, ; . .
<br /> 1 . .
<br /> „ -
<br /> n � .. .. o °
<br /> , � . .� .. . ��
<br /> . „,�.. .... .:,.. .. . . . ._. ..._ ._.... _.
<br /> . ., a :;�,a�� .. .. ... ....... ._.... • .
<br /> . . ' .. , r
<br /> � • • ��o ��lDfw'�T7D��11
<br /> � or absolete,provlded that auch personnl proporiy is replacecl with other personnl pra�mrty nt te�.gt cquai in vnluc to tho -�
<br /> repinced pctsonnl prnperty. free feom nny title retention devtce. s��udty agrerment or other encumbrnnrA. Such ,
<br /> mpincement of persoaal property�vill�e deemed�ubJcct ta t4►e cezurity interest created by thts Dccd af Tn�at.Tru�tor�hnll
<br /> ' � not psutitlon or eubdivide the Pro�etty wlthout @eneticlnry'a prior wrltten consent. Bcneficinry or 8cneticiary'e nBents _�V.r,
<br /> may.ut BeneRclury'a optlon, �nter the Pcoparty nt t►my m�sonnblo time for tho purpose nf Iru;peeting the Property. Any -
<br /> inapectlon of the !'tagEtty ah�dl tro enti►�ly for 8�neflciary's baneflt nnd Trnstor wlll in no wny rely an Bcneftciury'a .
<br /> inspectton. �
<br /> :,�'�
<br /> ' 13.AUT�OItiT'Y TO P�RFORM�if Tcustor fuUs to pertorm uny of Truatoi's duti��e under this Beeci of Trust.or any o9her • .!.,^
<br /> �_������"�' mnrignge.dced of truat,security nBccement or other Ilen document t6ut bus prtodry uver this Deed of Trust.Beneticiary
<br /> ' w may,without uottce,{serfornn tbe dutles or cause them to be perfomted.Trustor opgofnte Benaflctary as uttorney in fuct to ,?��':
<br /> . si�n Ttuetor's name or pAy any eatouat neceasary for performance.lf aay constn►ction un the Property ls discontlnucd or ;,;
<br /> aot cnnied on in u r�eASOauble mnnner.8fttellci�ry may da whatever is necessary to�ratect Henoficinry's securlty intereat �q;;�-
<br /> ia the Property.This mny include campleting tho conatructloa. ��=,
<br /> Beaeflcicuy's dIIht to perforn�tor Truetor shull aot create an obilIIatian to psdortn.and BeneRciary's futlure to perfoan ^,v�—
<br /> �� � will aot preclude Bene:flciury frora exercieinQ any of Beneficiary's otker dgttta under the Inw or thls Deed of Trust. Aay ,_,�,
<br /> . � amuuata paid by �eaeticlury for iusuriag. preFen+inB or otherwiso protectiaQ the Property uad BeneRciary's security �1 '_
<br /> � interest will be due on demaad and will besir interest from the dute of the payment until paid in tLll nt c�e interest ruta in +;,h�--
<br /> # eft'ect from tLne to Hme nccordint3 to the term9 of tke Evtdence o f De bt. °
<br /> � � 14.A�SIGNM�N'�OF LEASI�S A1VD 1�N7'�•'�tor ircevocably grente.cunveye and sell�as eddttional security all the �_;,:
<br /> . '. ' rlght,title and�nt,erest in and to any and all: ���d�y other written or verbul a�reementa for the use aad '� --
<br /> � A. Existing or thture leases,subleases. Iicenses,Buaran �-;"_,.'-
<br /> occupancy of any portloa of the PropertS►� including any extensions. renewals, modlftcuUona or uubatitutiana of __..
<br /> such agreementa(all.efemed to as"Leases")• ��'�='..
<br /> ,. ",►?�( B. Rents.issues and profits(all referred to as"Rente"),including but not limited to security depo3its.minimwm rent. �.,_..
