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<br /> " 1 b.Baeruwer's Cop�r.Borrower ahail bo given ono cunformcd c��py oP the N��to and�►Y thia;ticcur t � i= nt. • ..
<br /> ' 17.`frAnster oi the Propert ar o Heaeficinl Int�rest in Bc�rr�wer. 1P nll �r nu� part��P tl►c I toputty ur any
<br /> � interest in it is sold or trAnaferred�or if a boneticlnl interest tn Horra�ver iA t;ul�f ur trnnafcrrcd nn� Huen�wur in n+►t i�
<br /> ;, natural parson)without I.ender'a pnor�vritten coasent,I.ender may,nt it�opticrn,requlco immcJi��tu p:�yn�cnt in Pull��4 k
<br /> � , all suma secured by this Security Instrum4nt.However, thia optinn nhnll n��t ix: vxen�Ic:r.�l My I.enQcr iP exrr�:ir.� 19 ��
<br /> " � prohibited by fedarallaw asa4 thedateo4 thlsSe.eurtty Inatrument, y,�a•.;
<br /> . If i.ender exercises this option.Lender ehnll biva Horrower nodc:e c�t nrceleri�tinn.'I'he nnticu<<hull ��rm'idv u peri��J ,
<br /> uf not less than 30 days from thadate the notice is delrvered ur muilcJ witiun which fk�rru�vGr rvlu�t pay ult:�uni;,r.rcurr.d �
<br /> by this Security Instrument.If Harrower fails to ay these Auma priar to th��xpiratiun ot thinpc rind,I��ndi�r mny invokn
<br /> . any remedies permitted by tht�Security Instrumentwithout 4urther nc�tice nr demnncl�m N��trowe�'. +�-
<br /> ,..-_� 18. Borrowar a Right to Rainstate.If$orrower meots cdrtain conditiuns Nurrnwc�r nludl l�t►vu th�right t��huvv '_�y
<br /> ' ' nnforcement o4 this Securtty Instrumtlnt dlsconttnuEd at any time pr�c�r to tha ea���cr o4:(u)S dnyn(ur ru�h�itl►cr peri��d �
<br /> � '' as applicabl�law may apec�4y far reinstatement)betore sale nf tha Yraperty purc3u�nt to any psnvee��P�+nlu cnntulned in
<br /> thia Security Instrument;or (b) entry of aj'udgmant enfaccing thie Security Inetrumvnt.'1'hnso cnt�did�ne� nre thut ';;r;
<br /> Aorrower: (a) paya I.ender al[ sunls which then wouid be due undor thir,Ser,urlty lnntrument and th�� N��ta un if nn �s�'
<br /> • � acceleratian had occurred;(b) cures any daisult of any other cavenanta or ugreemnnta;(c) �nyc�nU uxpu�►r,r:�incurred in ��:,
<br /> enforcing this 3ecurity Instrument.includtng.but nat limited ta,reasonnble att�rnoys'teer�•nnd(J)tukc.�nuch ncti��u ua ��•�
<br /> I.ender may reesonably require to assure that the lion aY thie Security Inetrumeat,L.endor�e ri�hta in thu 1'��iru:rty u��J �Y
<br /> �. �3orrower s nbligation to pay ths aums secured by thts Security InatrumentRhall aantinun unchnngcJ.U�u►n ruinr+tntumenc
<br /> ' •,•�,�� by Borro�ver,thisSecurity Inatrume»tand the obligetiana secured hereby shaU ramnin tully dffectiv�ae if nn ucculcrnti�m �,�=
<br /> .:,.::t�.'
<br /> ���� �� had occurred.Hawever,thia ri�ht to reinstate shall not apply ln the case of acceleratlan under pne�graph 17. �
<br /> ,i;�i,�7 ',�
<br /> .:��... !9.Sale of Note;Chan�e oi Loaa Servicer.The Nate or a partial interest in the Nnte(to ether with tbiw�iccur ty �_.
<br /> .. "'3` Inatrument)may be sald ona ur more times without prior notice tu Buerowec.A esto may r�ult�n a cha�tge ttt the untity -=
<br /> ' � ,� (known as the"l.oan Servicer")that collecta monthly payments dua under the Nota and thieSecurlty Inet�umcnt,'1'here �
<br /> also may be ane or more changes o4 the Loan Servicar unrelated ta a eale ot the Note.If thare iA o ahango of tho 1.�►un �',"�
<br /> �t�:;'�;�" Servicer,Bonower��ill be given wntten notice of the chan e in accordance wlth paru�ru h 14 abovo nnd npplienhlo Inw. §
<br /> '<<,p� The natice wi11 et�te the name ond addrESS of the new Loan�ervicer and the address to�vRtch puymvntR ehould ho mn�l�. __
<br /> � `?�1;;:'C r�� ,.__
<br /> . K�s�, Tha notice will also conwin any ather informatian required by applicabla lnw.
<br /> � .. .;�' 20. Nazardous Subateaces. Borcower ahall not cause orpermtt the presence. use,dispasal.eturuga nr relenfio nt �:_��`
<br /> any Hazardaus Substances on or in the Pro erty. Bonower ahall not do,nor allaw anyone olr,e to do,anyt�tn�uttectinf� ■�
<br /> s •• the Praperty that�a In violatlon of any Env�ronmental Law.The precedin�two c�entsnce�Rhall not apply tn the presnncr;, Yu���-
<br /> ���� use, ar storage on the Propetty of emall quantities of Hnzardous Substencea that nre�genvrully recu�ni•r.ed t�► ho _ --.
