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,:t�i• , �' �.:.,�•:�' . . ��1.��i' .. . ,"";.*- r � <br /> 'r. , �,�� -r_ - <br /> '��` , � .. n d,1 �1. <br /> , �� � 1 � •• �� �r.V� . <br /> t M":�YW l,.: ,,,. <br /> .. . .. - ---- � <br /> a -- �•------ -- <br /> .��%-�rrt�.tyv <br /> � ��.+�;�� , <br /> 93- �an�,^ <br /> -. 1'OdE17iFR W[7'H all ti�e improverneata now or beaeafler erected on the�xoperty.ancl all ensemeota.appurtenun�cs. _ <br /> - And fiaturcs suw or hereafter a put of the property. All rcplacenxnts and uddlUons shall Wso bc�overcd by this Secudly <br /> - - = Itwnpnent. Aii uf ii�fu�ui���i►�afen�x!t�in d�i�S�:udry fn;��'umcni as ti�"1'�'apzny." _ <br /> BORROWEIt COVENAN7'S that Borrower Is lawiully seised of�he estate hereby conveyed and has the righl to grnnt <br /> = u�d convey Ihe P�mperty and that Ihe Property Is unencumbered,except tor encumbrances of record. Bomawcr wu�rants su�d <br /> wlll dcfcnd gentrally the titk to the Property pgainsl All cloims und demands,subjecl to ony encumbrances of�econl, -- <br /> - - l������. THIS SBC(JRITY lNS7RUMFN'T combines uniform covenante for netiona! use em! nan-unifam covertae+�s with =- <br /> limited variatlons by jurisdictlon to constitute a unifarm securlty instrument covering roal propetty. � <br /> UNIFORM COVHNANTS. Bartawer and l.en�ler cavenant and agree as follaws: <br /> -�� ;� 1. Psymeat at�'rincipwl�nd lnterest;Prep�ymcot and I.�te Clwrges. Borrow-cr sh�ll prort�pa�ty�a�r wi�en due the �_" <br />�,,,;;.� principa1 of and ioterest on the debt ovldenced by the Nate und nny pr+epnyment and lute charges due un�02r the Note. _ <br /> _:;,v;;;� 2. �nds for'Ihzes And lecu�ne�. Subjoct la upplicuble law or to a written waiver by Lender,J3cx�rnN�r�Nall puy to °-- <br />— .--- Lender on thc day manlhly puymenis are duo under thc Notc,umil Ihe Note is paid in iull,a sum("�wr,9."t fix:(�+n••�z�s1} �-- <br /> _�-����.. �'�'" --- wu�s ur�d aFSessments which may anain priadty avor this Secu�ity Instrumem u.s n litn on the Prapehy;tb��•<.:u0��lea•ati���� . ' �`i' <br />- _=-�'t� puymenis or ground re�ts an 1he Praperty. if uny: lc)yesirly haz�d or Pr°PenY in�ur.��xr pr�emiumr, ld�.)4w�;} �'�.ew ��•: <br /> -.<_;�--°�- . insurnnce premiuma, if any; (e)yenrly maAgnge insurunce premiums,if nny; and (fl ai�y sums payabie �y Son�oMer to __ <br /> _�•�� r•} x: Lender. in uccartlaace with the provlsl�ns of pumgrnph 8, in lieu of'the paymen�of mortgage insurnnce premiums. 'Ihe�e <br />_ . �-�� �''.r r � items ane cnlled"Escrow Items." Lender m�y.ul any time,callect und hold FUnds in an umount not�o exceed the mnximum <br />.,: � ���;�� amaunt u lender for a federnlly related mortgnge lonm m�y requi� far Borrowerk escrow accoum u�der the fede�Al Real --- <br />- "�'��r+^�-�'" Estate SetUement P►acedurea Act af 1974 Qs amended from[ims to time, 12 U.S.C.�2b01 er sey.("RESPA"),unless unother " <br />.�." � . (l�.�I+e.� _. <br /> � � taw 1fiA¢applies to the Funds sets n lc�.ur umoum. If so.I,ender may.ut uny Iime,callect und hold Funds in an amaunt not io !''` <br /> ^���� eace�r� thr le.9ser umount. Lender may estimute Ihe amounl of Frunds due on ihe basis af current duta and reasanuble � - <br />-=.�{t�- ,��;-�t ,g� est�rn�te::«�exFenditures af futare Escrtm� Item��r mherwi�e in accnnlsnce�vith nr�licahle tnw. ! <br /> „� „y���,G r � i��.