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�.r...-° . , . • , :�- <br /> �, . �� �� . . ��'4:�,�}i;��, •.�,;;' . . . : <br /> .. � � . ��; " __ _ ^.a <br /> __ - ---�--- . 93-Yo�wr9�5 <br /> �: <br /> _ periads Ih�l Lendor royuire�. Tiio in�umnce carricr pra�vlding�he inNU�n��e,hall he chnscn hy Nomnwcr aub�cc�io L,enderb ` <br /> ; �pp�roval whicb WWI nd be unroac�wtal►ly withheld.It'Burrowcr f�ilK ta mdnl�in covcn�go dcscribcd aM►ve.Lender -_ <br /> :� Lenderi�option,ol�in covern�e la protcct Let�derk d�tINA in the P�openy in ucc�xdance wjth paragrnph 7. <br /> AII YIBU�IICC(fOIICICN YINJ fC11QWAIN AIUIII Ue�ccep�wble�o LeMle�und shall include u s�ondu�d mongqge clause. l.ender <br /> ''" shvll hnve Ihe right to hold the pc�Ucles und renawnle. If Lender nequires.Bomnwe�shall pmmptly give Io l.ender all roceipta <br /> �;, of paid prcmiums and maewol notkes. In�ho evea�of loss, Bcxrawer shull give prompt noti��e w�he lnsuronce cwrler�ad <br /> --- �- - - <br /> Lc�edea l.cndcr may ma�;c praof of las.r if nat ro�da yr.,mp�ly by 8unuwer. -= <br /> '._�...�'�_---____- --- U�ekcs l.ender nnd sorrower rnherwisc agrce In av8ting,insucuere�rocccds s�t�all be appl�cd to a:sto�utiun ur nc�er of �- <br /> �he pt�opert�r ciamayal. i(the ►eatomtion or rrpair is economK�lly fcas�W�e Ard�.ender�secuni�y is oot le�sened. If�hc <br /> ... i restaaMian or�neQair is not economically feasible or Qa�tider'�secunity would be les.�.d.�F�e insur�nce proceedc sball be <br /> - ' applied w thc sums setix�red by this Seruriry Instrw�en�whether or not then due.with any excess paud t�o 8onower. If �:�;_ <br /> �'r,�:. Barower al�arbons�he Property,or does not answer within 30 days a notire from l.ender that 1l�e insur�ukr c�rrier has . �==-- <br /> -- ,, , 'U, ofiead to settle a claim.�hen Lender may rnlkct the insura�ce pra:eeds. Lender may use�he proc,�eeds to repair or rcslona <br />�� :i �``'��i'�'� �,. thc 1'ho a ar ta suau secured 6 this Securia In�t�wne�u,whether or not thn due. The�O�cia�period wiB begin when — <br /> -�s-;.1. � �:•� .�.: . Pe 1�� Pa4Y Y Y � — <br /> 'ri9 a ��'�1: ��IO�ICf IM1 �IYpI. �,..... <br /> 'y- '� ": Unkss�eader ard Borrower aMerwise ag�re in writing,un u licution of <br /> Y PP p�rc^eds Iv pincipal.r•NuOB noa extend cx <br /> -s�r�+�� Fra�, '�po�ne die due date of�he'moMh�Y paymenrs�eie��to in par.�grnphs I und 2 or c0�ange tIR amoun[af�e�a}ments. !f =_ <br /> ;�;. ���y.� under paiagraph 21 the 1'Yopenyr is ac�ui�d by Lendrr,Borrower's right la uny innutmnce policies and pr�x�eds r�esulting =-'-'- <br /> ���r a,;. <br /> _-_!,;,,'t"r7:�.'�.: - ��4�r from damug�tu the P�operty prior to the sicquisition shall pass to l.enda�1�Ihe eztent of the�umc secured by lhis Secu�ity = <br /> lnsuumem immediutely prlor ta Ihe ucquisi�ion. - <br /> :�'� ,r � 6. Occupancy� Preservation� Mui�tenancc And Protectfon of' the Propert�y; Bo�ower'e I.oan Appllcatfani !