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f.,�: � , . ;.i�; <br /> �'�t� . .:�f.i:4JP .� ti.r... / . <br /> -. . ,A � ',5' .�.. . � � , <br /> � <br /> '� � `• - --- <br /> .w <br /> . •n - <br /> �:__ i93- so�oz <br /> _ LL��LL�.._..:�-. <br /> :.--= -_.r:�:..�,�� <br /> l�.7'�nder ol tbe P�+o{Ktly ar�Bq�dklnl lnterect in Borro�rer. If all or uny pnn af the Prr►pe�y ar uny lntcast in it --- <br /> is sald ar Innsfemcd lor iP a bcneficial interes�in&xmw•er is sotd or uansfemetif und&�rrower is na a na�u�l persan)without <br /> - _ -- — I.ender'e priar wcinen cans�nt. I.ender may, at its optinn, nquirc immediate puymenl io full uf all sums secund by �hiR �- <br /> - Secudty launinmt.Hawever,thia aption shalt nat be excrcisd by Ixnd�r if exoni►c iw pmhibited by fedoa+l I�w o`of the date <br /> _- - -- - oi tbis Sa��u�i�y In.liunxnl. �- <br /> - If l.eader eRercises this aptian,I.endu siwll give Barrowa rxNic�of acceler.�tion.The niNi��e siwllpm vide a pe�i�d of nM <br /> - less tfwn 30 days fn�m �he�We�he natic�ic delivered or myilal within which Bu�niwer muct p�y nll sum�secured by this — <br /> • Socudty�rn�wer P�fl�to pay�hese sums priar to the expim�inn of thia�riud.I.rnJer ms�y im�oka any remcdies __ <br /> � ` pormiltod My Ihie Securit InslrumeiN withaut futther n�►tico o�demond an Qorn�wer. -- <br /> ;° 18. Bornn►�a''c i�6i io Aeir�tr. if Borr��war meets certain cnix3id��rt�. R��c���w�ei �haQ liuv� the �ight to havc <br /> '--�-�� enfarccment of�his Serunty Inslrument dirccmtinued at any time prior to�he earlirr nf: lul S duys I�r wch other pe�ind as �-:- <br /> ' ppplicabk low may spocify for �instatament) bofom swk of ihe Pmpeny purr�wnt �a any power of wle contuined in this `^- <br /> _ .n � — Socu�ity Inc�nimtnl;qr(b)eatry of�judgmam enforcing this Saunty Instrument.Thosa conditionr nre thot iiorruwer:la)puys <br /> Lende�all r�uma w8ich the�would be due under Ihis Secu�it Instruntent and the Note us if no uccelerntion hud occuRed; lb) �`�-�` <br /> Y a�L_. <br /> -i"-��,� r cures any defauN of any other covancints or agreemem�: (c) pays all expenses i�cumed in enfon;ing �his Secudry Instrument, �_- <br /> ;.;"_�.�� including. bu� oot Nmited to,nea�sonnble uttorneys' feea;und (d1 tuk��s Ruch Acti��n as Lender muy rear�nabl�nYyuire to as.sure ����: <br /> ---- - �hut the lien of this Securitar Instn�metit.I.ender's�ights in the Pmpeny nnd Bc�rn►wer s oDtigati.x�tu puy�he surm secarccl by �;� <br /> �`° - . .. ` this Securily I�twment st�ll continue unchongod. Upon rcinruuement by Born�wer. �his S�-uriay Instmment and U�e -- <br /> —���'.��. ,-�-•����� obligaticns securod heneby sfmll remvn fully ei'fective as ii nu avicekrs�tbn hwl uccume�i. However. thi�right a reinstate siwl! ��=': <br /> -..u,�_ <br /> -R , na ap{►ly ia the case oP acceReration uader parrgraiph 17_ --- <br /> .a'�;� '-•�+��• '.' 19. Srle ot Note; Ch�e at I.aAa S�.wicer. Thc Nde ur a panial interest in the Nwe ltogether with Ihix Seruoty �. <br /> = Inunu�tentl may be sold one or morc times wilM�ut priar nWice�o Bnrruwer.A salc muy rewlt in s�change in�hc�ncicw(koow� �J <br /> "�-J�:`�j+`� As 4he"Lo�n Servicer")that rnllects monthlY paYments due under the Note und�his Scruriry Imtrument. Therc u�:<�,�mat t�w�r �:T <br /> - t:...:.�' ;. . - <br /> � ' or rnare ciwnges of�he I.aan Servicer unrelated to a sale oP the Nnte.lf there is a change of lhe L..�wn Servicer.