<br /> percentQge rent� edditlonal rent. comraon area msintenance charges. PaY1s3n8 c6acBes. real estat,� taxes. other v
<br /> p applicable texes, inssurence Premiu�n�°ntrlbutlons. liquidated damuges foltowing default. ceaaeUntioa premiums. _
<br /> "loss of rettta"iasuraitce,revemies.royalties,Prece+�ds. bonusea.nnd eU dghts and claitas wh�ch Trustor muy huve �•=
<br /> �� t6at in any way percains to or ie on accouat of the use or accupaacy of the whole or sny part of the Froperty �._
<br /> �� �� _ •.� wtch aue and comect copies of nll extsting and Potute i�easrs. '1'ruawr mt�y �
<br /> : :.: , ' , irusc� will y��rr,p'1y�rc::...�iery .
<br /> co'��ct�receive.e�oy aad usr�c��Renta so loag as Tcuswr ia not ia default.Trustor wiii not wliect iu adra��ty rc�t� _
<br /> duo in future lease perfods� uniess Trustor first obtalns Beneficiury's written consQnt. Upon dofault. Tcustor will receive _
<br /> a�ry Rents in t�uat for 8eueficlary end 1Yustor wUl not commlagle the Rents�vlth siny other fl�nds.Any amounts collected
<br /> n eu ta oa the Secured Debt as themin pmvided, to costa of aasnn8in8 the
<br /> sh�ll be applied at Beneficiary's discretion to paymen
<br /> . B
<br /> ..'c'"'�`:,� !'aapetty,including, but noY limite�to. all ts�ces. assess�aente.insuranee pmmiu�, reP�'�d CO�ssioas to ren
<br /> ..1{;,..;.,,, .
<br /> �;,..,.;:,. • x�er�t��and to any oth�r neo�ssnn.I telated expenses includflmQ Beneficiary's attomeys'QeWs,Parale�al fces ea court co .
<br /> .'tU;:;,'. .
<br /> ' Truswr ackuowledges that tbis essiQnment is perfected u�an the reeording of this IDee�of Tiust and that Bsneficincyr s
<br /> � ' entided to notify auy of Truscor's tenanes to arake pay�meat of rents due or to becoma due to Beneficiary. Elowever,
<br /> �.,' • Beneficinry agt+ees ahnt only on defanit will Beueficiary aotlfy Trustor and Tivawr's teaante aad make demand that u'![ _Y
<br /> h
<br /> ���`;`"�r�•�� fltture Rents be ps�d dicectly to Beneficiery. On receiving the aotJce of defnult, Tnistor will eadorse nnd deliver to __ _
<br /> ,.�����{�`.�,;-�; - Seneficiary any payments of ftent in Tzustor's possessiar�.
<br /> ••'• ,'tiJ'))�?;s{:°a�
<br /> ...h�M=l�;1i���
<br /> ..�.-:i,•+�R,, T�ustor covenunts that ao default exists undzr the L�ases ar anY applicable landlo icable inw�t�'IYuswr will pmmptly no� _
<br /> '�. � i: to ma�r►tain, and to requlre the tenantn to comply with� the I.eases and anY aPP _
<br /> :::,;,=::;r,.. T
<br />•,; �,��,c�t�� Bene�icInry of uny aoncompliance.If Trustor neglects or ref�ses to enforce complinnce aith the tecpns of tlae L,et►ses,then
<br /> �`,: �.Y.', �,,• Beaetic;iery muy. at Beaefxsim�+,�'s optioa� enforce campliaace. Trustor wlll obtaia �eaeflelary's written authatfzation
<br /> , �,r.l.+a.,.
