� /J
<br /> ...�, �� -. . .. .._.. _ ,.
<br /> a,. � .,e����•;.,,•-7 .�, :. / ,.. .. ..,. .- . ..__,..._._._._ .. . . .
<br /> . � •.i_..__�...._... __�.....-. .. . . . . . .
<br /> .. �CAc� ��0'��� ,,
<br /> d!/
<br /> �� At the option of 8eneftcinry,nll or nay part af the agreEd fees aad char�sea,ctccrued inrereat and principal shall become " .
<br /> immedlntely dua and poynble,nfter givina notice if rcquired by 1nw,upon the occurrence of u default or anytime themofter. ..
<br /> � Ia addition.Heneflciary shell be eatitled to�1I the rentediea provided by law,�he Evidence of Debt.other evidences of debt.
<br /> thls De2d af Truat nnd any related dacumente Incladin�without Hmttation,the power ro srll the PropertY.
<br /> lf ehere la a default,Tnistee shull,in addition to ony other pemiitted remedy,at the n�qu�st of the 8eneficiary.edvertise aad '
<br /> sell the Property ns u whole or in ssp�uate parcela tu publle auction to the higdest bidder for c�nst� and coavoy absolute tttle .�
<br /> �� - free and clear of�it�ight.tide and interest of Truator at auch time and plQCC as Truste�desigaetes.Trustce shAll givelicub e
<br /> "' � of eale includinB the ttme.tem�s and place of sale end a descripttoa of the property to be sold as requis+ed by the upp
<br /> law in effect at the time of the proposcd sale. .�
<br /> Upoa sale oP tho property and to the extent not probibitc�by law,Trustce shaU malce end deliver a deed to the Fmperty sald
<br /> m
<br /> whlch conveys absolute tide to the purchaser.and after first puyinn all fees,charges and coste,shalt pay to Beneficiary all ..
<br /> rnoneys advanced for r�pairs, taxes. tnsurance, Ilens. assessments and prior encwabrnnces aad interest thereoa, uad the
<br /> 8 �
<br /> '' principul und Intcrest on the Secured Aebt,PaYing the surplus, if any.to TNator.Beneficisiy may pw�chase the FYoperty. „�`,ti�,
<br /> The recitele in any deed of wnveyaace ahall be prlma facie evIdence of the facta set forth therein. :
<br /> � '.�
<br /> � � All remedieA are dtstiact. cumuladve c�nnd Aot excluaive, aad the Beneflctwy is �ntitled ro a11 rea�aedies provided at 1aw or •-;_
<br /> , { equity,whether eapressly set fo�td or ant.'I'he acceptance by Beueticfary of aay sum in pa1,I��: or partia!payment on the '?<.:
<br /> � ; Secwed Debt after the balance is due or is accclerated or after fareclosure pmcee�lnBs am�'s�a1 s2�a1�not coastitute a waiver
<br /> ¢�f BeneRciary's right to require fbll and complete cure of aay existlas default. By aot exercisins any remzdy on 1Yuator's ,•'S
<br /> default.Beneficiary does not waive Beaeficlary's ri�he to later consider the eveut a default lf it contiaues or happens e8ain• ' ;.'
<br /> d r..�.
<br /> � A�:•::
<br /> 18.EXPL'�iSES;ADVANCES OI+I COW1E1►JANTS�A�"PORNGYS'FEESi COLLECd'ION COSfiS.Except when pmhibited ;��.
<br /> � � by law,Trnawr agn�es to pay a11 of HeueReituy's eapenses if Tnistar breaches any coven¢ua in tDis deed of Truet.Trustor `:,��.`:
<br /> V ;'�: will also psry un demaad all of Beneficiary's eapenses incurred in callectia��insuring. Pmservla�or protetting the P[opertY .� :+
<br /> �� or in any inventorIes.a��lte.lnspec:tions or other e�auoa by Betteflc�ary in respdct to tde Aroperty. Truewr agree.s to �;:-°:
<br /> �i pay ull cosis aad expensES iacurred by BeneRciary i a ea forc i ng or pro t e c t l n 8 B e n e fi c i a ry's r l g l i t s end remedies under thie • :.�}
<br /> �; Deed of'flYuet.iacluding.but n4t limited to.attomeys'fees,couxt costs,and ather legal exgenses.Oace the Stxured Debt ta .:_,n
<br /> .. � _•' ftiily and finaUy paid�Bene�ciary a�rces to releASe this Deed af Th ust and Tcustor ag[�4u�the 4�iahest rate�in�effect,from --_
<br /> �!`:+4 Ali sucPe amounte are due on demand snci wilt bc+�iatei�st fram t..�tis�e af shs ad...n..--- .. „ --=•--.
