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<br /> ', � � „ .
<br /> /J ` .i
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<br /> .I� �
<br /> � A,�__ . .
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<br /> ' ��° ������
<br /> , , My���P(°�iti0���a�r a�u��►a�a e p�ennent tiee o���i�a a cAements of thts @�cvf�4'dYwtt as!f
<br /> pgm.ements� '��'�
<br /> � tho t2tder��e�n ginY4 hca�af.
<br /> ' Borrower ouvenonta that$orrower ia 1a�viWiy sei�ed of the estnte hereby coaveyed and hes the dIIbt to IIrunt nnd convey '
<br /> " tbe Pmpe wum+ntahand wW defend geaerally the dde to tht e�PropertY eII ast all c�lnims an demands,1e ubject o .
<br /> �-;:.:`:.::.�:'. Hoaower �
<br /> x encuA►bruaces of record. ' . ��
<br /> ' U1VII��OFt11R COYENANY'9. Bortc�ver uad Lender covenant and ugreo as followa: ;_;4��
<br /> 3 t^'
<br /> 1. PQj►NP�dt PI�IIC��AI AAd IptCtQS4. gorcower shall promptly pay when due the principal nnd interest indebiedaess _!::
<br /> , � evldencc.d by the Noie an d late chtirges as provided in thg Nota. 1Lis Deed of Trust seciues payment of satd Noto �;�f
<br /> �. t►ccoord[ng to its temAS.which are iaco�arntcd herein by reference. `
<br /> . �-
<br /> � 2. Appltcarion of�bymente. Unless aPplicable law provIdes otherwlse.alt ps�►rnEnts�eceived by Lender uader tha �.
<br /> � ,. ., g �_=:��
<br /> � Note uud patagcaph 1 hereof shell be upplied by Leadet first to intereat due on tt�e Note, seoond w We principal due _.
<br /> � � on the PIote.and then tc late cBarQes due oa the Note. �x�f
<br /> , , . � I�t_,,.'`'�.
<br /> �,..
<br /> 3. Pefor Mortgagea and Deedv of Teusti C1�B�i Ltems. Borrower ehall pe�f'orm ell of Borrower's obligndons� -�:;1;;,
<br /> �,. uader any raortgage,doed of tcust or other securlty e8reement wlth a lien whlch has prlorlty over thia Deed of'IYust� �t;:,:-.
<br /> � ; � iacluding Bo:rowc:'s oovenants to malce paym�at�whea due. Borrower sbnU pay or cuuse w be paid all tsutes� ��;;;.-_
<br /> ,r:��_�
<br /> nss�sm�ta nnd other char8es�fines artd imPasidons uttrlbutable to the Property which may attain a prlorEty over ttais a,,-
<br /> �•. Dcxd of Tnist�an�lensehold paymente or ground:eats�if any. __-
<br /> , �� ry;.
<br /> ...
<br /> �� ^�.. 4, Ra�rd Insuranee. o) aorrower shall kcep the improvements now csxisHag or hereaftcr eY+�tted on cho Pcoperiy �::.
<br /> ..','; -
<br /> :� • � �. �- • a�t aay�^t h�r•°.��3sxltsdia;
<br /> �rif�. �, ' iasure�a8aiast loss by flre�htizarsls incluclod witmin ttte term'o�ttendod covua�v . ,
<br /> . . ,�;..�,,f� flaoda or fiood�for which Le�tder requtres Insw�unce. 'Ibis insuraace ahall be msduwtatnod in the aatounts and for tha
<br /> �;;,,ii.;;;,:
<br /> !:y;.,'��?�� perlods that I.eader requires. The tusurnuoa carrier pmvidiag the inauraaoo ahuil be c(iosen by Bon+ower subJxt eo
<br />-',ya;.,°� .���`�"� Leader s nppmval which sh�ll cuz�unne�sonnbly withheld. It Burrower fatls to maintaia ooverugo descrlbed above, -��
<br /> ��:.;: I.ender mqy.nt Ler�x's aptioA,abtain cover�,az�A protect I.ender's dghts in tbe Property ia s000rdunce umuh paragiaph :�;,,
<br /> �,,�; . � 6.
<br /> ••,.. iK,��-
<br /> �� b)pti iasuruace poliolex and mnewels shaU be nxeAtable C�Lsnder and shnll iaclude a stnndurd mortIIage clause.
<br /> � Le�cdear s�all have tho rlght to hold tlee policies aad renewats. If Lender requires.Bonnwer sh�U pmmpdy glve to
<br />-����� ' -� ; Lentfees ail recetpts of patd premiums uad c+eae�val aodces. In the event of loss.Bornewer shnll glve pmmpt to the
<br />-;�,-.;, .
<br /> i��:;t s' �� • insuta31C0 Ctttller eIId LCndet. LeA.der mny mak�proof of less if c�ot mada promAtly to Boirower. -
<br />�;,,,f!' .. .
<br /> �*'�.,,� -•�
<br /> ; ', ; �� ;;;;',- c) Ua i�as I;a n A e r a n d B o m o w e r o W c:w i s e����P i.��ce pmceeds shaU be npplied to crstoratton or cepair
<br />�:°'.;` ' "'',�:��•�'i� of tlie �'roperty dumagcd�if We reswrution or r�apatr is txonomically feasible and Lender's security ia uot lessened. If
<br />�;;•s��.... ;: r,
<br />�,,`5E: : • tha restomtion or r�ais is not economicaUy feasible or Leader's se�rity would bo lessene�.the insumuoe pma�da
<br /> ,�.`�;ri�� ., _,� : ye applied w the s�ams secured by thfs SecudtY lusaumant.whether oY aot then duo�with any excess p�td to Boaowet.
