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, � : . . . _. , <br /> ��,� .�� �� <br /> _ J 7fY7R . • �. _ _yM1 . ���''. ..—. . <br /> y�y` ..a-� w <br /> " �� .�i�f� ,1� . . -IlM1A,'�. . __ -..__. "'._^..1:,. <br /> � "".'. .-___ "."_ . . _ <br /> � -_ '___ . __. . _..__ "_"_"___.��"_- _ <br /> � _ .�.��-�� • 93�1 <br /> a�xs <br />. � appNc�bk Irw may speciiy for�lnswement) before s�le of'tdc Propnty pu�suant•to any pov�er of�le contained In this Y _ <br /> Y- - - -_I S a u r i q i i a u u m a p;o r(b) o f�j u dgmem e n f o r c i n g�h i�S e cu r i�y i rt s e r u m a��. T M�c a x ii�ians are d w�H o n ower: U 1 <br /> �rays�dcr �11 :ums which t n would bc due under this Security Instrumenl ond Ihc Notc as ii no acccic�atian had <br /> '= occumd;�b)cwms�ny dci�uU af ariy oiher wvenants ar agrccment�;lc)pays�II expenses incumed in enforcing�his Security <br /> : InsaumcM,including.but nd Ilmited to. rc.�sortaWe aaarnaye'fees;And ld)tnke+ such ac�ian as Lendcr m�y maconably �H. <br /> — -__ - - roquiro to assurc tlw thc lien of Ihis Securiry Insuwnent.Lenderh dRhts in the Property wtd Bormwerk obUgalion la pay�he � <br /> --�" � sums cecurod by this Secudty Instrument shall condnue unchanged. Upon rcinstalemem by Bormwer. this Security �g:;.. <br /> =-''� lnsuument and 1he obligutions sccurcd hercby shall rcros�n fully etrca:tive s�s if rw�celcr�tiwi hud uccurred. Nuwvvcr.�his =._: <br /> �;. i riQht to�inslate shall nw apply in the c�se of acceleratlao under pumgmph 17. <br /> ;' 19. Swle o�Notet Clwn�e ot Lo�n Se►viee� The Nwa or a parlial interesl in�hc Note pagether with thin Security � <br /> Instrumem)may be sald one or mare dmes wilhout prior notice ta Barrawer. A sule may rcaull in a chunge in Ihe enlily � <br /> lknown As�he"I.oan Servlcer")ihat collecta monthly payments due under the Note and ihis Secu�ily Inslrumant. There al�so �_ <br /> ��"•�:� I may be one or morc ehenges of lhe Lcwn Servicer unrelated to a raEe oi'dr�Note. Ii Iliere is a change of Uie Lcwn Service�, — <br /> ='"�"% � � Bomawer will be given written notico of the change in accordan�with p�ragraph 14 ahove and a�pplicabte I�w. TAe rtotice <br /> ._..��"••"—..:..:. �.° will state tt�e nwne and Lddress of the crew i.aa�Servicrr a�c�e ss�trexx w which�rrymeitts shouW br mwlr. 7tae nolice will <br /> " �7' `' also coaszin au <br /> _ . rru��r' � Y oi4er infarnat�oa�uire�Dp r�pp[icabte f.saw. __ <br /> _° , r�pi,c �,. I�dvws S�taseQa. Botrower sl'rall c[ot ar pemut tilee presence.use.clisposail.storrge,or retease of any - <br /> �k� w•.{.�;� , �d�s Subst�ces on.a in U�e Piv�xxty. Boecower sl�Jl rcx�o, �ar altow anya.�etse to da.�nything att'ectin�the � <br /> '��'' �+'����y eh�t is ia viotadtion oP an Envj►osmerttal The twQ sentences Yhall not n to tt�e <br /> �x Y P��nB ppLY �enre.u�.cx <br />'�`s''- � '�'�� scorage ou tf�:.i'top�z�ty of small quantiUe�of Hazardous Subswm.