� °- <br /> ,��d;��r�;•,'� l.easehulds. Born►we�sh�ll accupy,eatubli�h.nnd use the Pniperty a�Barrower�principal residence within sixty dnys uRer �c�°i� <br /> �:,`" the execudan af this Securiry Instrument and shall rnntinue to accupy the Propep� as BormwerE principal residance for u� ��`-`u <br /> °�.iaul��il�ir`l_+<:' . <br /> ���,f'r - - -'�t" leas� on� yeur utter �hc uate ot ciccupancy. unless Lende� atherwlse ugrees in writing, which coment shall not be °"=` <br /> ��,�, , unneaso�ubly withheld,or unless exlenunting circumstunces exist which nm heyond Borrowor s conlral. Borrower shnll not �.• <br /> it�'}°�'�� �'��� destroy,darnuge or Impair the Property,allow the Pmperty to dete�iorate,or commit wuete on the Praperty. Borrower ahall '�=" <br />-'�t���`��� � • be in default if any forfeiwrc action or proceeding,whether civil or crimin3l,is he un �hAt in Lender:s ood faith ud � <br />-'_,�,w'�r, �'�' � � 1 �ent �:��:;_�: <br />__�*„� . _�,�� could result in forfeiture uf the Propeny or rnhenvitic muteriully impuir the lien �rented by this Security Insuumem ar <br /> _ -- _ Lender'.v xecu�iry interes�. R�rmwer may cure auch ndefauh nnd reinstate,a.�provided en paragrnph 18,by ci►using tfie nctian �`"'�" <br />_='�� :� ;�� ar praceeding ta 6e dismissed with u luliog Ihtu,in Lenderk gcxxl Pai�h determinution,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's• =-- <br /> ,i�,���� .•,� imerest in the Propeny or other materiul impAim-�e�i of the lien created by this Security Ins�rumem or Lender:s securit "r" <br /> --�+.� Y �-vP.,- <br /> ;±;+�� �,; � .� d interest. Borrower Rhall alsa hc in def�ul� if Bortower, during the loan ApplicAtian process, gave malerially fAlsc or �,n;::::_ <br /> '�.. .,� � .�.;:.-, <br /> „'i_`� � �;, . .�,� � A��; inaccurate informauon or stntement�to Lender(ar fuiled�o provide Lender wilh nny muterial infomtatian)in conneciion wi�h x:;�e;:: <br /> -- � ��►.��,�?}Sx�,;,�°.`�,� the,loan evidenCed by the Note, including, bu1 na limiied ta, reprrsentAtians concemin 8orrawerb occu unc of the ��`_, <br /> " "'r;_'�':��'���r� �{,,�g _ Prapetty as a prineipal tesidenee. lf this Security lnsin�ment is on o lensehold,Rorr��wer chall cemply with a!!the p oe�sions <br /> � 1s G•"1 y'�L'"�f� •�'e'� o f t h e l e a s e. i f B o r r o w e r a c y u i r e s f c e d t l e t o�h c P r o�C r t y,l h e leuse ho l d an d�he fee til le s hu l l not merge unles.Lander ag�ecs � <br />,:v,. ..�_t�;i ,`ts���i�. <br /> �,=�•`"�``�' •• '" to the mer er in writin ���.� <br />� ,u.;.. r�;�r .. . . •� % S g, �' <br /> • �� ' � �• 7. Protection oP I.cnder's Righta in the Pmperty. If Bom►we� fuilx to perform the covenuntx und a grcamems �?<,: <br />,::;�,�:,. . � `� . �,;:,,;����: c o n t u i n e d in t h is S ecu r i ty Inn trumen t,or t h ene ir. o Iegu l prckeeding thut muy ,ignificontly nffect Lenderti righls in Iho d�` <br /> . . <br />�;� `"'',. + . ., ��"'': ,• Property(such ns n proceeding in hunkn�ptcy,pn�ba�e,l'or con�kmnutiun or forl'ei�uR:or�o cnforco laws ar regulution�),then <br /> - ''`�'" ' l.cnder mey dn Nnd puy for�vhatrver i,nrcessaq• ta pn,tcrt tfic ealur�:C thc!'roperty and Lcndcrti�ight�;in thc i'�.