'•�:tl�; -:1' .
<br /> .;�: . .. .
<br /> � , '
<br /> , . +
<br /> .. � . ��°���� � ;
<br /> 5. &�c�s2pvatton And Ndntntenn�ce of Propzrey; Le�Q�old�t �ondoa�lnlumo= Plmnncd Un14 i�evclapment8. ..
<br /> Harrower ahall lceep the Peopeity In Bood repair nn�f shalt not commit wuste or g�ra�it imp�irment or detoriorution of
<br /> , the Property und ehull comply wlth tho provisiona of su►y lea2e if this Dsed of Trunt is on o Lensehold. I�Wis Dezd of • .
<br /> Truet is on n ualt in n condominium or n planaed unit development,Borrowee shall pedorm ull of Rarmwer's obliIIntiona
<br /> ustder the dec:larudon or covenunts erEUting or QoveminII tlie coudouiWmu or planucd unit devclo�mcUt,ti�e by-tawa
<br /> and�IIulatioas of the coaAomiaium or pinnned uatt develop�nent,aad coastltuent documenta. '
<br /> _-�---,� 6. ProtecdioA of I.znder's 3ecurtty. If Horrower fNls to parform the covenaats and ngreements contalaed in thls Dced � ''
<br /> � '°"� of Tcust,or if oay aciion or proce�dinn ia commenced which matednlly afPects Lender•s interest ia tho Property.then
<br /> ' Lender.at Leader's optlon, upoa Aodce to Eomower. rauy make sucb appF,�rnnces� disburae sush sums, includiaII ;, ,,.`; �,
<br /> � ret�onuble uttornoys'fees�and take such actious as ia aecesan�y to protect Y.ender's interest. �: .;;.;;'�.'
<br /> .x.__
<br /> � .5_:..__..
<br /> Any amoun�s dlabursed by Lender pursuunt to thie paru�raph 6,with iatorest thereon, at the Note rnte. shull heoome ..�-�;;",.�
<br /> � uddldonnl indebtedness of Borrower secvred by this De�of Tcust. Unless Botrower ead Lender a ree to other terms `°'•`�'�'
<br /> H __h '_:,=�•:.
<br /> of puyment,such aatouats sha116e paynble ugon aotice from l.ender to 1Borrnwer requesdng pAyment tdereof. Nothing �:
<br /> � contained in this paregraph 6 ahall requia+e 6�der to incur nny eapanse or take any uction hereunder. J��-=--.
<br /> . � _
<br /> ��:�i;:t;_
<br /> a .•.�T•':
<br /> � 7. Inspe�lon. Lender m+np� make or cuuse to be tpada reasonsble eutrles u�m and inspections of the Properry. ;-.;:;�;.
<br /> ' pmvided tbat Lender shaU give Borrower notice prior to any sucb inspection speciPying reasonable cause therefor related ��,�`'''�
<br /> to Lender's Wterest W the Property. � ```�+='
<br /> . . �is'�,�n?
<br /> " . 8. COIIdCIDADtIOA. 1he proceeds of aay award or clatm for donaages,dlreet or consequenti�l�ia connection witb any — _ L^�
<br /> .-...;.;�:
<br /> ��''`+ candemnutlon or other taldng of the Pcaperty,or pat4 th¢reof. or for couveyaace ln lieu of eondemnation�nm hereby ,',�a��-
<br /> � �''�`��`'" d �sai ed and sha11 be paid to Lander sub ect to the terms of any mort a e�deed of trust or otber securl a ment with � �`
<br /> ,.��,,,,, �' ga j � � �Y � �
<br /> :.:t�. :���_
<br /> ;',.,,.. . ` a lien which hns prIor�ty over thia Deed of Tiust. "'.....