�es ttwt arc generally�ecognized 10 be appropriatr to nartnal �,�' <br /> .-.,�q6''...,• c�.�sid�ential usea and to maintenance of't6e�toPertY• �f:: <br />�,;.d:y�yt'�`!. tyi. �y.,. <br />:-.,,.�s,.;�:< <t: �;;, Borrowe�ahAll promptly givr Lender written notice uf any ime�igation,claim,demund,lAwsuil ar othe�uctioo by nny �-:._, <br /> r� r; "�;�;r��;�' !�i�h• govemmentul or regulatory ugency or private psuty invol�ing Ihe Propeqy nnd nny Har.ardau. Sub.lIi1N1:�Uf EIIV{IUIIIIICIIIilI �s;� <br /> «'�1,�° "��;ry„° � n 3�'t Law of which Barrower hat nctuul Icnawledge. If Borrowcr leurns, or is notificd by uny govcrnmenlal or reRulAtory �1i•"` <br /> v�Y;<>-i� .���'�.��i '��,5�� autbority,that any�emoval or other remediuUan of uny Hazardou�Substance n(fecting the Propeny is necessury,BaROwer `�;��;� <br /> -•�. v� r,x.4 �. 't�.. r.r.�.. <br /> 'r,;.t.., 'h ;.,i:�. <br /> ;�;:.{�c�. , : a<<.;,.,, shaN promptly tuke all neressury remedial Actions in uccardunce witn�nvironmentul L,aw. . <br /> a� i y'�y` Aa used in�his puragraph 30,"H:�aardous Subslances"are thase subslances deGned as toxic or hazurduus�ubstnnces by ```''i' <br /> '°"' ��� Environmental and 1he followin substances: amline,kerosene,aher tlnmmuble ar taxir etroleum roducts,toxic °`��� <br /> #,�, • � •.;r���21'f;� R fi • P P <br />=';"�i` ' ' +y:k'��' peslicide�and hefiicides, vnlntile solvrnts,mnterials containing pstxstos ar formeldehyde,and rndiouclive muterinls. As �'�'�-`- <br /> s,a. ,,�.�. 'y4...,. <br />�'�-:�:,�' ;1.y�:r., �;�H�; E��'��+ used in thib ro h 20,"Environmen�al Law"means federal laa•s und laws of the'u�sdiction whore Ihe Pm ch is located ��ft'�' <br />-;"'='•�' �1��!' f${;�`�� '�r:,{�, that relnte ro healt�h,s nfet or envkonmentul otection. � P� y �� <br /> �• ,.�4;��w,; ... 4���t Y Pr <br />�-��.��'�`•`•. ,,,.• :.�•:�,'�rt'a�a�`,'-, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwer und I.ender funher cavenant ond a ree os follaws: <br /> "f�����" F�� � ��'tt;'�;:. 21. Acceleratloa= Remedies. l.ender sfwU glve notke to Borrower prlor to acceleratlon �dlowinQ Borrower•s � <br /> .. . :.: �.�..�.:.:� <br /> � ��''x �'�''�'' •� " � braich.�f any rnvenant or agreement in thls 3ecurlty Instrumeot Ibut not prlor to aecelerntlon under pa�Agrnph 17 <br />.. a i�.r"•:,.,�.. ,. <br /> 4-,�_:�: �.' '�[' 1 i$�i�. uakss a¢Qlicable law prnvlde�Mh�rwlcp), Th*aMlee sh�l1 xQec4ty; te!the detsultt lb!thr at!!�s rrqs:Ired tfl c�srr tt�r �`.. <br />- ���s��c <;"_ ' dd�ulh. (c)A dale.not less thpn i9 doy�c(tom Ihe dwle the nWice Is�Iven lo whlch the def�ult musl be �� <br /> • . .. _ curcdt aad 1d11hat fAllure to cure Ihe de�pult on or betore the dAte speclfled In Ihe notice mAy nwulf in�cceleraUon of <br /> � ; � the Rums Recured by Ihi.�Secu�ity Inxlrumeot and�Ir��f Ihe Pruperly. 'fhe nMice xh�p iurlher tnfurm Burrnwer ot �.:--` <br /> • • Ihe rlpht ia relnsl�te aiter necekratlun�nd Ihe rfRhllo bring�c�wrt actlun lu acceM Ihe non�rxl.rlence of w defAUlt or r,Au <br /> - , ��� l.