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., i _ .� <br /> � <br /> �. <br /> ,. . . •� •- <br /> ., . ,. _ _.,.........•_:u <br /> . . 9�° ���s�.� <br /> L. Notwtthstanding uny of the lanBunge wntnined ln thls Deed of Tmst to the contrury,the tetms af thls se�:tioa ehall ' <br /> survive ony fort�closure or antlefaction of thts Dced of Trust regurdlc�sa of nny pASSage of titte ta Beneflciary or any <br /> � disposlti�n by Heneflciury of nny or u11 of tbe Pcaperiy.Any elnims nnd defenses to the contrery are hereby wuived. <br /> • �p,Cn1�D�N�UVA'A'i�N. Trustor wtll give BeneRcinry prornpt nottce of any ucdon,reul or threntened, by pdvnte or public � ".� <br /> .. � entities to purchase or ttdce uny or uU of the Propeny,includiqg uny eusemrnts,tiuough wndemnHdoa,emtacnt domuiu, - <br /> or any other me�as.Truator flirther agrc�es to notify Dene t lc iary o f any pmceedin gs instltuted for the cstabllshment of uny , <br /> ' „ sewer, wuter, consecvntton,dltch, drainuge.or o$ier dlsUlct reludnR to or bindinB upon the Property or any part of it. , �� <br /> ���.; Trustor nuthorizes Beneticiary ro intervene in Trustor's name ia nnY of the above described actlons or claims und to callect <br /> ` aad receive ell sums resuldng ��t ar asaigns to Beneficiary the proceeda of any award or cluim <br /> ..l_ for damaIIes conaected wt�ru� , �`�����of alt or any part of the Property. Such proceeds Rhall be � <br /> � c�nsldered payments 3nd�vill Q p,� prls�l� �a.��16.Deed of Trust.Thie assignment af proceeds is subject eo the <br /> n <br /> terms of any pdor security.�c�nL:.. . • _ <br /> 21.IN3UltANC�.Tn�ator a�rees to maintaln inssurance as follows: � "° <br /> A. Trustor shdl kcep the Property insured agninst losa by fire,theft and other haznrcte aad clsks reasonably assoeiated `: , <br /> , with the Progerty due w its cype and locadon.Other hazards and rusks muY include,for eaample,covera�e againat , •,: <br /> ' losa due to tloode or flooding. 'Ibia iusuraace shall be mnintained in We amouats and for the perlods that : <br /> Heneficiary requlres. The insurance cenler providing the insurance shall be chosea by Tcuator subject to <br /> �� �� geaeticiaey's appfoval. which shull not be unressonably witdheld. If Tntator fails to maintain the caverage "�= <br /> described atsove� Beneficlary may. at Beneflctary's opiion, obtain coverage to pmtect Beneficiary's rigbts in the �':' <br /> , � property according to the terms of this Deed of T�ust. '��_ <br /> � ,'' p11 jnsnrance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Beneficiary end stnall iraclude u staadard "mortgage <br /> • '.,,:,:. � ,,. <br /> . � clause" and. where applicable, "beneticfary loss payee clause." Tnutor shall immediately aotify Beneficiary of LT <br /> . . � � caucellation or termination of the insurance. Eeneftclary shaq have the dght to hold the policies and maewals. If �.T,� <br /> Beneficiary requires. 'hustor sl�tall imm�iately gtve to Benet'iciary all receipts of paid preaaiva�s and renewal <br /> notices. Upon loss,ltustor shaU glve i¢�unediate notice to t he insurance carrier aad Benefic��y. Beneflctary may �:,,;�;�' <br /> _.j��, make proof of loss if nos made itnmediately by Trustor. " �� <br /> .. �� �I�r�_ <br /> ;°:r,; . <br /> Unless Bea�ficIary and Tcuator otherwjse agree ia wdting. insurance proceeds shall be applied w reswratIon or <br /> . �,�, mpai�.of th�(�rOperty damaged if the restoration or repair ia economically feasible aad Beaeficiary's security ie not �,_;� <br /> � lessrue�.If Zlte restotatiou or cepair is nvi cwua3mlca}ly ft�lble rr�nefic}�►�A�r»rtty waaild be tesseaed.We r� . <br /> „.;,�;y,�. <br /> inawauce pr•aceeds shull be applied to the Secw�ed Debt,whether or not dien due,with any e�mESS paid to Truswr. � -_-. <br /> ' � ��t�;�:;�r., If T:ustor abandons the Prop�rty, or does not answer within 30 days a aotice feom Beneficiaey Wat the lasurance e_-- <br /> , ,(j���::�;�p carrier has offerecl to settle a claim.then Benefictary raay coUect the insurance procesds. Beneficlsuy may use the _ <br /> ���*• procce�s to repair or reswre the Pcoperty or to puy the Secured dEbt whether or not then due.The 30-day pedod _, <br /> � � wI116eEtu�vbea the notice is given. --, <br /> [±.n <br /> .. a. =- <br /> ;� Untesa Beaeticiary and Tcuscor othecwise aBree in wrlting,any epplicadon of proceeds to prinaipal shall not eatend �„. <br /> , ,�. or postpoae the due date of schcduled paymente or chaage the amuunt of the paymrn3s.IY the Property is acquired �.