's inun.;d 'an 3he Prapcaty end
<br />�-,,' ,;, ,.;. ; Borrower's abllgadon to pay the sums secureti by tl�is Doed of'Prust shall conwiue unimpa�reA. U{ron such payment
<br />- . � �� and cure by Bonower.this Aeed of Trust and the oblfgations secured hereby shall remc+in in fult f�e:tmd effect as if no
<br /> a. �` . .. acoelertttion had occurred. intment of Receiver;Lender in Passessio�.Aq nddidossa3 securlty hereunder.
<br /> � 19. Assl�nment of Rentei Appo
<br />- .� �...,,, ��• Borrow h 17 hareof o abandon nen ofiQhe PmpertY,hav_ o tho d8ht W coll�Bt d��r u n su t�p�n3s�s�eY be ome d o
<br />_::�c,•� apltd�aymbla
<br /> '�� ��}•��`�"�'•" Upon acxo3aradon under parapraph 17 hereaf or a6andonment of the PR+oPeitY.l.ender�in pemon,by agent or by
<br /> :.I.:��;1..�'r,`.�
<br />_�;,'N,Y�;t: j u d f c i a ll y ap P o i n t e d rec�v�i sbaU be eno�de�to enta upnn,t�ke�assession af end ce�smuge the Pmperty and ua colloct
<br /> �:�r�`-...;, the r�ents of the PropenY inclucling those past due.A l l renta cu l l e c t e d b y L e n d e r o r t'�c r e c e i v e s s h a ll b e a p p l i a fl�i r s t U o
<br /> -_ �-� p a y m e n t of the coste of m�n�gemeat of e�►e Prope�ty end aolle�flon of rents.including,but not limitod to,receivrr'��Tces.
<br />`��::"'�.:�:� pmaniums on x�.ceiver's bon d s and mtust�n n b lo auomeys'f e e s.a n d t h e n t o t h e s u m a s e c u r e d b y t h i a D e e d o f T l u s i.
<br />��T-s.:--'°`- Lender and thu raceiver ahell bo L'able w�ccount oNy fpr those rents acuiallY received
<br /> -�%;�:��.�,'7 Zl1. Reconveynnee. Upon payme�s of all sums seciu+ed by thfs Decd uf Tcust,Lender s�a11�request TYusteo to
<br /> "�---,•`�v�°�� reconvcy the Property end shell surrcndut this Dce� of Trust without warrancy a�fl wgith u charge Qic p�nsnn n
<br /> `�rF-�F' r lked of 7Yust to'IYustee.'ltustee shall reconvoy the'Praperh►
<br /> -y.r;n:��� persons lega9ly endtled therew. Such person orpersons shall paY all ccsxls of t+ecordaY4on,if dny. -
<br /> per
<br /> =;,s:jM,�1 21.5u�'r�tltvte Tr�stee.Lender,at X�end�e opdon,may from�me to Wno remrne'Itvswo an�appotnt a successnr
<br /> _':: uustee t,o an�y�'rustee appointed heaeu�zier by an instrun►ent secvrcied in thc coui►ty in whicb Yhis Deed of T�ust is
<br /> ��r�;"�;";�'; recorded.Without conveyonce of the�roperty�the sucassar irustec shall succeed to a11 tha title. Wwer and dufles
<br />-'�t;j;"�}` w��[erred u�ton the Tivstce herein a�d by aPPlic�ble law.
<br /> "�""M°""`�::'�'' Z2.€i¢qacst!or ldti3�ces. Aormcver requests that wPi�of the norice of dcSsmSt and nodw o[salo tsc scnt to
<br /> �iif��•--:•:-.�,' eddtess which is the Propetay Addtess. • .
<br /> r':�'; Bosrower's O
<br />�...: - � �ema�r.,��
<br /> „1�. .,x�":�. ./��( Form 9828 -
<br /> .. „ �•7G(NE)t000a� woo a o�o ��N,�� _
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