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..4iS•.� . . .- . - .' w <br /> I . ...� �.1.. r • . <br /> � `� ^�`• IW w+'��� _�. __.iau�a_. <br /> -�i. �..P!' p:.a <br /> � ..rl,..._. . _ .. ._ . . . <br /> . . . -. _- . .� _ <br /> . ____- _ _._____ ____. <br /> � —� • .. ...,. <br /> 93- 1��'�r <br /> S. H�uqu�d ar @ropaty In�unaca Boaown sb�ll �eap 1he impmvemenu now cxictln� ur hera er emct on the <br /> - Pn�peny it�wrod�ainct loss by Qne.hua�d� ircludod wl�hin Ihe lerm'ex�ended a►vernge' an�1 any aher husudx, includlnp <br /> �:�„�„�„���,a Ooods or flooding.for whicb l�endtr roquircs inunnoe.This insurancc shall he maintalnai in thc aniourNs�ri for tlk pc�l�de <br /> —�----t--n th�t l.cssd.�r rzyufres. '11te inwr�a►�e.7u�ier puvktiiy{Ihe iu�ui�.ti�twll i�rM�aeo hy &�n�►w�r� wt►hzf u�tA�rlur',u��►u►�,�i <br /> ` ---- which shall nol be u��ly withheW. If Bott+uwcr f�ilr to rn�i�u�in ��nveragc dexdh�f alMa•c, lwmder m�y. w I.enicr's <br /> = aptiun.a6win cavetige ta protecl l.eoder's ri�tps in�he Prop�eny in a��cnnlanoe wNh�ragrs�h 7. <br /> � All inwranue policjes wd rctkwals shall 6e acc�epabie to Lomfer and+Fwll inelude a+1a�xlunl murlga�tr rlaux. Lcn�ler <br /> - sttatl t�ave tt�dght W hoid ihe pa8ci�.:at�d r�.�a•atc.if i.cs�3cz'rcquirts,Rntmw��h,ilt promptly gir:ta l.e:xlt:s!!srreipts of _ <br /> ;� hnid pnmiums and rr��al nmices. In the e�rnl of loc�.Qnrn�wer vh�ll give pnwnpt nntice m 1he imu�Y camer anJ Ixnder. <br /> I.ender mr�y make proaf of loss if na made promptly by Narmwer. <br /> � Unless l.endet iud Bormwer othenvise Agroe in w� pra�oods slwll be appliod la nKt�ration nr n�ir of the <br />- J''_�� I Prope�ty damaged.if the�rstontion or t�epair is ecotamically feasible and l.ender's secu�ity ia nut Iessenad.if the�rsto�tion or <br /> -' ' rcpair is not aronomically feasibk or Leoder's security would bc Icssened.the insur.�nce pmcood�shull t+e applied to Ihc sums _ <br /> `��`�.�"�- se�vred by�his Se►vrity Insuument,whet4er or not�hrn due. with wny eaoess paid to 6omawer. If��rmwer abund�na �he = <br /> .._.N;� - <br /> �:�� Pmperty. �x daes not�wer within 30 dayc A nntice fmm Lender that the inwrance carrier hns oifered�a secllr a rluim.�hen <br /> :'`��wif':� <br /> l.e�der may oolkxt the inwr�u�ce pra�eods. Lender irwy use the procceds tu repGir or �rs�ore the Pmpeny or lo puy wms <br /> i 'R,�r�.�:��s sa.�wod by�his Se�vriry Inst�ument.wdether ur not�hen due.The 30day periad will t�ip when Uie naice ia given. _ <br /> -.�,�.'r,�`� ��,'w";,,�' Unless l� and Bomower ahervrise agroe in writing. any appliGUion oi'pm�eds to prirt�cipal shall not eate�d or <br /> ��`�';� � �s.- ne the c�n�e date of the monthl• � - <br /> ,�`',.� postp� ) paYments�femed to in paragrrphti 1 and_ ar change�he wnaunt of'the p;�ymeds. li' <br />-.;'�;�:��. . "�.. _ <br /> .