� .• ' % .
<br /> ±
<br /> j ..
<br /> . . , .. , ' . . . . .. .��..�� ..t .
<br /> - • . . '.. /, . , in.. . .,. ii . ... � . . . . _......''" "'. ....__-
<br /> - ' ...cri�IH � . .� . .. ... �" . __ •
<br /> ... _.
<br /> �f.:: .. .. . . ..
<br /> '-' • • � ����`���� ..
<br /> 14. EtehubQltatton Loue� ABeees'►ent• Bcrrov�er shn�� t1i11ill °u of�°n°wer'u abligotions unde� nny hoino
<br /> rehnblHtntion, improvement, rep�ir or ather loun ugceetnent which Borrower entera into with Leadee. I�ader, nt � S,�
<br /> � Leader'a option.mny reqnlre l�orrower ro ex�cute and deliver to I,ender. ia n form ucceptable to Lender,un asalBnmYnt
<br /> of uny dghta,clalma op defenses which Borrower ma►y have ag�last purtiea wbo supply lubar.mu�cr�als or aervic�s ln
<br /> -. ° � c�aAnectloa wlth im}�rave�aents mnde to the PropertY• • .
<br /> . -=�� - Y3. 'Prangfer of the�+ogerty or a Beneficial Iaterest in Borrower,Assumptton• If all or aay p�ct�f the Ptoperty
<br /> r. r�•� or uay lnterest in it ia sold or tronaferred(or if u benefic[ul ineerest ia Horrower is sold or trnnafemed and Borrower le
<br /> � aot u nuturel�rson)without I.ender's prlor writtea coc�ent,Leader may,at Lender's optlon,for uny reason. decluro :,. .
<br /> ' all the sums secur�l by tbis Deo� oi Truat to be inumediatety dne and puyuble. tIowever. tI1�8 Oj1t�0A BbAU AOl �18 �,� •:�fi
<br /> ` ' eaercfsed by Lender if axentse Is FmWbited by Federal lAw us oP tAe dnte of this Dee�of Trust. ��;�
<br /> ' If Lender exeY+cises this opdon�Lender ahcdl Bive Borcower aodce of ucceleratlan. The nntice ahu11 Provida s►perlod ��;.
<br /> � � of not less tbau 30 duya from the dnte the uodce is delivered or meiled v�ithla wlilc�Borrower must pay till sums secured � ,,-�
<br /> .{ by thls Deed of Trust. If Bortower fails to pay in YLII thesu sums prior to tho eapirntion of this pariod, Le�eder may �:�
<br /> , '''� invoke any re�dies PaF�aitte�bY this IE+�d of Trnst wFahout fi�tther nc�tice or demaad oa Eorrower. ��
<br /> , q �+,
<br /> � • i• 'I7da De�of Txust may aot fse asaumed by a purchsiser�ti�it�n�t the Lender's consent. If an assumption is allowed�the .rr,
<br /> h se
<br /> Lender may chaclSe aa assumption fee aad ae�uira the person(aD��E�►B loau to pay additionul chArges os authorized �`
<br /> ar �.•..`_.
<br /> � .. by luw. _ _..
<br /> :i�: •�'
<br /> `�;,;;;: � AR'ITCI.EII �.=
<br /> :;,�r�,,,; . �:�_,_.
<br /> �:".• -
<br /> , „ •�• NON-YJN�'ORM COd�N1�AIVTS. Bomower and Lender Nrther oov��nnt�nd agt�as follows: �';
<br /> ' �
<br />_=-�,. '`►� a�. Ac�i�t€aa;a��i�. J�e l�rM►wer�a 6rea.�of aay covenant or agreemeat of Bon+ower in tD�fs IlD�1 ,—
<br /> ' � ,03 ,'�St,inclecdfqg wlthout Wnitntfon the coveaanb Qm�puy tvhen dus any s�ma under the Note serured�y 2fits _.
<br /> �i of Tnrst. I�ender.at I.euder's opiEon.�s�l�ect tm Sbe�nAowing sastence,mqy decl�oll of the swps secured
<br /> - '� by t61s Dced oi Trust to be immedlute4�+ah��an�!1�►e6le wlthom�emand or notice and way anvo�Ce the powr,�
<br /> , �" �
<br /> of sale�ea�d eRY otttea remedtes peimittal 9�3�uppitca�3e luw.I'rlor tm�ord[ng aW uotice oi dr3a►ult Leader at�aDl -
<br /> . ..',?".f t... . �3ve Ba�rrowe.r aotice ag�dault av required by tur�a�d,in the ovent oi a defaeva3 rnnsisttng on�oi Borrowrr's► _
<br /> ``�'!`���' �Ailun to alOko u requtCe��ny�euA Borrower eha17 a�nce, a9 provided by iaw.muve twenty t?A?days at�ccr sueh
<br /> , ,.;'��s�.�., � _
<br /> . �. nottce t�gtven W cure such defnult by tendering We nmount due Q�3he dma of tho tendrx.wlutotrt acee9eri��lnn, R-_
<br /> , pftts tsn3'unpnid cdnrgfs. AA'ter xecordiu8 o notloe of detnult�Lend�r shaUbo ent[tied to coAed tn such proceeding .