<br /> " °' time to time.as provided in the Evidenc�of Debt and as peraiitced by law. �-'--
<br /> .. �r �s.�....-
<br /> ' � E 1�.CIWIRONMENTAI.E..AWS AND HAZAR1DQV� 3UBSTANCES. As use� in thia secdon. (1) "Bnviron:uental Law" �_��,
<br /> ^ ��..�,; means, wityout limitation,the Comprehensive finvironmeatal Response. Co�p�neation and Li:ibUity Act (CBRCY.A. 42 �_V
<br /> U.S.C.96fl1 et seq.),all other federnl.state and local laws.regulatious,orcllnauces,ec�urt orders,attomey general opinions �==
<br /> ��, -
<br /> ,' �'t�.��f.� .-:.,.
<br /> i`�?`� or interptetive lettere conceming �P pub3ic health. safety, welFare� envlronment or n hexardous substance: aad (2) �;.�..
<br /> ;�� "Hazerdoua Stilsatance" meane a�►y toxic, radioactive or ha�rdous materlal, weste. pollutant or contaminent whtcv has _
<br /> � chardcterlatics wl�tch render the substance daugarons or potendtilly dan8erous to the pubUc �eaith, safety. welfure or ��y,�
<br /> � eavironment. The term includes, without limitatton, any aubstances defined as "hazardous rnt�tedel.' "toxic substeu�t, �
<br /> � "hozaedous weste" or"ha7ardaue substcince"under any Eaviroamental Law."I'n►stor rep:esepts.wnrrantR and ngm.es ��
<br /> eacept as prewiously disclosed and aclmowtedged iA wrltins: ��manufectured.treated� retiaed.or hpadled by °
<br /> A. No Hozardous S�bstaace has been.Is,or will be located.uaaspu
<br /> . , , oay pemou on,under or about the Property,except in the ordinacy coucse of buslness asd in etrlct complience with _
<br /> � tsll t+ppltcablo EnvironmentW Lnw. �",:`�`;
<br /> � � :,;,,��i B, Tcustor ves not and wlll not cause,conMbute to,or pemoit the telease aiF Any Hazardaue Stibstaace on the Pcoperty. �-_
<br /> es '
<br /> . '� •.y 1;;;:: C. Ttuator will immed{ately aotify BeaeSciary if(1)a rele.se or threutene�l release of Haza�dous Substance occurs on. �I
<br /> , . .;;, un der or a b ou t t he P r o p e rt y o r m i II r u t e s o r t h r e a t e n s to aui$aate from aearb y Pmpezt7t�os(2) there is a violadon of �---
<br />- . � ....,..�. ' any E n v i r o n m e a t a l L a w c oncernin the Pro rt y.In sucli;w event.Ttustor will teke ell aecessery remedlal acd�r�nn
<br /> 8 Pe �___.
<br />:r;;3;,; ` . accordance with Environmcntel I.nw.