����a cr u�tE be �,,� <br />- �'�"" { given writtrn ndice of the clrange in sr��nxdance with paragraph 14 above and upplicuble law.The noti�r wiU xtat�ahr mame arnf --_ <br /> -- address of�he new Loan Scrvicer and thc ucldness to which pavments shauld be nwde. The notice will s�IW�c�+n any nt3kr �-_ <br /> �;;';°�!� ,:;�.� � '' '� infomwtionrequired by ap(�aic:�bCe law. "-�- <br /> :'y?,�, � �LS`i�k�:; 20. Ilpza�dnus Substr�woec, Born�wer shall not causc or pertnit the presence, u�;e. dispcisul. storsigc, or re�eaxc of um• �,'_` <br /> :j ,, .s�:t;; liarnrdous Subslunces on �pr er.� t.he Property. eorrower shull not do. �xv alluw aoyone else to do. �nythin� nRfec�in;g +he T,f <br /> ��1•`: ��•.. Property that is in violaliao af Any �ncit��nmental Luw. The precedinK two sentencc�c shull not npply to�he pr�ence,u.+c, oc �.s, <br />`- i;t • <br />:� �:•... � . • uoruge on ihe Fn�perty of small yuunaaaEc� ati Hazotdous Subc�ance�that ure g�nerally recogniud t�be approprisue tn tw�rma! <br /> �;:,s,�.• � c <br />.�.S.i;t`ci��i' � S-4tr c?vi. <br />...F�,,,,• ���+.. residentia!useh�:-+c1 co maintenance of Ifie�Properly. �.,.1= <br /> Bomower ahall promptly give[.ende� «ri�ten notice of uny inves�ig�tion, cluim,denwnd, IuwsuH i�r nther .nrti,m by an}� � <br />--'=��� � •.,.,;�• •` gar�rnmenwl or regulatory• agency or privatc Qahy involving Ihe Propeny and any HAwrdouz Substuncc or Environmcmuf �.uN• t�?: <br /> .�°ti���:�;•�:,-. <br />-_,;,,��^ - ' c+R which Borrower hsi.s uctual knc�wledge. B6 8orrower is ncHified by any governmentul or re�ulato�� authorit}•, thAt <br /> r..: <br />.-Nli�;� �;�,;,-tl:��' ,`,5 any removal or aher remediation of any&4;uardaus Substunce uffecting the Propeny is necesgary,Bc►rmwer shull�promptly tal�e �. <br /> : �J�� '.L • •�;;�, -,;t All oecessary remedial•�ctions in acco�daaue��+th Enviranmenwl ��: <br /> ���- � A�used in this p•rrn�rpph 20, Hux7QClous SuMtances' ure ttasc subslunces definecl as tuxic or hazarJuus �ubs�unce� hy e�:��_� <br /> �"��°` „ i:���{fUliflii(Ntl= 1.AiM afid (ii�ia�ni�tR'iii SUi�ii3tICC5: �SDI�i1C. �CTOSCTIC, other f��.^�.�`!t O! lL�!pL' �l'If4�C11!!1 P f�M�llCI�. 1["�fC �--- <br />.'� �• fi�'�'� ^�"""'�'� ' � ' � ' ►, EFf�`. <br /> �•� f Fe�ticides and herbicides,vrdaaed�sulvents,1nAteriul�co�t:�3ning asbestc�s c�r formal..�h�J-�,anJ rudioactive muteriUls.A�used in <br /> �,.;,'t�� d'��'�S;i;��`��;.'• �` _��' tl�is parogrnph 20. "Enviror.m�:�tal•" meam federa7 taw�vnd lutiti•+af the juri,diclion whcre the Propert} is Ic�catecE that �`. <br /> 4��, ,,f�a���4�;s��j� � °',, �elute�o health_sa6ety or environmemal pi�tcction. �}� <br />___:,:,,..,�t ,,. , E '�`; NON•UtiJFY�RM CUVENANTS.B��rro«cr und Lender Punhcr.•r�•cnunt und agrec uti follo�tis: �,a <br /> `-�t _ � ,'.1. A�eefera4Eon; Remcdf�.Lender tit�a1�g�ti•c R�t(ee to Borru�rer prlar to:�rreteradnn f+��tc��cln�Barrc+�:cr's brcnct� E-- <br />-�;�'��{. �� �� --��L ��� " �+P nny covenant ur agreement in thls Securily In.strumeM (6ut not prior to Acccleratton w�dcr pwrs��r,a,p'h 17 unless <br /> � ��,:' Y;�"�� +r. upplireble law provides otberwl�cl. The notice shall speciPy: (ul thc def�ult: (b) Ihe action reya�ired to cua�z Ihe default; ��� <br /> "";;,;�; " �"�"' - (c) s�data�not less thun 30 day�s imm the date the natke Is givea to li�rnnwrr�b�•whlch the�eY�ult must be cured; and <br /> ��?u�}�`�� (d) tlwt faNure to cure the defvult on or before the date specl0ed in the notice may result�m acceleration of'the sums ,•H <br /> ��: � � :'.