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e.. J <br /> ; r• ' �. " <br /> 'a1I� • ., �.. <br /> . _:'.=�.-�:.�� __ -- 9�_ scrc�ro2 - <br /> pqrmenu mty no ksaaee 6e roqaitad,ot t0e optinn nP Lender.if mort��c iacu►�nco onvernge tin ihe wmwnt and for the pedad <br /> t1uA L,erider taquine�)ProvlJod by ao incur�er appmvod by l.e�ter�sin ba.�omes availoble and ic ohwinod. &►mnwer shall psY <br /> � - the promlums nequiried to m�int�in mon�s�e inw�anao in afiact. a w provkla u lu»rr�rvC,uutfl the requiroaietrt iur nwrt�e - <br /> _.__� ._�� ilaq�noo etd�ie�w►itb aety writtest t�t�xrpettt between Beymwe►uid Lendcr ur applicalrk I�w. .�_. <br /> 9.In�pecfbn.4render ar its sQent m�y oWce neasotnble eatries upan and inspoetions af the Ptopetry.L.e�der sfirJl�ive <br /> Bormwe�nalioe�t tlie tinte of cx priar u►an inspoctlon tpocityin�rea�oiuble cause far�he im3paYion. <br /> ----- --- 10.Condea�tu�tian.The praraods of any oward or claim far danug�s, diroct or cansequential, in c�mnection wflh any — <br />_ _ _ - c+ondenx�uion or other teking ot any�en of'the Propeny.or for mnvey+�noe 1n liou of a+ndemnwlon,nre hemfiy ar.�igoeA and �--- <br /> °---� --- �Iwll be paid w l.ender. <br /> - .��..---=�--- _=,--� F= <br /> ` In 1he cvau of�total uikin�ot the Property,thc pm�xed�slwll be applied lo�he sums�ecured by this Sxu�ty Instn�ment. — <br /> �� whaher ar not tko due.with �ny excess puid�a Bomawer. In �he event of a partial tuking of thc Pmperty jn which Ihc fair <br />'�k.•. muket value of 1he Propony innriodiately bcfaro the Iaking is equ�l to or greatcr than the umcwnt of the wms secured by this -_ <br /> _ — Secudty Inst�umrnt immediwely beforc tFie uiking.wdc.�sa Bornnwer u�d Lender dhenvfse ag�+ee in wri�ing.the sums secu�by !„F <br /> —=— —_=. — Uhis Securiry instrument sholl be rcduc�ed bp ihe acno�u�t of 1he proeeods rnultiplied by the Polk►wirtg fir�ction: (a) �he total �,�,. <br /> _ _ —= s��auiq of 1he sums socurod inunodiately befare the takiag.div6ded by lb)the fuir market vatue oi'�he�upe�ty immediutely �.: � <br /> befane Ihe taking. I►ny twiance�hull be paid to Bartower. In q6e event of a p�utial t�cirtp�06 thc P►operty in which the fnir " <br /> .,;,, mulcet value o6 ttliee Prqperty in�ntediutely before the laking is less dan�he amount of the uums.securod immediateiy before the —4 <br /> �'''- taking,w�less Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writiog a unless appticab�e law�xlKentiise providex.the proceeds shall �= <br /> �"�= <br /> be�pliad tc�Ihe sums securcd by this Security instrumeM whether or nd�hc w�a�aae then due. �':'- <br /> -�`�� �..4�:', La'`—";- <br /> _ --�-��;}• It the Property is abandanod by if.nfier nai��e by L.ender Ya��rrower 1Enat the rnndemnor oifers to maka nn — <br /> ___�� nw•wr1 ar s�ettle a cldm for damu�e�. Borrower fails to respo�v�w l=.e�xler wi�hin 3I1 d;+}s c�it�r the date the natice is given, -s <br />.