<br />-�'•'+�� D. Trustor has ao knowledge of or reason to belleve there ie any peuding or thneateaed investiQation. claim, or _':i.•=:
<br /> proceeding of uny kiad relat�ng w(1)any Hazardous S�►bstt�rtce located on,nader or about the Property:or(2)smy ;,�,
<br /> r
<br /> - .,.31:� violution by Ttustor or any tenent of any�nvirownental�.aw•Tcustor wW immcd�tely nodfy Be�eBcfary in wrlting € �a
<br /> :� ."� as soon os Tn�ator has reasoa ea b e l ieve t here is an suc h d i n g u r t h e o a t c a c d i n v e 3 d g a U o n.claim.or pmcx�Al n�. �,-_
<br /> m
<br /> •t;��t!'� Y ' Yn such an event.Beneflciery hns the rIght.but not tU�obligation. to participate Ut c+ny such proceedin6 includi�ahc �-_`,_
<br /> ,<;. _ �:i���;j
<br />_�r}�,�, � ' right to rereive copiea oF eay documcnts relating to such proce�inge. _,.;
<br /> ... •� . B. 'IYustor and every te,nunt hnve been.are aad shall remain in litll oompli:��e wiz6 anY epPlicuble Hnvironmentai Luw. �V:
<br /> F. 'Ibere an no uadergcouttd storage tankH.private dumps or open welle located on or under the Froperty und no such m
<br /> � an
<br /> ' tainic.dwnp oc weil will be adst�ed unlesa Beneficiary fltst consenes in�vritIt►B.
<br /> t ni d _.
<br /> r G. Teustor will re�ilerly inspect the Property,mnnitor the activittes end aperations on the Property, and conficm that _
<br /> _ : all ps7mits,ticensc�or�pprovals required bY�Y aPPlicuble Snvix+ouat�e.ntsl Law+�c+e ebtained and complied with.
<br /> `!"'�?� ,. H. 7'rustor v+ill permit, or cause any tenaat eo pemnit. Senefccfnry or iBeneflciazy's ngent to enter and inspect the
<br /> �..��..;
<br /> ; �,. . � p��y�d re��r all reeoc+ds at any r�sc�nuble timts to detemniae QIl)the exisienoe. locadon aad na�tuxe�f any
<br /> nub
<br /> :,.,.s. Hauic+dous 5ubsu+nce on, uu�$a or about the Property;(2) the ex(stence, locadon,aature. ond magnitude of any
<br /> ' ...'' l�azordous Substunoc thuc Iws IDren teleased on,uader or ubout the Progerty: or(3)�vhcther or not Tnistar�anY
<br /> • ... °en
<br /> �'`"�i"`1i� tenant ore in co�pliance wtth applicuble Envtmnmanwl I.aw. '
<br /> � �f''� � /, TT�nn l�seflcianr•e request aud at any tinte. Tmstor agrees. at Truator's eapense, to enaage t► qunlif�ed
<br /> . : -.--�.'� _..e� � _... � �.....�mm�n pn.,i..,n.�mt audic of the Pm»em und w subaue�he resui�s of eu�aitdit ta ��_
<br /> -�-
<br /> .__--°-----_ ...-� at�uv�uucuw�..,.p....+..... r•-r--—--•-----._ . .
<br />- BeneSciery. The choice of the environmental cngiueer who will perform suett audit is subject to Beaettcinrys �
<br /> . aPProval.
<br /> . J. Beneficinry hos the riBht. but not the obligation. to perform any of ltustor's obl[Bn�ons under thia sectlon nt
<br /> „ �� 1Yustor's eapense.
<br /> - � K. As a consequeace of any bmach ofr any representatfon, wc►xcnaty ar pmmire made in tl�ie section, (1)Trustor�vill r• �
<br /> ° ' indemnify and hold Beneficiary nnd Heneficlary's suocessore or assigas hamsless from and agalast all losses.clninas.
<br /> demnnds, liabilittes. damty;es. c(ennup, response and rensediudon cnsts,perm]des and expensQS� includinII artthout
<br /> - 1{mitation ull aosta of lid�allon end anorneys' fees,which Bznefclary and Beneficlary'8 61100kSS0l8 OT 859��118 i11IIy
<br /> � suatuin;and(2) at��neticiary's discredon. BeneRcinry may release thts Decd of Trust and in t�tum Trustur witl
<br /> provide Heneficiary with collgteral of nt least equal vulue to the Ropeny �ecured by tNs DQed of T�ust without
<br /> prejudtce to any of Qeneftcifvy's righis under this Deed of Tnist.
<br /> � � pDQo 4 01 ff
<br /> ' .. A 1993 OaMCro Grituna.Inc.St.CiouO.MN It-QOO��DT@8611 Gpm A6lLO�OT•NE t0/SON7 r� ��, - i�—
<br /> �
<br />