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, _ ._ . <br /> --- i' i",,,•' , . .. . ,, <br /> �-Y. - � � +r-i � . <br /> ..tI ' 1 �� `xty ^. . .. <br /> �l � . ' _M�hy�� ~ •��'. . <br /> ~'"' Rf! �a'j• -- <br /> � - <br /> ---.i __�:.:�_'�,�� .. ��._ <br /> -=-- 7�0(iE7718R WITH dl 1hc improvamentc now or haeaHer eteclod nn 1he propeny.and�Tl�eac�pr�et�ts,appu��na�,an�l —_ <br /> - -- Ralu�es now on c�re�fter a p�rt af�he propenY. All t�cplocrmams und addi�i�nx �I�all �I�n he rnveraf by lhir Sav�lty - <br /> I�sdument. All oi thc fore�oi�g ia�cfen�ed�o in this Socudty Inu�umetn ac�he'Pn�pehy.' `�_� <br /> —�:•:. BOItROWBR C'OVE(�iANTS liwt Borruw��is I�wfully scisod�t the cstale hcKb1;cnneeyed ar�d ha.9lhe right to gmrx and �-_ <br /> -- ---- amvey the PropeKy ami�hat 1he Propc�ty ia unem�um6erod.exoept for encumMranres af nr.�nrd. Bmm�wr�wanantr wd will <br /> defend generally the tidt w�he PropeTty�gwi�t all claims ard demarwic. �ubject tn An�eocumbrance���f trmM. <br /> THIS SECURITY INS7RUMENT camhines ur�fam co��enantE fi�r rwtinnul u�;c and onmuniform cnvcnrM�wi�h I�mitod �-- <br /> - -- — - variatians Gy ja�is3ictia�to ransiim�c a unifmm sae:ritY fnstrnment rnvering►m�l�y�eny. ---- <br /> n <br /> '� MI <br /> �_�---- -.-_- ---- UNI�ORM COVENANTS.Bnrn+wer and l.rnder covcmnt atrf agrce m.fallaw�: _- <br /> 1. P�yaKM at PMacipd and late�eett Pr+ep�ywwM �d wtc Chwrge�. Bnrnnwer siu�l pmmptlY paY Wh�m duc the `� <br /> _ • .. principal af and intercst an�hc dCbt cvfdenood by the Note and any PnepuYmem und lute charge�due un�ie��he Nae. --„- <br /> ::"'�;;.,,, 2.IUnda for Taxes aad Itaurance.Subjal to appli�ble I�w ur to u w�inen waiver by l.ernie�. Bi►rn�u�er atwll pay Io �....- <br /> __ � L.rnder on the duy montfdy pwyments a�c due uoder the Nde,until the Note is pnid in full,a sum('Funds'I for:lal ycarly lax� =; <br /> �,,���::� and assasments which r�wy a�u+in priority over this Socurity Instrument as u lien on the Pmpeny;�bl yearly Iwschold puymentF <br /> �. •. ,��:�,,,, or gmund rcn�s on thc Pmpeny,if any:lcl yearly hazA�d or pmpeny ins.urnnce prcmiums;ldl yc�rly Oad insuran��e prcmium�. �� <br /> �;'s� ' � ii'any; lel yearly mortgage icmuran�c prcmiums, if nny:omi(f1 Any sums pAyable by Bormwer�o Lcnde�. in ucmrdanre wlth _ <br /> _�:_ , *� . the provisionc of poragraph lieu of the payme�t af mongage insurance pmiuums.7'hese Items Are calleJ "Fscrnw Items." � <br /> ltnder may,at any time,collact and bld Fund�in o�umuunt no�ta eKC�od 1he maximum :mr►u�u s�lender far u federally ■�-. <br /> �--- . mu <br /> �`` �,;::�p.�-T.- relwed mortgage loan may r�quire for Bormwer's escrow acrnu�a mrler the Cederd Rr,iJ E�t:�te SenlemeM Pmoadures Act of � . <br />.�L:.�� tAi�l� .. I'i. <br /> �;� ,..:,.,;�• 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Scction 2bOt et .sey.1'RFSPA'�,unless�wher I�M �h:u applies ta�he Funds ,.;. <br /> ��d � �.`�,�' setx a lesser amount. li'w. I.ender may. at any timc, collec�wd hold Furd�in un amount na lo e�ceed thr le.�er�naunt. <br />.��... ;.`'' Lender may estimatc tFr,e�rmunt of Funds due an the basis of rumed da�aml rc�nable zstimates of cape�diture,c a(fwuae � - <br /> --"�°'T-- y---•irtlP'1��1 Escrow items o�aheravuar uu�a�w�uni�we with appf�c�bie fatis. <br /> t � �^ �� ;�'�� r h a l l b�e h e l d in an insti t u tion w h o s e d e p o si ls a a L i n s a e d b y a f e d c r a l a g e n c y. i n s t r u m e n l a l i ty. � e r�c i¢�. ��, <br />:,.s..t:;t, • ,�. �a��'. 