<br /> .,:: ,�. ::.�il+:�
<br /> .i`;. ,� 9. Bormwer Plot Releas�+l; Forlsear8nce�y Leader Not u Wmieer. The h3orrower shaU remala liablo for ftill •="���
<br /> ""'� " puyment of the pr)nciprl und i�terest on the Note(or any advaacement or obl�gaxlon)secured hereby,notaitbseunding -�--
<br /> �:;,,.,.,�
<br /> 11�' any of the fullowlag: (u)1be sale af all or a part oi the premises,(b)the assumpuon by enocher pazcy of iho Borcowci n �r��,� „_
<br /> � . obUgations hereu�der�(c)the forbearancE or extenstoa of time for p�nt or performance af any obligat�on hereunder� @6iFf���_:r"
<br /> y� whether granted to Bonower or a aubsequcnt owner of the pmperty,and(d)We release of nU or any part of the premises _-�-_
<br /> r sECUring said obligtitlons or tt�e releuae of any party who asaumes puyment of the same. None of WB foregoWg sh�ll
<br /> ";;';�;�`:-•, � in aay v�ay affect the tiill force and effect of ttte lien of tLis Dced oY 1Yust or impair Lzr�der's dght to o dzflclenay -�-
<br /> :�;}r:';`� �' D�adgment(in the eveat of f�reclosure)agaiast Bornawer oi aay party assumiag t�ae obligntions hereundea. ��__.
<br /> -,,,;,�.,,
<br /> �_
<br /> „ .�+ __---�
<br /> ` � Any farbearence by L,ender ln exercising�n}+rlghc or r�emedy hereuuder�or otherwlae ufforded by appltcable lacv,aball ===
<br />= not be n v,raiver of or pieclude tha exesclse of any such dght or rem�dy. �Q�'�'
<br /> 10. �uocessoes oad As�7,gaas�oundi Jo1nt t�nd 3�vern9 Linbfl[ty;Co-signers. 'I7�e covenants and ag�m�uts heneln i_ _
<br /> . ' � cdnmineA at�U b1ad�and tho rlghts hereunder shall inure to. the r�cpective suocessors and assigns of L�nder and �
<br /> . Borcower.subject to the provlsions of purngxuph iS hereof. All covenants aad agreements of Bormwer sholl be jolnt --
<br /> .. , a' and s.several. Amy 8orrower who oaslgna this Deed of 1'eust.but does aot e�cerute tha Note:(n)is co-signi�ng W#a Deed =—
<br /> ::.��,�: ` af Tntat only to grant und wnvey t�hat Bon+ower's interest in tho Prnpoity to Lender under the terms of tLzis Dted of ,...
<br /> �:•,,:.7�;.,t „ iTtust.(b)ie aot personully liable on the Noto or uat�er this Dead of Tivat. aad(c)agrees tbat Lender a��S a�rn,/otber 'A',.
<br />_.�...,;.�,;A,; �f :.. i`:
<br /> �•�„,, Bomowar hereunder may egrec to extend.modlty�fonbcur,or make any other axammodatlona with regnrd m¢hL te�na �'��-.
<br /> � .'='�'. • of this Qeed oY 7':ast or the Note without tbat Borrowcr's consent anc�without celeasiag that Boaower or modit�ring this - -_--_-=
<br />_ _ � Dad of Truat as to that Borrower's latoseat in the Pm�eny. -:-----
<br /> �,'
<br /> W;.;
<br />- �.. . � �i�l. i�Tottcc. Excep►[u,a„y uut[cc;icyuhcQ�dr,��ppilcabtc larr to br�von fa�sflthgr mt►nnaer� (e) eay nodce to �.-�:,;
<br />�'�•�%�;i;':'" :;�, liomower pmvided for an this Deed of Tcuse shn1l be given by delivcring tt ar hy mal1ing auch naflce by first cluss a�ill ��i:,!;�
<br /> t. •" . � addresacd to Borcower or the curc+ent owaer at tho Property Addras3 os at sush other address�Borrower may designute �_:
<br />