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_ "__ _ � T_ ��1:�L_ . <br /> . . n • �.: ' ' �- � �=_.-- <br /> - � , ' "��,s.Mr. �'r .. <br /> •.1a�� '� %i�� <br /> , b <br /> , � � - --- _ <br /> - , -_,_ - '-;,,ir� __ _ � <br /> 93•1�s <br /> candemnadon or ahcr ukin�of ony puy of!he PropeAy.or fa canveyanco in Iku of cwtdenuu� hcnby aui�ood rnd <br /> - ----- -- riuill be paid to L.en�Ms�. F <br /> In �ho event ot a lotd lakin� of 1he Propeny. Ihe proceeda shwll be �ppUed to the sum: securod by IhiR Secudty <br /> _ Insuwned.whether or not U�en due.with any exccs�paid to Barower. In�ho evenl of�putid mking of�ha Propony in <br /> - whkh tde fair market valuo of�he Property immediately betorc�he tuking is oqual�a nr�eater IhAn the unaunt of�ha sumr <br /> -- securcd by►his Sacurity Insdument immediately beiot�Ihe lukinp, unless Borrower wid Lender otlrcrwise�rcc in wdtin�, <br /> ` ,�� �he swns securcd Dy thia Sxunty insaumrn�ciwil be reducal by the Amount of�he proceedR muliiplied by tha follawing � <br /> '���- -- - � fractian: lal drc w1a1 amouot of Iha sums socwed immediatoly befom ihe taking.divided by lbl the fuir mrukct valuc af the `' <br /> '�! Pruperty immed�tely 6ePorc the Iaking. Any balanoc�hall bc paid to Bamwc�. In �he oven�of a partlal u+king of the _ <br /> ,.i.; P�operty in which�he fair awuket value of�he Propeny immediately beforo the taking is less than�he amount of�he�ums _ <br />= secwrcd immediately befare Itrc laking, unlesa sarrower und Lcnder ahcrwlse agrce in wriling or unleas opplicable luw — <br /> oU�ervvise provides,the proceedc shall be applied to the cums securc.�i by lhic Secu�ity Inctrument whetheror nat the�ums ure — <br />-°=%� tlKn dua ", <br /> •Y�l+��•�"`�''� If the Propc�ty is abmda�ed by Borrower.or if.afler notice by Lender to Borrower that ihe condemnor offers lo make — <br /> ''�"�""� -- un awaod or seale a claim fa dornages,Borrower i'ails w respand a Lender within 30 days ofter the date the naice Is glven, <br />�ux;� � �-5' Lender is authoriud to coltx�ad s�pp{y the itK option,either lo rcstorotion or repeir of Ilu F'roperty ar ro tha -- <br /> -`���xy�;��� sums securcd by thia Securiry Inst�nt.whether or not�hen due. <br /> • �._ — <br />—°��"'°-�_'_':.� Unlesg Lender and Bomuwer otherwise agree in writing,any applicatioo of proceeds to priocipal shall oot extend or -- <br />_ pos�pone the due date of�he monttdy paymcnts referned to in puagraphs 1 and 2 or change Ihe amount o�such paymems. � <br /> ��•� '.,,f. , ll. Horrnwer Not Rel�ed; Mornear�e ay ��aer n�a a Waiver. Excension of the lime for paymeat or ��'. <br /> ;�;: ,, ,�,;� madlEication of wmortization of the sums secured by this Security Insuument gmnted by I.ender to any successor in interest =- <br /> __ „�y�� �A B�anmwer sh�ll not opernte�a releace the liat►iliry of the�iginal Bomowe��Bc►rrnwer�s successorv iq intere�rt. 0.xnde� �__ <br /> _� <br />,::=,.r--- - hy�,` �, s�a;4 ro:tx sequistd to commencc pcuceedings agairtst ung saccr.:sor ia iatcrest ar refa.c ;a cx�crcd t'smr tur p:s;:r,eent or �^ <br /> �� e�therwise�i�a2ify amonizaeion of�he sumy�ecured 4w�hix Security Inst►ument by reason of any aDe�naancf rnade by the original .,,,. <br /> ��'�s �' Borrowe�or'�arto+�.:r§auccessots in inteQrsi. :1ny fmrbeavAnce by l.ender ia�eae�cisln� any rigbt or�:r,ird�sha9Q rrw�e a <br /> �%r��:� � <!a�j�. , wuiver o�or�rPCl�ae ta�c exer�cisr vt aaau�g�at or rernedy, =- <br />`;�, "' � «'"' 12. Swccessors awd As,�i �as�und;Jolnt and&evemad 9.�abillt ,Casl oers. 7tee covenara�s and a reements af this __ <br /> 4 8 Y' B � <br /> , ; _���F{� Securiry Ua�stQUment s'hall bind und benefit Ihe successar�a�nc�awsigns of 1.�:-�der and Bo+;a,w•er,suhjec� �o the pr�a��isions of <br /> =— ---r;, �;���'S� puragra p l� i;. 8�oxr�ower's covenan�.w and agrcrmem�.h�l� be,ioim w�J �veral. Any �urruwer w6�u cvsigns ihiw Srcurii� <br />' ��; ,. ,�{��F lnshument bu�dces not ex�cute the Nae: (ul ia rn-sigoin�i4�is 5ecurity [n�:urumrnt o�aEy to maraga�e,'�aano•and caevey tha� W� <br />-�.-ii7�'Q4[iR7V:' �f.Fn,:.�_ •1n`�' <br /> ::::�� ,�� ����x��-�{�yj���� � 'BoROwerh intcres�in the Propeny undcr the ternis of�his Secudr.,I�owuaesent; �b?ix amt�+e�sona�sy�ahligate:3 to��}t�rr sums <br />