— -- - - - Ltmd�e�i��thorized to collect and apply the ils optiEx�.e+Nlfier to rcstorAtton rP�;►aar of the Property or to lhe sums _ <br /> - �ccwrd by this Soc�edty losuument.wheti�ar not then due. <br /> - Unless l.erder and Bomower uthenvise ugror in xmting. any applicu�ion of prac�eeds to princip�e6 �Iwll not extend or ��. <br /> - pcx�pone ttie due date of the monthly payments rel'crred to in parapr�pfi�I ai�i 2 or chunge the amount of such payments. �;:� <br /> -�'� 11,8orrower Nat Rdeased; Fa�bearonce By Lender I�tt a 1V�Iver.kxtension of the time for payment or mod'efe¢�►lian 6- <br /> � of amu�ii�:Nion of the sums secured by this Security Instnrment�r.uvtecD by L.ender to uny successor in interest of Borruw�s shell — <br /> �� t."_�,:: <br /> nat operate to releace the liabil iry of the origlnal Borrower or B�orrowrr's�v:r�essors in interest. I.ender�E+a91 nc�t be required to __ <br /> commence proceading.ay�e�nu any successor in interest or refbse lo exa�ad Maa�k lL�r payment or othen�ase rnudify amortization <br />�-N�. oi Ihe sums socured by this Securiry Inslrument by reason of any dertumc3 made by thE origir�al �rrower or Borrower's �;_r <br /> _r successora in intaest. Am farbr,�e-anrs by I.ender in eaercisin@, a�ry right or remedy sha![ �►x be a waiver of or preclude the :;:. <br /> exercise of an r�ht or riemed �'� <br /> �r,,;., Y B Y• <br /> -_ _ 12. Succescoe��nd A�igac Bwn�ad; Jolat ond Sever�Y A.labl8ty4 Co•stgners. The cn�ensints und agreements of this <br /> � , Security Instrument shall bfnd und bene6t the smccessors attd assipns uf Lender und Borrawer, su�j�ca to the provisions af — <br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's rnvenants and agree�aeen�.v shall be aoinl ancl seveTal. Any Bornower who cn-signs this Secu�ity � <br /> �,: <br /> „'�,• ' Instrument but daes not execute the Note: (u) is m-signing thd�Secuvity 7•r,ilrument anly ta�mortguge, grant and catve� that "'� � <br /> �'.: Borra�v�.er':intenst in the Property under thc terms of this Secw�+ty lnswrnent;Ib)is nne personal�y ot+figated ro pay �t� sums �;�,': <br /> — �-.�,--� - , setun;d by this Sccu�fty[nstNrncnt;and(c)ugrc�that L.endcr snd an�nthes Bano���er mn;•a=rec tu rx:�nd,modify, forbear or <br /> �'; p,� � make any acrnmmaduta�nns with regArd to the ler�i:•.of�his Security InstrumcRt.�r the Note witiFOUt 14oaa Bonrower's consent. <br />`•r ! ''�� 13.I.aan Char�.c.)f�he IoAn seeured by this Securiry In��Nment is subject to u law w�ir'h sets�n�ax�mum loan churges, �#�;"� <br /> '' ' �i`>l_ • <br /> � '"� .. � '� and that law is finully interpreted�:��tha�the intcresi or aher loan charges collected or to he cnllected in ronnection with the '• <br /> ` r,•, loan exceed the permitted limits,t4�en: (a)nny such Inan charge shall t�e reduceJ by the nm�w�ic necessnry to reduce the rh�rge .,,� <br /> `� -.