�y,. isecured by this Security In4lrument and wle oP the Pmperq. The notice shall fu�ther inPorm Borrower oi'the rl�ht M �f;Y; <br /> „ , :--� � relnstate aRer tccelerAtlon end the rlght tn bring a court acNan to a5sert thc nnn-exlstence of e default or any other ���_, <br /> `�.�:<< .,��:�:' � �'� dePense ot Borro�+�er to uccekrallan and sale. If the de�AUlt is not cured on ar befom the date specified in the notice. --: <br /> 1w �' �±y��•�m � ,� I.ender, at its aptlon� may�eqa�re immedlate paym�nl in full oP all sums s��curccl by Ihis Secu�ity Instrument withuut <br />_ . ''ST''..� ..=: -'+�'r.' •�,:` <br /> ;�� turther deiaand�nd ma�� 9av�akr th�power of sale and any otner remedte!�pernilt�ed by applicahle aw•.I.ender shall be <br /> ! .:�r, <br />�?iS�,'� •`��'" entitled to rnllect all expensec�murred in pur.suMR lhe remedie.r•pre.ided In thir para�n�ph 21.includln�,bu1 nnt Ilmite�l S=`; <br /> ,?; ,��� ++:., � <br /> 'C•� `� '��•.�r� to. reasonablc attnrneys fees t�nd cost.c a�P�a¢ae evfdence. <br /> '•i�`''�"'• If thep�w�er ot sale is invoked �'ru�lee shall recard a notir�+�]'default in cuch cuunty in��•hkh any parl of Ih� <br /> ::..,�.;;, � <br /> -°�u.r�'_r .f , , Rx�peny is Ircated and s�.u!! mall coptes of sucB notice in Ihe manner pre,cril�d by applicable Inw to Ho�rrower and to �°�- <br />..',�,y.� - _ :: <br /> ,�,,; , ";t:�r;. the dher personv prcscrltoed b�•applicAble In�r.After tMe time reyuind b� applicable law�.TruSt�rs6oll gi�c public notice �, <br /> ,m�.•,. <br /> :;,_ ,,� uf sA9e to the persons an�0 an the manner prescribed by appllcs�hlc lu�ti• Trustee. �vithou!dernand on Bom��ser. slwll sell <br /> `•''�� tbe�h�opertv al public auriion to the highest blddcr ut 1hc time and place und under the tcrmx dcsi�n�led in Ihe noti��e oP <br /> ;�,.. <br />,°�:__s"L�t., -�' U'=�- - <br /> �� •� • a`•��:t�� "='• sale in one�morc parcels and in anc�urdcr Tru.�tec dcte�nin�. Trustce mar� p�ntpmc�k uf All or �ny ps�rrrl uf lhc <br /> '�l`i.: ' "�`:��•";.. ' �'op�Y bY i�blk annnuncement at !@�e timc and placc of um pmvi�rotil�� scheduled wle. I.endrr or it� designec may . <br /> °-a�y� . .- iY-�. - <br />_," ' ,�s���� �'r'jk-� 1��'nhase 16e Property u�aa�►sale. .ci�. <br /> 'v , l.{ <br /> �, ;'� $�,y�{!¢l'p"r'�f,��j� <br /> r� �t1�A�M•in4, . . , �'��. <br />:.F � ,s <br /> . �; ' ,, <br /><`�15� .� , ��'2.; ' .5 Form3028 98'0 :% <br />,_... �,t;.,,�.;:�_�x, ad9.e o•,e ��: <br />"'" , {�? .°' . �, ' <br /> y�� •.;�; • <br /> }!', .. �e'�" <br /> �`` ,: "` <br /> .� .�' .7• �. . ' <br /> �' <br /> �'U}�1�;��. �.r't.. ��a�._„� 1 ._ .. . .,.t..y...,11,�l�ik.... '.. .u,r::F.w�..�y��.l�tl'„- ,�(�' (�k�il.�.�(' <br /> '�! •�.i �:;e;,:;,•_�.. , , . . . . <br />'''' :,;':,''`' . . �"C , ' . ' . . ;'•:' _ • <br /> .,..•:� ci.�;�j+,��,` � •..: • . • . �..•• • . , .. �. <br /> � <br /> . <br /> ' . .• ....,...,. . a. � <br />�'-`.'-s � • ��y.,�,�i+'�:��4�;�-- .. . . . <br />-��.� <br /> .�;___ <br /> � : • `,3 • , •. ' �. -----,. .... . _ _ .. . . . .. ::��, - - <br />��. • ..�. .��"' " .o. ' .. .. {�� ' . . _.� . � . �_ � _ � . . . ... • . <br /> �Y. �. � ' . �-F ' ; - i. . . ..� . -_ .. , <br /> .. � �� . . . • � . . � . <br /> I,'k` „ ' ,�'�+'. � ., ,. , , • .. • <br />, . :��. , . . . . , <br /> - .• � ' y � ��i��' .. . .. . . ''r�" , - ,. . <br /> ..� ' �,• _ ".�,.�'iirc � , !°. .._, . . , , .ti. .� <br /> e.�, . . . � ' � � ' <br /> ,' � � , � <br /> �" _ y — --�_._.. ----- — -- <br />