����y. - <br /> ?.s,ul: <br /> �.-- ,^�'. ,::.. <br />� ���,v� � • ° Lender's actions may Include puying any.umr: +eruml hy�li�n which h•r.priurity over thi.Securi�y In�uument,nppearing � <br /> ;,,���.,�` • in caun, paying re�r,on�ble uuamry.'fre�und rmcrin� �M�h�Pm�ny�o muke mpain,Al�hough Lcnder moy�uka aqion �--- <br /> '., . :.,,.�,,K ��, '.�-. under thix p;�rugmph T.Lendcr d��r.nn�huvr iu do,�,. <br /> A �l'it�. <br /> ' ,��„, � .•,,:...• : � Any um�wnt,diniwrkd by LenJer under ihiti prragmph 7.hull I+ecumr udJitionul drl+t of Bomiwer+ecured by thi� w- <br /> � �;, ' r�•;si.q;.r:: Security In��rumem. Unle+a Hnrmwer und l.encler ugnc lo�►Ihrr Irnna ul'piiymrnl.�heK amoun�++hull t+eur imeres�from�he �-�, <br /> ;�� .t�" �wwl:•, . .: � -- <br /> � t � : .�� �►;� date uf di�bunemeM at the Nrne rate unJ.hul l t+c �uyuMc,w ilh intcri,t, upm nolire fnnn Lender lo Borrowcr reyuesting <br /> �'t''.1�'. ' '': .� <br /> t ,�: ''�:��..:,,.'• ' �. :.. puyment. ,-;� <br /> • • �' 8. Mortgage InsurAnee. li'Lrnder myuimel mc�n�uEe imurancr a+u runJitiun uf mukin�Ihe loun secured by�his � l <br /> , '+; '��::,• - Security Instrument. B��rrower�hull puy �he premium� n�yuired�o muintuin ihr mon�;ugc in�urunce in effect. If,for uny � <br /> a ,x ;;,��,5,,:�' � � �'': reason, the mongoge imurunre coveruge reyuirod by I.enJer lupk� or reunr. to br in effect, Bomnwer xhall puy the • <br />�+t..:.. . � . , premiums reyuired to oMtain cuverage .ubuuniially ee�uivulent 1���hr mongugr insurum:e prrviously in effect, ut u cost '"' <br /> ��,. : .� :.: •. . :,. substontinlly eyuivolent tn�hc cu�t tu Born�wer of tl�nxxtgu�c imuranre pnvi�►u�ly in eftect, from an nitemute martgAge `'":• <br /> ; � . . .•.:�� ���;r�, <br /> . ., ,.., , insurer upproveJ by Lender. If subxlamially eyuivalent mon�u�r inwr�ncc coverrge i►nut avuil•rble,Borrower shnll pay to '" <br /> __ ' +� ,;r'F� : <br /> _ -:,�.;:,�;��:�.� =�,�;�, Lender each month a rum eyual ro one-tweltlh of the yearly mungagr imurance pmmium t�c�in�paid by Borrower when the '�°�r:` <br /> _ , r �;` �` �� , insurance covemge lapsed or ceased to tk in effaxt. Lenclrr will arcept,u,c and retain thek pnymems a,a lo.c rexerve ln lieu "�F <br /> H�. 4... <br /> .:f:..����'-. <br /> ���.� �1:�: � of mortgage insuranre. Lo.,msrre�c pa}•}n�, ka�grr he rryuir� the opiion of Lender, if mongage insuroncc ,.:'�{•;�, <br />'<�_,v,'1• " P��;�,�` � •• coverage(in the umamt anJ tarc�ik pc riod that Lrndtr rcyuirc.�provi�ird by ao ia.ur�r approved by Lender ugnin becomc� ��'-` <br /> =3;�,',: , ��, �, '' avniluble und i�obtAit�d.Burrowet,hall pa�•the pr�miunn rryuirrd u.maimain rn�m=age in>uranre in effecl,or ro provide u '` ` <br />` ;� � V �'� loss reaerve,until the reyuirement for mnneage imur�nc:e enAs in a�u�rdan�r w•�Ih onc writeen agreemenl between Bornowcr "'�°� <br /> �;��`'`�'�a� � ' ,`� °'�' �''' �' ' andLenderorapplicuMclaw. `.. <br /> ,.