�, , 77ie F•�n,�.v shull be held In an institutian whose deposits are insured by a fede�l ugency, inspumentality,or emity ��` <br /> v aa":;� ' � �' wtt Y PP Y P Y :r-': <br /> 1 �, (lnc9�u�7in;��er,if l.ender is such un ins�itulian)ar in an Fedc�ul Home Loun 8onk. Lender shAll a I the Funds to a <br />_., , b ; r:�(:ti�;;,, <br />;':,.,,� _�: ,. 1 t�,;s; F>� the ��r roci qz��ms. Lender muy not charge Borr�wer far holJinF and applying Ihe Flmds, annuully unalyzing Ihe escrow <br /> ..� . ����k: <br /> _�r� �������r,( nccoum, or o��rifying the Fscrow I�ems,unkss Lcnder pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicoble Inw permiGC !� <br /> �•�,, •tk:f, , ' �,"� • ' Lender io maAe such A chsirge. However, l.ender may rcquire Borrower ro pay a ane-dme ch�rge for nn independent real � <br /> .,�+ ����:;: <br /> ,�35i±S ..�_ ��,�r,; � e�tute tax ra��lia��;urvice uu:J Ly Lrn�� iu wunecliuo wit6lbi,luan.w�lr,�upplicable luw pruvi��ulherwi�e. Uula��an -�} <br /> � ,,r : ag�eement is m�de o�applicable law requires interest to 6e paid,Lender shAll nat be�equi�cd to pay Borrower uny Interest or �.. <br /> `4i��y. � +�`��s��'�;''� '' eprniu�s ot�t1►e Funds. Bormwer nnd Lender may agrec in writing,howcvcr,that intcrest shall 6e puid on the Funds. I.cnder "��'" <br />::r• ';�'''•�'•' '%�'" �hAA9 �tie to�omuwer,without char e an annual accauntin of the Funds showin crcdits und debl�s to the Flmds nnd the �:-.:- <br /> ,;�t . ,t�•� ��;r�,.,, , g'- B� 8 . � -- <br /> �' ri;��•�;.r�,r�t�(�� . pu�ose fot which cach debil ro the Fkndr was made. The Funds are pledged aa addlticxial secu�ity far nll sumc secured by --'- <br />_;w�s�;,r i ;� } �,:�' r�r?� ��, <br />'_-;,�ti,; ,':,;����. . this Sec�urity Imt�ument. :._ <br /> _;. ' •�:,- �,,,,, �,� �, !f ::� ReMs held by Lcstder excced the amaustis permitted to bc hcld by appllcablc laa�, l,crsdcr ;h.�l1 arcount to <br /> Ii+y;i.: I}t� �a; ,Ba�ower for the excess Funds in nccordunce wilh�he requirements of applicable lAw. U the umount of the Funds hcld by `t.� <br /> „rnt,�� •.�t�r�'�;� •. '. . s•: <br /> Lencler at any time is not sufticient to puy tha Escmw Uems when due,Lender muy xo notify Borrower in writing,and,in •_ �:} <br /> � • �`'��•''; such cuse Borrower shall puy to l.ender Ihe amount necessury ta muke up th@ deficiency. Bomower shall muke up the � '`' <br /> , �,..... , � •�{�;;• <br /> . deficicncy in no mana than twelve momhly paymen�F,ut Lender�sole discretion. <br /> _ � ' �,;�,f,,.i'�'���� Upon payment in full uf ull sum� secumd by thix Securi�y Inruument,l.ende��hull pmmptly refund to Borrower uny �'�''`' <br />-,�`"' � � ` � Fuud�bcW by Lender. IG undrr purugrupi�2i,L���k� ,hull ucyuire or seU�he Property,l.ender,priur to the acqwsition or �,,; <br /> ,�.� �,'r, ��'�Y'�'����' ` I sole of the Propeny,shall apply uny Funds held by l.rnder at thc�ime c�f nequisilic►n or�wle u�a credi�nguin.r•t the cums �';�; <br /> - ,-. .�. <br /> secured by�his Security Inswment. �-;�- <br /> -�-= . `.:,��M'�,t .. ` 3. Applkation of P�ymeniR. Unlr.+ upplicublc luw pr��vicic� utherwixe. all payment. received by Lender under �-==_ <br /> �- ' �` ' '"'�� ara ra hs I nnd 2 shull be u 8ed:fir,t,to an rc .� ment rhur���Juc unikr�Ix Nu�e;,econJ,to amoums ublo under �: <br /> P B P PP Y P P'Y b' PaY <br /> ^�' ' � � a� ' �'1; puragmph 2;third,to interesl due;founh,�o principal dur;und luct,io uny lutc chargex duc under the Note. ?�"' <br /> �` ...• �..,. 