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<br /> • ni the opttan of l.ender, if mart�ago insuranc�i c�veru�e (in the nmount nnd tor the pertod thnt l.ender requires) � '4,
<br /> �rovided by an inaurer eppwved by Lender sgein becames uvuil�ble and ia obtained. Hanower shall�ay thc:premiume � , �r
<br /> ,, � � required to maintain moct�age tnsuranao in etPect,ar to provide u loss reserve,until tho r�quirement for mortgage � �,
<br /> inRUrunce ends in accordence with any�vritten agreement betweon Horcower and l,ender ar c+pplicable law. �
<br /> � � 9. lnspectlan.l.ender ar ita ap;ent may make reasonable entries upon and insp�ctions ot tlie Property.l.end�r shall
<br /> give Borra�ror notice at the time of or prior to an inepection specifyin�reasonable causa for the inapectinn. �
<br /> l0. Coademnnti�n.'The proceeds ot nny awntd or claim for damnges,direct or consequentiel,in cannectinn with ,`'.
<br /> .� any condemnotion or other taking ot any part of the Aroperty,or tor conveyance in l�eu uE cunJCmnatiun,ar�ti�reb� �p _w,,_:
<br /> assi�ned and shall be paid to l.ender. �=
<br /> �� In the avent oi a 4otaf tekin�ot the Property,tha proceeds ahall be applied to the sums secured by thiR Security •°�
<br /> --::';��! Instrument,w hath�r or not then due,cv ith any exces�paid to Borro�vRr.In tha event of a partial taking of the Property in ;_':`
<br /> " � , .;.,,���, which the fair murket value of the YropeRy immediotely before tha takin� is equal to or greater than the nmount of tha ",��
<br /> � ` sume secure� by ttiis Security Inatrument irnmediately befora the taking,unless$orrower and Lender otharwise agree ,,r,
<br /> • � in wrttin�,the sums secured by t}iis Security Instrument shall be reduced hy the amount ot tho proce�ds multiplied by _
<br /> �� � '` the 4ollowing fruction: (a� the total amount oi the sums gecured immediately betore the taking,divided by (b)the isir .-;.W
<br /> ` � market value of the Peaperty immediatety betare the taking.Any balance shall be paid to Bonower. ln the event nf a �,'__
<br /> � + �rtial taking oi the Property in�vhich the fcilr market value o4 tho Property immediately before the taking is less than =,.__
<br /> ' the amaunt oY the aums secured immediately bofore the taking,unless Borrower and I.ender otheraise agree in writing �;.-=
<br /> � or unless epplicable law other��itsa providey, the proceeds shall be applied to the sume secured Uy this Secority _.�;
<br /> lnstrum�nt�vhether or not the sums ere then due. n •
<br /> � If the Pruperty 1s abandoned by Bocrower, nr iP,nPter notice by Lender to Borrawer that the condemnur oifera to :':
<br /> �..'� make an a�vard or settla a claim for damages, Borrower feile to respand to L,ender cvithin �0 days after the date the �;cr:
<br /> notice is givan,Lender ia authorized to collcct and apply the proceeds,at its aption,either to restaration or repair of the �;._
<br /> Property or to the suma secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due, ;
<br /> '1.' Unless I.ender and Borrower otl►erwise agree in writing,any appltcetion of proceeds to principal shal:not extend or
<br /> e monthl a ments referred to in paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the amount of such ��:�r-.
<br /> � postpone the due date of th Y P Y
<br /> payments.
<br /> '� 11. �orrower Nat Relensed;Forbenrnnce By Lender Not a Wniver.Extension of the tima for payment or _
<br /> " " modificntion ot amart9zetton of tha suma secured by this Security Inetrument granted by Lendar to any successor in
<br /> interest ol Borrowdr ahali not aperate to ralease the liability ot the original Borrower or Borrower's successnra in � .—
<br /> ' interest. I.ender shall not be required to commence proceedings a�ainst any auccessor in intorest or refusa to oxtend �
<br /> .� _..