�' .F.'i. . ��` <br /> . i�,, <br />'� ' � '�=r `•'- ��" � to�he permitted Umii:s�nd(b) siny sums already collected fmm Barrow�er which exceeded perntittrd�imits will be refunded to <br />-=,� � -x���. ' ° <br /> �y"�,� Borcower. l.ender mn chewse to make thit retund b reducin the nnci al ��wed under the Note or hy makin a direct ��,�,� <br />,ipi • ,�,�. ,�r:;r . -�, Y Y S p� p' S . <br /> - ,:�' ,ar-`�.;:� paymem to Borrower. If u refund reduces prinriQal, �he reduniun will be �re�tai av u partiW prc�ayment without any i• ' <br />==�' `�'�'�';",'`� �pmp�„*+ment chargc under the Nac. <br /> . . ;�� tr.. � •_ <br /> °." . •Ili.Notices,Any natice to&�rrowcr prrn�idcd f��r in t�ro+s S�urity In+trumcnt,hull bc given by dclivering it ar M}�mailing ��:' <br /> . '' � it by first clns.s mail unle�s applicu4+9e I�w req�aires ust nf ort.+Rk�cr m.�hod. The notirc�I�ull be directed to ahe Pr��pera� .a�Jdress ''�� <br />;,..::f or uny aher addre�c fk,rrower designates by �n�i�r tn i.erxfer. An� M►�e�c in LenJcr shall he given� by first clas� mail �o <br />`:4:.+, �;� i.ender's address stu�cd herein or any other address Lender design�tcs hy r�•tire to&irrawer. Aay nobcc provided ior in this ��- <br /> '�� � ;�'y��+�, Se�vrity Inslrument shall bc decmed to hnve been given to Borrower or Lender��hen given as provided in this paragraph. <br />`.�u� ' .•l.�rit;�� 15.Governiag I.�w; 9• Y R Y �__ <br /> Severabilh Thia Securit Instrurncnt �h�ll he ovemed b fi'cicrrl luw and the law oP the �::� <br /> �L'�' '��s1�f'" jurisdiction in which the Propeny is IacuteJ. In�he event thAt uny provision ur rluuse of thia Security Instrument or the Nwe �� <br />=�''"� %��i conflicts with applicable law,�uch conflict shall not uffect othcr pm�•isinnx of this Sc�uriry Intitrumcnt��r the Nate which can be <br />° "�',��, given effect withaut the canflic�ing provi+icm. To this cnJ�he provicie�m��f this S��uriry Instrumrm an.4�9k!3ote are declared <br /> .,. •,�,`, . to Ue�everabk. <br /> ' ^. ' � . „ .. , li.Borrower's Copy.&irrower ahull be given one co��farm:d mpy��f thc Ninc und af thi.Scrurit� In.�tumcnt. <br /> _-'_.� "�':z=,ti�'.>I�}4't^''�" Form3028 97'.f0 - <br /> T.r. ' � �t:� - Pp�1 W� <br /> '��'i.• �.�, <br /> '�J <br /> � f <br /> � ' <br />.- . , , • ' . ... .. � .� ��.�,�ra••.c=M�f�ri"1�i�'Y'�$�/E�'`�Y�l,tit. ^;'���,�� �yir.��t <br /> ! ' ' � � ' • ' � ..•.ti... . , ,. , ' �fS ��''N'�IIAR°ts.��/. <br /> ���t` 4'_r n• .j•;r�f" '',: . _ ' . . ��:... 1 tiY , ��. � . ���-�t�4iu.aqao�+�E�v'� �_f�..J.F�(•. „4.,. �W+ � '9.��1. S� '�``. <br /> �` ..__���..�;:L�'�.i(�.�'3i�. . � ., �� - <br /> � <br /> _.. ..�.'' r" _ —— .., , " ' " "_ '_' " _" _' ' ' __ __ <br /> .. <br /> . � . ..- . � _-._T _.— .. .._.� . . .. . _ _.... _ _... ._....r._,. ___._._ _'"'._,.__ ._ . .. _ _ __- __ <br /> ""' ,. . . ."' ' "' <br /> . . `. ... <br /> . <br /> _ _`,�.- •. �5.i., . . . . � ' . <br />. �`�1,5 ' ;� . `�� .• u,.. ��,." . ' . -, _ �_ ., ,' .. _. 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