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<br /> arpnta mtd convoya to Truatea,in uuat,with pawcr af r,�lo,thc following dcscrib�d property lacated in thc Caunty af ,T,,
<br /> ��. ,Stnte of Ncbmska ��
<br /> TR� I{l18TElYtLY 18 888T OI� LOT TEtYATBBN (13) AND T�8 9�BTHRLY 41 HE3I3T OY LOT :
<br /> ,. .A.
<br /> yODIt'�I3fiN (14�.SLOCK D2Vf3 (SI. �4ii8'rSR80bF'0 DYRST BIIBD%VISTON IN T�8 CITH ..
<br /> ..t,
<br /> :.-,-; OD CiR11tID ISLAND. H71LL COiTAy'�Y. P�8ElIt3113R71 87IC88T � 80DTH�RLY 30 DSfiT Tti8R80D *,{
<br /> ..., - , Dg)?,DL�.1 TO THS CZT7t CD aRAr1D IBLi�t�YA. �OR BTRBBT pDRp08S8.
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<br /> � whlCh has ihC IIddress of 3208 SPBST 16TH S'1RtLP5T . �-
<br /> �:
<br /> �a _ a�p =SZ.T�t�a �ci�yl ,Ncbrastca 68803 lztp coaa� (hemin"ProPeriy Address°) �„
<br /> 'POaSTf�R with alI ihe improvements now on c�reafter erc�ctod on the properiy.and atl easements�d8hts� �::`
<br /> "' ` appurtenances end rems(subJect however to the rights and authorlde.s given hereIn to Lea�der to coAoct and apply sach �-.-:::
<br /> . ,. �' rents).all of which shtill be dee�ned fo be and remain apart of tha pmgetty covered by this Deed of'11rus�and aU of the �
<br /> .1.� foregaIng,together wlth said proFerty(or tho lea�ehofd estate if this Deed af 1Yust is on a lc�sehold) am hereinafcer -��;,-.
<br /> refeared w as tha"Propeny": �`.4_.
<br /> � • Tp S�C(IRg to Lendes tha repayment of the indebtGdness eviclanccd by Bomower's nous dnted �°__
<br /> BBHRQAAY 16, 1999 and ea�tenstons a�id rene�vals the.reof(hcrein"Note").in tha pslncipal sum of �,
<br /> , "y�. U.S.$ a�.1ia.0o ,wlth intcrest thereon,ProvldinB for monthly installments of ptIncipal and interest, °
<br /> with the balattce of the indebtedn�ss,if nat sooner puid.duu and payabla on LdARC�t 3, Z014 , e-=
<br /> ss
<br /> ��= �gqY�er�f an��her sums,with intcnzst thereon.a c tvan c c d i n ac�o r d a nca he r c w i W t o p ro t e c t t h e s e c u r i t y o f 1 h i s L e E d
<br /> • .. �� of Tcus�and ihe pe�fomiattco of ihe covanaats end agt+eements of Sorrower herein coammeci. �
<br /> � ` W Borrower covenants that Borrower�s lawftdly scised of tho estate hereby convcyed and has the right w gcanc aRd _
<br /> �` � wnvey tho Properry.end thet the Property is unencumbered.exccpt for encumbranccs af record.Bomower covcnants
<br /> ' tkutt gnirowrer wnrranis and wlll dcfend generally tha title to the Property eguinst aU cleims and de,mands,su6ject to
<br /> � ' ' �• cncumbrences of rtxord.
<br /> . �� � UNIEpRI�i CpVFiNANTS.Bocrower and Lender covenant and ag�ee us foAows:
<br /> + ,'' 1. 1°�g�mant of PrWdpAl and Iuternst. Bomower shaU p�amptly pay when due thu princ[pal �md lnt�r�est
<br /> indentednass avtdeaiced by the Note and late charges as provided in tt�a Nnts.
<br /> - . �' 2.Irunds for Tcixes und Iosurnnce.Sub#ect w applicable iaw or u wdtten waivesr by Lendcr.Borro�ver ahall ay
<br /> na —
<br />_ . ., w I.cnder on the duy mon�hly PaYments of pnncipal and interest ares payuble undar tha 1►FoUs.untjl tha Nnus is pai in
<br /> . ful1�a sum (he�'ein "Fundv")equal w one•twelfth af tha yearly teaes and assassmenta(including candomiaium and
<br /> ' " " pinnned unit development assessm�ts,If any)which may aunin prlo�Ity ove�this Deed of'il�ust,and�gavnd rents on �
<br /> � .'�� �¢�P�Y• if any.PI»s one-tweslflh of yearly premiincn lnsmllments for ha7ard insurance.Plus on�twellih of yeaily
<br /> v:f;;.r,�•.,. ,, premium installments for mortguBe�ns�ranco. if any.all as reasanably estimated Initlafly and from time to dme Yy
<br /> Lcnder an the basis of assessments and bilis and reasonable esamstes thereof.Bomnwer shall not be obligated to in�ke
<br /> �..�'�"�����"' such payments of Funds W Lender to the extent that Borrower makes such puyments to the holder of a prlor mortgnge or _
<br />?" :. :` . �' , deed of trust if such holder is an insttwtional leneter. --
<br />_ >..
<br />_ �.... . If Burrower pays Funds to Lender.thcs Fhndv shall bo held in an insdtuflon the depostts or accounts of w c �us
<br />–:.f--�,t;�t..•:>�� `•(
<br /> � ' � '�;�; insure�E ur guerertteed by a federal or smte c�gcncy(includinB L.endex af Lender is such c+n insdtuHon).Leander shaU apply __
<br /> _- . _'�pw+v • the Funde to pa3+seid taxes.assessments�lasuranoe premiums and ground tents.L.ender may not chargcs for so holding _ _
<br /> - - and aPPIY3ng tho Funda�enalyzi�8 satd acoount nr verlfyIng and compiling satd a�rnents and bills�ualess I,encler
<br />_ ' . pays Borrower interest�n the Funds nnd appltcablo law permits Lender to malce such a chArge.�onower end Lender
<br /> may ugree in wri�an8 at the time of execudon of this Deed of Trust th�t interest on thu Funcis shaU be psdid to Bosrower.
<br />`� -ry..`'=r• ' �p wed unlea�such:�rcc+��cnt'rs made or ADnl�cnble lew mquims such intemst to be A�d.L.ender shall not be rtquimd to
<br /> i`i..!'�..�.t:•�� E"--
<br /> T,i'r Jr"�'.:. :. `-- .
<br /> „ ,.. pay Hanuwer eny intcresi or eamin$s on the Funda. Lender shall �tivo W Borroaer.without charge. an a�u�
<br /> a���ng af tha gurtds showinB cse�its and debIts to tho Funds end the purposo for whic4�eas;h debit to tho Funds vn�
<br /> ' -` meda.The Funds ure pled8ed as addldanal seciuity for the sums secured by this BECd of'IYus� �..,.,
<br /> . `. �ntl�alt: --
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