� any dher defense of Rarrawr�tu n��aelerotW�n�nd�wle. 1�IAe default lo nW cured un ur before the dale speclf�ed in __ <br /> `��:- ��., . ' the nulia�r�[.endar ol US opliun m��reyuire irnmedis�ir p�vment in Pull ui�ll nunn,arurarl i�y Ihl,�Srawriq In.rfrumen� ��,,,r: <br /> : ' '� wilbwt �urlher demnnd and mNy im��ke Ihe q�we� ui wik and any ulher remedles permitled by Applkable I�w. <br />_, ..�- . ��� ' I.ende� �h�ll be eolllfed tu c�dlecl nll e�penx� Inrurred in pursuMg Ihe remedies provlded in this p�rARrAph 21. �';� <br /> • •n •±M�'4 including�but not Ilmlted�mnble�Iloroe}•x'fcev s�nA costs uf tltic evldeoce. g�.�: <br />— • ���' If the wer of sale is invoked.'IYuslee tihall record�noNce nf default in eacb cuunty in w•hkh an ��� �� <br /> _ � Po y part of Ihe _ <br />-�� °'� �•+' ,,:y PropeHy Is I�cated And sFwll moll coples of such notice in the munner prescribed by�pplkable law b Borrow�er und to <br /> � ��;�;, T � the other per:sons prescribed by wppllcAble IAa�. ARer the time required by applicable Ipw.7Yustee shall give publk • <br /> � �-ti � notke ot sale lo the persons And in the manner prescefbed by applicuble law 7lrustee.without demand nn Borrower. � <br /> a-•�.. ,,,,�,°`.':��•.' '.;: <br />=�t�� . 1i��•,: �. • shaM sell Ihe Properly At pu6lic auMfon to the hlgl�est bidder a1 the tfine and place und under the terms designated in • <br /> ' ��"�`�"�'�`'''"'*�`` "? the nWke of snlc in one or more arcets s�nd in An order Trustc�determines. 7Yustee mA <br /> `I'�'' , •. ��., .°••.;.1� � P Y Y postpone�ale ot ull or unc <br /> ��:'' ��':`; parcel of the Property by public s�nnuuncement at the time and pinre uf any previausly scheduled sale. Lender or its '.+��.: <br />-''�.,�..• ':� �3 Y���r" desl�nee may purchase the Property al any sale. , <br />,,.� . ' �� � ;�•�,.�;. Upon recefpl of paymenl of the price bid,Trustee shell deliver Io the purchaser 71�ustee's deed cunveying the -�;;. <br /> � ;t;=�t. � ��;,�',1,��� {'roperty. The recitals in the 71�uslee's deed shul�be primn iacie evidence of the trulh uf the statements mAde therein. �'�' <br /> � .',, '�' : ,�`;�;"� 71'u�tee shpll Apply the proeeeda oilhe snie ip Ihe folbwing order: la1 to all costs nnd expensen oP exercisin$the power 1;��;� <br />-;�ti `� � �;!\�. ,• o�cn_ <br /> ,rl' `r. <br />--�._�A- ' ,��'r 7� [:�: <br /> ;.:;�t'� ,�Yi "��':���C?.:. �;,i:ua, <br /> ��.'� `(r;�i�:ii; �;:ii^-- <br /> •4;� , ,,: 1;�,. <br />. � �H;,�����.�"� � <br /> �i: <br />- ' . }lY�,'b,'yp�,:'1 ylM�:; - - c�.�ii` <br /> 6 <br /> _ , �' •i ' ' ' . m'_ <br />. . ,___S�__.Y.. �t--. <br /> .. • 5(�,�� Form W2li 9�90 �p�er SnJnr,�qr�� �_ <br /> ',y.''�1 „ .�'' ,�j,��l �`<,. <br /> `�� °�.. j,j�j�~ ��;^. <br /> � 1' '1��'�f , . 37i`ii�1Mi.s�4.,;tia^'�•�n �1r <br /> • . ,�. . . �;1�A�'• .�. <br />.. : ' . •.'' ._;' . 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