4. Ch eR P Y 6 Pa• <br /> �, a :� -"�•-'�. ,,� ��,, w'B i Liens. Borrowcr shall u ull tuxes, a.ur�mc�t�,rhar c+, finc, und im cilion, auribumblc �o thc �-���! <br /> _�;� ' " `',�' "�t^''�°• •' n which mn auuin riori� over �his Securil Inslrumem,and leuuhold a ments or �ound rcnts,if un . Borrower ';�'� <br /> ',:';,,'::;s:.::....... . .:..i Pr� Y Y P Y Y P Y R Y <br />_ �:• ,;,,i��;!.:,�:•. �w "•_ shall pay these obligations in the munner provided in paragruph 2,or if nat puid in Ihat munner,BarroN�er shnll puy them on . <br /> ,,� ,, ; � time directly to�he per�on owed puyment. Borrower shull promptly furni.h�o Lender ull no�icex of amountti to Ne puid under . <br /> ��ti`}: ,'�.' '�w�,-!• `�°� this parngmph. If Horrower mekes lhesc pnyments Jir+ecUy, Bom�wer shull pmmpUy fumish ta Lender rcceipts evidencing • <br /> '•��� ::, ,-:i.•���•�� � . the paymenls. <br /> •° •,4� ',"�,.�''ti° ' . , Borrawer shail pnompUy disch:irge any lien which hu�priuri�y over�his Scrurity Inx�rumem unletis►agrees � <br /> ,i uzi;;� ,.'•�:�. <br /> _ , '�^�;;�k�. in writing to the puyment oi'�he abligation urured by the lien in u munner ucceptuble to Lender.(b)contests in goad fAith the ••�•� <br /> " : �:� lien by,or defends againsl rN'onemcnl of the Iicn in,legnl pr�kcedlnKs which in the LendrrA opinion operutc to pmvent the <br /> i��E;� 1� 1 enforcement of the licn;or(c1 secures from thc huldcr af Ihc licn un agrcement suti�fnctory to Lender xulwrdinaling thc lien <br /> •� X�:l: <br /> - -.�' to this 5ecurity Instrumcnt. li'L.ender detennim�s thut uny pan of�he Property is subject to a licn whkh may attain priarity <br /> �` !�',- . over�his Securlty Instrument,I.eoder may give Borrower n notice identifying Ihe lien. Borrowrr tihall xntisfy 1he Ilen or iake � <br /> ,•,i. �,�r`'`� . ••,' �'�• one or more of thc uctions set fanh above within 10 days of thc giving of notice. <br /> S� Hn�nrd or Properly la�surance. Borrower shull kcep thc improvemeniti now cxisting or hereuRer erccted on the <br /> �'. }�`�,''�'� �;E;'�'�'t;�i% Propert3 insu ed agaiasl loss by tire,hazards included within�he term"extrnded covcrage"and•rny other hu�nrds,including <br /> '+.1�,,�'� '4 `"'lr('����±�t��'� floods or flouding. for w•hich Lender requires insur.u��c. 'I'hib in�urunce shull ix: muintuined in the umaunts and far the <br /> .Yi ��. ..'1:� . .. <br />- �.,:J �� •� S`.. ,N:�....7�"hr`.� - • <br /> '� �.--^:',:--� Form J028 9l9Y Ipul¢�=ajn png�el -�.. . <br /> 31;:;,' ��'•��.,��.�:. .:�' <br /> : '�,. t:�, �4,�r.•F,.. , :��i:-. <br /> ''"+r:c'�'Y'�U N' <br /> � ,� ' . P .. , . <br /> d� .,�. <br />.'�' ,� ...J4', [�3�.+�-�n�-1` .:�?:r: ., , � . . „ � . . . . :s¢tias;S, � �.-• � <br /> ,!� 1��. _�. �� • �` � ' .' ' '., � . , . : , , <br /> � S :�R + <br /> ' _Ilt�! � �r. :�. t - � '�•. - . . �'..'�1�. . . t_. . . <br /> �r)1Bu .'•L4!f� .1!lIG�'naL_ •_._i___,•I ✓ ,', �'S. . ' ' .�.. .� � � .. ,. . .• , . ., ._. <br />�:r�� , r� . 4n - r �-- , � -- 1�, �, ; ..-;=— . �1�.•-. �'�: ;: � ., . . . . . . <br /> ,�d f�.., ;• �"a_r}r '�t I'� VA � r ,L� , l '1 <br /> v,� �_ �y i �v� � fr,�',� i+��•`•� r ��' ,rr� � � ,. <br /> �.�'1�� ,�t , ,��1�',4t'j�; �;x.,, , )� "� . � . ',. <br />���'�+ ��! � ��1�a �,�R�,�'ti)���c ��jlit6l�}Y �q`a' i � � � � '�:. . , /�' � ,` ' �,�;y,:� , . <br /> ��'(� 1 •% r {l�.-f tl�l yl��t �1���� . . ` .' .'' � • • . � � - ' .�t•' • •:i•i;;,•' . ' �:l,�'�ry" ���, <br />`�1�!f��Yi'�. .`i ja fi r;ct�;<<f,{��iy{s��j�if. . t r'. . 1, ��,: ,��� , ' .t � •� �.�I� . i , 'i. r � . <br />-,n- � t � •r .i {,Ip,,'�1 'Cp ''� t .:e •- ���!'1�` ��.'1�+.• �.��� "r�i,�t� ��.i �,�',� n i' - ` • '. i . <br /> �tir'+'�; �- , �t.��}';,f�:���r�y�i�•/�;°� !;s.. 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