<br /> __' f��sil:•`:k'•;�-
<br /> :'�•„�;,�s�;�� before Tmstor consenta to suhlet,modify.cancel.or othtnvise alter We Lesises. w accept the surrender of th�P peYty
<br /> . . `�k:! covered by such Leases (unieas the Leasea so require). or to asstgn� con►Pmmise or encumber the Lcases dr m3y fliture
<br /> ...,,�`.''�' : Rents. Tnistor wlll hold Benet3alnry harmless end imdsmaify Beneficiury for any end ell liabiliry, losa or dnm:.�e thnt
<br />''�' `':�'� B$neficlary may incur as a c:onsequeaos of the assignment w►der this aecdon. ___
<br /> :".�a;Ex:.,� • IS.�bNDONYINIiJALSi I'LAiyNEn UIYtT DEV1�L0�1163ENt'�. If the ProrertY incl�id� a vnit in a condominium or a
<br /> Y-��_'�r`-��St;,�' plAnned unit development,'�iruator wiit perfut�u all of Trustor'a dupes aader the coN�nnnw,by-laws.or reAulcuions of the
<br /> w'��;�'t''r. coQdominiwn o:plainned unit developxaen�
<br /> :•,:,:�,�„t�' . :: r _
<br /> - .; *,,..-... •:
<br /> , 16.DEFAULT.Thutor wW b$la default if any of the foIIowing c�xur: _
<br /> - :';;l���P�;,' p,, pny party oblfgated on tha Secured Debt fails to make pnymeat when due; _
<br /> ,'.��`�:,t� �: B. A brea�h of any te3anor covatant ia this Deed oYTruat.siny prlor mortgtige or any consauction loan aBreement� __-
<br /> ,:';��`�`='' t or an ather document evid:ACla��8nataa�YinB,se�usin8 or othenvise relatina to the 5txured _"
<br /> .;,;�� � security agceanen Y �:P
<br /> � Debt:
<br /> �!t C. 'Ihe mn?cjn�or fitm�shtug o f a ny v e t b a l or wrltten ce presentetian,statement or warranty to Beneficlnry that is false r�_;,
<br /> � or inar�t!u any matedal res�ect by Tmscor or nny person or�entit,y obltIIntec1 on the&esured Debt; ��.
<br /> �[Y•
<br /> . D. 'fhe deat�. dfasoiutaon. appoiauuent of a receiver for,or appDlcation of any debtor rellef Inw to,Ttustor or uny �,.
<br /> �`����' � person or entity o�ligatsd on thc Secured Debt; ��;-'��
<br /> ,���;;�'�:...,
<br /> ���• B. A II�od faith lseS�F b Bfneflci ut aay ti�� ��t BeneRclary is iasecure wlth resPect to any �er�.��,or ea ry
<br /> ��''�'�-- y °ry t is aired or the Pro�cy ia impaiea-0;
<br /> •'�" o�E*,�^ated oa the Secured Debt or thut the pmspe�a of uny paynten Imp YM�
<br /> �. .�.: '. F. n��;�:.��,�.•nnaP in Tn�ator's Uusiness includ{uR owIIetship.mnnage�ent.and financial conditiono.whicl� �:
<br /> ,__ �
<br /> f—�-�
<br /> ._�_�___:_�.r,.a....e,.�sp.,�i�„���ehQ vnlue of thrs Froa�rcY or repayment of the�ecu�ect Dcut,u� j. .
<br />-.- - _ --�_— _ dLI[O1Riliu� ut awvpu.w....�.-�'--—�--' '. -
<br /> ' a. My loan pr000eds are ased for a puqwse that witt conMbute to excessive erosion of hip,ltiy emtiioie isud or io in�
<br /> oonvereion af wetinnda to produce an aIIricultunl�°mm°d�ry.�s�er expinined in? C.F.R.Pcut 1940.Suhpart
<br /> � O.�xhibit M.
<br /> � � 17.�MEDIEB ON D��Ait�,1. In sottse instances�federat aad acate law will requtre Beneflciary to provtde 7'cuator with
<br />`' Roticc of the riBht to cnre.ttredi�ion ttoUces or other nodacs and may establish tims schedules fdr foreclasure acNona.
<br /> m
<br /> , , � S��i p�vtd�l y(uw if tUis T�ustor ia�de ault.y ��erate the Secured Rebt and fonclose this D�ed of'i'cust in a
<br /> � ., . • pc�a 3 0l 8
<br /> � �• (�tO�,OT1ttOGy6tCm0.tne,5t.C1ou0.AtNtt�1{00•301•�7Qt1 fotmA(IlCO�OTdi!t0A01D7 . .. � -"� �
<br /> . . i�• •.n' _ '.►
<br />