<br /> eq expeusev of lorecdosure, iucluding, but mo! Ilmtted to.reusoncibfe nttorneya' tees or tn�stoe's ond c�sta of
<br /> � ., doce�aiemtary evidcace.abstcacts and tlt4e eeporte.
<br />-�r= :� `J�, If t1t8 power o8 sula is invoked�Trustce ehaU reoord a nodx of default ia each counry ia whtch uny part af the Propeity
<br /> -".,`"'.,:"' ., ls locuted and ahuU m�il copfes oP sucb not[ce In the murmer presserlbed bY apPlicable Inw to Borcowes nad to the other
<br /> ' `"'''"s`L'" licublo law. After¢ho dme re4ui�by appltcuble lew.Tivateo ehaU$ive publia notice of eate
<br />=_ - :.•,.`.-�. . persans prescribed bY aPP
<br /> �.:�.�.: to the persons ond ia tPce maaaer prescrlbed by ePPlicabla l�w. Tenstee,wtthout dsmand on Bormwer.shNl sell the
<br /> I� , • : �
<br /> -. . : �_,,,'�,�s � p�PertY et publla aucHon ta 4he highest bidder nt the dzns azcd place an�under tho terms deslgaiued in the notice o8 eale ��
<br /> : ..�;�`1i.: in one or more purcels aad in nny order Tcustee deiermlues. Tnistee maY Po�tpona sale of uU or aay parcel�?tho --
<br /> � •� • pcoperty by�ublic amiouncement at the time and�lace of eny pnwlousty scheduled sale. I.eader of[ts deaignee may �°
<br />_.`'� . Purchase the Fcoperty nt any sale. -
<br /> _:��._:-�,�.. �
<br />�.;:..,��.;.�K�'°;:�. Tcustee ahntl oPP�Y tl�e suie prooee�ls� fi�st�w�ec c+►stu a,�d axp«�cs of eierclsla�the�oi+ler ef sele�nd of the sale. t --
<br />-��;•�..';`:`.;{= � ;. ent of the Tiustee's fees ac:tuall inewtai uot to excr�d f3ttc�g:�i+cent(t3�5)of the�oss etita}�rio�, _-
<br /> •,���, including the paym Y
<br />,-�,������- �� second, to p�yment of the obltgation axcured by tbls De�d of Ttust,third� tu the paya�ent of juaior aust dceds� __
<br />-`` '" - mortgnges or oWer Ueaholders.aad tDe balance, if eny,to the pe�som or persons IeBaUy endtled thereto. =�
<br /> .• :,�
<br /> K�-_
<br /> r...,
<br /> � � 17. Asslgaffient oY I��r,t��olntmeAt o[Iteceiver. As additionol securlry �ereuader,Bonawor henby assigns to �,:,;�
<br /> ;� . E�eader tha renta of the 4'r�o�acrty.Providsd that BoROwer shall,Prtor to axelett��'3ioa under ptuagcuph 16 hereof or ..; .:
<br /> - . abundonmeaa of th�Propsrty�heve the�Ighs to collect and retain such reats a.�they�eoome daa and p�yable. ,.j .
<br /> . .. �;. . :
<br /> .� :
<br /> , Ugon aooeleratIon under paragraph 16 h�o�mr absmdmaweat oY the Propr.rty,L�tt�to����7��o�►���iver � �;
<br /> ' • �ppaluted by u coutt w en.�+i�pon�take l�ossesston of�nd mann8e the Propetty Po�Y �
<br /> e -
<br /> iar.ludina these p�st due. AIlD reata oollectod by tite t+�Iva sLnll bo�,pnlied fits4 to�rment oY tito wsts of�t1$��nent -
<br /> -� - of the Pmoperty and oollection of rents.tncludiaB,but not timlted ro receiver's feea.prendums on reoeiver's Qonds and �f'
<br />��_ ___ �__,.��,���g+���nA ihpn m¢S�anma secuted bY thls Deed otTcust. Ttie reoeiver sA�l�be liable to aocount �;
<br /> � ___- = - only for those reats actueliy reoeived. .
<br /> � 18. I.oAn Ctwe'Bes. If thd loun secured by tlds Dc�rd of Trust ia subject to u 1aw which seta maximum lo�eJin�ges, ,
<br /> � nnd ttiat inw is fia�llY interpreted so thc�t the interest or other laan chnrga coltocted or to bs colleeted in oonnection with
<br /> th t
<br /> = the loan e�cceed permitted limita.thea: (1)nny su�;h loan charaes nha11 be raiuxd by the nmount neceasncy to reduce
<br /> - ' tite C$ll.s�j8 LO th8 pPtm3tt0d Uilllt:ane9(2)or►y sums u�xcady oollectod from Borrotiver which exeeeded pemn4tsod 1lmits . .
<br /> W�I�C t1Efl1II�t0 I�OTt�OWCI. •
<br />_• '_. �� �
<br /> umvl c►�on r+�a•a� ro�����v�a����
<br />