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<br /> ' S. 1lnznrd c�r l'eaporty Inaurance. Barrower shall keep tho improvementa nuw existing or hotes4ter Crected c►n .
<br /> ' tiid Pe���erty inaurc�i ngninat losg by fire,ho•sarct�included �vithin the term°extcnded cuvera�e"and any�thar har.Ards, „
<br /> �� inctudint,Plcu,u���r lloodti�a, Pur which I,ender requires taeurxnco.Thi� insuronce ghall be maintained in the umount�
<br /> , nncl i�ir the �ri��da thnt Ixnder requiees.Tha insuronce cnttler�raviding the in�urnnce shall be chosen by Fiorrower
<br /> •� ' � �ub�:ct to I.ender'e appraval which shull n�t ba unteasonably v�ithhold.If Borrower fails to mr�intain coverage de.scribed �
<br /> nhove, l.ender mey,at l.enCer's option,nbtuin caverage ta pratect I.ender's rights in the Proparty in c►ccordance with , :
<br /> parA�roph 7. ��'`c��:
<br /> � , A1t in�uronce palIcIe�and mne�vnlc ahnll be ucceptnble to ix,nder end shall incltede e stnndeld m�rt�i�gr.clh��.se.
<br /> l.ender shall hnve the right ta hald the polictes ancl tene�vals.If I..ender requires, Borrower shell promptly give to '•
<br /> • � l.ender ull receipt�ai paid prerniume nnd renewul notices. In the avent csf lass,Borrower shall give prompt notico to the ,'""n
<br /> insurnnce cnrrier and l.ender.I.endsr may make proof at loss if not meda promptly bp aorrower. ` �,;:
<br /> �••��-';'-''� Unlee�s I.ender nnd Borrawer uthorwisa ugree In writing,insurence praceeds ahap be applied to restoration or repait �'�;:�.
<br /> � �f the I'roperty duma�ed, itthe restoration or repair is economicnqy Peasible and I.ender'�security is not le�sened.If th� ���>-
<br /> rc.wsoration or repair is not economicelly feasible or I..ender's security would be le.ssened.the insursnce pmceeds shall b� ��,.:;;::
<br /> ap�lieci to the sumR secured by this Security Instrument,�vhother or not then due, with any excess paid to Bonawer.If t
<br /> Ii�rmwer abandone the Property,or does not anawer within 30 deys a notic�trom I.ender that the insurance carrier has �"}�.+_
<br /> offnrrd to settle a clatm, then l.ender may collect the insucance proceeds. I.ender may use tha proceeds to repair or �.=���
<br /> restore the Praperty ar to pay suma sa:ured by thia Security Instrument. �vhether or not then due.Ths 30-duy period will '�''°`
<br /> :�..-
<br /> �� begin when the notice ie�iven.
<br /> Unless Lender end Florrower other�vise agrea in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shull not axtend or
<br /> �� pnatpone the due date of the monthly paymenta reterred to in pa��egrephs 1 and 2 or chan�e the amount of tAe payments. :,;;_=
<br /> �• tP undar paeagcaph 21 the Peoporty is acquired by L.ender, Sarm�ver's right to any insurance policies and pmceeds : �
<br /> . . resulting Prom damage to the Propetty prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by ''�"
<br /> this Security Instrument immedietely ptior to the acquieition. '�J
<br /> 6.Occupancy.Preservatio�,Mointeaaace naai Protee8ion nf the Proper4y;Borrower'�c Loun ApQlication; �`
<br /> �� LeaseholdA.Horrower ehall occupy,estsbliah,and use the Property ae Borrower's principal residence�vithin sIxty days !�;,-'�"�
<br /> ° • aPter the execution of thas Security Inetrument and ahall cont�nue to occupy the P�operty es Borrower's priacipal � rv
<br /> ' ,��; r�sldenca for ot least ona year after tha date of occupancy,unless I.ender otherwise agrees in writiu�,which consent shall ��;s5;,•'
<br /> not be unreasonabl w(thhold.or unless extenuattng circumatances exiet which are beyond Borro w e t's c o n t r o l.Ho r rower �•`=.,,;
<br /> Y �'_:;,_
<br /> ehall not destroy,dAmage ar impait tha Prapetty,allow the Property to deteriorate,or comrnit weate on the Praperty.