�,��r � m�der p�agrsiph 21 the Praperty ls acquired by I.e�der. Bormwer's rigiu to�nX imurance policies and pr000e�is resulting Prom - <br /> ',+'- dwc�na�g,e w the Praperty prior ta the aoquisitian shall p�s�w lxnder a tbe extem oi'the wmc secur�ed by�his Se�curit}r Inst�ume�t = <br /> :-.;`"- - -- ie�uuediately priot to the�oqelsiti�►n. =' <br /> ,.;,;;;;'f',�? �a � � : ,(.. 6. Oocu�aac�,Pr+eaervadoa,Matute�wpce And Protectian of t4c P�aperty:Borrower's I.oaa Applicatiun;l.easel�ala�s. -: <br /> _�„aS�' •.° .' u,�s Bortower sh;dU orr,u�y.estAblish.ud use the Property us&�muwer'z Qric�:fipal residence within 4i�ty daya afler�he execvtion nti - <br /> . u <br /> '�`•� ' � lhis Securi laaavmen wid s�ll continuc to nccu the Pro tt ur[i�.x��c+v�er's rinci rcsidence for ut least ane esu after -- <br /> .. �::..•, �}' PY Pe Y P P� Y _ <br /> ;p ; �he date oF occup�uncy,un�e.�L��der atherwise agrees in writing, whia,�oc�m.ce�a�1 not t�e unrGUOnably withheld,or unless = <br /> • `'�;.. " excenuuting oircu2a+sl�ncrs ezist which are beyond BoROwer'4 rnntro4. �arrcmez ;'�all not destroy. dam�ge or impair the � <br /> •,"�' � " • ` Property. alMau �14e Properry tu deteriarat�e, ar commit wuste on tl�e pro�eny. �B�rrawer shall be in defouU if uny forfeitu�r = <br /> ,• , n��y� : `".� action or prasu;J�ag, whe�her civil or crimi�l,is 6egun that in�ie:r':puod faith judgment could result in forfeiture of thr � <br /> • .'t,���� :.. "� Pn�erty or oqCierwise materially impair the lien created by Ihis 5ecwrit�. nnv�rument or I.ender's security interest.Rornnwer may _ <br /> "'� "'" cure such a default and reinstate,as rovided in h 18,b cau�d�n the action or roceedin to be dismissed wlth a rulin <br />... . �;:7:��.�• ,��, P P��roP Y � P 8 8 = <br /> - � � � �at, in l,end�r's detennination, precludes forfeiture oP tYte�Borrower's interest in the Property�►r�wher material - <br /> -_ ��y irn�tirnxt:i t:�a�c licn crcaicd by this Sccuriry{nsttumcnt or i.en�es', ;ecurity iqtzrest. i3arrouer shall also tk In def8uli ii - <br />'- • �..��-'.,�.��•'s. ,,�,"' Borrower,du��ici��he loan application process,gave msiterially falsc.�!r de�accumte infom�stion or statemems to Lender lor failed - <br />�� . � �� •�' •;,;'� _� �o provide l.ra«t:c a•ith any material infarn�utionl in connection with el�:loun evidenced by the Note,including,but not limi�� = <br /> �.`' •"• , ,�,., to, reprc.senta9a�n.s c�mnce�ln�Borrower'�ocrupancy of the Propeny AS n rriACipaO re�idence.If this Security Instrument is on a '- <br /> . .;,..�. <br />.��: :�; lea.�eix�ld. Enrrower ehxCC ,wm�ply with nU the provisinns of thc lcu�e. lf Barrowcr acquir�es fre tide to the Property, the ` <br /> �-- h- '*r � lea.ehold and the tee tple gha9� nal mcrge unless lxnder s►grees to the�e�ergcr in writing. _ <br /> • ee <br /> �" 7.Aratectios�ot Lender's Rights in the fhnperty.If BoROwer taiY:to perf'om�the covenants and ugrecments contaiae�N iae <br />