<br /> �"��� appro riate ta normal reaidential uses and to maintenance o4 tha Property. __
<br /> ' �tl�"t� �arr�wer shall promptly give I.ender writt,�n notice of any investigation,claim.domond�lu�vsuit�r�thur acei�m hy _�
<br /> ° �� ��� = any �overnmentat or regulatory agency or private party tnvolvinB the Propercy and uny H8'LA�lIUl13 Substancc� ��r –
<br /> F Environmental Law oT which Borcower hae actual kc��tr'te3�a.If Ecir•o�;:er lesrn°,or is a�*.ifi��y uny���vrrnmeuu►1 nr , _
<br /> " " regulatory authority, that any removal or other remediatian of any Na•r.ordaus Substance nttecting thv Praperey ifl
<br /> ,o:r�,`, neces,sary,Horro�ver ahsll promptl�r wka all necessary romedial ctcdons In acc�rdttnce with 23nvtranmental l.nw. —
<br /> , ��;j��, . As t�.aed in this para$reph?A, Hazardous Substances"arv those Rubstances def ined ec�toxia or haiardnuq euhata��cc:+
<br /> by Environmental Law and the foilowing�substances:�esollne,kerosane,othar tlammnbla o� taxic petrnleum pn�ducte,
<br /> 1.oxic ticides and herbicides, volatile solventa, materialP contsining esbestos ar farmeldohydo, and rncli�aetivc�
<br /> ' muter ats.As used in this para��ph?A,"Bnvirot►mental Law"meana federal laws and laws o�tho Jurisdictian whew the
<br />- �i;,,.� . �'cnparty is located thnt retato to health,safety or environmental protectton.
<br /> .�.,r;;. I�ION-UNIFORMCOVENAIJTS,Barrowerand Lenderfurthercovenantandagreane tollows:
<br /> '��`{�''� 21, Acceleration; Remediea. Lender ahnll g{ve natice to BorROwer prior ta �cceiet�tiun fullawiug _ _
<br /> , .5��
<br /> Borrower's breuch ot eny covenant or agreemen4 in t6is 3ecurity Inetrumeut(but nat priar to accolont un
<br /> under paragraph 17 unleas applicable!aw providea otherwise�.The aotice ehnll epeclfy:�a)tho deteult;(b)tho
<br /> ��, w ._;�� . action required to aure tho default; (c) e dnte. not less than 30 days fram the date the natico ie givon ti�
<br /> Borrower. by�vhioh the dofsult must ba curad; ead (d)thst tsilure to cure the detault on ar botaro tho d�3o
<br />;;,..,:,,...�mr,� apecitied in the aoNce may resul4 in uccelerattoa o4 the auma secursd by this Security Instrumont�nd Aalo ut
<br /> :...,Y,,, the Proporty.The notice �hall turther iuform Borro�var oi tho ri�ht t�rolnAtete ei4er accolera4iun And iho
<br /> � "�.��; right ta bring e court aation to nesert tha noa-exiRtoace ot � deiault or any ather detonse��d i�c�r�c►wor to
<br />`V�'�,; '�',��'.", , acceloretion aad sate.If the defnult ia not oured on or betore the dete specitiod in tho aottco, Lendor,at ite
<br /> , ' ;;� aption. mgy require immedlmte paqment in tu11 oi uli suma secured by thie Securtty luatrumone w�thaut
<br /> ., _,�,;. ,� furthor damand nnd m�y invoke the powor oi sele end aay ot6er romedtee permitted by sppllcablo I�tv. —
<br /> •.�� ;: •;�;, , Lendcr adell be entttled to cotlect all expeases iacuned in pvrauias tho rtlr�odies providvd in thia parugraph
<br />�''- •.:;��t�� 21,inciuding,but aot limited tq�reasoaable attoraeys'Yees a�d cost�of title evidenco.
<br /> .:.:.3�;�L. Yt tha power oi aele is invoked.Trustee adeli record a notice of default ia eech county in whirh anq part ut
<br /> '� •, `� the �'roparty is located aad shail mail cupiea uf aucb not{co ia thc manner pre�crlbed b� appliceble I�w t�� • �
<br /> T,'�^'�-`% Borrower aad to the othar persons prescribuJ by opplic�bic la�r.Aftar the tfine:eqairo by n�+pHcabte Ir�v, . ___
<br />�.�..�„_
<br /> ' " "` ��" Trustee shelt giva public notico oi sele to theperrsnne and ia tlte manner preseribed by applicable I�cv.'f�ueteo �
<br /> ',=;°: � _
<br /> without dennand on Borrower� ahail sell the Property at public auctioa to the highest bidder at the timo an� .�
<br /> ' � � placc a�td under the tsrms deaignnted in the no t ice o f ea lo ia on e o r m o r e p a r c e i s a a d i n a n y o r d e r 1'r u A t c o
<br /> v �,�'��"; � dotermiaes.Trustee may postpoae gale of a1t or any parcel o!the PropoHy by public annouacemont et the � •:: -_
<br />_� " ' tiine aad pluce ot any prev�ously sc he du le d ea le. Len der or i ts des i gaee me y purchase�tho Pra p ort y at Any t' �_._.
<br /> . '� eale. ' e:.--
<br /> , ���'�;;;►,.� Form 90 91 �1'"=
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