<br /> Borrower shall be in default if any torfeiture actlon or praceeding, ahether ctvil or crlminal.ie be�un that in I..endor's ��_=_
<br /> � � good faith judgment could tesult In forfeitura of the Property or otherwise matertally impair the lien areated by this �
<br /> ' ' Security In�trument or I.ender's security interest. Borcower may cure auch a dofault and reinatate, as provtded in �`"
<br /> �° P$�Sr$Fh 2A, �+" ���g th" e�t�"" ^r p�oceedinn u� be diRmiesed with a ruling th�t, in Lender's �;�nd faith =-
<br /> �;},r daterminatian,preoludes torfeIture of the Bonower's tnterest in the Proparty or other material impairment of the iten �-
<br /> ,;�)r created by thia Secutity Inatrument or Lender e security interest.Borrower shell also be in clafault if Borrower,during
<br /> �° �'" the loan upplication process. gave materially false ar inaccurate tntormatlon or atatements ta I,endx:r (or fatled to
<br /> ' provide I.ender with any material information)in cormection wlth the loan evidenced by thv Note, in�luding, but n�t
<br /> � limited to� ropresentations concerning Borrower's occupancy oI the Property as a principal resIdence. Ii thie 5ecurity
<br /> Instrument is an a leasehold, Borroaor shall comply with all the provieione o4 the leasa. IP$r�rrower ucquires fee title to
<br /> . the Property,the leasehold and th�teo title shall not mer�e unless I.ender eIIcees to tha merger in writing. _
<br /> 7. Peateciioa of Lender's Righta ia the Property.If $orrower fails to perform the covenan�g and a�reements
<br /> . . ..,,•• contained in thie Seeurity Instrument,or thete is a legal proceeding that may significantly aftect I.ender's riBhta ir►th@ -
<br /> � Pmperty (eunh as a proce�ding in bankcuptay, probate, for condemnutton or foreeiture or to enfotce laws or - -
<br /> � A..�,y.4 regutetions),then Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value uf the Property and I.ender's
<br /> --<��.„.: ,,,�, '; rtghus in tho Property.Lender's aotions mny in.lude paying any eums secured by n iien which has priority over this
<br /> -`:;`;.'� ..;'•� Security Instrument,appearing in court,paying reasonabla attorneys'feesand entering on ti�e Proparty to make repairs.
<br /> ���'"'°''""° Althaugh Lender may take action under this paragra�+h 7,Lende�doea n�t have to do so. _
<br /> ??`�"""-� Any amounta diaburszd by Lender under this pAragraph 7 shell beaomo addittonal dotrt mf Borruwer secured by this _--
<br /> ��°��''4''"" ���;, � Security[netrumrnt.Unles� Borcower and Lender agrea to other terma oi paym�nt,these amounta shal! bear interest �-
<br /> . 3';' .;. .��°.,
<br /> _ .�� �y°; from the dute of disbursementat the Note rnte and shall be payable,�vith interest,upon n�tic�e from Lender to Aorrow�r
<br /> ,� '_`�j' requesting payment.
<br /> - � 8.Mart ga ge InsurancB.If Lendar required murtga�e insurance as e condttion of ineking tho loan eccnred by this -----
<br /> .��re • �• ` Security Instrument,Borrowor ehall pay the premiuma required to maintein the mortgugtlinsurnnco in effect.If�1or any ; —
<br /> �'::"� ' '�'`� reason,the mort � e insuranco covern e uired b Lender lu es or ceases to ba in etteat Borrower sha11 a the ,! °::�
<br /> =�.:gn;�... �. B g � �9 Y f� � P Y
<br /> :;%�,,;;,,y..,-,�F�y��,� preretium�s req�ired to obtain coverage auimtandully eyuivalent w tlio inurt�;age insurance previnu�ty in effect,et n cost •• r"
<br /> _,�,';'•Rr�;�;;,,;�`���,;n, substnnti3l{p equivnlent to the coss tw Borrower of the mortg:�ge in�surance previously�n effeot. from an aiternate °.,,. _��`
<br /> -:,�.,;. ,.�:���i� �� '
<br /> i:�,;;,,,,,},,,,;.., mort�age inaurer opproved by Lendsr. If aubstantially equtvalent mort�a�e insura�s;e coverage is not available, �
<br />.�;:•;r7�: .. � '� Bocrowcr sholl pay to i.ender each month o sum etjual to one-taelfth of the yaarly mortgage insurnnce premium being .'� �_
<br />=�:::�1�,. ` , �. � paid by Atirrower when iho ir�sursnce covere�e lapaed or ceased to ba in effeve,d.�ndor tvill uccept,usa und retoin these `d, "`
<br /> . payments as c� loss reserve in Heu of murtgage insurt�nce. I.oss reserve paymar��s mny rto longer be requir�d, ,�� �-
<br /> . , .�}�4i:�+ �-
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