<br /> �';rK;•
<br /> .w:.. .' � If�armwer abandons the Property or does aoi enawer wit4ia 30 dt�yya n aotioo from L�eader that the tnsurence comter _
<br /> ". hus o ttere�to seale a claim�then L,euder nwy co l loct t he i n s�oe�nt o c e e�d$.�L e a d ao t�Wen due e Th 38 O�dny�d u-
<br /> -_ �' � or�eslore the Propeeiy or to pay suma sectared M'this SecudtY v�r __-
<br /> �,:•.. wlll bo81n when the notico ia givcn. 4 --
<br />�irr;v,:.+��'.��- '�� �
<br />-�a::'•:-..-:.:- � �rcaept as pmvided ia subps+ragraph 4(e)bslow. shauld parti�t or oompleu desuuctiaa or dnnu�� �a:ux to the
<br /> : ;,1�,�
<br /> ,,�-:s ;r;;r &t+m,ro�y.Borcower het�eby a�.�a9aat any and utl insuum.e,s�ts evideaeing is�suranoo praaeEAs teoeived 1sy Lendcr an a --
<br />_ . . ,;,;� result of said dmm�ge or desauaion,ehall bo ptaoed in u non-3nurest be.�uing escrow uccou�t�vlth Leader. At Leades's =
<br /> ,. .x dlscretion. Lender mny nelease some or u!1 mff the ptneaeds from escrow sifter Borrm�syEr pr�eata Leader wlth a ��
<br /> � � c reoeipt(s)� iavoioe(s).�vrItu;a estimates(s)or o�Er dmcunceut(s)eoocptuble to Leader which relatea c¢e uha repair nndlor • :-::
<br />-. .�.,. impr8vementa of the Property neces.ss�y us n result of said damnge aad/or desttiuction. Abseat s�s�g�mcnt to tue " °
<br /> - � ,';:..',, o��:�,�Ixndor shsll noi be requln�d to puy Bomo�ver nay intsrest on the prooeeda heldl ln the esct�nw u000uat. Aay � .
<br /> - . '::'�5� en:ounu e�melninB tn the a�oount af�er all npuire und/or i�rovements I�ave btxa sau{�s to t he L e a d e r's a u t l a f�c t i o n� •�:,.-
<br />=:i . ShAlI$C e�jlll0d QO tlt8 gUmS9 SBGll�d I1}►WS Deod of Tnist.Qeed to Secum De�i.or Ntaragoge. Borrower tiuther ng,rces �":,.
<br />=;:� . . .
<br /> u
<br /> to 000perate�ai2�Ulender by endoreing ull,�s�.drnRs aad�or otlter ia�su��e»ts evidencing insura�o.�mcoeGs: aad `�a
<br /> _ . s�.,�..., nny a��ssaiy dccuments. ShoWd Borrower faii to provide sny requited ent�m�soment aadlor execudoa c�i2�n thtrty(30) �,;:,
<br /> - .:';`,� d„�,� �Icr I�eadtr senda fs�re+avrsr nottce that Lender tws n�cefved an insnuraent evideaciaII ins�rattoe pt+oo�ds. or �
<br /> __— ' ;{�� .u�,�nr(oi�rm�irina Bo�ower's sianatu�+e. Borrower heneby authorizea Le�eder to e�doise said insuument und/or �
<br /> �'�
<br /> . -_-- ---�--�r-- --'.....�L... .bwr�..wmtnrofinn n'eoa�str �
<br />_� - _=r =- -- docum:.nt(s)oa Sormtvera be6alf.eaG OO1IeCC uud uppir aaiu piuww.o w..�......., o..�...,............ ..,.�...._.�.----r—
<br /> - of the Preperty or to sums seouced bY this Beed of Ttust. Deed ta 5ecut+e Debt,or Moxtgage. It is not the intention .
<br /> of either purty tl�nt thio escrow provistoa, s�/or Leader's endossement or eaecuuon of an iu�uument(s)audlor
<br /> „ . doaam�eat(s)on beh�lf of Bomower create a fiduclury or agency relutionship t�etween Leader aud Bornower. .
<br /> • ' e) Unlesa I.euder uad Borroover athenvise ugiee�n vur[tin�T.unY c�plication of pmor.�is to principai oholt aot eactead
<br /> �� or postpoae the due date of the monthly paymanta refemed ro in parngcaphs 1 und 2 or chaage the amount of tite
<br /> - � pa�r�enta. If wzder paragcaph 16 the Property is acquired by Leuder,Borrower's rl}Iht to mry insuraace poltctes aad
<br />_ ptucesdy resultbog fi+om dumn�e to tho pmperty►prior w the ac4uisiuoa ahaU pass to Lsader to tho auctent of the stuns
<br /> ' ae�ured by ehls Secudry Instcuraenc. n� ��]
<br /> �<l -. �'7r�
<br /> . 75GA2(RnW1 p►tA=d3 (OIN11N[iiWAR�VF'•.1.OrtA
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