- <br /> � by HeneRciary,Truswr's rlght to aay insuraace policies and proceeds resaltin8 Sisom damage to WB Property before � - <br /> the ecquisition shall pass w Beneficfary w the extent of thB Setured Debt immediately before the acquisltion. <br /> . � B. �ust�or����to l3ene�clnry�insur'8e g lainst claims ari 's�g fn ro�m auy aaiden or oceurrence W o�on�the :.. <br /> �' ,'r; C. 'Trus o�aBt+ees to u�aintain tet�tal losa or buetaess lntercuptiou insurance� as rea�uired by an amount -- <br /> • i�;�%={h�,:` equal to at least coverage of oae year's debt servlx.and requtred cscmw acco�nnt depoaita(if agreed to separately <br /> �,�ar�t�., -- <br /> ,, in wciting)�under a form of policy aceeptable to Heneflciary. <br /> I� .. 22.NO E6CR04�1 k"�J�T�A flc3�dsNf o�c�s�aad Uins�cein e�screowTOViQed in a seperate agt�erntEat.Tcustor wlll not _ <br /> � . .,�?k. be tequined to pay _-- <br /> , �, �_ <br /> ':.: .• �.'�.oi;�,r � _ <br /> . ��,��.ts�;. 23.F[NANCIAG RE3'ORTS ANDD A�DDT�'YOTVAL DOCUI��N!'S. Trustor wUl provict2 to BetteRciary upon request.anY — <br /> ` ' _� fuianclal stetPn?ent or information Beaeflclary tnay deem necessary. 'Trustor warrants that all finaaclal statements and �. <br /> . _- informntion Truater ptevides to Beueficiary are. or will be, accurate. correcc. and complete. Tnwtor agre�s to slgn. �--:: <br /> - ' -� ' � '� deliver. aad file s��eflclary taay �sonably rectuest uny additional documencs or cectifiustiuu� t3►at�e�teficiary may �- <br /> . ,;�;.�!�t.�� consida necessary w perfect,coatinue,and preserve Trusior's obli i�n deliv�relandB�n1�h documents oer ececdiflcaies in =_- <br /> - ,.,,,�,:,�;. stat��s on the Property If Truetor falls to do so, Beneficiary may s , �_, <br /> a Ttusior's aame and`frustor hereby icrevocably appoiata Beneflciary or Beneflciury's agent as attomey ia fact to do the _,,� <br /> ?'�� things necessary to comply wiW th{s section. �, <br /> ��^ <br /> �,� <br /> ��' :� .. .+ ?rb.JOIINT AND 1NDIVII.►UAI.LIABQ.ITY+�C�'SIGNCliS;SUCCTSSiAIIiS AND A53IGN3 BOUND. All duties under ��*'°: <br /> � tUis Dced of Trust are j�int and tadividuul. If Trustor ei�as this Deec!of 1'rust but doa not siQn tho Svideace of Debt. <br /> ' �;:��:',�•:�� Tcastor does so onty to crtortQaAe 7Yuacor's intereat in the�roperty to secure pa�niest of the Secured Debt and T:u3tor <br /> � '�:�,���:� '' docs not agroe to be personally Qiable on the Sxured Debn. �Trustor ngrees that Bers2�niaincy and any purty to thia Deed of <br /> • 'frust muy extsa�D. modify or make any change i� the tern�of th[s Dced of 'I'�vs�ot the Bvidence of Debt without <br /> � Tcustor's cons�t. Such a chunge wilt not re��ase Trustor from the te�of this Ueed ot Trust. 'Ihe duttes aad benefite of . , <br /> this Deed of Ttus2 sh�ll bind an8 beneRt the aucce.ssors and nssigns of Tirostvr and Benefictary. <br /> ° ---� lt TI118 UC�1 Ol IIUBI sCtiWt�+ts�auu�ity uci�u.I'i uwwii::o:j 5IIQ ,�r.�.Qn�t�ir�vc nn2.ttitectlV SeCUte tlle obllRUtion whiCh . <br /> -_-_ -_____-_._-._.- ' <br /> _'n��a..i......f'.,,,...0.e:nainn onv orflnn nr t�Ia{Iri AOflIIISt r.. <br /> i$�������indeb�ted under�the obl�ati n includ n�gYbut not limi�ted to,untt�deflc[ency oi unc-action lawa. � <br /> Tn�stor or unY A�Y � <br /> . 2S.APPLYCABI.$GAW; SEVERASYa.TII'Yi YN'['ERPIItCTATION. Thie Dced of Trust ia govemed by the lawa of ths ' <br />- �� jurisd;ction ia�vhich Beaefcciary is locoted.except to the eateat otherwlse requ�red by the lawa of the jur[sdiction where <br /> �� ' the Properiy is loc.ated.'Ihi�Deed of Trnst is complete and fully fategrated.This D�d of Trust may not b�lIItedto the <br /> ' �nodifiod by orel agceement. Any section or ciause in this Deed of Trnst, attachmenta,�r miy asreemen ���� <br /> S�cured Debt tAat oonflicts withappIicable law wi11 not be effective. unless that law e ressly or impltedlY pe <br /> veriaUons by wrttten a�emeat. If any section o:clause of thls Ueed of Trust cannot be enfot�ed aocoMiaB to its teims. <br /> that section or ciauae v�ll bc severed and wUl not affect the enfoccenbiliry of the rernafndet of this Dced of Tnist. <br /> � - Wheaever nsed,the ain��lnr sh�ll include the plural and the plural the singul�r. 'Ihe capdons and headinge of the sections <br /> ' of this Deed of Tntat are fnr convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or deflae the tetms of this Dced of Trust <br /> Time ta of the essence in thta Qeed of Trust. nDao c or 6 <br /> 01083 Qanicro Grattmf.tnc..Bt.Cioud.MN 1��BOt1•391•13ot1 Form A6lCO-DT•NE t�1Y.01SY.� . .� <br /> , , . .� <br /> ;o <br /> � __ -..--. .�_�.__..�._-..-�—.r�.—r••z. .. _ ,�-s..-...s._. . <br /> .._...., -.... .."'"""'.�.....�"'.'-x__'___'_.._.�--••-�--'"'�'_.�.. --_— __— --' __ ... - <br />