<br />_: •. --
<br /> ' � time for payrnent or otherwise modify amortizati�n of the sums secured by thie Security Instrument by reason o any
<br /> ' `-' •�� ° demond mauo by.��a��s�s! �rra�Pr^r Anrrower's successo��in interest. Any Yorbearance by Lender in exercising
<br /> - nny ri�ht or remedy ahall not be a waiver of or precludo the exercise o4 any right or rvmedy.
<br /> � 12. Successors and Assigne Bound;IoiAt aad Severnl Linbility;Co-slgnera.The covenanta and agreements
<br /> ° oY this Security Instrument shall bind and bet►efit the succxssora and essigns af Lender and Borrower,subject to the
<br />- provieiona of paragreph 17.Borrower's wvenants and agteementa shall be joint and saveral.Any Borrower Nho ca'signs
<br /> this Security Inatrument but does nut�xecute the Note: (a� ia w'signing this Securtty Inetrumont only to mortgc+ge,
<br /> grant and convey that Bottower's interest in the Property under the terms af thie Security Insuument; (b) is not
<br /> � ... personelly obligated w pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument;and (c) agrees thst I.ender and eny other -
<br /> • Borro�ver may egree to extend,modify,torbear or mnke any accommadatione with ce�ard to the terms of this Secur3ty _
<br /> "'`"'�!' �'^ Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's wnsant. -
<br /> ' 13. I,oan�9�arges. IP the loan secured by thia Security Inatrument is aubject to u lenr which sets maximum loan �._
<br />-' � charges, end thaa taw Is itnally interpreted so that the interest or a�tfier laan charges collec�ted or to be collected in _
<br />"-`�.'±`�""" µ� connection with the loan axceed the permitted limite, then: (a)any soob loan charge shall be reduced by tha amount
<br />"'�`'�"���� � necessary to reduce the chnr�e to the permltted limit; and (b) a�ny aums already collected from Bonower which
<br /> -�"'���-�-=}"� exceed�d permiited limits will be tefunded to Borrower. Lender r�sy ohoasa to make thia refund by reducfng the
<br /> z��
<br />�?�'•=`•'•�` � principaf owed usider tha Note or hy muking a direct payment to Horrower.If u refund reduces pr�ncipal. tho reduct on
<br /> �.7'��-�;�; will be treated as a parcisl prepayment withnut any prepayment char�e under the Note. _
<br />�rs:�:::;.i.�4«
<br />- �� 14. No��c�s.Any notice to Borcower provided for in this Security In�trument ehaN be given by delivering t ur y
<br />-^���k-'�.'-���-� mxiling itb firat class msi! unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notics shell be directed to the
<br />�=�`��•� Property Address or any other address Borrowar desi�nat�s by notice to I.ender.Any notice to Lender shall bo given by _-
<br />�;,`-��=�-�' first cl�muii to Lender's address stated herein oi�any other address Lender designutes by notica to Borro�ver. Any �
<br /> =.:� ;'.,`�"';�; noticd pruv�ded foe�u 11►►s Sccurity Instruenent shalt be deemed to have h�n given tn Rorrower or I.endar when given �•
<br />=�--:�:»-�.�� as provided in this pssrogruph.
<br />'����-�� IS.Qovernaiu�g I.ew;Soverability.This Securlty Instrument ahall be governed by fecieral law and the law of the
<br />=�`��j`''..;,,,::s�� . jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the avent that any pruvision or clause of this Security Inatrument or the
<br />'��•'":�;,.>:7. Note contl{cts with applicnble Inw,such contlict ehall not affe�t other provtsions of this Se�urity Instrument or the Note �
<br />- "' �- tivhich can bv given ettect without the wnflicting provision.'1'o th±s end the provi�ions of this Secarity Instrument and _
<br />-` '" '�„��;,' the Noteere declared to be severablo. =
<br />_ � � Form 90 n9/ �
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