7Ue �ucw[s <br />-='�"•.t. . '•'_`�:',�,;:��';;F'�`�' t inc l u d ing G xa t�er.i i I,.e r.+�ea i s s u c h a n i n s�i t u�i o n l o r i�a n y F e d e r a[H r+m i e L o a n B a n k.l.ender shal l a p pl y thr Funds to p w� d�: �� <br />�.��� •.'£ Escrow Items.L.ender i�n!•ntix c e Borrower for huNdin and 1 in th�Fwn�fs.annuall w�al zin the�crow account.or �:_� <br />: .�' ' �B � �PP)�� F Y Y B <br /> k �;zj r'` ��.. �'<' �•eri m the Escrow la�:cn:..vnless I.ender s&�rc�a-�r intercst an the Fund+aa�u7 A licable law rmits L�rue,lcr to make such `"° <br /> �++�i #�t d , fY� B PaY PP Pe <br />:";°. � �' •,,•;r�� a chuge.However,l.ender may requi�e Borrowe�t�pay a one-time clwrge for aQ+irwiependent rcal estute talc reporting service —�—;�- <br /> ,�,.� . ;, �s <br />� • r , � �;,,:�� used by l,erder in connectian with �his loan. unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is rnade or <br />•��• " - ''k� }`� applicable luw roquirea imerest to be p:Qid.L.ender shall nat be required to pay Bormwer riny intercs�or eamings on Ihe Funds. �'_� <br /> .;:�:.:�. • 4•"�:� +at Bonower and l.ender:►�}�agree in wtit�ng, however,that interest�hall be paidl cece Ihc Funds. l.�nder shall give to Borrower, <br />;`+�� • ` ' ���:"`�°•� without ch e un onnw�Al uccountin af Ihe Fund., chowin credits and debit.�t.�the Funds nncl the for which exh �� <br /> . �:.+s �'8 • 8 8 P��� <br /> °• "i c!ebit to the Ftissds was madt.Tht Rolxil�'�!t}�ledgM ai i�ditional�eruriw fnr all cum.c securod by this Security Inslrument. ��Y <br /> _ ..,,.: _ '��—r._f'�-; ' _ <br />"'i� "> �,;�n--r,� c If Ihe�unds held by l.ender ex�et+G!thr amounts pumitle�t r.0 4►:held by applicable law.I.ender.hall uccount to B��rn�u�er �: <br /> �� <br />?%,��',,," s'` .r��`�'r�4 for the exa,;.:Funds in accorclnnc�w�,C� t�`+e�equi�e�xa�as�'t apg+CieA.'�:� iaw. If�he amcwnt of the Funds held by Lender at,.nny = . <br /> ' t'V�'. :�•;;:;,�4r.�. tdane i�noi sufficient to pav the Escrow flems when�:G:e.Lender rnn� x+notify Borrower in wrning. and,in�uch�se&��rawer ;,, <br /> �.���� •!��"` • ' '��+'' x•'�ull pay to L.ender the a:r�a�nt necetisary to m•rke up��e deficie�3�. 8urruwer shall make up�he deficie��• �+�na more than :�;�t <br />=sh:. �i';1��:: � �ti+":` <br /> _-- �-,,..-;:;.., ..�.����,., .: tw�lve nanthlY PaYn�nts,at l.enJcr'.uil�disrretion. ;•)� <br /> ' � .,`;f�i •.�_, �.�f. � '1:�. <br /> , ,�, Upon payment im fuli of ull +ums ,ecured by thiti Security On+��mem. lxnder shull pnvnpdy reiLnt3 tu Borrawer any f�; <br /> ' 'Q•. " 't" •�+ ��"':�' Funds held by Lender. DS,.under p:�rugraph 21,L.ender shall acyuire or sell the Pnipeny,Lendrr.�sfiar to�he acquisitian or sale ��:` <br /> n"�1'•--"w : �� of the Propeny,shall apsph•any Funds hcld by l.ciuier at the timc of acquisition or sule as a credi�agains�the sumz secured by ' <br /> +�=t: "��,:� '•.:�:,� this Sc�curity Instrura�cc�c. �`- <br /> � '3 : #��?!••..� ':�:" 3.Applkatlaa d'4'Ag�men4s.Unless applirnble law pn�vidc�othenviur,all puymcnts received by Lender under parngrapha - <br /> __,;� , -`,•`��.'�'�'•'""' f ond 2 shaCa tK a� any prepaymem charges due unJer the Note: � s�mcwna. pnyable under paragr,iph 2: <br /> `==j��, third. ta i�nce�ssa due:fn� prinripal due:and uny late ciuuges due under the N��e. �.,� <br /> �j�,�,.