-�. � `��c� ` a� ��,.,.,#f„ <br /> ,� �' •` Y � � `` 9. Ins tion. Lrnder or itti� em moy mal.e rca.un;�bi�r enlrie:u m:m�i in. itiun+oF 1hr p« � r;. <br /> �.,;''' '' �•,:� �a�,'7��:':� p� € !x (k' ►Fkrty. Lrnder Ahull <br /> , ,,t,� ��•�{��';:;::��r<<��ic�?;:�;�•; give Borrower notire u��he time of or prior to un in.�xci i on+pecit)ing r�a+onaMe cau.e ti�r�he in�prrtion. <br />''` ' >'ti':•�,� lA. Ca�demnption. Thr ru��d+of un a��;�rd��r cl:iim t��r�.reia,,!r.,direr�i�r rnanectic►n wi�h any <br /> u�r; � � �s",;tY,;'Lr;��::�� P Y <br /> -�xb�. - . �- ..:r,y;,•, - <br /> ! • . r' �•+�'� n' ��� ; 5•��: Sin IrFamda •FapniePfneiti�elllellrcl'\ tY � .. <br /> M IF k 71\S7'Rl:�1k\1' -l'ndurm�r�..•,, <br /> 11,�fi:'� �+.. �. �1•.,:? .��?}��.� mh Y19D IrJRP?�if 4(�yY�'�I <br /> ;i�;,;�}i°:�, •�r- ' . <�A�c.��r�.� I:n�aldr.IWclnnnFumk.lnr� <br /> i��:t��'' ''�'"�J,,�'.•.T'��'''n..- ,� To IMdEr I�MI IA0063PY3Y9 C]Mb Y�6TYb1131 <br /> ����' �M,. �,.��� ''y�.. <br /> �. } � .' ,R, <br /> ��'i.,+�, � ' �.�., : , . ... . ;'`�s�,�tt►a'tI�1 <br /> ;ii"'•`, ' ::._;��r a;�- .� . . .. • , , , _ . , _ . ... . ,. - -'���' .. <br /> �, f_�f it��7t 1l1�,�:_.s s.�.:r.�L?<<<�_ . . . . . • 1 , '� _: , .. <br /> .L�.�+•�-. �:�.^-- - r.� - .F;:_ ��� . -..; , . , . ... . . .- _ .••,-.' , - . .... . . <br /> - h'i•.'�1''�.' _ _ _ ' � � ' _ _ � . I!�,� ��1'' ,I�' _ <br /> ��' j � �� '71 J '�.,1`t�'-� . . ��� � � � . . . . '� . <br /> > �: ; �..�,� ,� �l ,•. ,,,. , � �.: ,• <br /> ti � ti, � f,,� � �, . : ;,��� , � ...• i � � � , , . �� � <br /> ,,S .. .','� . �, Z t�l��� ���jr�t�i¢��;Vi. << ����' `�� 1.(!.{.��� � �� ' � �- 1- � �� • . .;," ' `f; 1. <br /> � 3�..'���i�y.;ij(,�';�}iS��-,� i 47�,t,ri.�y'�7�1'�' +��{V.���Y'! ��. ;� .t�tf: f(�I , .\,. • ' '1� - <br /> � ,s ! j�1� l' .. •t L..'�` .1 l- „ 1.��. , ti' . .L ��•`1' . ' 1,r <br /> � . 7y,+1�{N•!!dY'�;t���d.c}t,;.�17RY�[�{��tt)f�.'.' .���-rrS�7n�t�..i�i•�atitt.•, t ':': � f�ti �;:r1 ���.': ' �- ,.1 ,.�' .'S.� . <br /> . . !.''Y:I�,�x '} �/1ii� r�131'�'��':�„��.' '.)-��'il::}:��ti ��' ��f��S�"./•� 1 . I�� ��t��+�i'�i�;� . - .1{ � �. .��•t` ' i�l,�,i,� <br /> 7i+� �114.'� `i�,�1 i.r-� �1 �����t�����'��'. .'- t��?� ' �:•� !��;�� J� � . .t•:�.A-i� r''1�` rr. �l`�� .'I�' �ti•'1"�,.'{�5'1!��.•i•`,ti•.�����. . ��' �( }Sl.. '�:,'1... . - , <br /> frt` ' �`(�, ?,('dr,��f• ��� ( ',��11,'�''. L��6 'r� ' ' '�`•`. .,1'i,`� .l•. � � �'�% '.i'�:i . . � i. , .i,;+` . . <br /> � �rt r v If ' , <br /> � `J �i`t�•F `.u� �+ 1 , , � , . <br /> �y i',Y�:i�!���`,r11 )a f.,l�`'��1 lay� � !i' �;', , 't: .'� '1" , ,,��, �} .' <br /> '•r�Si ''��' �µS�y i{'y'f1�,��,�y�J <�f}yf�+t��1i� '�i'ti� , . . ,.I,� t � � t t�;-�'.+(� ' 11,. �v1{; I} �.'��'�ii)u.:`/��:`� ;ti' �ic <br /> � ,1,���' � i� l? (� �,y �1 C Y��. ; i1S� � � , � u 11` � � � .; � <br /> L. � ! ..,! ,r;::'Ftr l' I'- <<- . . J Ci' � , ,� lr �q�t r�� t�+ �4�� /r ��.• �,,.ir:� <br />�4. *_ . .1 • �'��i.! �lf(a}�i���df .. . . . ' � _�,., ! . ' . . ,,��7�}�IM`t��? •5�5lvyi�'���tl„�y ���. ,��; , l��`��1j,�1f• <br /> ,:,. • , ,'f, "� '�"`�" �, „ <br /> � '. . . � � �, � <br /> . r, # <br /> � ---�-- -�.L- - <br />