�.s,i <br /> , �. 4.C7�e�g�s; i.�eto.s.Bonowtr tihull puy all tuxes, susessmentn, chargez, fincti unci impn,ia:or+ attributable to the Pr,ogen��: <br /> `:i;> :•:6��<<� which may aualn pri���n,� nver this Security Ins�ru¢ncKai, uad I�a.khold p•ryrn�nt. or grnurul rems, if a�:�. �1nmwer shull pcs;. <br /> ���•�; �T�#t- .� . •these obligations in thr manner provided in p�uagru�C�:,or if no�pa'td in tha�m•rnner. &ttrower�hu1)puti theae.�r,titne dircctly � <br /> ''y,� ' ��(, ,i �, to�hc persnn owed payment. &inower s?�all pmmpr7� Pumi,h tn 2end.r all notirc.�►I'anxwnt�lo I�e�id under�his parogmph. - <br /> � '�`,k lai:h l,�,;, <br /> � ` '• ��"��'� If Borrower m�kes thece paymentt directly. &�rruwer shall promp�h lurnish tu I.cnJcr rccript. ��iilencing�he p•ryments. <br /> � �,. • ,•,•l+a;; ',�" • •'�• ��,: <br /> � a ,�)��:_�,:: �. <br /> •�,ti,;;�' , ��� � , ,;''` BaROwer shull prc+mptly ditichurge•rny lien which ha�priority uver thi,S�tiuri�y In�trumrnt iinit�s Borrower:lal agrees in �,`�, <br /> r:.„_�.. .��t.•' ' L'. . <br /> _,-, ���� �;��; writing to the paymenl ot'the obligatinn xcurcd by the lien in a manner acrepwble to L.enJer: lbl cunl�wts in�.�wJ fai�h thr lien ,�y <br /> `a " ' by, nr defends again+t enforccn�nt of �he licn in. I��al pnxc��ling+ whirh in �he lanJcr'. opinion operate to prcvent thc �r., <br /> ' !� a~�;�� enforeemeeN of the liert:or Ir)xcurec from the h��IJer of the lirn ae ugreement wtitifactoq•ai I.rncicr sutx►rJin•rting�he lien to �*��'� <br /> " v,lt...,�f�}. i``_ <br /> ';'��". .' .� �S�;r.4'+;`ti this Sraur.�rr. Inrtrunknt. If l.enJcr deterniinc,�hat any pan e�t al•��F'r�xny i..uhj��l ti,a licn whirh may attain prinrity aver �,.�;: <br /> �`�..., •'a.:'3�`" +���° Kl�iv S�runc� In,tniment.l.cndcr nw}�gi��c&►rrower a nolicr i�;:rYrl':,ng 1hr lien. Hurruwrr,hull ,uu.fy the licn or wkc one ur E�`.�'`; <br /> Gktf ' i:. �ir�{� � J`,r•war mure of the actions set tonh a6ove within IU day.uf ehc g�•bng i�f ttt711CC. ,�' :, <br /> ,, („s;,��'i; .rc.i ; •��� <br /> �:,j�� .' .r,±,f�...;!`{°;3„ ' Fomt 3028 8/90 ,°' '', <br /> _.l``._" .�Y'(J' '/ V" <br /> •.p , i•;�s�.� t'�� !+' P�`°�6 ��- <br /> u �l�i r: �•`_ <br /> #: <. 7'i� �_y�} �;P : • .. <br /> ��_ _�� 44ti!}���• �"i�: <br /> �� :<��rt k� �: <br /> '�.� 'i�, u� t���r ,:!'"�� ` <br /> S '11{ <br /> ��:.• <br /> ` 'd.p' I�f'` ��,.�t <br /> i���.�. �I r.�" f� '•w � . . . 1'�7F..p@.ij}i!CM�ir/[VS�7l�i�a�t.'.�:' ' '��' .1➢L:J'Jf'1.'.� �'� , �_ <br /> . �� �n. ,�}�.�.r � .`�r; . . . 1 . � F4':1J1�i�W'�'Or:.�l�,�..: <br /> . , .o, v• _•�.�i��i; � ' , 1� . ,�.i. . _ . -t�. ../,f: <br /> :� . ,t' '�.;�•'�'�'`; �/'�� . _ .. ��'+ -, � - . ;�. . • <br /> � . . , <br /> . . . , <br /> ,,. - ': ,i�.. - . - . . . <br /> �.. �..M��.,,'L�_�_���\�� •, , . .. _� . :: .. -� - <br /> .- �4. _ ' __ __,_— _:.:... , . _ . . . - .. , , . - <br /> ..J.. ' I�,• • .. . ,' ' •i, .. .1 � : � . <br /> r�_ <br /> ,�� <br /> ..� . . ' , �i .. . "I, '_' �. <br /> . i �� �� . - . � .. -1 . <br /> . .� ., .. . � ., � , � .. <br /> ' � �.�! ' �. . . . . <br /> }- y' a . �., •�'. <br /> i � 'U�. .. . '�:t . _ .. ' � . -.1� ' . <br /> ��] J .F��1'�` � , •, - . , ' 1 �• � � I ' �' • <br /> � �'� r . . . � <br /> . l'. ' �� . 'v�� : ' . . - � � � <br /> ��', , . <br /> . � � <br /> ..• <br /> _ � .. . _.._ . _ _ . . ___.._ _ __. . ---- - -- -- - --------'---- ._- °------- - - -J--� A__. <br />